.„••- •• •:• ' '"•'!•.: ,«j-»-^- <•»• SIJTETEENTK. THK WKA , -*• )• 17»4 — Riehard Heary Lee. president Pair and warmer tonight; Sunday ! at on* time of Congress and the fair. • first t©> Introduce resolutions for Max.. 7«; mln.. 4). independence, died: born. 1732. THE PRESS. PLAIXFUXD, NEW JTERSET, SATURDAY, JUNK 1», Two Grata a Copy 98 a Ysaw. JUST FOR FUN. Charles H. Hand Files Caveat Two Shakespeaxan Plays Pro- Against Probate of Miss duced on St. Mary'* Col-* Holton's Will. lege Campus. : TKHTAMEVT XOT KILKI> VKT. Capacity Audience Applauds OVER .%OOO IX AIIUKJWK. Fashionable Throng Witnes Contr»:ant Will Attempt to Prove Best Amateur Minstrel Haperb Cast Roanrilr Apftiaaded— as Judges' Work at First That Mhji HoNon Uu Show Ever Given List of Patroa- Annual Bench | I'BMOund Men- For the I'-! - tally. Here. Affair. | Show. i I ("V Seeking to obtain a portion of her The Ben Great Players presented estate, Charles H. Hand, of this TO BK KKI'KATKIl TONIGHT. S1aak_*>p«are's "Taming of the PLAIN'KIKLIIHRK FAR£ city, yesterday filed a caveat in the ShreW." to a large and fashionable j office of Surrogate W. G. DeMond audience at the open air theatre: on j at Somerville against the admission The new Plainfle'd theatre had Mount Saint Mary's college campus of Miss Mary E. Holton's will to yesterday afternoon which was ver> probate. Miss Holton died a week its capacity tested last nig*>t when The Plainfield Kennel club opeft- it att mined to hold the crowd that favorably received. • ed lu first bench show tbU moraina; ago at her home on Du r street leav- It was a first-class performance „ . ing an estate valued at $23,000. wan'ed to be accomoduted with with aa record-breakinrworu g a:tendance in every respect, the company bejng and undpr ,„„ mogt favorable ana- which she directed by her will dis- j a unit In the characterization of the j tributed among charities and some j pices. It in estimated that this parts. It has been said that Ihe show fturpaases any other beach j fifteen relatives living in Newark, j company played no stars ;ihat It, 1.4 | Bayonne, Hobok n and other places. I show ever held with the possible ex- j a company of artists withou; special ceptions of the Chestnut Hill club Mr. Hand in his caveat states that j j Individuality. However thU may as a blood relative he is entitled U> show at Boston and the Wlssabick- I be, the audience yesterday was In- on club at Philadelphia. There are one-fourth of the estate and alleges clined to say that it was a company | that in his belief Miss Holton was nearly a thousand entries and thera of s'ars who came and saw and con- are a large number of cup* and oth- I of unsound mind at the time she quered. I executed the will. He further al- er prizes to be awarded in addltioa j Miss Keith Wakeman. as Kath4>r- to th.- ribbons. j leges that when her father died he j ina, who was an understudy to Ellen left her an estate amounting to j Terry, seemed to have been imbU'd Among the club* offering $80,000. This, according to Mr. ! with all of that famous actrgss' cups or money prizes ur;- The Hand, was Increased to $150,000 by land brought ;he audience to It* Plainfleld Kennel club. Toy Span- shrewd Investments, but before h r feet at the conclusion of the Pt«: iel club or America. St. Louis i death she had disposed of the bulk I scene with P truchlo. ; I-ad I en' Kennel club. Valley Fair of it by contributions to missionary { Another young woman. Mi*s Mllll- Kennal -club, of Brattl-boro, Vt.; purposes in the Baptist church. cent Evison. as a servant to Luc#n- Russian Wolfhound club, Scottish., Deerhound club of America. Th* Winfleld Scott Angleman, Mr. Thomas M. Muir. lio, won the admiration of the and I Hand's lawyer said today that h • ence by her correct interpretation English Deerhound club. Long will attempt to prove /hat Mis? seaty at the strand testimonial ten- and lively use of a comparatively Island Kennel club, Po'n'er club of dered by his friends to the America, American Spaniel club, the Holton was of unsound inind and >ort small part". Frank McEnte \ the that the gifts to charity during h r popular young trei er. "Tom" Petruchio. was splendidlv brutal. Collie club of America. Manbattaa lifetime were void on that account Muir Breathing space was about while his servant Grumlo. (John S. Collie club, of NVw York: the Dal and must be returned. all that was left when 'he curtain O'Brien), was exceptionally bril-!matlan club of America. Airedale An august City Father, of most imposing miea went up on the firs; chorus. but Mrs. James K. Arnold, another liant. I Terrier club of America, Stango Ken- About to drive six hundred yards upon the putting green. when Judge Kunyon announced that Mr. O'Brien met with an unforvii-1 nels, Boston Terrier club. Irish club local relative, has also employed $1,094.75 bad been received for the counsel to contest the will and it Is nate accident In the third act, when of America. Scottish Terrier club ot He also drives the license crowd, for all are 'neath his sway, first night's effort, the cheering rap- America. Walsh Terrier club of expected that a caveat will be filed idly consumed the oxyg n that was he cut his hand severely on broksn And in his hands the hoi poiloi are naught but simple clay. for ,her early next week. She claims glass on the stage in his enoourter America. Wissahlckon. Kennel club, j one-fourth of the estate. left and the audience sought the with the ferocious Katharina. ThJ.- of Philadelphia; Japanese Spaniel i The will In question was drawn outer air. mishap did not feaze the actors who club and the American Pommeran- in. April by Miss Holton's lawyer, It was a stirring sren», that last proceeded with the play as though lan club. Reuben Xnox. J. Herbert Case, A hundred and fifty men nothing unusual had happened. The local entries Include neverat secretary and treasurer of the cheering like mad. :i man in the All the characters were cleverlv who have never befor- exhibited Plainfleld Trust Company, and John center of the stase wreathed In portrayed and heartily applauded their doK» In a sin* and prizes hava Holton, are named as executors. smiles, and a big floral horse-shoe, An orchestra rendered appropriate been several Plainfleld fanciers. Reed & Coddington, who represent several bouquets and the back- music between the ar^s. Many special prizes have been offer- the executors have not as yer of- ground of red, whlt» and. liliie, made The performance of "A Midsum- ed by local people which Include sev- fered the instrument for probate. a picture that will be remembered mer Night's Dream." was even mote eral cups and sums of money. Of for many a day. largely attended than the after- The judging began at a little af- HIS Th-' audience was a sympathetic ter 10 this morning and appended noon's splendid entertainment hav- one and indulged itself to the limit ing an audience estimated at nearly are the awards up to the hour of go- Bronze Charter Day Souvenirs S. A. Knopf and S. P. in the matter or applause, and it 1,500 people. The sudden cold ing to press: w won may be said right here that the ap- snap did not affect the region of the These were the ribbon-winners In Bear Tier's Lake If "Flo," the Boston bull-dog be- Goodhart Speak at Wct- piause bestowed was fairly earned hills, and the temperature was ah the judging this morning: : Scene. "~* longing to Lines Groo, of West Sec- chung Crest. ! The jokes wr-re good, the instrumen- Ideal one. St. Bernards—Puppy dogs. First, ond street, had been on exhibition GATHER IN II COIN tal and vocal music all that could The performance Itself was wetl President Taft. Mrs. C. W. McCutch- at the dog show today, she would | be desired and the stage arrange- nigh perfect and brought forth en: second. Buster Brown. Mrs. C. Fl'NI) GROWS TO $«,570. have been carded as "dangerous," IOTHERS MARK AI>I>KKSSK.N. if anybody escaped b-ing tagged ments magnificent. tumultuous applause, every actor lfi W. McCutchen. and would have been given a wide ioday i; was because he was shut The drop wen: up ;is the chorus ten cast betng rewarded for his ef- Novice Dogs—First, Boxer, Chaa. up in the house or in some other sang ""In th • Evening by tne Moon- H. Lyman. ( Ofleials FWtKig Athletic Mwt An- berth by at least a dozen people who l»r. Rirhard MolOonkc, J. I>. I»rz- forts. live in the vicinity of Mr. Groo's place where the taggers could not light," af"er the orchestra had play- No better interpretation of Limit, dogs—First. Watchung Leo, aoanced and Prizes For the home. These people were at police eaux and I>r. Coszmaiui reach them. The tag merchants were ed a medley of patriotic airs. As Shakespeare's idyl has ever beea Willowmere Kennels: second. White ubiquitous and the way the coin.- tfle curtain ascended, revealing the given in these parts. The financial Star Beauty, Mrs. Anna Kahn Hy- Events Are On court this morning, and told how rattled into the little pasteboard "Flo" and heTf family of three pup- Talk—A Fairy seried banks of red.
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