41 *( ^^Wk. _ f. CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB 1695-56 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB YEAR-BOOK FOR 1895-96 Officer* for 1895-96 President. JOHN HENRY BARROWS. Vice-Presidents. FRANK H. SCOTT, HENRY S. BOUTELL, JAMES A. HUNT. Corresponding Secretary. DANIEL GOODWIN. Recording Secretary and Treasurer. FREDERICK W. GOOKIN. The above officers constitute the Board of Directors. Committees On Officers and Members. FRANK H. SCOTT, Chairman. ALLEN B. POND, ARTHUR D. WHEELER, THOMAS D. MARSTON, GEORGE L. PADDOCK. On Arrangements and Exercises. HENRY S. BOUTELL,C/tairman. EMILIUS C. DUDLEY, CHARLES G. FULLER, EDWARD O. BROWN, SIGMUND ZEISLER. On Rooms and Finance. JAMES A. HUNT, Chairman. WILLIAM R. STIRLING, JOHN H. HAMLINE, GEORGE H. HOLT, JAMES J. WAIT. On Publications. LEWIS H. BOUTELL, Chairman. FRANKLIN H. HEAD, CLARENCE A. BURLEY. Literarp Club Founded March 13, 1874 Incorporated July 10, 1886 ROBERT COLLYER, 1874-75 CHARLES B. LAWRENCE, 1875-76 HOSMER A. JOHNSON, 1876-77 DANIEL L. SHOREY, 1877-78 EDWARD G. MASON, . 1878-79 WILLIAM F. POOLE, 1879-80 BROOKE HERFORD, i 880-8 i EDWIN C. LARNED, 1881-82 GEORGE ROWLAND, . 1882-83 HENRY A. HUNTINGTON, 1883-84 CHARLES GILMAN SMITH, 1884-85 JAMES S. NORTON, 1885-86 ALEXANDER C. McCLURG, 1886-87 GEORGE C. NOYES, 1887-88 JAMES L. HIGH, . 1888-89 JAMES NEVINS HYDE, 1889-90 FRANKLIN H. HEAD, . 1890-91 CLINTON LOCKE, . 1891-92 LEWIS H. BOUTELL, . 1892-93 HORATIO L. WAIT, 1893-94 WILLIAM ELIOT FURNESS, 1894-95 JOHN HENRY BARROWS, 1895-96 Besfoent George E. Adams, Eliphalet W. Blatchford, Joseph Adams, Louis J. Block, Owen F. Aldis, Henry W. Blodgett, Charles H. Aldrich, Henry S. Boutell, Charles L. Allen, Lewis H. Boutell, Galusha Anderson, Ingolf K. Boyesen, Edmund Andrews, Charles F. Bradley, Frank T. Andrews, Edward O. Brown, George A. Armour, George W. Brown, Benjamin F. Ayer, Clarence A. Burley, Henry M. Bacon, Daniel H. Burnham, Edward P. Bailey, Andrew J. Canfield, Edgar A. Bancroft, William W. Case, William H. Barnum, George W. Cass, John H. Barrows, Hobart C. Chatfield- Adolphus C. Bartlett, Taylor, Henry H. Belfield, Charles Ed ward Cheney, William T. Belfield, Frederic S. Coolidge, Cyrus Bentley, Charles C. Curtiss, Frank Billings, George K. Dauchy, Richard M. Bissell, Nathan S. Davis, Jr., Edward T. Blair, George E. Dawson, CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB Franklin Denison, Frederick Greeley, Thomas Dent, Samuel S. Greeley, Emilius C. Dudley, Oliver B. Green, Charles A. Dupee, Charles A. Gregory, Sidney C. Eastman, Stephen S. Gregory, Frank M. Elliot, Henry F. Grierson, James W. Ellsworth, Thomas C. Hall, Nathaniel K. Fairbank, Charles D. Hamill, David Fales, John H. Hamline, Marvin A. Farr, Martin D. Hardin, John V. Farwell, Jr., George F. Harding, Henry B. Favill, Charles S. Harmon, Charles Norman Fay, William R. Harper, William W. Fenn, Edward A. Harriman, Walter L. Fisher, Azel F. Hatch, George F. Fiske, Franklin H. Head, Robert H. Fleming, Robert J. Hendricks, Henry V. Freeman, John J. Herrick, William M. R. French, Porter P. Heywood, Charles G. Fuller, Homer N. Hibbard, Melville W. Fuller, James L. High, Charles W. Fullerton, Frederick H. Hild, William Eliot Furness, Emil G. Hirsch, Lyman J. Gage, Charles S. Holt, Edward I. Galvin, George H. Holt, Edward J. Gardiner, Oliver H. Horton, Frank Gilbert, James L. Houghteling, John J. Glessner, Walter M. Howland, Daniel Goodwin, Joseph D. Hubbard, Frederick W. Gookin, William H. Hubbard, John C. Grant, Charles H. Hulburd, RESIDENT MEMBERS 7 James A. Hunt, Julian W. Mack, George L. Hunter, Franklin MacVeagh, Charles L. Hutchinson, Thomas B. Marston, James Nevins Hyde, Horace H. Martin, Edward S. Isham, Edward G. Mason, HuntingtonW. Jackson, Henry B. Mason, William L. B. Jenney, Roswell H. Mason, Frank S. Johnson, Hermann L. Matz, Herrick Johnson, Rudolph Matz, James Gibson Johnson, Ezra B. McCagg, David B. Jones, James G. K. McClure, Thomas D. Jones, Alexander C. McClurg, Samuel M. Jones, Samuel P. McConnell, John D. Kales, Alex'r A. McCormick, William B. Keep, Cyrus H. McCormick, Elbridge G. Keith, William B. Mcllvaine, Edson Keith, Jr., Simon J. McPherson, Samuel H. Kerfoot, Jr., Henry P. Merriman, Walter C. Larned, Loring W. Messer, Bryan Lathrop, Henry G. Miller, Joseph B. Leake, James A. Miller, Blewett Lee, John S. Miller, Leslie Lewis, Murry Nelson, Robert T. Lincoln, Murry Nelson, Jr., Charles J. Little, William W. K. Nixon, Henry D. Lloyd, James S. Norton, Clinton Locke, Horace S. Oakley, James H. Long, William S. Oppenheim, Frank O. Lowden, Ephraim A. Otis, David B. Lyman, George Packard, Samuel A. Lynde, George L. Paddock, 8 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB Alonzo W. Paige, Edwin Burritt Smith, John Barton Payne, Frederick B. Smith, Selim H. Peabody, George W. Smith, James H. Peirce, Perry H. Smith, Abram M. B. Pence, Pliny Smith, Herbert F. Perkins, William Henry Smith, William J. Petrie, Albert A. Sprague, George B. Phelps, Jr., Otho S. A. Sprague, Charles C. Pickett, Merritt Starr, Allen B. Pond, William R. Stirling, Irving K. Pond, George F. Stone, Charles C. Poole, Henry B. Stone, Sartell Prentice, James S. Stone, Joseph M. Rogers, Louis H. Sullivan, Frederic W. Root, Lorado Taft, Julius Rosenthal, Graham Taylor, Cyrus D. Roys, Thomas Taylor, Jr., John S. Runnels, John M. Thacher, Martin A. Ryerson, Alfred A. Thomas, Osborne Sampson, Leverett Thompson, George Schneider, Slason Thompson, John J. Schobinger, Frederic Ullmann, Frank H. Scott, Horatio L. Wait, Theodore Sheldon, James J. Wait, Robert D. Sheppard, Aldace F. Walker, Daniel L. Shorey, Wirt D. Walker, Paul Shorey, Arba N. Waterman, John G. Shortall, David S. Wegg, John L. Shortall, Arthur B. Wells, Joseph L. Silsbee, Arthur D. Wheeler, Dunlap Smith, Peter B. Wight, RESIDENT MEMBERS < Dudley P. Wilkinson, John P. Wilson, John Wilkinson, Albrecht Wirth, Edward F. Williams, Abram V. E. Young, Norman Williams, Joseph Zeisler, Charles H. Wilmerding, Sigmund Zeisler. Nathan Abbott, Palo Alto, Cal. John Coleman Adams, Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel W. Andrew, Boston, Mass. William Alvin Bartlett, Washington, D. C. George Batchelor, Lowell, Mass. Wm. Harrison Bradley, Nice, France. Hubert S. Brown, Philadelphia, Pa. Leander T. Chamberlain, New-York City. Eliot C. Clarke, Boston, Mass. Frederick W. Clarke, Boston, Mass. Robert Collyer, New-York City. Frederick Courtney, Halifax, N. S. Edward P. Davis, Philadelphia, Pa. William H. Day, Oxford, England. Louis Dyer, Oxford, England. Lawrence C. Earle, Montclair, N. J. Norman Hapgood, Milwaukee, Wis. Edward J. Harding, Biltmore, N. C. Brooke Herford, London, England. 10 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB Rudolph Hering, New-York City. Robert A. Holland, St. Louis, Mo. Charles B. Holmes, New-York City. James J. Hoyt, Kenosha, Wis. Henry A. Huntington, Paris, France. David S. Johnson, Springfield, 111. Lorenzo M. Johnson, C. de Porfirio Diaz, Mex. Charles S. Lester, Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur Little, Dorchester, Mass. William A. McAndrew, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alfred Bishop Mason, New-York City. William Matthews, Boston, Mass. Victor Morawetz, New-York City. Lemuel Moss. Charles A. Nelson, New-York City. Louis S. Osborne, Newark, N. J. Bronson Peck, New-York City. Emerson W. Peet, St. Paul, Minn. Norman C. Perkins, Detroit, Mich. Raymond S. Perrin, New-York City. Myron H. Phelps, New-York City. Josiah L. Pickard, Iowa City, Iowa. Robert P. Porter. Theodore P. Prudden, West Newton, Mass. Henry W. Raymond, Germantown, Pa. James B. Runnion, Kansas City, Mo. William M. Salter, Philadelphia, Pa. Minot J. Savage, Boston, Mass. Moses L. Scudder, New-York City. Denton J. Snider, St. Louis, Mo. Henry Strong, Washington, D. C. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS I. Floyd W. Tomkins, Jr. , Providence, R. Edward S. Waters, Minneapolis, Minn. George P. Welles, Clinton, Iowa. Charles W. Wendte, Oakland, Cal. Horace White, New-York City. f)onorarp Francis Seymour Haden, London, England, Thomas Hughes, London, England. SDeceaseti Charles T. Adams, Max Hjortsberg, John W. Andrews, George Howland, Isaac N. Arnold, Hosmer A. Johnson, Henry H. Babcock, James P. Kelly, Cecil Barnes, Joseph Kirkland, Fletcher S. Bassett, Edwin C. Larned, Orville J. Bliss, Charles B. Lawrence, Samuel Bliss, Joseph E. Lockwood, James St. Clair Boal, William Macdonell, William Brackett, Wm. A. Montgomery, William H. Bradley, George C. Noyes, Arthur Brooks, George L. Phillips, John C. Burroughs, William F. Poole, George C. Campbell, Horatio N. Powers, Charles G. Carleton, William H. Ray, George C. Clarke, John W. Root, William Hull Clarke, Edwin H. Sheldon, John Crerar, Philip H. Sheridan, Wirt Dexter, Mark Skinner, William E. Doggett, Edward A. Small, George Driggs, Charles Gilman Smith, Henry Field, Henry T. Steele, Thomas W. Grover, Edward S. Stickney, Samuel S. Harris, William E. Strong, Pliny N. Haskell, David Swing, Joseph Haven, John L. Thompson, George P. A. Healy, James M. Walker, Charles D. Helmer, Joseph D. Webster, Charles Hitchcock, Thomas F. Withrow, John H. Worcester, Jr. of tfiea, 1895~96 Oct. 7. Annual Reunion and Dinner. In- augural address by JOHN HENRY the BARROWS, President ; and other addresses. Oct. 14. Paper, by ARTHUR D. WHEELER. " The Partitioning of Africa." Oct. 21. Papert by JAMES H. PEIRCE. "An Icelandic Scholar of the Twelfth Century." Oct. 28. Business. Symposium: Business Men. Pa- pers, by ELBRIDGE G. KEITH, ADOL- PHUS C. BARTLETT, CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, and FRANKLIN MAO " VEAGH. The Moral and Intellec- tual Life of the Business Man." 14 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB Nov. 4. Papery by GEORGE F. STONE. "Yarns of an Old Town," Nov. ii. Paper, by FREDERIC W. ROOT. " The Resources of Musical Expres- sion." Nov. 1 8. Paper, by GEORGE E. ADAMS. "Washington's Idea of 'Uncle Sam.'" Nov. 25. Business. Symposium: Lawyers. Papers, by JAMES L. HIGH, WILLIAM ELIOT FURNESS, JOSEPH B. LEAKE, and GEORGE L. PADDOCK. "Remark- able Professional Experiences." Dec. 2. Paper, by MARVIN A. FARR. "The Perverted Dogma of Equality." Dec. 9. Paper, by WILLIAM W. CASE. "The Newspaper and the Prophet." Dec. 1 6. Paper, by JOSEPH ZEISLER. "An Evening with Poet Physicians." SCHEME OF EXERCISES 15 Dec.
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