2017 Часопис соціально -економічної географії випуск 23(2) UDC 911.3 Stepan Kuzyk, PhD (Geography), Associate Professor e-mail: [email protected] Daryna Lytvyn, PhD Student e-mail: [email protected] Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Ukraine SPECIFIC FEATURES OF USING HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES OF THE UKRAINIAN-POLISH BORDERLAND FOR TOURISM PURPOSES The present article is dedicated to the investigation of an important part of tourist resources of the Ukrainian and Polish borderland, namely, the unique monuments of its material culture. It analyses the main historic and cultural reasons of appearing monuments on this territory, the distribution of these monuments among administrative units (rayons and poviats) with their representation on a diagram. The diagram was based on Ukraine and Polish Lists of Monuments. The article also studies the structure of the historic and cultural resources: the stationary monuments of history, architecture, city-planning, reserved castles and objects of lanscape gardening art etc. Among all the resources it descripes monuments and architectural complexes on the UNESCO List. Also, it analyses the tourist itineraries functioning on the territory of the Ukrainian and Polish borderland. Main itineraries were taken from the tourist maps of Lviv, Volyn, Lubelskie and Podkarpackie regions. Also it proposes several new cross-border itineraries, which can potentially satisfy the demand on meaningful rest and generating tangible revenues on this territory. Based on results of the research the following conclusions have been made: Ukrsinian-Polish border area is reach in historical and cultural resources, but they are not popularized enough; The territory of investigation has many attractive tourist routs, which can satisfy different requirements, but they also need to be promoted. Keywords: Ukrainian and Polish borderland, historic and cultural resources, stationary monuments, tourist itineraries (routs), cross-border itineraries. Степан Кузик , Дарина Литвин . ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ВИКОРИСТАННЯ ДЛЯ ТУРИСТИЧНИХ ЦІЛЕЙ ІСТОРИКО - КУЛЬТУРНИХ РЕСУРСІВ УКРАЇНСЬКО -ПОЛЬСЬКОГО ПРИКОРДОННЯ Стаття присвячена аналізу історико -культурних ресурсів українсько -польського прикордоння , які у даному дослідженні представлені нерухомими пам ’ятками . Окреслено головні чинники виникнення даних пам ’яток на території прикордоння , а також подано їхню класифікацію згідно українського і польського законодавства . На основі державних реєстрів пам ’яток розроблено картосхему їхнього поширення у розрізі районів та повітів . Здійснено короткий опис тих пам ’яток прикордоння , які мають статус об ’єктів Світової спадщини ЮНЕСКО . За допомогою туристичних мап проаналізовано головні туристичні маршрути у розрізі областей та воєводств , а також запропоновано нові транскордонні маршрути . Ключові слова : українсько -польське прикордоння , історико -культурні ресурси , нерухомі пам ’ятки , туристичні маршрути , транскордонні туристичні маршрути . Степан Кузык , Дарина Литвин . ОСОБЕННОСТИ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ В ТУРИСТИЧЕСКИХ ЦЕЛЯХ ИСТОРИКО -КУЛЬТУРНЫХ РЕСУРСОВ УКРАИНСКО -ПОЛЬСКОГО ПРИГРАНИЧЬЯ Статья посвящена анализу историко -культурных ресурсов на территории украинско -польского приграничья , кото- рые в данном исследовании представлены недвижимыми памятками . Очерчены главные факторы возникновения памяток на территории приграничья , а также подана их классификация согласно с украинским и польским законодательством . На осно- вании национальных реестров памяток разработана картосхема их распространения в разрезе районов и поветов . Осуществ- лено краткое описание тех памяток , которые имеют статус объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО . С помощью туристи- ческих карт проанализированы главные туристические маршруты в разрезе областей и воеводств , а также предложены но- вые трансграничные маршруты . Ключевые слова : украинско -польское приграничье , историко -культурные ресурсы , недвижимые памятки , туристи- ческие маршруты , трансграничные туристические маршруты . 1. Introduction. Historical and cultural resources of the world and meaningful vacation. According to the these are the monuments of material and spiritual culture World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Tourism is one created along the historical development of society, they of the world’s largest and fastest growing export sectors, are of cognitive value and can serve as factors in tourism contributing to 9% of the global GDP, and accounts for development in a particular area. The role of these re- one in eleven jobs worldwide (Global Report…, 2017). sources in tourism and recreation has been studied by Our research is designed to identify and compare famous scientists in Ukraine Oleksandr Beidyk (2001), historical and cultural resources of border regions of Petro Masliak (2008), Halyna Bovsunovska (2002), Oleh Ukraine and Poland, to determine the possibility and Shabliy (2012), Stepan Kuzyk (2010) et al. In their view, extent of their use for tourism purposes. The study area historical and cultural resources play an important role in covers two border regions of Ukraine – Lviv and Volyn shaping tourist demand, creating an attractive tourist and neighboring regions of Poland – Lubelskie and Pod- image of the region or the state, and ultimately contrib- karpackie. ute to their economic growth. Each area or region is It should be noted that the regions have been inhab- characterized by a unique history, culture and traditions. ited by man since ancient times, which means that they This attracts tourists, satisfies their need for knowledge retain the monuments and artifacts from different eras. ________________________ Secondly, at various times the border between the states © Kuzyk S., Lytvyn D., 2017 was not fixed, and Poland and Ukraine were losing their 53 2017 Часопис соціально -економічної географії випуск 23(2) independence for some period of time and it also re- 3. Features of historical and cultural resources sulted in the appearance or disappearance of some his- location. The monuments were recorded as of 2016, torical and cultural sites. By the way, being under the according to the Monuments Registers which in Ukraine control of other countries do not always mean the de- and Poland are maintained by the state organizations for cline of material culture. For example, during the reign the protection of cultural heritage (Rejestr Zabytkόw…, of Franz Joseph II Lviv got entire blocks of the so-called 2017; Wykaz zabytk όw…, 2017). On its basis, a map Viennese buildings, which now creates unique architec- was created (Fig. 1). It is clear that monuments are lo- tural ensemble of the city. Another important feature of cated throughout the border zone, but in Lvivska oblast this area is that at different times, in addition to Ukraini- on and Podkarpackie voivodeship they are visually more ans and Polish, it was inhabited by Jews, Germans and numerous. Thus, Lvivska oblast is taking first place in other nationalities. This contributed to cultural diversity, terms of this indicator (5,407), Podkarpackie voivode- coexistence of different believes and religions, and tradi- ship – the second place (2,973), the third place is taken tions embodied in celebration of the holidays, housing, by Lubelskie voivodeship (1,915) and Volynska oblast clothing decoration, spread of crafts of certain ethnic has slightly fewer monuments (1,505). If we compare groups. Thus, the development of this ancient territory, cities of voivdeship and regional importance, Lviv has rich history and varied national and ethnic composition the undeniable advantage in terms of a number of of the population are the factors that led to the creation monuments (2,404). It is the only city in Ukraine which of unique and diverse monuments, history, archeology, is ahead of all others in this category. Thus, one could folklore, etc. argue that Lviv is the largest historical and cultural cen- 2. Immovable historical and cultural ter not only of this territory. monuments. The area of our study is enough large for If we consider this figure in terms of rayons and tourism investigation, so it is advisable to use a generali- poviats, we can highlight the areas with the biggest and zation method. One of the generalization ways may be smallest number of monuments. The largest by number comparing the number of monuments in rayons and of monuments in the border area is Przemyski poviat poviats as well as cities of oblast and voivodeship impor- (572) of Podkarpackie voivodeship, mainly due to Prze- tance. my śl city, which has more than 350 monuments, the next First of all, we need to give definition of the term largest is Zhovkivskyi and Drohobytskyi rayons of "monument". According to the Law of Ukraine "On Pro- Lvivska oblast (338 and 320 respectively) with historical tection of Cultural Heritage" monument is an object of and cultural centers such as Zholkva and Drohobych. cultural heritage on the State List of Ukraine ( Про зане- Significant in terms of the number of monuments сення об ’єктів …, 2017).; The object of cultural heritage (200 to 300) in the Lvivska oblast is Stryiskyi rayon, in means a landmark, building (creation), complex (ensem- Podkarpackie voivodeship – Kro śnie ński and Jaro- ble), their parts, associated movable objects, as well as sławski poviats with the centers Jarosław and Krosno, territory or water area (objects of underwater and ar- and in Lubelskie voivodeship – Zamojski and Puławski chaeological cultural heritage), other natural, natural- poviats with the cities Zamo ść , Kazimierz Dolny, and-man-made or
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