Creature Comforts – Invertebrates Get scoring comfort from 7-letter bingos of the Animal Kingdom – INVERTEBRATES compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club A 7s ABALONE AABENO edible shellfish [n -S] ACALEPH AACEHLP jellyfish [n -S or -AE] ACARIDS AACDIRS ACARID, type of arachnid (any of class of segmented invertebrate animals) [n] ACARINE AACEINR acarid (type of arachnid (any of class of segmented invertebrate animals)) [n -S] ACAROID AACDIOR resembling acarid (type of arachnid (any of class of segmented invertebrate animals)) [adj] ACTINIA AACIINT marine animal [n -S or -E] ADELGID ADDEGIL small insect (any of class of small invertebrate animals) [n -S] ALBINOS ABILNOS ALBINO, organism lacking normal pigmentation [n] ALDRINS ADILNRS ALDRIN, insecticide [n] ANIMALS AAILMNS ANIMAL, living organism typically capable of voluntary motion and sensation [n] ANNELID ADEILNN any of phylum of segmented worms [n -S] ANTIBUG ABGINTU effective against bugs [adj] ANTLIKE AEIKLNT resembling ant (small insect (any of class of small invertebrate animals)) [adj] ANTLION AILNNOT predatory insect [n -S] APHIDES ADEHIPS APHIS, aphid (any of family of small, soft-bodied insects) [n] ARANEID AADEINR spider [n -S] ARMLIKE AEIKLMR resembling arm [adj] ASCARID AACDIRS parasitic worm [n -S] ASCARIS AACIRSS ascarid (parasitic worm) [n -ES or -IDES] B 7s BAGWORM ABGMORW larva of certain moths [n -S] BEASTIE ABEEIST tiny animal [n -S] BEDBUGS BBDEGSU BEDBUG, bloodsucking insect [n] BEEHIVE BEEEHIV hive for bees [n -S] BEELIKE BEEEIKL resembling bee (winged insect) [adj] BEELINE BEEEILN to go in straight direct course [v -D, -NING, -S] BEESWAX ABEESWX to polish furniture with type of wax [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BEETLES BEEELST BEETLE, insect [n] BEEYARD ABDEERY apiary (place where bees are kept) [n -S] BEFLEAS ABEEFLS BEFLEA, to infest with fleas [v] BENTHAL ABEHLNT benthic (pertaining to oceanic depths) [adj] BENTHON BEHNNOT organisms living in benthos [n -S] BENTHOS BEHNOST bottom of sea [n -ES] BESTIAL ABEILST pertaining to beasts [adj] BEWORMS BEMORSW BEWORM, to infest with worms [v] BILLBUG BBGILLU weevil (small beetle) [n -S] BIONTIC BCIINOT BIONT, living organism [adj] BIVALVE ABEILVV bivalved mollusk [n -S] BLOWFLY BFLLOWY type of fly [n -LIES] BRULOTS BLORSTU BRULOT, biting fly [n] BUDWORM BDMORUW caterpillar that eats buds [n -S] BUGBANE ABBEGNU perennial herb [n -S] BUGBEAR ABBEGRU object or source of dread [n -S] BUGEYES BEEGSUY BUGEYE, small boat [n] BUGGIER BEGGIRU BUGGY, infested with bugs [adj] Creature Comforts – Invertebrates Get scoring comfort from 7-letter bingos of the Animal Kingdom – INVERTEBRATES compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club BUGGING BGGGINU BUG, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v] BUGLOSS BGLOSSU coarse plant [n -ES] BUGOUTS BGOSTUU BUGOUT, one that leaves hurriedly [n] BUGSEED BDEEGSU annual herb [n -S] BYCATCH ABCCHTY marine animals caught unintentionally [n -ES] C 7s CADELLE ACDEELL small, black beetle [n -S] CALAMAR AAACLMR calamary (squid) [n -S] CAPIZES ACEIPSZ CAPIZ, bivalve mollusk [n] CARABID AABCDIR predatory beetle [n -S] CARBORA AABCORR wood-boring worm [n -S] CARCASE AACCERS carcass (body of dead animal) [n -ES] CARCASS AACCRSS body of dead animal [n -ES] CEROTIC CCEIORT pertaining to beeswax [adj] CESTODE CDEEOST tapeworm (parasitic worm) [n -S] CESTOID CDEIOST cestode (tapeworm (parasitic worm)) [n -S] CHAETAE AACEEHT CHAETA, bristle or seta [n] CHAETAL AACEGLT CHAETA, bristle or seta [adj] CHAFERS ACEFHRS CHAFER, large beetle [n] CHALCID ACCDHIL tiny fly [n -S] CHEGOES CEEGHOS CHEGOE, chigoe (tropical flea) [n] CHIGGER CEGGHIR parasitic mite [n -S] CHIGOES CEGHIOS CHIGOE, tropical flea [n] CHITINS CHIINST CHITIN, main component of insect shells [n] CICADAE AACCDEI CICADA, winged insect [n] CICADAS AACCDIS CICADA, winged insect [n] CICALAS AACCILS CICALA, cicada (winged insect) [n] CIMICES CCEIIMS CIMEX, bedbug (bloodsucking insect) [n] CINERIN CEIINNR compound used in insecticides [n -S] CLAMMED ACDELMM CLAM, to dig for clams (bivalve mollusks) [v] CLAMMER ACELMMR one that clams (to dig for clams (bivalve mollusks)) [n -S] CLERIDS CDEILRS CLERID, predatory beetle [n] COBWEBS BBCEOSW COBWEB, to cover with cobwebs (spider webs) [v] COCCIDS CCCDIOS COCCID, insect (any of class of small invertebrate animals) [n] CONCHES CCEHNOS CONCH, marine mollusk [n] COOTIES CEIOOST COOTIE, body louse [n] COPEPOD CDEOOPP minute crustacean [n -S] COQUINA ACINOQU small marine clam [n -S] CRABBED ABBCDER CRAB, to complain (to express discontent) [v] CRABBER ABBCERR one that crabs (to complain (to express discontent)) [n -S] CRAWDAD AACDDRW crayfish, crustacean [n -S] CRINOID CDIINOR marine animal [n -S] CRITTER CEIRRTT creature (living being) [n -S] CRITTUR CIRRTTU critter (creature (living being)) [n -S] CULCHES CCEHLSU CULCH, oyster bed [n] CULEXES CEELSUX CULEX, mosquito (winged insect) [n] Creature Comforts – Invertebrates Get scoring comfort from 7-letter bingos of the Animal Kingdom – INVERTEBRATES compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CULICES CCEILSU CULEX, mosquito (winged insect) [n] CULICID CCDIILU culicine (mosquito (winged insect)) [n -S] CUTWORM CMORTUW caterpillar [n -S] CYCLOPS CCLOPSY minute one-eyed crustacean [n -S or -PES] D 7s DAPHNIA AADHINP minute crustacean [n -S] DEALATE AADEELT insect divested of its wings [n -S] DEBEARD ABDDEER to remove filaments from mussel [v -ED, -ING, -S] DECAPOD ACDDEOP ten-legged crustacean [n -S] DEERFLY DEEFLRY bloodsucking fly [n -LIES] DEFLEAS ADEEFLS DEFLEA, to rid of fleas [v] DELOUSE DEELOSU to remove lice from [v -D, -SING, -S] DEMETON DEEMNOT insecticide [n -S] DETICKS CDEIKST DETICK, to remove ticks from [v] DEVEINS DEEINSV DEVEIN, to remove dorsal vein from [v] DEWORMS DEMORSW DEWORM, to rid of worms [v] DISTOME DEIMOST parasitic flatworm [n -S] DOBSONS BDNOOSS DOBSON, aquatic insect larva [n] DORBUGS BDGORSU DORBUG, dor (black European beetle) [n] E 7s EARWORM AEMORRW bollworm (larva of certain moth) [n -S] ECDYSIS CDEISSY shedding of outer layer of skin [n -SES] ECDYSON CDENOSY ecdysone (insect hormone) [n -S] ECHINUS CEHINSU echinoid (spiny marine animal) [n -NI, -ES] ECLOSED CDEELOS ECLOSE, to emerge as larva from egg [v] EELWORM EELMORW small roundworm [n -S] ELATERS AEELRST ELATER, click beetle [n] ELYTRON ELNORTY hardened forewing of certain insects [n -RA] ELYTRUM ELMRTUY elytron (hardened forewing of certain insects) [n -RA] ENDOPOD DDENOOP branch of crustacean limb [n -S] ENDRINS DEINNRS ENDRIN, insecticide [n] ERGATES AEEGRST ERGATE, worker ant [n] ETHIONS EHINOST ETHION, pesticide [n] EYELIKE EEEIKLY resembling eye (organ of sight) [adj] F 7s FAJITAS AAFIJST FAJITA, marinated and grilled beef, chicken, or shrimp served with flour tortilla [n] FANLIKE AEFIKLN resembling fan [adj] FILARIA AAFIILR parasitic worm [n -E] FINLIKE EFIIKLN resembling fin [adj] FIREBUG BEFGIRU arsonist (one that commits arson) [n -S] FIREFLY EFFILRY luminous insect [n -LIES] FLEABAG AABEFGL inferior hotel [n -S] FLEAPIT AEFILPT run-down movie theater [n -S] FLYBELT BEFLLTY area infested with tsetse flies [n -S] FLYLESS EFLLSSY free of flies (winged insects) [adj] FLYLINE EFILLNY type of line used in fly fishing [n -S] Creature Comforts – Invertebrates Get scoring comfort from 7-letter bingos of the Animal Kingdom – INVERTEBRATES compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club FLYTIER EFILRTY maker of fishing flies [n -S] FLYTRAP AFLPRTY trap for catching flies [n -S] FRASSES AEFRSSS FRASS, debris made by insects [n] FRONTES EFNORST FRONS, upper anterior portion of insect's head [n] G 7s GALLFLY AFGLLLY small insect (any of class of small invertebrate animals) [n -LIES] GASTERS AEGRSST GASTER, enlarged part of abdomen in some insects [n] GEODUCK CDEGKOU large, edible clam [n -] GLOWFLY FGLLOWY firefly (luminous insect) [n -LIES] GOLDBUG BDGGLOU gold beetle [n -S] GRIBBLE BBEGILR marine isopod [n -S] GRUBBED BBDEGRU GRUB, to dig (to break up, turn over, or remove earth) [v] GRUBBER BBEGRRU one that grubs (to dig (to break up, turn over, or remove earth)) [n -S] GWEDUCK CDEGKUW geoduck (large, edible clam) [n -S] GWEDUCS CDEGSUW GWEDUC, geoduck (large, edible clam) [n] GYPLURE EGLPRUY synthetic attractant to trap gypsy moths [n -S] H 7s HALTERE AEEHLRT pair of wings of insect [n -S] HEXAPOD ADEHOPX six-legged insect [n -S] HORNETS EHNORST HORNET, stinging insect [n] HYDATID ADDHITY cyst caused by tapeworm [n -S] HYDROID DDHIORY polyp (invertebrate) [n -S] I 7s ICEWORM CEIMORW small worm found in glaciers [n -S] IMAGOES AEGIMOS IMAGO, adult insect [n] INSECTS CEINNST INSECT, any of class of small invertebrate animals [n] ISOPODS DIOOPSS ISOPOD, kind of crustacean [n] IXODIDS DDIIOSX IXODID, bloodsucking insect [n] J 7s JASSIDS ADIJSSS JASSID, any of family of plant pests [n] JAWLIKE AEIJKLW resembling jaw (framework of mouth) [adj] K 7s KATYDID ADDIKTY grasshopper [n -S] L 7s LADYBUG ABDGLUY small beetle [n -S] LEGLIKE EEGIKLL resembling leg [adj] LEUCONS CELNOSU LEUCON, sponge of complex structure [n] LIMPETS EILMPST LIMPET, type of mollusk [n] LIMULUS ILLMSUU horseshoe crab [n -LI] LINDANE ADEILNN insecticide [n -S] LIPLIKE EIIKLLP resembling lip [adj] LOBSTER BELORST to fish for lobsters, marine crustaceans [v -ED, -ING, -S] LOBWORM BLMOORW lugworm (burrowing marine worm) [n -S] LOCUSTS CLOSSTU LOCUST, migratory grasshopper [n] LOIASIS AIILOSS tropical disease caused by eye worms [n -SES, -ES] LOUSING GILNOSU LOUSE, to spoil or bungle [v] Creature Comforts – Invertebrates Get scoring comfort from 7-letter bingos of the Animal Kingdom – INVERTEBRATES
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