Voters reject Prop. 9, page 2 ■ O ’Conneii keeps Senate seat, page 2 ■ Complete election results, page 3 r \ —, \/o; Wednesday High 69’ Low 48’ Mustang D aily November 4,1998 CALIFORNIA P O L Y T E C H N I C S T A T E ■' U N ‘ l V 'E Ri "S T ’ Y ' S A N i Davis beats Lungren, takes GOP seat LOS ANOFLHS (AP) - (V;iv ney, .ind let me tell you, it doesn’t ^^et aiivl a decent person, .iiul 1 know you we all work together to make this IXivis was cicctcsl C'alitornia ^over- .my better th.in this." wished the best tor this state.” state all that it can be.” intr TuesJay, Jrivinf; Republicans 1 le pledged to make educ.ition his Lurif’ren, the state attorney ttener- An exit poll based on interviews Iroin the oftice they liave held since No. 1 priority by “ch.illentiiny ortho­ al, conttratulated Davis and called the with voters as they lett precincts Davis’ tormer boss, I \ ‘mocratic Gov. doxy" and promised racial harmony Denuicrat’s victory “a tremendous across the state said Davis picked up jerry Brown, left nearly 16 years ayo. in this diverse state, declaring; “The achievement” more than enoujih support to heat Davis, considered the lontj'shor era ot divisive wedye issues is over “I would just like to wish him well Lunj,'ren. Democrat earlier this year, beamed once and tor all." and wish this state well over the next With 62 percent ot precincts durintj a victory speech in downtown Ot OOP opponent Dan Lunt’ren tour years, and hope that evervbody reporting, Davis had 2,665,820 votes, Los An^jeles and told ecstatic sup­ he said, “We dis-i^reed on many understands that as parti.san as poli­ or 57 percent, to Lunj^ren’s 1,816,610 GRAY DAVIS: DAN LUNGREN: porters: “This has been a lony jour­ issues, but you are a worthy opponent. tics may be, it is more important that votes, or 59 percent. Democrat. Republican. t Settle will ‘m continue as SLO mayor Jan Marx, John Ewan take WAITING FOR seats on SLO City Council THE FINAL COUNT: By Kristin Dohse Mustang Daily One of former State Assembly- With only the final absentee bal­ man Tom T<' lots left to be counted, incumbent Bordonaro's San Luis CTbi^po Mayor .Allen Settle supporters capturcxl 74.2 percent of the votes to offers encourag- ment as keep his se.it. Bordonaro waits “I’m not surprised, but 1 don’t ! ■ for election make assumptions m any election,” JAN MARX: results in a close Settle said. “1 run like I h.ive a maj«ir Councilwoman. race against challenge everv time." incumbent This time the i.h.illenizer w.is P.iul Congresswoman D.ihan, who received 25.4 percent of Lois Capps. the votes. Settle looks forward to settine: Colin MeVey/ election ni^ht settled and embarkinj: Mustang Daily on his next term. “1 anticipate wins tor Caty C'ouncil candidates John Ewan .ind |.m Vlarx Capps holds edge over Bordonaro .ind liHik forward tojoinintj them on the council,” Settle slid. “I’m kxikinj: for­ Results trom By Trisha Thorn It' f ward to our first full-day work session.” JOHN EWAN: Mustang Daily Santa Barbara Boxer defeats treasurer Ewan and Marx are leadinji the Councilman. were not nice to fill the two seats lett empty by With 128 ot 528 precincts report exjx'cted to be IXxlie Williams and Bill Roalm.in. my. Democratic candidate Lois Fong in U.S. Senate race available until With all of the precincts reportinn, Ewan was leadinj: with LC\S ANGELES (AP) — Barbara Boxer C^ajips was holdinj» a slij^jlit lead over early morninj:. 55.7 percent of the votes and Marx was securely captiirinj: defeated Republican challenger Matt Fony tor Republican Tom Bordonaro in the “1 want to the sectind seat with 54.5 percent. Tlie remaining’ 29.6 per­ race for U.S. representative. recognize also the U.S. Senate Tuesday, capping a roller­ cent of the votes went to their opjxment, Marc Brazil. Capps had accumulated 50.2 per­ that our first coaster re-election campaij»n in which the liber­ The race for mayor wasn’t nearly as close, and Settle cent ot the votes, and Bordonaro LOIS CAPPS: results are al l\m ocrat succes.sfully painted Fonjj as t(x> thinks the clarity of his campaijjn was the reason. had 48.1 percent. Will finish term. because of the conservative for California’s mainstream elec­ “1 have name recojinition, clear policy objectives, more “Fn>m the bottom of my heart, votes in San torate. experience and I didn’t suyjjest that 1 had secrets 1 didn’t thank you very much each one of Luis Obispo County,” f'apps said. [5oxer, an outspoken feminist and Calitornia’s want people to know about," the mayor said. you who voted," Capps said. “Let’s Fifteen-year-old Michael Ortiz, a ranking liberal, decisively outpolled Fonq Dahan said Settle had a substantial edye in the race. member of Kids tor Capps, said not let the cynicism take hold. Let’s amonj: mixlerates, accordiny to exit polls. “Fie had the advantajje of beinj» the incumbent and (2apps should be re-elected. stay involved in politics.” She was strongly supfxirted by women, (ir^anized havinj; experience in running in an election before,” “1 thought that Lois was the per- Dahan said. “He’s a ycxid speaker. He’s a man of speech, I'Hie to computer difticulties m ■son that would brinj» us into the laKir, African-Americans and Latinos. IVixer and that’s all.” Santa Barbara County, ballots trom 21st century,” CTrtiz said. Fonj: were splitrinj’ the Asian-American vote. S.m Luis L^bispo were the only results IXihan said he was grateful for the 25.4 percent of the that were released by press time. see CAPPS, page 2 see MAYOR, page 2 2 Wednesday, November 4,1998 Mustang Daily fonr “ — Federal Offices Capturing student votes Voters say ■ Bold names and darkened squares indicate candidate with most votes. U.S. Senator i # no to Prop. 9 21,844 of 24,069 precincts reporting J Ophie C. Beltran 39,946 Californians fail to switch on J Ted Brown 76,771 electricity measure at the polls ■ Barbara Boxer 3,605,176 4.. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Vt)ters rcjcctcJ Propo.sirion J Matt Fong 2,855,514 9, the measure desi^ined to hlock Im},', investor-owned util­ ities from collectintj $28 hill ion from their customers to J Timothy R. Erich 66,546 pay the cost of nuclear power plants and other unprot­ J Brian M. Rees 37,790 it able ventures. The proposition hacked by several major consumer J H. Joseph Perrin Sr. 44,495 advocacy groups trailed with just 27 percent or 847,928 votes tor the measure and 7i percent or 2,285,804 votes I VOTED: opposinj» it, with 45 percent ot precincts reportinjj. U.S. Representative Physics The initiative sou(iht to tiirce the utilities and tlieir sophomore shareholders tt) hear the costs ot investments in nuclear 128 of 528 precincts reporting Adrienne power, alternative energy sources and costly lon^-term J Richard D. Porter 429 Battle casts purchase contracts that were made betöre the state dereg­ her votes ulated its electricity inditstry. ■ Lois Capps 35,670 Tuesday The contest was watched closely in other states consid­ J Robert Bakhaus 830 in the ering enerity derejiularion plans. University The No on 9 catnpai^n, hacked by lartje utilities, spent JT om J.Bordonaro 34,178 Union. For about $40 million to deteat the measure. Supporters raised the first about $1.5 million, tix) little to advertise their message on time in television or radio or in newspapers. 16 years, Californians “What this deteat says is the utility companies hounht SLO County elected a the election,” said Harvey Rosenfield, co-author ot the Democratic proposition. \ governor “We knew when we into this that it was ^oinji to he ■ Bold names and darkened squares — Gray an uphill battle, that the utility companies would spend indicate candidate with most votes. Davis. whatever it t(X)k to deteat us, that the entire political Sheriff-Coroner 3 ^ establishment would come out ajiainst us,” he said. Steve California’s three bi^yest investor-ow'ned utilities, Schueneman/ 128 of 128 precincts reporting Mustang Sixithem California Edison, Pacific Gas ¿k Electric and J James M. Gardiner 31,683 Daily Sempra Energy, pjiri-nt ot San Hie^o Gas tSi Electric, tofieth- er donated more than $50 million to ti^ht the measure. ■ J. Patrick Hedges 34,053 Supervisor, 2nd District O’Connell keeps his Senate seat for 2000 22 of 22 precincts reporting J Cathy Novak 6,652 By Louise Attard “I’m thrilled. It’s t.ir exceeded mir Mustang Daily expectatiiins,” O’Cxmnell said. ■ Shirley Bianchi 7,756 Teira Getty, a field representative IVmixrat jack O’Cxmnell held a for the O’Connell campaign and commandini: lead in the 18th Senate |X)litical science graduate trom Cal Supervisor, 4th District District race alter 204 ot 712 Poly, was contident ot a win tor precincts had K'en reported. 27 of 27 precincts reporting O’Connell. “Pm happy (to win) with just 50 “He’s worked so hard tor years. I’ve ■ K. H."Katcho" Achadjian 7,765 percent plus one,” O’Cixanell said % never met anyone who’s worked st) betöre any ot the votes had been tal­ % J Orrin G.
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