'■SISI 1942 1892 FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY YEAS FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY YEAR The Glengarry THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO Alexandria, Ont., Friday, December 4, 1942 12.00 A YEAS VOL. L.—No. 49. Glen Robertson Day-Long Celebration Marks Silver No Elections In Glengarry As Ü.S. Army Pilot Record Number Man Train Victim Jubilee of Rev. A. L. Cameron All Councils Given Acclamations Killed In Crash At Scotch Concert Lieut. Duncan Murphy All Sections Of County Aurele Lortie, 35, Parishioners At Glen Nevis Joined % Nomination Day Proceedings In Various Was Frequent Visitor Represented In Large Instantly Killed In By Clergy, Relatives And Centres Of Quiet Nature—Mayor To Alexandria. St. Andrew’s Gathering Level Crossing Crash Friends Of Popular Priest. D. D. McIntosh Presents Fine Report. i Lieut. Duncan C. Murphy, son of The clans gathered in record num-j Aurele Lortie, 35, popular Glen Rev. A. L. Cameron, P.P., St. Mar- Six Glengarry municipalities re- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Morphy of St. bers Monday evening, for the annual j Robertson cheesemaker, was instant- garet’s parish, Glen Nevis, on Tues- - turned their councils to office by ac- Fine Report By Petersburg, Florida, and a test pilot St. Andrtew’s Goncert in Alexander. ^ jy billed, Tuesday morning, when the, day, celebrated the 25th anniversary clamation for the 1943 term of office with the U.S. Army Air Force at Eglin'Hall, all sections of Glengarry being re-truckI truck in which he was a passenger : of his ordination and the day was as a result of Nomination Day pro-1 1 one long to be remembered. The Mayor McIntosh Field Florida, died there on Thurs- Presented in the large throng which was struck by a westbound Way- ceedings help last Friday. In Lan- 1 popular priest was joined in celebrat- day Nov, 26th, as a result of injuries tu™ed out to honor Scotland's Pat-j freight at the level crossing. east of caster Village Nominations are not j A iargë number of Alexandria rate- suffered in a crash. He was 28 years!™11 saint and incidentally enjoy a^he village. His father, Mr. Existe ing his silver jubilee by all the mem- firft evening's erttertaimpent. A Lortie, driver of the truck, escaped held until late in December.. | pavers attende^ the Nomination Meet- old. bers of the diocesan clergy, other Returning to Counties Council as a ,ng in the Haj^ pryay evening, crowd estimated at 900 managed to' with a shaking up though the truck priests, relatives and friends from out- Reeves D. , The. joung aiimans mothei is the ue into the hall and another! was carried a quarter of a mile and result of acclamations are , i but though there were many nomina- 1 side points and bÿ his parishioriérs J. Major,.,; 11. , v.Q iUvuH number former Miss Margaret Campbell o ^ ^ ted ur,able t0 find a . B. MacDonald, Lochiel; W. J. "“'•J—, tions,r only the requiredri^n left a tangled wreckage. The tragic whose warm appreciation of his ser- Alexandria, and he visited here at Lancaster Twp.; A. A. Fraser, Kenyon; j qlialified and n0 electlons wlii be held. P accident ochrred at 8.45 o'clock. | vices to them was shown in many frequent intervals with his family, j Howard Ross. Charlottenburgh ; Dr. | Reeve j D McPherson was given According to the report of Provin- ways. Lieut, Murphy, who was promoted' The St. Andrew’s Concert has be- J. H. Mumo, Maxviile, J. D. Me an acclamation, he being the only come with toe ear3 a po uIar annual cial Constable Robert Adiç, who in- The celebration got ' underway at Pherson, Alexandria; and four de- ta the rank of first lieutenant last! ^ P j nominee for that office. For Mayor, cl,ellt anii Mouda vestigated, Mr, Lortie noticed the on- 0 a.m. When Rev. Father Cameron puty-reeves : J. W. MacLeod, Lochiel; Spring, had been stationed at Eglin >' evening’s célébra- Dr. McIntosh and Romeo Roule&u coming train when it was too late to sang a Solemn/High Mass in St, Mar- J. A. Gray, Kenyon; Scott Fraser, fwdd Florida «dnea T&nuarv He en- was well up to the high stand- were nominated but the latter quali- ard set in other ears The garet’s Church. Then followed a dint Lancaster and Wilfred McDonald, tered the Army Air Force 18 months' y ' ^^P" ““x^ZlLn fied as a councillor. 1 followed by jump clear but fell beneath the -.train. ner in the parish hall and the festi- Charlottenburgh, , . j ago to begin training as an aviation 1 Scottish programme was The 1942 council returns to office a delicious supper of chicken sand- The body was badly mutilated. vities carried on into the evening There are to be elections in five cadet. He met death on the American intact: Romeo Rouleau, Arthur Lau- wiches, oatmeal cookies and coffee,1 Dr. D. J. Dolan, coroner, investiga- when the pupils of St. Margaret’s United Counties’" municipalities. Of Thanksgiving Day just after taking- zon, Arnold Weir, R. Clement, Har-| and for the next four hours old-time; ted. It has not yet been decided whe- school and Maryvale Abbey staged a the eight complete. councils receiving off on what was to have been a week- old Stimson and Elle David. Others dancing and Gaelic choruses were ther an inquest will be held. ! concert in honor of the jubilarian. , acclamations six are in Glengarry. I long trip. 25 YEARS A PRIEST j nominated for council seats but who enjoyed to the heart’s content. - | À fine type of young man, the late A feature just following the end of Tlie complete acclamations in Glen, Before joining the Air Force he had I did riot ifualify are: S, Laporte, Leo 1 the Mass saw the presentation of a garry are as follows: ,, been vice-president of the Murphy- Featuring the programme was a'Mr .Lortie Was as well one of the p ’ f 4- 11 W’ Desgrosseilllers and Geo. Tailfer, 1 purse to Father Cameron on behalf of Lancaster Township (accl.)—W. J.j fine address by Rev. John Curtin, Pest cheesemakers in Glengarry. For rnUlClS LOStCllO WMS For Public Utilities, two to be elect-; McDonald Supply Company of Tam- 1 his parishioners. Addresses in Eng- Major, reeve ; Scott Fraser, deputy 1 ! O.M.I., of St. Patrick’s College, ot- the past eight years he had been ma- D T A T f nmmîccinn red, Louis Shepherd, Armand Lacombe, P* - o non,,» ker of the Gore factory, two miles V.rV.i . V^UlHlUIôMuH lish and French were read by reeve; oounciliors, Joseph Filion, Ger~j Leopold Lalonde, A. H. Johnston, and Survivors in addition to his par- tawa, a native of Scotland. Father, ker of the Gore factory, two miles ____ east of G en Arch. S. Macdonald and E. Besner 1 Curtin spoke .on “The contribution of ' Robertson. The factory, judg-e F T and Costello, Corn- aid Sangster and James A. MacDon- G€0 Tai]fer were nominated. Messrs. ents include two brothers, Ensign while the presentation was made by Seotland to the Present War” and1 ls owned by his father who is a well bave received word that their aid, Trustees School area, William D j Shepherd and Lacombe qualified and Hugh R. (Hubert) Murphy, Jr. U.S. ponald McDonald and Alderic Rozon. enumerated some, of the many heroic ! known cheese box manufacturer at JJ pj-gneig Costello, now Hall. Lloyd Gardiner, George McCal- !-they will act with J. A. Laurin,1 Naval Reserve, stationed at Tucson, sod 0 deeds attributed tb Highland units and G!en Roberteon' serving if! the R.C.A.F. at Ucluelet, His Excellency Most Rev. Rosario him, John Kerr, George Osborne. ! Mayor McIntosh and Alex. Lauzon, Arizona, and John G. (GerryT Mur- Brodeur, Bishop of Alexandria ^ then Alexandria (accl.—Dr. D. D. ,Mc-: men at Dunkirk, in Crete, Libya and In addition to his father and mo- B.C., has won his commission. The I members last year. ! phy, St. Petersburg; two sister, Jean spoke in laudatory terms and ' the ju- Intosh, Mayor; J. D. MacPhefson, Hong Kong. Many of Britain’s Gen-j ther, the former Eugenie Gauthier of promotion to Pilot Officer Costello is , S. Laporte, Hugh McKinnon and and Mary Murphy, also of St. Peters- bilarian replied, expressing his great Reeve; councillor^, Raoul Clement, jCralsare Scottisr, and in Navy and Air, St. Justine, deceased leaves several retroactive to Active. Archie Gauthier are the members of burg. ' joj* jn the realization of this anniver- Elle David, Arnold Weir, Harold Stim- ’ Force the son of the Gael also hold brothers and sisters to mourn his loss. Piilot Officer Costello was a second Separate School Board, others nom-1 Rev. D. A. Campbell of St. Raphaels, sary and his , gratitude to all his son, Romeo Rouleau, Arthur Lauzon; a predominant plcae. The speaker;1 Thie funeral is being held this year law student at Osgoode Hall, mated but who did not qualify, in , an nncle, and Miss Catherine Camp- thrilled his Glengarry audience with (Friday) morning friends. Public Utilities Commission, Armand Toronto, when he joined the R.OJLF. eluding Albert Lauzon, Dr. B. J.|bell of Toronto, an aunt, left imiriedi- the review of ScoUand>s war ef{ort Assisting the jubilarian at the Mass Lacombe, Louis Shepherd; Separate M^cajjumi J. in October 1940. He graduated as a J. MacDonald and Geo ately for Florida, to attend the fun- and his address drew rounds of ap_ School Trustees, S, Laporte Archie Sergt.
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