THE NAUTILUS 133(1):26–30, 2019 Page 26 A large new Wareniconcha (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae) from a Pliocene methane seep deposit in Leyte, Philippines Tomoki Kase Shinji Isaji Yolanda M. Aguilar Steffen Kiel National Museum of Natural History Museum Mines and Geosciences Swedish Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo and Institute, Chiba Bureau Natural History Department of Geology Chiba 260-8682, JAPAN Marine Geological Department of Palaeobiology and Paleontology [email protected] Survey Division 10405 Stockholm, SWEDEN Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0005, JAPAN Quezon City, PHILIPPINES [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT sizes of up to 7.6 cm, as in the case of the type species Wareniconcha guineensis (Thiele and Jaeckel, 1931) from A new species of the genus Wareniconcha, W. mercenarioides, methane seeps in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Other belonging to the chemosymbiotic bivalve subfamily Pliocardiinae species subsequently considered as belonging to Ware- (family Vesicomyidae), is described from a Pliocene methane-seep deposit at Liog-Liog on Leyte Island, Philippines. With a length of niconcha reach similar sizes (e.g., both W. winckworthi almost 12 cm, this species is significantly larger than the six extant (Prashad, 1932) and W. solidissima (Prashad, 1932) from species currently considered as belonging to Wareniconcha.In the Bali Sea in Indonesia reach about 7 cm), whereas addition to being very large, W. mercenarioides is more inflated and others are somewhat smaller (e.g., W. ovalis (Dall 1895) has a considerably more rounded shell outline compared to the oval from the eastern Pacific, and W. cretacea (Smith, 1906) shells of other Wareniconcha species. This is the first fossil record from West of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, reach 5–6cm of Wareniconcha. Considering the overall similarity of the Leyte in length). Here we describe a new species of Ware- seep fauna to species living at vents and seeps in the vicinity of niconcha from Pliocene seep deposits in Leyte Island, southern Japan, we anticipate that similarly large, and closely re- fi Philippines that reaches nearly 12 cm in length. lated species, might still be extant in the Indo-West Paci c region. Chemosymbiotic bivalves of the mytilid subfamily Additional Keywords: Indo-Pacific Ocean, hydrothermal vents, Bathymodiolinae show a remarkable increase in size shell size, deep-sea through geologic time that can be linked to the acquisition of different types of symbiotic associations (Lorion et al., 2013). In addition, vesicomyid bivalves showed an in- crease in shell size since their first appearance in the middle Eocene (Kanie and Kuramochi, 2001; Amano and INTRODUCTION Kiel, 2007, 2011; Amano et al., 2014). Although ves- Vesicomyid bivalves are a major component of faunal icomyid bivalves do not show the diversity of symbiotic associations as bathymodiolins do, vesicomyid clades show communities around many deep-sea hydrothermal vents, fi fi methane-seeps, and sunken whale carcasses (Boss and a diversity of sul de-binding af nities that enable (or restrict) them to colonize distinct niches within methane Turner, 1980; Paull et al., 1984; Smith et al., 1989; Kojima fi fl et al., 2004; Krylova and Sahling, 2010; Johnson et al., seep sites related to sul de ux and availability (Barry and Kochevar, 1998; Goffredi and Barry, 2002; Decker et al., 2017). They thrive in these environments because they fi live in symbiosis with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria from which 2014). Future studies of shell size and sul de-binding affinities could provide new insights into the long-term they obtain most, if not all, of their nutrients (Arp et al., ’ 1984; Fisher, 1990). In addition to being abundant, evolution of these traits through Earth s history. several vesicomyid species reach very large sizes, such as ‘ ’ Ectenagena extenta from methane-seeps in Monterey MATERIALS AND METHODS Canyon (up to 24.5 cm; Krylova and Moskalev, 1996), the iconic ‘Calyptogena’ magnifica from vents on the East Several methane-seep deposits have been discovered in Pacific Rise and Galapagos Ridge that reaches 26.3 cm in deep-water strata of the Visayan back-arc basin along the length (Boss and Turner 1980), and Abyssogena novacula northwestern coast of the island of Leyte in the Philippines Krylova, Sahling, and Janssen, 2010 reaching 27.7 cm in (Majima et al., 2007; Majima et al., 2010). These massive length (Krylova et al. 2010). mudstones were mapped as Bata Formation and initially In comparison to these large species, members of the considered late Miocene in age (Corby and al., 1951; Porth vesicomyid genus Wareniconcha reach only moderate et al., 1989; Mines and Geosciences Bureau, 2010). The T. Kase et al., 2019 Page 27 Figures 1–5. Wareniconcha mercenarioides new species; holotype (NMNS PM 28168). 1. Left valve. 2. Right valve. 3. Dorsal view. 4. Hinge and ligament nymph of left valve, micro-CT scan. 5. Hinge and ligament nymph of right valve, micro-CT scan. specimens reported here were obtained from a giant cal- performed using the software OsiriX version 3.9.2 32-bit careous concretion packed with chemosynthetic bivalves, (an open-source DICOM viewer for Macintosh). found exposed at Liog-Liog Point between Tabango and Campopo bays, at 11°17'37.7" N, 124°21'57.5" E (Majima SYSTEMATICS et al., 2007). Ongoing stratigraphic and micropaleontologic work indicates that the Bata Formation exposed around the Family Vesicomyidae Dall and Simpson, 1901 Liog-Liog Point ranges in age from late Pliocene to early Pleistocene, and the giant concretion is likely to have been Genus Wareniconcha Cosel and Olu, 2009 derived from the upper Pliocene part of the Bata For- mation. The type material is deposited at the National Type Species: Vesicomya guineensis Thiele and Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Japan (NMNS Jaeckel, 1931; Recent, from ca. 2500 to 4000 m depth PM 28168, PM 28169) and the National Museum, Manila, on the West African continental margin (Cosel and Olu, Philippines (NMP-2148). 2009). To observe the hinge structure, we performed non- destructive analysis using an X-ray microfocus CT system Remarks: Cosel and Olu (2009) included only the type (TESCO TXS320-ACTIS) at the National Museum of species in Wareniconcha. In a subsequent review of Nature and Science, Tokyo, at experimental conditions of vesicomyid species, Krylova and Sahling (2010) con- 247 kV and 240 mA. The resolution of the square slice CT sidered also the following species as belonging to was 97 mm per 1024 pixels, and the spacing between each Wareniconcha: Vesicomya compressa Prashad, 1932, CT slice was 0.1 mm. Analysis and surface rendering were Vesicomya cretacea Smith, 1906, Vesicomya lepta Dall, Page 28 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 133, No. 1 Figures 6–9. Wareniconcha mercenarioides new species; paratype 1 (NMP-2148). 6. Left valve. 7. View on posterodorsal margin. 8. Right valve. 9. View on anterior side. 1895, Vesicomya ovalis Dall, 1895, and Vesicomya moderately strong, pointing posteriorly. Left valve with winckworthi Prashad, 1932. strong and elongate cardinal 2a subparallel to dorsal margin, cardinal 2b strong, quadrate, just beneath umbo, Wareniconcha mercenarioides new species cardinal 4 thin, elongate, pointing posteriorly; nymph plate (Figures 1–9) long and broad. Diagnosis: Large and inflated Wareniconcha species that Type Locality: The Liog-Liog seep deposit. is about as high as wide, with a broad ligament nymph plate. Type Material: Holotype: NMNS PM 28168, articu- lated specimen (length 11.3 cm, height 9.7 cm, width Description: Large, inflated shell, up to 12 cm long, 6.5 cm); Paratype 1: NMP-2148, articulated specimen slightly longer than high; umbones large, blunt, strongly (length 11.3 cm, height 10.1 cm, width 5.7 cm); Paratype prosogyrate; shell surface sculpture by fine, regular growth 2: NMNS PM28169, disarticulated specimen (length ca. increments; anterior part short, somewhat pointed; post- 12 cm, height, ca. 10 cm) consisting of incomplete right erodorsal margin broadly and evenly rounded, with angular valve. transition to the equally broadly and evenly rounded ventral margin. Right valve with strong cardinal 1 radiating ante- Distribution and Habitat: Pliocene methane-seep riorly, positioned anterior of umbo, cardinal 3a thin and carbonates at Liog-Liog Point, Tabango municipality in short, positioned just anterior of umbo, cardinal 3b short, Leyte, Philippines. T. Kase et al., 2019 Page 29 Etymology: For its shell shape resembling the venerid Boss, K.J. and R.D. Turner. 1980. The giant white clam from the genus Mercenaria. Galapagos Rift, Calyptogena magnifica species novum. Malacologia 20: 161–194. Remarks: Wareniconcha mercenarioides differs from all Corby, G.W. et. al. 1951. Geology and oil possibilities of the Philippines. Republic of the Philippines, Department of Ag- species assigned to Wareniconcha (see list above in the – remarks about Wareniconcha.) by being larger, more riculture and Natural Resources, Technical Bulletin 21: 1 363. fl Cosel, R.v., and K. Olu. 2009. Large Vesicomyidae (Mollusca: in ated, and being roughly as wide as high, whereas all Bivalvia) from cold seeps in the Gulf of Guinea off the other Wareniconcha species are oval in an anterior- coasts of Gabon, Congo and northern Angola. Deep-Sea posterior direction. Furthermore, W. guineensis, W. Research II 56: 2350–2379. compressa, and W. lepta have a narrower hinge plate than Dall, W.H. 1895. Diagnoses of new species of mollusks from the W. mercenarioides. west coast of America. Proceedings of the U.S. National Many of the accompanying bivalve species at the type Museum of Natural History 18: 7–20. locality belong, or are very similar to, extant species from Decker, C., N. Zorn, N. Potier, E. Leize-Wagner, K. Olu, and vents and seeps in Japanese waters and especially in the A.C. Andersen. 2014. Globin’s structure and function in Okinawa Trough (including, for example, Bathymodiolus vesicomyid bivalves from the Gulf of Guinea cold seeps as an adaptation to life in reduced sediments.
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