1NS1DE: ^ A snapshot of voter sentiment in western Ukraine - page 3. ^ Seagrams takes a shot at business in Ukraine - page 8. e Annual survey of freedom around the globe - page 9. v THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit association vol. LXII No. 5 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY зо, 1994 so cents Congressional committees question Multilateral security guarantees Talbott on U.S. policy toward NlS promised if Ukraine signs NPT WASHINGTON (UNAW) - Ambas– nomic cooperation with Ukraine." He by Roman Woronowycz START І with 13 stipulations for imple– sador Strobe Talbott testified before the went on to explain that "assistance must Kyyiv Press Bureau mentation and refused to agree to the follow reform if it is to be effectively NPT. He also expressed his belief that Senate Appropriations Committee's KYYiv - Ukraine will receive securi– Subcommittee on Foreign Operations on used." the tripartite declaration signed by the Mr. Atwood discussed U.S. assistance ty assurances in a second document the U.S., Russia and Ukraine fulfill the January 24 and the House Committee on United States, Russia and Great Britain Foreign Affairs on January 25. Joining in greater detail, pointing out that requirements listed by the Parliament. humanitarian assistance began only in are ready to sign said a top official in Three Ukrainian parliamentary corn- Mr. Talbott before the Senate Ukraine's Foreign Ministry on January Subcommittee was Brian Atwood, direc– April 1992 and technical assistance com– missions have been considering the dec– menced in December 1992. He men– 26, but only if Ukraine's Parliament is laration signed in Moscow by the presi– tor of the Agency for international willing to fully accede to NPT, the Development (A1D). Ambassador tioned that Russia is undergoing three dents of Ukraine, the U.S. and Russia on transitions: "from totalitarianism to Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. January 14, in which Ukraine agreed to Thomas Simons, who coordinates aid to Deputy Foreign Minister Borys the Newly independent States (NlS) of the democracy, from a command to a free give up its 1,800 nuclear weapons in economy, and from an empire to a Tarasiuk would not comment on details return for security assurances and eco– former Soviet Union, appeared with Mr. about the new instrument. He said, Talbott before the House Committee. nation-state." aomic aid. The feeling in the Parliament Sen. Leahy again cautioned Mr. "Should Ukraine's Parliament fully ratify has been that Ukraine was shortchanged. Subcommittee Chairman Sen. Patrick START 1 and join the Nuclear Non- Talbott about U.S. policy and stated that Bohdan Horyn, deputy chairman of the Leahy (D-vt.) opened the hearing and Proliferation Treaty, a multilateral agree– "Russia is not Boris Yeltsin" and that we Parliament's Commission on Foreign voiced his concerns about U.S. policy in ment on security guarantees would be should "not treat Boris Yeltsin like the Affairs, said, "We (the Parliament) have the NlS. Stating that we "cannot person– signed between the United States, Great shah." He then inquired about how the come to the conclusion that we cannot alize our relationship with Russia," he Britain and Russia," according to the nuclear treaty will work, what promises implement START 1 or the Nuclear Non- said we must reach out to other democ– ministry's press officer, Yuriy Sergeyev. were made, are any provisions of the Proliferation Treaty until Article 5 of the rats besides Boris Yeltsin. He also Mr. Tarasiuk made his announcement at agreement secret, and can President terms of our ratification of START 1 is ful– stressed that U.S. policy must not result a personal interview for several members Leonid Kravchuk carry through. filled." Among the many stipulations listed in the redividing of Europe. "Russia is a of the mass media. Mr. Sergeyev added Ambassador Talbott claimed that the in Article 5 is one that states Ukraine will nation with an imperial past, and its that France has agreed to become a agreement "will contribute to the security go to non-nuclear status in stages. neighbors, with a sense of history, have a fourth party to the agreement. interests of the United States, Ukraine, Mr. Horyn added, "The guarantees right to fear it." in a prelude to Mr. Tarasiuk's Russia and Europe," assured the commit– offered Ukraine must be studied by the The ranking Republican member of the announcement, Ukraine's President tee that there is "no secret undertaking of Parliament and the people. We must be Subcommittee, Sen. Mitch McConnell Leonid Kravchuk sent a formal request to security guarantees," and that "this sure these are actual guarantees and not (R-Ky.), opened his remarks with two the Parliament on January 25 that asked criticisms. He first stated that A1D brief– agreement has Bill Clinton's signature on merely declarations." it, and that counts for quite a bit." the body to reconsider its November 18, ings have been inaccurate and contradic– 1993, resolution, whereby it ratified (Continued on page 20) tory. He then stated that the majority of When asked a number of times by funding has been spent in Russia. After Sen. McConnell whether the agreement presenting two examples of the "mess," needs ratification by Ukraine's he went on to express his "concern about Parliament, Ambassador Talbott avoided Toronto bishop faces libel charges the emphasis" of U.S. assistance. a direct answer and stated that "this is According to the State Department, one that the president is going to have to Russia has received 65 percent of the handle himself." Exasperated, the sena– as struggle in eparchy continues assistance while Ukraine has received just tor stated: "the answer is you won't 2.7 percent. answer that." When asked whether the by Andrij Wynnyckyj also actionable was Bishop Danylak's United States had offered Ukraine any alleged attack on his opponents as "under Ambassador Talbott began his state– JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - A conflict ment by saying that "our policy and our security guarantees, Ambassador Talbott the influence of Satan," delivered from the responded that security assurances have within the Toronto Ukrainian Catholic pulpit in February 1993. program of assistance are directed toward Eparchy, raging since the vatican 12 states, but with your permission, Mr. been offered. Sen. McConnell quickly Articles about the action have since inquired "what does that mean?" Mr. appointed Roman Danylak as an apos– appeared in The Globe and Mail Chairman, 1 would like today to concen– tolic administrator on December 29, trate on one of them: the Russian Talbott's response was that "once (Canada's national daily) on January 18, Ukraine becomes a non-nuclear- 1992, burst into a new and secular forum: and The Toronto Star (the largest circula– Federation." He then proceeded to talk the courts. On December 14, 1993, 12 almost exclusively about Russia. weapons state" it will have the same tion daily in Canada) on January 21. assurances as any other non-nuclear priests of the eparchy filed a 81.1 million Donald Posluns and Bonnie Freedman Admitting that "many in the West are (Canadian) libel and slander suit in the weapons state. of the firm Porter, Posluns 8L Harris are concerned" about a counter-revolution in Ontario Court, general division, against representing the plaintiffs in the case. Russia, the ambassador again outlined Sen. McConnell also cautioned against Bishop Danylak, 62. Bishop Danylak's counsel is Michael the four central premises of the adminis– personalizing politics and said that "our included in the suit are two editors and Tesluk of Harris, Fletcher, Tesluk tration's policy: "First, there is a titanic policy toward that area of the world is a reporter for the Toronto-based national Associates. struggle under way in Russia over the whatever Boris Yeltsin says, that's what biweekly newspaper, the Catholic New Through the offices of Mr. Tesluk, future of that country. Second, we have a we advocate." The senator then inquired Times, and its publisher. The CNT has Bishop Danylak, on January 12, issued a huge stake in the outcome of that strug– about the housing program for Russian carried a series of articles on the ongoing statement of intent to defend himself, in gle. Third, we can have some effect both troops. feud between backers Bishop isidore the statement, since obtained by The in terms of what we say and in what we Citing the Russian president's aboli– Borecky, 81, eparch since 1956, and Weekly, Bishop Danylak denies "each do. Fourth, this is a long-term process, tion of the Russian Constitutional Court, Bishop Danylak, consecrated on March and every allegation" of the claimants. and it will require patience and steadi– Sen. Arlene Specter (R-Pa.) inquired: 25,1993. He also denies that "any words spoken ness on our part." The goal of the policy, "How far will we allow Boris Yeltsin to in the offending article, headlined by him were false" or that (the words he according to Mr. Talbott, is to create a go?" Ambassador Talbott explained that "Ukrainian Catholics, 1 am known for my spokeJ "referred to any of the plaintiffs." stable, democratic Russia which respects the administration determines its support strong love of all things Ukrainian," which Bishop Danylak also asserted that he borders. for Yeltsin at each step by analyzing appeared in the September 26, 1993, issue, "whether Boris Yeltsin's conduct is a "did not defame and never intended to in a brief reference to Ukraine, the CNT reporter Louise Slobodian quoted step to democratization," to which Sen. defame any of the plaintiffs." ambassador stated that "after the trilateral Bishop Danylak as he denounced certain Specter responded by asking whether Bishop Danylak also counterattacked agreement at the Moscow Summit, priests as incompetent in financial affairs abolishing the Constitutional Court was with a paragraph titled "The Prior President Clinton made a commitment to and inadequately "theologically, religious– President Kravchuk to expand our eco– (Continued on page 13) ly and spiritually" trained.
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