George Washington University; Mur¬ John Absalom Garber. Virginia, A. B. highest average grade in the entire I .School; third university. Alvin G ray Oswald College; A. M.. 1915 work of the third year). William McNish, McKinley Manual Training addresses g. w. u. Hayes. District of Colum¬ 1891, Bridgewater University Jaccob Heckmann; Rufus Hardy prize School, fourth university. May C. B<: bia. A. B.. 1914. Brigham Young Uni¬ George Washington student who attains School: tifth uni¬ versity; Frank A. Hornaday, A. B.. Ewart William Hobbs. District of Co¬ (awarded to that gin. Central High GRADUATING CLASS LL. National Univer¬ the highest grade in the course on versity. Catherine <*hisholm. Centra: J"'- George Washington University. lumbia. M. 1910, i. David Klls- and sixth university JM. D.f 1910; Ollie Lee Lewis, Ken¬ sity Law School; A. B., 1916. George admiralty John Watkins; High School, A. B., University. A. M.. 1917: worth prize (awarded for the best Clarence W. .Moor*'. McKinley Manual AT COMMENCEMENT tucky, 1917, George Washing¬ Washington of work done in the patent law course). Training School. ton University; Clarence Le Roy Alanson David Morehouse. District and John Barton Meisinger. Nebraska. B. S.. 1917, Uni¬ Columbia. M. E., 1893, Cornell Uni¬ Maxwell James, of Edwin Safford, Dis¬ Payne prize (awarded to that student versity Nebraska; Lewis Adolphus versity; William a John Barton Page scholar¬ Data From I. C. C. (Continued Iowa. B. S. in 1917, trict of Columbia, graduate, 1S80, U. having Senate Seeks from Fourth Pace.) Paley, chemistrv. Sal¬ ship. except the winner of the Rufus the Senate 0. George Washington University; Wil¬ S. Naval Academy; Elon Galusha who attains the highest Ry unanimous consent prize, ^jamond <. liam Maurice District of Columbia. B S., Hardy a ofTere.j Ntlt DO" Columbia; Albert Emmet Reitzel. Wiesenberg. New York isbury. in the course on admiralty), has adopted resolution. B. S.. 1914, College of the of New 1911. Union College: A. M., 1917. grade a.«k 402-404 Seventh Street R. Harris * C«. North Carolina: Olive Amrita Ray- City Ben¬ two awarded because of tie. Brantley bv Senator, Harding, republican. nolds Maryland: Martha Elizabeth ^ork: C. E.. 1918, Polytechnic Insti¬ George Washington University: C. Harris and Whitley T. McCoy. ins? tfiV Interstate Commerce rom tute Brooklyn, and Carleton Her¬ Schwartz, District of Columbia. mission to inform the Senate wh«' Schaaff, District of Columbia: Mildred of_ jamin the of High school scholarship awards in by Miriam Schauweker, Illinois; Frank bert Wright, lieutenant commander. A. B.. 1911, College of City the department of arts and sciences. authority the commission issued it Schell Feffer. Illinois; Ernest U. S. N.. graduate, 1912, United States New York; A. M., 1913, Columbia Kendall scholarship. Kathrrin.' Om- order of April 15. last, assigning: car.- Aldine See, West Virginia; Charlotte Naval Academy. University. wake. Western High School: first uni¬ for transporting: fuel. The preamble To Gordon Stimpson, District of Colum¬ Master of arts.Hart well Stans- Prize awards were announced as versity. Frederick Schafer, McKinley of the resolution says th»* order has June Adkins, B. Inaugurate bury Maryland, A.. 1908. follows: School: secoml uni¬ been characterized as "discriminator bia; Beatrice Wilkins Tail, District Manual Training of Columbia: Leroy William Tilton. Washington and I^ee University; Department of arts and science- versity. Paul F. Brandt. Central High and prejudicial to the public welfare Texas; Augustus Jaqueline Todd, Walter Christian Brandes, District of Davis prizes for excellence in elocu¬ District of Columbia; Margaret Whit- Columbia. Ph. B., 19)6. Yale Uni¬ tion.Kirst prize, Sol S. Gluck; sec¬ ford. District of Columbia (with dis¬ versity; Lino Juan Sastillejo. Phil¬ ond prize, Harry Jerlin: third prize, tinction); Eunice Wbyte, District of ippine Islands. A. B.. and bachelor's Cleveland Cabler. Daughters of the Sale Columbia; Volney Wintield Wortmann, diploma in education. 1917, George American Revolution, for high stand¬ Dress on A for essays Oklahoma, and Ethel Craigen Yohe, Washington University; Dorothy ing in history and Big District of Columbia. Smallwood Geare. District of Colum¬ American history-.James M. R. the that the styles are most attractive.and Bachelor of science in medicine.Mor¬ bia. A. B.. 1912. George Washington Adams and Leslie H. Adams. Thomas Big.in ris I. Bierman. Minnesota; Thomas University; Florence Lillian Hanford, T*". Walsh prize for high standard of values easily worth up to $30.00. Carleton Thompson. Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. A. B.. 1915. Smith Col¬ scholarship in history and best essay Frank Ix>uis Williman.' District of Co¬ lege; William Franklin Haywood. on a designated period of the history lumbia. Texas. A. B.. 1917, Howard Payne Col¬ of England.May B. Einstein. E. K Bachelor of science in civil engineer¬ lege; Charles Madison Hewett. Iowa. Cutter prize, for excellence in Eng¬ Georgettes ing.Charles Francis Blakel.v. Nebraska; A. B. 1917. Upper Iowa University; lish.Beatrice Wilkins Tail. Willie E. Albert Arthur McEntee, Illinois; Odver William Elisha Honeycutt. North Fitch prize, for highest excellence in Taffetas Harrison Miller. Oklahoma, and Herman Carolina. A. B.. 1919. Wake Forest chemistry.Beverly L. Clarke. Gard¬ Smith Ward. District of Columbia. College; Merritt Eugene Lindsey. New ner G. Hubbard prize, for high stand¬ Foulards Bachelor of science in mechanical en¬ York diploma, 1901. University of ing in American history and best es¬ gineering.Benjamin Carpenter Cruick- New York B. Ped.. 1902; K. S.. 1904 say on a period in American history. Tricolettes shanks. District of Columbia: Frank Ohio Northern University; Jennie William J. Cheyney. Muth prize, for Whitcher Martin, District of Columbia, Yoyall. Georgia. A. B.. 1912. Wesleyan highest record in the freshman me¬ de Chines and Frederick Veazey Whetherill, Ore¬ College. Ga.: Brice Martin Mace. jr.. chanical drawing.Hans Wange. Chi Crepe gon. District of Columbia, A. B.. 1908, Cum¬ Omega prize in philosophy, for best Bachelor of science in electrical engi¬ berland University: Catharine Regis essay on philosophical subject.Mil¬ Combinations neering.Raymond Barton Harding, Vir¬ Moran. District of Columbia. A,B.. 1919. dred J. Moore. Sigma Kappvi prize in ginia, and John Spai'OfT. California. George Washington University; Helen English, for best examination in Eng¬ Bachelor of science in chemistry.Ce¬ Marie Cecilia Rose. Illinois. Ph. B.. lish rhetoric.Mary E. Morse. Pi Beta The assortment of colors is and the fashion effects are cil Hammond Badger. Pennsylvania, and of Chicago; Dorothy in science, for best good of Columbia 1919, University Phi prize political attractive. Meyer Weinstein. District Berkshire Scott. District of Columbia. essay on a political science subject- wonderfully (with distinction). University of Omaha; Ed¬ Lancaster. Staugliton prize, for arts and A. B. 1915. Ruth and lit¬ Bachelor of bachelor's gar Clarke Soule, Texas. A. B.. 1919. excellence in Latin language diploma in education.Lillie Porter University of Texas: Mary Evelyn erature.Mildred J. Moore. Colonial Bailey, District of Columbia: Alma District of Columbia, A. B.. Dames for excellence in Ameri¬ 100 White and Colored Camisole Bloomers and Barker. District of Columbia: Sig* Steger. prize, E. Wheat- CQ 1918. George Washington University; can colonial history.Mary Victor "June" Records Gjerdrum Bartsch, District of Colum¬ New York, Chatterton McCutch- Waists VvC Teddvs. Were $2.45.... <Pl«V«F Jeariette Blaney Strayer. ley. Genevieve sub¬ Lingerie bia: Gail Bruce, Ohio; Henryette A. B.. 1919. George Washington Uni¬ ins prizes, for best essays on Brum. District of Columbia: Lillie versity: Mary Hoot Sullivan. Virginia, jects related to archeology or paint¬ Marie Connell. District of Columbia; Fredericksburg College; with reference to co- Iconise Isabel Covington. Missouri; A. B., 1913. ing specjal Ful¬ Go on Sale This I Ethel' lsabdle Summy. District of temporary art.First prize. Jay Morning ! Hilda North Dulac, Maryland: Arlinc A. B.. 191S. George Wash¬ ler second prize. James M. R | Hughes Dufour, District of Columbia; Columbia. Harold Ellsworth Spoerri; mention, Leila B Skirts of ington University: Adams; honorable Hardly a day passes without one or more Wash District Margaret Trimble Gaddis, of Columbia. A. B., compliments Featuring j Gardner. District of Warner, District Hardell. Columbia: Ella R. Larner gold us about our You'll find here all the wanted materials.in all the new sport Dis- 1913, George Washington University; Law School.John reaching VERY EFFICIENT Record Service ! Columbia: Lelia Bailey Hardell. Lander Wells, District of Co¬ medal (awarded to that member of trict of Columbia: Mary Elizabeth Jessie of class who shall have Department. Credit for this is due to the interest taken by and dressier models. District of Columbia: lumbia. A. B. 1911, University the graduating j Humphrey. Colorado; Mary Felicia Williams. attained the highest average grade the young ladies and men in charge. They can and will ; Harvey Earl Kauffman. Pennsylvania; 1914. Florida State Col¬ entire course for the degrc Marie MacMillan Jonos. Washington; Florida. A. B.. in the James: cheerfully help you to make a good because lege for Women: Grace Viola Wright. of bachelor of laws'. Maxwell selection, they j Cora McCartv, District of Columbia: of Oolumbia. A. B.. 1919. Herrick prize (awarded to that mem¬ KNOW THE CATALOG and are Ressie Boyd Mulford. District
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