Los Feliz Ledger Read by 100,000+ Residents and Business Owners in Los Feliz, Silver Lake, Vol 12. No. 1 July 2016 Atwater Village, Echo Park & Hollywood Hills Lawsuit Seeks CD4 Spending Sanctions Over Oversight LaBonge Doc a Work in Dump Progress By Allison B. Cohen By Allison B. Cohen LOS ANGELES—A lawsuit Los Angeles City Coun- filed June 16th in Los Angeles cilmember David Ryu’s first Superior Court against the city action when he took office last regarding the year at this time, was to rescind destruction over $600,000 in last minute of documents discretionary fund transfers by former his predecessor, Tom LaBonge Los Angeles made just before leaving office City Coun- June 30, 2015. c i l m e m b e r The issue of how Coun- Tom La- cil District’s 4 discretionary Bonge related to a Hollywood funds were spent in the final Hills land-use case is asking years of LaBonge’s time in of- for sanctions against the city fice was a major component and states that “LaBonge vio- that fueled Ryu, in part, to lated state laws and [c]ity ordi- beat LaBonge’s former Chief nances by [such] destruction.” of Staff, Carolyn Ramsay in In the 22-page filing, at- the 2015 election for his coun- torneys for Ken and Annette cil seat. York are asking the court to During the 2015 cam- rule, by default, in the Yorks’ paign, Ryu promised more Hancock Park resident and artist Tim Youd stands in his studio with an oversized typewriter sculpture that is part of favor in their litigation as his 100 Novels Project. Youd will be re-typing John Rechy’s Numbers from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fern Dell entrance of transparency regarding how punishment for the destruc- Griffith Park July 6th through July 15th. Read our story at losfelizledger.com. Photo credit: Sheila Lane he would use his discretion- see LABONGE page 6 see SPENDING page 5 Questions Arise Regarding A Pod of One’s Patrons Report Being ‘Roofied’ Reservoir Refill Own at Silver Lake Bar By Kurt Rademaekers and Allison B. Cohen By Belen Cahill By Erin Hickey, Ledger Contributing Writer Ledger Contributing Writer SILVER LAKE—A June tweet In an age when privacy is by stand-up comedian Kate growing ever more obsolete, Berlant was cause for concern Elvina Beck, founder of the for many patrons of Silver “co-living, co-working” space Lake’s Tenants of the Trees, PodShare, said she decided to an 8-month-old cocktail bar, extract that idea and apply it which replaced neighborhood to a communal living situa- gay bar MJ’s on Hyperion Av- tion—a concept that she will enue. soon bring to Los Feliz. “ATTN WOMEN OF PodShare, a company LA,” read the tweet, which Beck said she created to ease was retweeted more than The Silver Lake Reservoir in 2012. Photo: Michael Locke. loneliness and promote symbi- 2,400 times. “I know of at osis, opened its first location in least 7 women who have been SILVER LAKE—The former members have expressed con- Hollywood in 2013. In April, roofied at Tenants of the Trees Silver Lake Reservoir is still cern that the scheduled Janu- Beck opened a second loca- in Silver [L]ake. BE VIGI- empty since it was drained last ary 2017 refill of the lake tion in Downtown Los Ange- L ANT.” added to their drinks without summer to enable construc- might be inappropriate after les’ Arts District, and plans to Berlant’s tweet came on their knowledge—at Holly- tion of a pipeline through it, years of drought, or will most open her third PodShare this the heels of several other social wood bars, including the Par- which will replace the water likely be delayed because the summer in Los Feliz. media reports of women be- lor and the Abbey. supply now that the reservoir Los Angeles Dept. of Water According to PodShare ing “roofied”—or unwittingly One former Tenants of the has been decommissioned. and Power (LADWP) has not Chief Operating Officer Kera dosed with a “date rape drug” Trees employee, who asked to But some community see RESERVOIR page 6 see PODSHARE page 16 such as Rohypnol or GHB see TENANTS page 7 Community News: Community News: Community News: Restaurant Review: Just in time Theater Review: RVs may bring parking restrictions Controversial tower-top Scientol- City to reinstate speed hump for summer, an abundance of new Free Shakespeare returns to Griffith to Silver Lake Reservoir, page 4 ogy sign quietly erected, page 4 program stopped in 2009, page 4 ice cream shops, page 8 Park, page 22 Los Feliz Ledger [LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER] Illogical City Hump Policy & Metro’s Confus- ing Red Line Stops FOUNDED 2005 Available at these locations: Delivered the last Thursday of Atwater Library each month to 34,500 homes and I’m relieved populated [Avocado Street] Champs-Elysee and Bastille, 3379 Glendale Blvd. businesses in the Los Feliz, the city will at over 60-miles-per hour. In for example, in Paris. Bruce Q’s Barbershop & Salon be restart- other words,” the letter said, I believe our local Ver- Silver Lake, Atwater Village, 3013 W. Los Feliz Blvd. Echo Park and Hollywood Hills ing its speed hump program. “these cars are flying.” mont/Sunset stop should be Casita del Campo communities. 1920 Hyperion Ave Those are the bumps on resi- That study was never renamed Los Feliz or at the Citibank dential streets meant to slow done. very least Barnsdall Park. 1933 Hillhurst Ave. 1965 Hillhurst Avenue down speeding drivers. A LFNC boardmember The recently formed East Los Angeles, CA 90027 Courtney + Kurt Real Estate (323) 741-0019 3167 Glendale Blvd. I was a little bit confused brought up the issue again Hollywood Visitors Associa- Dresden Restaurant though when I learned in or- with city officials in 2013 and tion, which I chair, is looking PUBLISHER/EDITOR 1760 N. Vermont Avenue der to have your street qualify was told the city could not do into what’s called a “Metro Allison B. Cohen House of Pies 1869 N. Vermont for the humps, a minimum of anything about the street say- Naming Convention,” to see ASSISTANT EDITOR Los Feliz Public Library Sheila Lane 1,000 cars must be recorded as ing “unless there is a safety is- what it takes to request such a 1874 Hillhurst Avenue driving on the street daily. sue, we don’t do anything.” name change. EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Los Feliz 3 Theaters I sort of scratched my There is a safety issue. Naming the stations the Erin Hickey 1822 N. Vermont ADVERTISING SALES Muddy Paws Coffee head about this. Seems to me, It’s time to once again re- way Metro has is a missed 3320 Sunset Blvd. Libby Butler-Gluck lesser-traveled streets are the visit the Avocado issue. There’s opportunity to brand neigh- Newsstand 323-644-5536 very ones drivers can, and do, no way the street will regis- borhoods, such as East Hol- Vermont and Melbourne [email protected] Palermo speed on the most. They speed ter 1,000 cars a day for speed lywood or Los Feliz. And if GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT 1858 N. Vermont on them because they can. humps. But, how about a no I am confused by the current Tiffany Sims Silver Lake Chamber of Commerce One such street is Avoca- right turn from Hillhurst dur- names—which Vermont stop 1724 W. Silver Lake Drive For more stories Skylight Books do in Los Feliz. The tiny road ing rush hour? That’ll stop the is this?—imagine how a tour- 1818 N. Vermont is a half block south of Los cut-through and the speeders. ist might feel. and updates: The Village Bakery and Café Feliz Boulevard. When the If you agree, write Los LosFelizLedger.com 3119 Los Feliz Blvd. Ledger offices were on Avoca- Angeles City Councilmember do, I witnessed many danger- David Ryu an email at cd4. Corrections & ous speeders and near-misses [email protected] urging his as drivers—speeding north- action. And while you’re at it, Amplifications bound from Hillhurst Avenue tell David the whole 1,000 a In our June 2015 article, “Sign by the way—used Avocado as day car thing is completely il- Revenues Can’t Help Tourism OD • ART • MUSIC a handy and fast cut-through logical. Woes,” we indicated that FO to avoid rush hour traffic on On another topic, I have Chris Baumgart, chairman Los Feliz Boulevard. recently started taking the of the Hollywood Sign Trust, In 2011, the Los Fe- Metro Red Line to the Ledger said that the trust contracts liz Neighborhood Council offices on Hillhurst each day. out the Hollywood Sign’s requested then Los Angeles Admittedly, I have a tiny bit licensing to a public relations City Councilmember Tom of dyslexia, but that, and other firm. In fact, the trust is not Daily LaBonge conduct a traffic Metro lines, are confusing as responsible for Hollywood Happy Hour study of the Avocado Street many stations are named by Sign licensing. Instead, the Hollywood Chamber of 3pm-7pm and Hillhurst Avenue inter- streets, such as Vermont/Bev- Commerce manages licensing section, indicating in a let- erly, Vermont/Santa Monica, and contracts it out to a ter, written by then president Vermont/Sunset, rather than brand licensing firm. We Ron Ostrow, “that cars have neighborhoods. Think of regret the error. been observed to traverse this other locations you’ve visited narrow, family-with-children and their metro stops: Opera, Gorgeous 20% Off* with this Ad Garden Patio A SILVER LAKE CLASSIC SINCE 1962 St.
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