10600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE April 24, 1967 courts convicted 358 a.buslve callers during bill dealing with this problem. The lan­ "(b) makes a telephone call, whether or 1965 and 788 abusive calla's in 1966. guage of his model State bill will closely not conversation ensues, without disclosing He emphasized that the Justice Depart­ parallel the language of S. 375. his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, ment is not brought into a situation of this He testffled that S. 375 will complement threaten, or harass any person at the called kind until after the technology of the Bell the State activity and NARUC supports its number; or System companies has determined that an enactment to combat the making of such "(c) makes or causes the telephone of interstate call, as contrasted with an intra­ calls in interstate or foreign commerce. another repeatedly or continuously to ring, state call, of an abusive nature has· been Senator Edward B. Long of Missouri and with intent to harass any person at the called made. He testified that such technology is Congressman Cornelius E. Gallagher, of New number; or not a bugging or monitoring device to over­ Jersey, submitted statements placed in the ''(d) makes repeated telephone calls, dur­ hear or record conversations, but is an elec­ record supporting the enactment of S. 376. ing which conversation ensues, solely to tronic technique to register on tape the CONCLUSION harass any person at the called number; or time of day and the called telephone num­ ber ma.de on a particular line. There can be no doubt that the increase Whoever knowingly permits any telephone He stated that the Bell System believes in these vicious and cruel attacks over the under his control to be used for any purpose Federal legislation will have a deterrent ef­ telephone must be reversed by legislative prohibited by this section- fect on potential offenders and would be of action. Your committee believes that pas­ "Shall be finecl not more than $500 or im­ practical advantage to the telephone com­ sage of this legislation will aid in deterring prisoned not more than six months, or both." panies 1n attempting to deal with abusive obscene and harassing telephone calls gen­ calls. Mr. Kertz specifically endorsed legis­ erally and will provide an appropriate reme­ lation along the lines of S. 375. dy to reach those calls made within the District of Columbia or in interstate or for­ ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 11 A.M. Adm. William C. Mott, executive vice pres­ TOMORROW ident of U.S. Independent Telephone Asso­ eign commerce. The loophole which exisrts ciation (USITA), a tra.de association com­ today because of' the lack of a Federal law Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, if there posed of some 2,300 telephone companies, covering this subject matter will be closed. is no further business to come before the testified in support of the legislation. Ad­ The enactment of this legislation will serve the public interest. Senate this afternoon, in accordance miral Mott stated that a Federal statute with the ord,er entered on Wednesday, prohibiting obscene or harassing telephone The · PRESIDING OFFICER. The calls in interstate or foreign commerce April 19, 1967, I move that the Senate should have a deterrent effect on the mak­ question is on the engrossment and third stand in adjournment until 11 o'clock ing of such calls and might further set an reading of the bill. a.m .. tomorrow. example for those States not now having The bill was ordered to be engrossed The motion was agreed to; and <at 3 statutes or whose statutes might need re­ for a third reading, and was read the o'clock and 8 minutes p.m.) the Senate vision. third time. adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday April He testified that one added reason for the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill necessity for Federal legislation in this area 25, at 11 o'clock a.m. 1s the increased usage of what 1s known as having been read the third time, the W ATS (wide area telephone service) line for question is, Shall the bill pass? making an interstate call. WATS is a fast­ The bill CS. 375) was passed, as follows: NOMINATIONS growing service and national in scope. There Be it enacted by the Senate and House is no individual charge for messages and of Representatives of the United States of Executive nominations received by the in that respect it is similar to local tele­ America in Congress assembled, That title II Senate April 24, 1967: phone calling. of the Communications Act of 1934, as COAL MINE SAFETY BOARD OF REVIEW Mr. Paul Rodgers, general counsel, Na­ amended, is further amended by adding at Dennis L. McElroy, of Pennsylvania, to be tional Association of Railroa.d & Utilities the end thereof the following new section: a member of the Federal Coal Mine Safety Commissioners, expressed the view that "SEC. 223. OBSCENE OR HARASSING TELl!:· Board of Review for the term expiring July State legislation in 38 States deals adequate­ PHONE CALLS IN THE DisTRICT OF COLUMBIA 15, 1972, vice Edward Steidle, term expiring. ly with intrastate threatening or harassing OR IN INTERSTATE OR FOREIGN COMMERCE.­ telephone calls and 11 States now have spe­ Whoever by means of telephone communica­ FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM citlc legisl~tion under consideration to deal tion in the District of Columbia or in inter­ William W. Sherrill, of Texas, to be a mem­ with this matter. He testified that Chair­ state or foreign commerce-- ber of the Board of Governors of the Fed­ man Ben T. Wiggins, of the NARUC Com­ "(a) makes any comm.ent, request, sug­ eral Reserve System for the unexpired term of mittee on Communications Problems, pl~s gestion, or proposal which is obscene, lewd, 14 years from February 1, 1954, vice Charles to present to his committee a model State lascivious, filthy, or indecent; or :~oah Shepardson, resigned. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Four Hundred Pennsylvanians the world. Freedom anywhere in the of Mrs. Naom1 Juisto, 12134 Sweet Bnar Road, world remains an integral part of our Philadelphia, Pa. own. Sp4 Frank J. Nostadt, Jr., Army, son of Mr. EXTENSION OF REMARKS and Mrs. Frank J. Nostadt, 7527 Whitaker OF Mr. Speaker, it may be presumptuous Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. of me to want to list the names of all Sgt. Sofford S. Pye, Army, husband of Mrs. HON. JOSHUA EILBERG 400 in the RECORD. But I would dearly Judith Ann Pye, 2626 Hemlock St., Phila­ OF PENNSYLVANIA love to include the names of nine who delphia, Pa. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lived in the Fourth Congressional Dis­ Pfc. William Wilknowsky, Jr., Army, hus­ trict of Pennsylvania, the district which band of Mrs. Gloria L. Wllknowsky, 75117 Monday, April 24, 1967 I represent, the northeast part of Phila­ Totresdale Ave., Ph118idelphia, Pa. Mr. EILBERG. Mr. Speaker, I have delphia. In this small way I hope the A2c. Ronald C. Kinsky, Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kinsky, 7146 Lawn­ recently learned that some 400 young memory of their courage will live on 1n dale Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. men from the Commonwealth of Penn­ the REcoRD of the Congress which owes sylvania have died since January 1966, them much. fighting Communist aggression and de­ Pfc. George W. Abey, son of Mr. and Mrs. fending freedom in Vietnam. George W. Abey, 7809 Wb,d,ta.kes street, Phila­ Passover Season I would like to pay tribute to these men delphia, Pa. who have given their lives for a cause LCpl. Charles L. Isley, III, Marine Corps, halfway around the world. And I would son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Isley, Jr., 5946 EXTENSION OF REMARKS like to offer whatever consolation can be Hasbrook Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. OF offered to their families, for if the loyalty LCpl. Frederick G. Lynch, Jr., Marine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. HON. ROMAN C. PUCINSKI and devotion to duty of these men be­ Lynch, Sr., 999 Lardner Terrace, Philadelphia, OF n.LINOIS long to their country, their loss is felt Pa. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES most deeply by their loved ones. Cpl. Stephen P. Miller, Marine Corps, son of I have called them men when many of Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Miller, 9581 Cowden Monday, April 24, 1967 them really were boys. And I referred St., Phila.delphia, Pa. Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I would to the cause of freedom halfway around Cpl. Anthony J. Nigro, Marine Corps, son llke to take this opportunity to extend April 24, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 10601 my greetings to those of my constituents The lawlessness in Nashv1lle, Louisville, mestic wool; namely, the domestic wool of the Jewish faith. The Jews, through­ Chicago and in many other of our big cities manufacturers. in recent weeks-if continued-w111 serve ~ out the world, are now celebrating the undermine our system of laws. The cement The concern of the entire Kansas dele­ Passover season. of law and order must prevail to hold our gation was expressed in a letter to Presi­ Not so very long ago, many American democratic society toegther. dent Johnson on April 18, 1967. Mr. Jews were subjected to discrimination This Nation and its people traditionally Speaker, I insert this letter at this point and religious prejudice. However, the have lived within the law-because to live in the RECORD: work and accomplishments of the Jewish outside the law is to live in a world of U.S. SENATE, people in America could not be ignored. chaos, anarchy and disorder. This country Washington, D.C., April18, 1967.
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