GPO Box 464 Adelaide SA 5001 Tel (+61 8) 8204 8791 Fax (+61 8) 8260 6133 DX:336 [email protected] www.archives.sa.gov.au Special List GRG 56/68/3 Index to GRG 35/48/1, Official assisted passenger lists Series This series consists of an index created by the Description Archives to the original passenger lists. After each name in the index there are several numbers. The first two numbers refer to the year of arrival (ie. 66 = 1866). The next number refers to the passenger list number allocated by the Archives, which reflects the chronological sequence by which ships arrived. Series date range 1845 - 1886 Agency State Records of South Australia responsible Access Records open Determination Contents Arranged alphabetically by name of emigrant. Wach, Adolf – Zweck, Frdr The original of this series is not available for use. A public access copy is available in the State Records’ Research Centre. 13 April 2016 GRG 56/68/3 Index to Official Assisted Passenger Lists 1847-1886 HOW TO USE THIS SOURCE Take a note of the name and passenger list numba1 ~ ie AARONS, A~fred 84/6. Locate microfiche for GRG 35/4~ in Drawb1 " ~:. in 1 the Microfilm Area. ~--'·-'I-;-e:-/a~· ·-1 't5j Select the fiche pocket which contains th& :--elevant passenger list number ie. 84/6. NOTE: A chronological list of ships vv~+.h their date of · arrival is located at the back of Volume 1 oft:-:~: index. ., : ' ii­ :·· Oi.d~ F~~ f,;~ ~ Ji,;... ($ '10 ..:. ~ .:.,uy/.;.J'J ,.;.. -£-.,~ ~ ~~ J~ed ~ ?rt-de-r of tr...:_ ~ 4 l~e-..:. Proo. { / ..~ ~ W.:. .f:e,/f"e:r ~ p~ f?..~ ~,, t--/a,., l"l Sep. l'i7<r) SL.,f>s' ~ lius , J:e . Ile.. ~ +e,-~S .u-e ~ ..:. l'f:e- AJ~e. ]:,,..,._:./. '1 ~ 4..-d"~ A-~'! ~ ~m 1'1~1 - 1qtt- t>v..~s I?> 'SZ. - I '1.b 5-'· · De...df..$ afse.4 IE>'t3 - l'1~-z- Re.1;$1e.r~f~"J4'tc.--:-'-"'5_ 18-33 -l'12- <.. -{supp65e.J./J a{ lf.e.. ...~le. sf-4/e.) : 1"1'2..,,--11" -P.,,rf-Jhk}<LU:le- 1"101 -/'l<t-2 _p,,,.,.-p,;-ie. I::XsJ..1t,.,e-s /f!,!>z. - 1161 /lrrf-;c,(es 4 4jree.i>ce.nf Q,t>J "{flcir.tl I o<f bODKr; 1 UJnduef of .S4i(ors f'jM5'-fq73 (th.for~·,.,". s,,,.,1,e.A A,,.-. l<r7>) - ...--- - ------- .... ~.\, ' ~ ,. " " ' •: ;.. :. : •: ~ ... ~ !, INDEX 1171.''.y:t"'-~ ;.~ r ,:I to jJ ·. •• 1 . i OFFICI/1L PASSENGER LISTS (Mainly assisted immigrants) . 1 847 - 1886 Vol.2 L - Z j I ' . I' '. i~ ! .... / ~ .. - ·-- •. ' . l·· .... -J"-·:--~- ---------- How to use this Index This index is in alphabetical order according to the name of the passenger. It refers to official passenger lists (mainly of assisted passengers) of ships"/arriving from the United Kingdom~ 1847-86. Ref. no.: 34-3-o G-e&-~S- t-r ('),.., ""',.c,_o-t>,.cJ"e....- After each name you will find several numbers. The first series of numbers refers to the year of arrival in the 19th Century, while the second series of numbers is that allocated _to the pass~nger list in each particular year and reflects the sequence in which ships arrived each year. EXJIJ\IIPLE: Al\RONS, Alfred 84/8 - indicates that this passenger arrived in 1884 and that his name appears on the 8th passenger list for that year. Having found the reference n1.:imber to the passenger list .containing the name of the person(s) in whom you are interested, the next step is to select the appropriate volume which contain~ the passenger list you require. The volumes of passenger lists to which this index refers are marked on the spines with the years and passenger lists to which they refer. Going back to our example, having selected the vo.lume which contains 84/8 you will find all the pages of the relevant passenger list marked 84/8 also. If several people ; have the same number following their names in the index, this . means that their names are all recorded on the same passenger list - and they therefore, travelled on the same ship. Thus all the people named Al\RONS in this iridex travelled on the same ship. Sometimes you will find a number in brackets after the number ' referring to the pass€nger list eg • .A.CKL.AN]), Robert 51/5(2). ;. This means that 2 people of the same name appear on the one \:-Passenger list (not necessarily belonging to the same family). (, Names on passenger lists were often mis-spelt by those making . )i. the lists: and it _is therefore advisable to check variations in .,:,,•_i:i:Pelling Sf ~the fiurname. 1 ,:-· :A. fey-i sJpplementary entries have been made for passenger ists of· Germans departing from Hamburg. These are noted in enci,J./, and a.ll the passenger lists to which they refer can be · ..t btairied by ,:·quo.ting the reference number ])5121 (Misc). ~ .. ' _;_~~;~(~( t : • • - - ' : ' . ~ ·~ . ;~ ' ·~ ·- . \ - -~;· j' • ·,;:: l -~- '•', ;;1 ~•I ei' ·".·· ··/,_ ·.; ,,,' -i:, ·~' I ~ " i liiE I, ., ·I~ ' c • ., .' ~ 406 WACH Adolf 77 /4- 1 WACHTER Jacob 77 /2 . ' WADDELL Alexander 52/16 Eleanor 7 4/2 George 52/16 64/5 Mrs. H.Tul. 74/2 Isabella 64/5 Jane 52/16 .John 7472 79/8 Margaret 52/16 Mary 64/5 William 64/5 79 /8 .WADDINGTON Gregory 83/8 Jane 8)/8 : WADE -. & wife 55/24 Charles H. 83/4 Charlotte 49/1 54/16 :. Constance 49 /1 ElizabGth 49 /1 58/7 Francis G. 79 /10 George L1 49/l Hen...ry 54/16 58/7 Js.mes 51/10 ,Jane 58/7 John 51/8 54/16· John H. 79/10 Joseph 53/6 hlaria 51/8 Martha 50/1(2) .Ha.ry . 49/1(2) Nary Ao, 79/10 Mary .J. 79/10 Wichael 76/40 Reuben 50/1 ; Robert 50/l 79/10 82.rah 50/1 51/8 53/6 Susan 76/29 Susannah / 58/7 Ivlrs. T.So 83/.:1- ;Nilliam 49/1(2) 50/6 51/8 77 /16 ;.. ·.WADES Catherine 59 /6 . •. WADGE ... rl:Uliam 64/3 .. VfADHAM -. 53/5(5) -. nj_:fe & child 53/5 WADROP Hannah 76/12 Janet 76/12 John W. 76/12 Sa.mu.el 76/12 .. Sarah 76/12(2) Thomas B. 76/12 William S. 76/12 U7ADSWORTH Emma 59/6 John. 79/7 Margaret 79/7 1 WAGEi'l'ER -. 47 /02 EBil 78/ll Heinrich C. 86 /l 1 WAGGOU -. y;j_fe ~ children 53/5 . WAGHORN Fanny 54/zr-Fra.nces 54/27 ,Joh.n 54/27 79/4 Lavinia 79/4 Mary 76/14 79/4(2) S2.rah A. 79/4 S2.rah L. 79/4 Sophia 54/5 ) ·, WAGHORNE Anne 49 /16 Eliza 49/16 Frederick 49./16 Isaiah 49 /16 ! VIAGNER -. tr? /O?; Cc:i.roline 77 /2 Eustace 76 /29 .. Gustav 83/l Therese · 47 /o-} · . WAGSTAF.i!~ John 66 /8 . ..·. WAHH.M.4.NN Anr;;a 77 /6 .. WAINMP.J~ John 55/12 .Sarah 55/12 ·WAINWRIGHT i\.nne 5.7 /s Bmjamin 57 /s Eloisa l or Eliza) 64/8 Jane · 78/17 Jo:b..12 79/7 Joseph 57 /8 L;fent 78/17 Sarah A. 49 /10 Thom2.s 57 /8( 2) · WAIT· Caroline 65/8 Charlott0 65/8 John 65/S ViAITE Charles 53/13 Charlotte 53/13 Eliza 66 /,5. Elizabeth 53 /13 · Emma 79/1 George 66/5. James 66/2 Jane 56/2 Joh.'l'l 56/2 Louisa 59/6 f\Iartha 5077(2) :Mary 53/13 fi1ary A •. 50/7 Thoma.s H•. 50/6 Walter 50/7 iiiilliam 50/7 53/13(2) ._62/1) 66/5 William Henry . I . 50/6 .:!~;-}PJ t)f{/Tf . WAITES William 51/5 See also Thnaites - .-. ·· .WAITHE:.'i.S Anne 54/f!.(2) Catherine 5<.'-/4\2) Patrj_ck 54/4(2) Thomas .• . 5t~/4- iW.AKE Anne 83/£!. E~.l7in 65/4- Esther A.. 83/4 Henry 85/4 Henry S. 83/4 . Janet M. 83/4 Jesse R. 65/4- Joh:.-i 54-/30 · Laban 65/4 Maria 54/:30 . Mark R. 65;4 · WAKEFIELD Anne 54/21 Charles 51/14 Charlotte 54/21 Emily 54/21 .- · Ephraim 54-/2I Frances 54-/21 Henry 49 /22 James 54/21 · John 1 .;· · ,,54/21 Joseph 54/.~1 . Lucy 6,3/4 I'iiargaret 54/21 ]\.[aria 49 /22 '' · Susannah 51/14 1n.lliam 63/4 , I: .WAKEHAM Emily 55/18 Frederick 79/7 Georg,e T. 75/5 Roger 76/17 WAKELIN Anna 76/30 Henry 83/6 Louisa 83/6 WAKELING Eliz;abeth 74/12 Rebecca 53/11 William 53/11 William C. :.: ... 7 4/1.2 ' ~. WAKEMAN Ec1waro. T6 /11 Lily 76 /11 ifurtha 7 4/1 Sarah 78/17 i li · Thomas 71~/l Vial tBr 76 /11 William 76 /11 · I. WAKFER Ade.laj_de 55/9 Alfrect 55/9 Anne 55/9 Eli:<;abeth 55/9 John . ' 1 1. ·. 55 /9 ThoIT'.as 55 /9 . 'WALCH· John 57 /10 ilALD -. 53/10(5) Alex~mder 49/l David 49/1 James 49/1. Tiiargaret 49 /1 Robina 49 /l WALTIAILE Arthur 82/i Rachel E. 82/l WALDBURG- ~Ta.cob 76 /12 · WALDEN· Elizabe-ch JJ. 59/3 Emily 59/3 Ja.ii<es 76/i4 2'03-:;ph 59/3 .. · 111ary 59 /3 Ss.rah A. 59 /3 'I/ALDER Mary 54/16 Sanniel 54-/16(2) YIALDHUTER Eerd.inand l:-7 /O-ili WALDIE Isabella. <c9/23 \falter L!-9/23· Watson. 49/23 : 1' WALDOCK William 51 /9 .
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