TWELFTH YEAR. WO. 184. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1898, TWO CENTS WOXT SION THE VOPCHEB A M m PROMENADE. SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY. THE POPULAR CONCERT. P E A C E IS Take Down MAYOR SAYS KEEP THE BEES THINGS HEARD, SEEN AND TEN DAYS’ SESSION: BEGINS A MUSICAL EVENT SELDOM Your Dictionary : ABK MONEY. TALKED ABOUT. TODAY IN OCEAN C^EOVE. EQUALLED. ASSURED W hat Be Ihlnkg of the Matter—The y ijy “Gulf Stroam” Has lieaobed S o m e o f tbe F in e s t T#I«nt to El*fl The F«*iiral Choma Did Excellent And see what Webster calls Qnestlon Sides, and Both 0 «—Pastimes on the Sandr-Bathers World W ill A ppear in the Course Work-—The Soloists Wore the Best a.bargain. He says it’s^a gain­ Are B$lnjt Discussed—How Foun­ "Who Are XTsed Roughly—W edding o t l*eftturea aisi Bntortslnmcnts,. That Could Be Secured—Mile. NEWS CAUSES JOY IN der JBtmSier Made W ar on ibe Beer K in g IxiBt and.Fonnd—Slean Trick. Tt-.-r Program Atrangetf for T oday ElofM Vltti of WeW York-Waa Gd- ful, and satisfactory transac­ thtjistaatioally B e c e M , A f in e p o t t a g e Arles. (Jf Y u o lit Jordan Arrives. and Tonight. : . - MADRID. tion. The question of ■ collecting wagon Bathing continues excellent and the THe peopfi of Ooean Grovo -d vicin­ The popular concert given last even­ license from the'beer "arks," which water keeps getting Warmer e ry day. ity should bo wide awake to the great ing is the Ocean Grove auditorium un­ According to that we’ve one der tho auspice,? of the Summ er Schoo,' property near was . bo freely discussed at tha That “ kuII stream” they talk about treat which is m store for them during of Webster’s bargains to offer meeting o i tho council Monday uigbt, so d n d i down the t oast must have ths sessions of the sassms)r school ot of Theology attracted an audience of Spain Now Waits to Hear ail account of which appeared in, fen reached ua. Yasteirdoy the femperatura theology, which opssss a ton day.i’ sies- 8,000 or more persons, who were treateB you in a property that we have terf&y's Press, ond council's deter­ of the water reached 76 de^ees, the slon iri Ocean Grove today. This is to one of the best recitals ever given in From Washington* tlie ocean, on mination to refund the money paid warmest known in years. As a result beyootS doubt the greatest and best tb-i building. for sale, located on one of the bjr 14 “arts,’’ haa ean«<5 forth ni the usual crowd o? bathers was in evi­ school of its kind in tbe world, for the To properly iwcommodate the chorus endless ifecusalon among tha taxpayers dence. and the bathing house proprie­ talent engaged to istroct ' »d lecture of 400 voice, a dozes tiers of seats were principal avenues. And it can, is the highest cultured (hat either arranged oi; tho platform aad reaching and business lasts of Aebuty Park and tors wora a broader smile t! s< aver be­ Tne liadrones W ill Bs Given to the Fourth avenue. vicinity. fore. Bathing was good all day long, America or Europe affords.? A gianca aimest to the top of the pipe organ, too, be had on easy terms. It is ta open question, and, as usual, and both morning and afternoon the at the daily prograta wit* Ravine® one The chorus thus presented a fins appear- Spaniards for tne Aakinit—Peaoa pearanc?, as all tho ladies were attired Cali or write for particulars. on« that has two sides, with plenty of bathhouse attendants were kept busy of this fsct. ' Ths school attained a high Treaty May Not Be Signed Until sdhe»>asta on either «ide. Many per­ oaterlng'to the wants of patrosse, Tlia record in past years and comas forward in white, which, In contrast to tbe sona believe that the “ ark" should con­ bathing master; had very little to do, this year with a series of dally programs black dress suit,; of the male portion, Septejmber — Troublesome Manila M il a n R oss, A g e n c y , D C. COVERT'S tribute toward the expenses of the city s e iI not a reaone waa made. They were whioh cannot ba excelled. made a fine effect. Insurgents—Oar Formidable Navy. #s well «us tha butcher, baker, groosr, in the ufeual place, however, arid ready The day lectures w ill all; > held io Great preparations were in progress for weeks t > make the entertainment Real Estate aad Insurance Agency etc. Thoy uaa oat streets ok much. If to respond to any call for aid. the Young People's temple, while tha lUnlon Associated Prixs Epsoial], not more, than other lines of bnainara, « # « 1 oveaing lectures are to be gjven in the the success that it was, and the efflciesst conductor of the chorus, Prof, Tallie sud still -ascape bearing any portion of A popular pastime among'those who auditorium. Spain Accepts Our Terms. An admiestoa of 10 cants to the even- Morgan, has sgsin shown Ocean Grove 715 M attison Avenue the expanse of fceeplnc sham ia repair. do not baths fa to Bit upon the eand aud Majsrib, Wedn8sd&y~8.89 &, ci.—The Honmootii Trast Oil she other band7 there a w ’fto w ing lecture will be charged, which nom- that he is the right man in the right watch the antics of those who do. The place. _ H it leadership of the large cabinet decided last night to accept the a n d who point with prida to the timo hon­ variet* of CMtumw fa also an interest­ Inal charge ig made simply to help de­ ored temperance principles of Asbury fray expenses. A 'course tloket to all chorus was of suer skill that can cossse American terms of peace. This con­ ing sight, and calls forth many words only from long and painstaking experi- Park, They Bay that oar beautiful city of camnwssit from the crowd. Every tho evening lectures Is 50 Cfjnta. These clusion was reached after tha meeting prices are ridiculously low when it ia ene®. by-ibo-saa, was founded ond .has bessi conceivable etjla and color is repre­ of Sagagta and the ministers. The con - Safe Deposit Gompaif maintained upon temperance principles, borne in mind tbat tbe lectures given are The firat; selection on tbe program was sented. Some of the suits of the femala chums. "The Heavens are Failing,” ditionswere discussed from every stand­ and that wo should not begin at this sex would do justice to a concert tho finest that can bs ssecerefl. The lec­ M#B®8sia Bnildi&f. ASbttrj Parlt, H. J , late day to even recognize tho sale of ture, for instance, to foa glv^n this even­ by Haydn. The rendition of the selec­ point, creating terrible excitement. The AS8USV PARE w t ©CBAN OROVB singer. tion was magnificantand elicited hearty liquors by llcenuing the *‘ar&s." White * » * ing, Is one tor whlab thousands of peo­ news was received with great rejoicing ple In New York, during Ui“ last Len- applausa. The trio was most beauti­ the license lo w not permit; the sale of A t the Fourth erenue bathing ground.-; in the lobbies and streets. CAPITAL, $100,000 m r n q l liquor in Asbury Park, some claim that im ssason, gave f l gladly to hear. All fully rendered by Mrs. Dunham, Mre. Them are IJ 6 I m im Aveouo. there may usually be found a crowd of Carr, Mfs. W ard aad Messrs. Morse, two amendments in the American terms priodpai cc.".o. 818 Cookman «►?©. it Ik a sort of sanction by tho city au­ young athletes, who amuse ths apeota througli the course thesama standard is SURPLUS, $25,000 thorities and causes a loophole, which noticeable. Weeden, Holt, WelsforiS and Bremer which Spain will ask to be made. This asses »«sbb »r'am w »w j M W tors by their tum bling end other aoro- W. S. Phasey, from the Metropolitan possibly tho "B rk" m ight tab© mdvan- bstic feats. lioberi Ryan, a muscular The pEESS.aaya the alxive without so- done peace will be absolutely and final Tsura - w J pnon iicitation, but it hopes the rflorta of Bear*. temple, New York, who won so much 8xecate**ll trust* fcaowii to the Itw. P. 0. Das OOT, • • - - AODUBY MBtt. young man, is one of the leaders, and ly decided, Lo*n* money on bond and mortgnp. Perhaps no one in Asbury Park Is Price and others to glve our people a favor here a few weeks ago, was accord­ H ecdnt depaalU sabject to check u d allows their manoeuversin the water are great­ ed a hearty welcome as he came for­ batter posted upon the traffic done by ly enjoyed by the people on the beach. grand treat w ill be properly appreciated, Spain *Gan Have the Iiadronea. interest on daily balances. these "beer arks” than Fobndw Brad­ The P b e s s w ill give full daily reports ward 4o play an {euphonium solo, “ O AcU aa Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent They remind one o f circus downs. Ruddier Than a Cherry,” accompanied ley. For years lie has devoted much of the proceedings of the school.
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