I o Connecticut Daily Campus £1 Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. CXVl NO. 105 STORKS. CONNECTICUT TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1963.' State Legislature Considering Establishment Of Scholarship The State of Connecticut Sen- with distribution of scholarships dents of the State of Connect IcUt ate and House of. Representatives The Board will be comi>osed of The trustees will also determine in General Assembly recently one member of the Stale Board of Uie necessary qualificatons for considered the establishment of Education, a member represent- the awarding of scholarships, a Connecticut State Scholarship ing private institutions in the which will be based on ability Fund for assisting college stu- state of Connecticut, a member and need, and will determine the dents who "in their pursuit of representing public institutions in annual amounts to be awarded to full time undergraduate studies the state of Connecticut, and three each individual. under standards promulgated by memliers from the general public. Under Consideration The Scholarship Board will for- the Scholarship Board, give prom- The reader must rememl>--r that ise of satisfactory complet ion «*f a mulate rules governing eligibility the acts discussed in the above degree program at an institution for scholarship assistance in ac- Knee are at present under consid- cordance with the rules estab- of higher education situated with- eration at the General Assembly in the state of Connecticut and lished by the act. The board will of Connecticut. The Connecticut also deal with the distribution and which is authorized under the laws Daily Campus "ill publish the re- cancellation of such scholarships, of this state and the rules and sults of this consideration in a regulations of the State Board of the rights and dusties of those future issue. Education to confer bachelor's students receiving academic as- degrees." sistance, and the payment of Scholarships Available scholarships, including the The bills concern the establish- amount of money to be allocated ment of a fund which will offer and the length of time for which opportunity for scholarship to it is allocated. students in Connecticut and will Graduate Sehaianhipa enable them to secure a college Another act in the General As- education which they would not sembly is that concerning the Es- otherwise be able to obtain. The tablishing of a program of Grad- purpose of tlie fund is to offer uate Scholarships at Hie Univer- this opporl unity to students who sity of Connecticut. This act skit/ofiinia will begin Wednesday night at 8 p.m. with i possess the necessary college abil- places graduate scholarships in ■Ingle coni|»etition, and doubles competition on Thursday night. I ities. but are unable to obtain the hands of the trustees here at Tickets are SI. for a single performance or $1.50 for two even- scholarships based on high grades. Uconn. The trustees will be re- ings. They are now on sale at the HUB control desk and the Scholarship Board sponsible for the establishment of Auditorium box office. New this year is a special category The Acts will provide for the a program of scholarships to be division created especially for Beta Sigma Gamma's film, | establishment of the Connecticut made available to graduate stu- Scholarship Board which will deal dents at Ucbnn who are resi- "Ernie Kovacs." New Innovations Mark '63 Edition Of Skitzofunia jo sUELZDrER DESIGNER LECTURES TO- MIGHT: Tonight at 8:M in the Advance Registration Week Opens Wednesday Night III B Ballroom, .!„ Miel/mer, known as the "world's (OieiUOfll This year's "Skitzofunia" will, cards are turned in. I.D. photos A's skit Is "West Side of Storrs." set designer," win discuss the Advance registration for the Thursday evening there are September semester will be held will also be taken at Registra- be one of the biggest ever. There | problem and reward* ol his art. tion, and the photographer will be will be two full evenings of fun four entries in the doubles division Mr. Micl/iliei's appenrance it Tuesday, April 30. through Fri- for which first and second place day, May 3. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. swamped if all students appear and entertainment. Wednesday I Conn is in conjunction with 11■ •* trophies will be awarded. Alpha 19fi:< Fine Arts Festival which in the Library Annex; also known on the same day. night will offer three women's Delta Pi and Phi Kappa Tau are ends this Friday. April 5. Mr. as the Commuters Reading Boom Although no advance deposit is houses competing. I look A's skit I doing "Alcatraz-Wesl Side Cell"; Micl/.iner is considered l»y many or "Beanery." required to advance register, a is entitled "Miss College America 1963"; Hollister B has titled theirs "Where the Booze Are" will be to be the numlxT one m.in in the Copies of the schedule of classes $50 deposit must be received by- presented by Phi Sigma Sigma will be delivered by Alpha Phi "Help Stamp Out Romeo and field ol SCMM design and was th« May 15 if students hope to main- and Phi Sigma Delta. Crawford A recipient of an Academy Award. Qmega to student residence halls tain registration and room res- Juliet" or "If You Can't Join 'Em, Lick 'Em", and Hollister and Theta Chi will present 'Can At tonight's lecture he will dis- Thursday, April 25. Commuters et vat ion. An exception is part- did Campus", and Kappa Kappa can obtain theirs at the office of time students with less than five cuss ihe future ot state design a» Gamma and Phi Sigma Ka|>pa, art form. Hie Registrar. credits who must pay all fees in "A Funny Thing Haitpened On Franklin C). Fingies. registrar. order to register. 3 Fellows To The Way To The Formonium." urged Students to see their facul- Special Cases Mailer To Launch ty counselors during the week ol Petition forms for excess credits, A special added attraction both April 22-26 for advice on course | consent, audit or 200's courses nights is a liim made by students selection. He stated, however, that ' not open to sophomores will be Study at Uconn ill Beta Sigma Gamma, Fairfield Seminar Series and Merrit B. enltled "Ernie Ko- the counselors should be asked ad- available at the registrar's office Three engineering Instructors vice only on the courses suit- vacs." This film is entered in the Storrs. Conn Norman Ma let", |on April 22. Ratcliffe Hicks stu- from as many New England insti- able to n./et the students' edu- "Special Category" Division one of the nations most tab ! dents will register Tuesday, April tutions have been awarded faculty cational and career interests and which was just created this year and Successful vv rite IN. will visit ;i0, at the Ratcliffe Hicks School, Fellowships by the National Sci- Univei sity requirements. to make " Skiu" more encompass the University of Connecticut but their I.D. photos will be taken ence Foundation for study at the He explained thai this restric- ing. April 3 to launch an unusual new with the rest of the student body University of Connecticut during tion is not Intended tv limit stu- at the Library Annex. seminar-lecture program. the coming year. den'-counselor contacts vnit is de- Graduate students may regis- The author oi "Tlie Naked and signed to permit counselors to de- ter at the Registrar's Office (Hir- in making the announcement, he Dead," a best-selling war nov- vote a maximum number of hours ing the advance registration pe- Dr. Nathan 1.. Whellon. dean ot Polling Places el, Mr. Mailer will meet with to the selection of necessary riod. They must pick up Instruc- the I'otC Graduate School said Uconn English students in a grad- com.-' -. tions and material there. Sopho- that Hie trio was selected last fall Polling places (or the student uate seminar during the day and Although students may turn in more students are reminded to to participate in the NSF pro- government elections will IM- in deliver a public talk or. his works their registration cards at any make up their Junior-Senior Plans gram of improving the compe- the following locations: in the Soda] Sciences Lecture time during advance registration, tence of college or university Hall at S p.m. ' by April L9. South Hall Mr. Flngles requested that stu- Improved Add-and-Drop teachers of science, math and en- Mr. Mailer i- one oi five mod- ern American novelists who are dents not wait until the la-si da) Individual class schedules for gineering. Whitney Hilling; Hall participating in this seminar i"">>- ,to register, since schedules will the fall semester will be mailed Tlie Fellows, each of whom will The Student t 111..11 be figured on the basis of semes- about September 10 to students Humanities (by room I .'.'< i gram developed by the Univer- enroll in Cconn Ph.D. programs, sit] ■ Department ol English to ter standing and not on the day who complete fee payments by are We I Ion G. Davison, an asso- Hollister K September 7, As in the last se- afford students tirst hand con- ciate professor at Western New Crawford < tact with the nation's (op young mester, these individual schedules England College; Pasquale A may foe changed tor any reason Webster House w filers. Cohen, Bollen Marino, an assistant professor at in addition to "The Naked and whatsoever (with necessary per- Northeastern University, and Ai- New I don Hall missions), except for mere rear- I airliel.l 11 ill the Dead.' he is the authoi ot mand J. SUva, an Instructor al 'Bat barj Shore," "The Deer Coffee Guests rangement of hours.
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