TUU DTI TPT T?nrTr TV A TT XT" nm PDTTk 4 V TTTT V O --I m A BAD INNING HANIPS BARELY Sporting News MISSED SHUTOUT EXPENSIVE Home Run in Ninth at Newport Scored Don't Look m Fruit for , Everybody Two Polar Eears Had Merry-Feast- Circling Bases 11 Times. for Twin State League (Hpeeial to The Reformer.) Premiums il NKWl'ORT, N. H., July 3. We Have on Hand for Luck with Greenfield While Tho Polar Hears continued tlieir STANDING heavy Litti njr yestvivlny and batteil 'TrHE cost of the a Good Assortment Won Lost Pet. Brattleboro Fielded two Northaniiiton t vvirlers liard. scor choice Turkish Saturday ing 11 runs. With Haliington on first of Choice Fruits Newport 6 2 750 Very Poorly Torniev iliove the hull into th river and domestic tobaccos il Keene 4 3 571 for a liorne run in t lie ninth, prevent-ini- r in Camel Cigarettes a flint out. Morgan, who is Ma- - prohibits the use of m 4 4 500 i t h e-- I BRATTLEBORO ;aii or Cornell, another liu. or BY uame an. I until th ninth was nev;r premiums coupons. Bellows Falls 4 4 500 HOMER ANDREWS da of be scored on. tiger ing Here's a of Ice Cream and Soda Greenfield 3 5 375 SAVED SHUTOUT Newport, at. r. h po. a. e. cigarette 1 1 flavor that 2 5 286 O'Mara, rf, 0 0 0 exquisite Northampton Crowther. ss. 3 2 1 1 doesn't leave that We Have the Finest Ice Cream and Soda in Brickley, If, 2 1 0 0 cigaretty taste and Volk, lb, 1 12 0 0 m r H can't bite Town CLUB STANDING. Lifted Ball Over Left Field Fenc- e- Keeney, 3b, 4 0 0 simply your Six Errors Charged Against Island Gleason, 2b, 3 2 4 0 IO Qonts tongue nor parch your 4 1 2 0 0 American League. Out- - Johnson, cf, throat. Isn't that just ers Greenfield Was Outhit and 5 2 G 1 0 Our Ice Cream Parlor is Won. Lost. T.W. Wright, Ifyour dealer can't supply you, what after? REMEMBER Always - Morgan, 4 1 0 4 0 send IOc for one or you're o(. 2S pitched. package 1'hila.lelplna .582 $1.00 for a ca rton often pack- 'iO 31 Sold all the Cool and Comfortable Uotroit .5!: (Special to The Reformer.) 30 11 10 15 1 age (200 cigarette) . postage along 31 ..j.'!7 Total, prepaid. After smoking 1 line, 20 for 10c. m Washington .:( Mass., I ! GREENFIELD, July a h. a. e. package, if you don't find I'.ostou 31 .573 A here Northampton, po. very bad inning yesterday 1 0! CAMELS a represented, re- R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. fct. Louis 37 32 .536 cost a score Rabington, 2b 4 turn the other 9 and Brattleboro the game by 1 1 package; Miicago i'4 33 .507 of 5 to 1. Ralston pitched far bet Torrnev, cf. 0 we will refund your money. Winstoo-Sale- N. C New Vrk 2.". 40 .305 ter ball than did Turnure. but Green White, ss, 0 0 1 1 Chv.'km.l 24 43 .35S field was covered with horseshoes and Conroy, rf, 1 1 0 0 1 11 0 m ELBERT SIMONS the Islanders had a bad day in the Carolan, lb. National League. field. in the first Connelly, '.'At, 0 () 1 Andrews turned o 1 Won. Lost. P.W. home run of the season here when he Eastman, If. 0 0 The New York 37 24 .(I7 over field fence McDonald, c, 0 4 0 0 Specialty Shop lifted the ball theleft 1 I'hicaga 37 31 .544 in the seventh. Sullivan, p. 0 J 0 Louis 3.5 34 .5u7 ilatnnierselv, 0 1 0 o 107 Where the Car St. Kattery singled with Swasey on Main Street Right Stops t'nii'innati 33 34 .493 in the first inning. Swasey scoring. Philadelphia. 30 31 .4H2 Crowther lifted a nice one to center Totals, 24 12 Pittsburg 30 32 .4S4 and Blakeley muffed it. Donnelly was Innings, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Brooklyn 28 33 .45!) then safe on a fielder's choice and Newport, 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 4 x-- 0 -- 11 Poston 20 37 .4 13 Titzpatrick followed likewise when Northampton. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2- - Leonard erred. Rafterv was nailed Total bases, 10, Northann 1 American Games Newport V' , - League Today. home. Partenheimer was hit, - - mri Mi itmfntii'lr tl i it ' stealing ton 10. Sacrifice Carolan. Stolen P.oston at Crowther. Walker was safe hit, Washington. scoring bases, Brickley, Wright, McDonald. New Yori at Philadelphia. on Johnston's error, while Donnelly Two base Louis at and Fitznatrick but. he was out hits, Brickley, Keeney, St. rhicago. scored, Three-bas- e Crowther. Home run. Cleveland at second on Delanev's throw hit, FOR THE COMING WEEK at iVtroit. Tonney. Hits, off Sullivan 2 in 3 in- Greenfield scored again in the sixth. off 14 in 0 doubled and before nings, Hainmersley inning's. Donnelly scored First base on 2, Crow- National League Games Today. the three batters were thrown out at balls, O'Mara VVc Shall Make Low Prices on Prooklyn at Bosti ii. first. The score: ther, Johnson, Morgan, Babington. Philadelpliia at N.-- York. Conroy, Connelly 2, McDonald, Wright, at Greenfield. ab. r. h. e. Tonney, Eastman, Sullivan. Left on a Few Hot Wcailter Goods Chicago I'ittslturg. 3 1 0 1 i mi n ii a t i at St. Louis. Swasey, cf, bases. Yolk, O'Mara. Crowther, Brick- Uaftery, ss, t 0 1 1 ley, Glea.son, Morgan. Struck out bv , 4 1 0 SUCH AS YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Goodridge-- lb, 0 Morgau, Babington, Tonney, White 2, TO BE HELD ON THE 1 Crowther, 2b, 4 1 0 Hainmersley; by Sullivan, O'Mara; Donnelh', rf, 4 2 1 0 (I 2. Double 1 American League by Hainmersley, Morgan Fitzpatiick, If, 3. 1 0 0 0 a me : plays, .Morgan, Gleason and olk; At Philadelphia, lnt 3b, 1 O (I 1 0 1 Patcnheinier, Keeney, Gleason and Yolk: 7 lit .". Conncllv, Ice Wafer noston, Walker, c. 0 O I) 0 Valley Fair Grounds, Brattleboro Jars 1 :; and Carolan. Wild h. , o 3 iabiugton pit Philadelphia Turnure, p, 3 0 0 1 5 0 I liininierslev. 2h 10m. Leonard. lledi.Mit, C llins and Caiii-in- d Time, I'ninire. assidv. Attendance. 000. Ice Cream Freezers gan; Shawkcy, Brown S hang. Totals, 2!) 5 3 27 13 SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1914 At second Brattleboro, ab. r. h. po. a. e. Philadelphia, game. 3 0 2 3 0 I Twin State Notes. Boston, 7 11 1 Blaklev, cf, 4 0 1 10 1 1 A lot of Philadelphia. 1 3 1 Leonard, lb, people claim that their Bottles Counibe Delaney, 3b, 4 0 0 0 3 0 knocking before the first aame started Thermos ami Carriga::; Pennok, ' Dressier and Devine', b. 3 0 1 3 3 0 ulted in Brattleboro getting a real and in cases) Sihang. ss, 4 0 2 1 3 3 team So far as The Keform- - Ho (Singly Johnston, " together. The rses for the 3 Races At Washington: Dike, rf, 4 ( 0 1 0 0 r is concerned thev mav have the New York, 0 12 0 Andrews. If, 4 0 0 red it. 114 1 These goods are shown in our window. , Washington, MeAloon, c. 4 0 0 2 0 "It may be I'm no third baseman," Are Here and Ready to Start Caldwell and Nmiatnakor;101Benflev, Kalston, p. 4 0 2 0 2 1 aid ( apt. Dclanev yesterday in dis- - Williams. Note and compare the prices at which these goods Harper and Henry, ussing the game at Bellows Falls in The 2.17 Pace promises to be one of the best track events At Detroit: Totals. 34 1 24 13 0 which he was suddenly called uooii to are marked. I (". lay the hot corner, "but had 'em ever seen on the fair Detroit, . v 4 10 Timings, 1 2 3 4 7 S !) grounds 1 luffed so that thev only knocked two 1.' 4 !) ' 4 0 (i 0 0 1 0 0 x 5 We shall sell at these .only Lhe quantities eland, Greenfield'.' it mc and 1 both of 1hMiV. " .prices got nt Dauss and McKoe; Bowman, Brattleboro, 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 The street railroad will ran cars to the grounds at the regular tare shown. Therefore, first come first served. and O 'Neil!. 01 In Sunday's New York Sun theretnp-eare- d Stolen lases, Swasey, Donnelly, Par an article on a blind man who tenheimer, Delaney 2. Two- - base hit, ittends all the e games of the National League. Donnelly. Home run, Andrews. First Giants. Although blind he can tell ev At Brooklyn: base, on balls, Partenheimer, Devine, ery play that is made, but is shy on Series of ATHLETIC EUETS wi! Brooklyn, 7 12 1 Blakeley. Left on bases, Brattleboro balls and strikes. Now, don't encour- - New York, ' 2 . 7 4 0, Greenfield 1. Struck out, Rafterv, tge Cassidv bv showing him this. ohMns & Cowles PfetlYr and McCaity; Marquard, Kalston, Dilw, Leonard.. Batter hit, BelloWs Falls Times. Take Place Between the Heats Wiltse and Meyers, McLea Partenheimer. Double Crowther Greenfield merchants want the time 5C8 plavs, Telephone llardwaremen At to Gxidridge; Rafterv to Goodridge for starting the games in that town Chicago: from 3.30 to 3 o'clock.
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