ONE H. P. V STBA! •• • «^ •• * •• * • •• • » ' » M«ring Pietare F Want Ad Rates engine reb*tU. Te»aiated ^nd in gpi • I hgve the Bargianji ,Mid ®rop* 4 JOS'B GfayAfrac"ol erty.you will buy.- - . / 4 * Oents * Void t Dir. ,i'. TOR.NI8HM> TWO ROOK FXAT. Mtnimum: oh&rge is I« cente per da* ' 'AVC.' - R. : > • o« 3rd St* •(.•••.• ?_or.mt,r« days. Minimum charge • . fee&ratofA, •' • •' If; <••'» * 26 cents.Use 8 words or • AttMtftj; m m ASteiiKAr ^RNISHED ROOMS AND BATH. <21 rf^ ? KSF* tfcjWt your money's worth. By '* • * •* IAIWi * * Kf wOTifaf'.! o» 4th St# 1month, 12.00' ]M( 1(M Of no ; And gartiie. iot 1W-1«,,' 1 &*nge tn ad). Minimum ehatge $4.00. • J '-North 4th, St,--,-., 'WW w,. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RSBW —li|/ A BAROAIN.' CAitt 4 .• ThMe ratM entitle you to publication |h# ttWfty. One 30x« i««shef; for. iPrlmary grades. $28»»—7-poom, housed' North ,.Ith ^ Chestnut. ...v J" *°th tti* morniBiut (vtBUit edl- * • ,st,' :wnl- tako in* car-part-.'.'-.•- . UOU , .J . Jene.jttrfctor, one 42x70 Ml; <?ei-tBI<i£te. One teacher for .gfcyment . ~Adt*noM grades - with qu&nnoa- 0 flrromiUL'ROM. ''SMiSs uions .fOT loth yr. 'wotto A ,*v ^ASP^RRVF - avcAtsom cnttu. iCV >. Writ* stating salary, quallflca- CLOSING HOURS—Want Ad form* R. Ki' WJJ. a. -.•v \ ' Uons aSj^T toufticaimu6ic«j ability,abjfit to . • $4006**-4-room hdusei lot'<0^140, * T > d«8IR®?_CIJ1RICAL. , close every morning at 11:1# far the '* ..... University Ave. ""V-* WjAL^BR GARDNOR evening" edl lion, and < o'clock every FOR. RIG,- • ONE 4 14400—-6-room, all modern house * 0.1° jP'Mg- -x, irenlK fer the morning edition ex-' 30- _-r KeroMne tractor; • * -f Clerk of Diet No.- 4, ifR ' « EIJ^-jv7W gorage, NMIT 8th lt.v : eept Btnrdar fben forma close at 37-60 :money maker LeroJr. No. DaJj. $4S00-r-6-room, ajl modettt houm * TWO ^BXPBRUBNOSD L*0t COOXg 1 iaker separator.:. Gu&f- -C\- s • p. ro. for Sunday tnorafag edition. Write Mike • •'-* £•/; ^?4th>good b»m ond gArMre, * freahlng. TELEPHONE WAlJ* ADS—Want rxmrn*® D. Route.(1: m% Jrti-.ii.! i>V Address, 848 Herald, Ads are received by phone, but are •' $B»TO^8-#OO«, all modern house, « —- - • • '• payable the same day as received WRDgON TRACTOR AKD OLIVER MAN OR WOMAN WANTED—SALARY lot 60-140, Cheyenne Ave. STBNOGOGRAPHBR DBS IRKS kier:« and collection will' be made at your gang plow for. sale. TTsOd one season. $88 full time, .76c an hour spare time, $6000—10-room, all modern-house, tlon. school graduate. homo or -office as soon as Is con­ Good as new. 9560. General Motor selling gtibranteed hosiery to wearer.- hardwood floors through- • 886 Her«fdh "Ch venient for the collector to eall. Service CoH S. 4tb SU. Grand Forks, ratperience unnecessary, international ( throughout, lot 60-140, will ' This Is accommodation MitlM HM N..D, Hosiery Mim. Norrl ato#n, Pa. ; - " > take In smaller house on *: PAINTING payment should be mads promptly - • . V trade. • contract Many when the bill la presented. FOR SALtt — FORDSON TRACTOR BKLB—MALE other houses, buildings, • ——14 Qttf OF TOWN ORDER* must to au with equipment Has plowed only 80 building lots and everything in P*jnting._ Calclmlning, n il acres, Good as new. Complete out­ city property. I also, have s«r- - Plastering do— reasonable. Jwt accompanied by the cash. '• e'* e * e • •-* e cat the ptdtutv on aig four aides. Please comply with this nil to fit ««00. J. M. Roller. «I5 N. 6th™ *• • •• T -V eral of the beat farms for eaie in • Then carefully fold dotted line 1 in avoid inconvenience and delay.. the Red River Valley at right « EXPERIENCED COOK WANTS .ptACBL,' IS-B0 Mrp}k6APOLI8 TRACTOR FOR prices and reasonable terms, "and « Its entire length. Then dotted line 2 in cook car. Address, stt HeroldT ^ THE! HERALD wili accent only clean . Sale cheftp. First class condition.. Al­ have, some low priced Minnesota and so on. Fold eaoh section under­ . — • advertising and any information so:' <»ne. Deering corrt binder.- Basel ' BANK ACCOUNTS 'land on easy, terms or will traae neath accurately. When completed COOKS. 4 YEARS EXPBRtBNClvi ^ Concerning any Want Ad In. these WOsUdott. 17 So. 4th. for city property. For - a quick • turn over gad you'll And a surprising wants job in cook car. Call 10MW. columns, that Is fraudulent or un- FOR BOYS . sale.net your property with, , • result. Bate the plotqres. deslrablo will be greatly appreclat- CLOTHES WASHED AND IRONXNW ' - * M by The Harold. FLATS Boys can make money by follow­ # wanted at home. Phone 2305W. WE RESERVE THEIE RIGHTRIOl to . re- HENRY KENNEDY vise any copy Saxophonist Artie Small -la leaniin' ALL MODERN 4 ROOM FLAT FOR ing oar. easy plan. 102 Security Bldg., Main Floor to oMrtonn 1wlth Phohone 396 JOB PRINTING PUBLIC STENOGRAPHIC BURKAU-J -- \ mase -u>rales oft classified adadver» V bft a blaotuattltb Between daitcce «o rent; Inautre R. J. Parcell or call Over Dacotah Pharmacy. 2046-WT Using.' hoUiete a trade t' fall uuk On when S63W. THE.GRAND FORKS TnmtAT.r> Grand Forks, N. D. th'_ country OtWOCs t' its AenSM. Who Wants erlergetto boy agents in 'i * • notembars Whan it used t' take edx or ALL MODERN BURNISHED FLAT towns where our paper la not for fent. Write A. L. M. Herald. •old. sevwi years o> bard, steady, consloutu Wa&jek Grand Forks Test it as You Will Id. AOCOUJITANTS dfttklu' t' kill » feUor, t UNFURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN. LET ITS TELL TOO HOW. As a rtile it is a pretty good Flat-18, Gotzian Block. / : SHOK RKTAIIUIRO RICH AM) DOUGHERTY * co. Send your name Md address. Grow thing to follow the crowd—You . Chartered Accountants BUSNQESS CHANCK8 FOUR ROOM FLAT—NEIL'S BLOCK. FOR RENT want just what we are here to SHOE REPAIRING DONS BY XM 108-8 N. W. Natl. Bank Blk. Phone 481 3. Barnes Co. the finest Send your shoes to uk,} O. Orandl Forks Herald $85.00—Ail furnished, new ten room give. Parcel post paid one way. Rand Broa, '1 - FOR SALE — FULLY EQUIPPED house, air modern, in Riverside AKOHltBOlB * KRGXSJSMXUt . hand bakery and lunch room! in live J-ftOOM FLAT—MODERN BUT HEAT. Shoe Co.. Repair Dept. Tv m "I northwest Minnesota town of 1.000. ; Grtuid Forks, ^N. D. Park.' r Phono J647-J. s 75.0—Sit room an modem, house with The 8 1 BERT D. KECK, A. t A. : fioirtff from IB to $80,090 per year. 1 ^!? a«ufc2 SKOESBY PARCEL POSTL,., . ARCHITECT. Must sell . to dissolve partnership. 2-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT—MORRI- • • • • • «.'• garage, close in on Third Ave. J? Shop. 28 8. 4tb St- Fhst Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Ml Price /Ight Write, 353 Herald. • .son Hotel. 1 30.00—Slat room noase, city Water and Grand Forks Herald! Grand Farks. for first class repairing j • . MfiN — $4.00 AN HOUR. NEWEST sewer on Kittson.Ave. i JOS. BELL DB MANAGERS—WITH CAPITAL, DROP kitchen cdmbltiation* Sells City add 16.00—Small store on international SHOE HOSPITAL. PARCEL POST! Phone 197197# Architect pldgt everything, for exclusive deal on FOOT sraciAiiiSTS country W every home. Sample free. ; •••,; Prktera *y-Jfohn Sollond. Ith A f "Fire-fly" electric shock vending mi- Auto furnished to travel in. The FOR SALE . • - Mers. Grand Forks. N. D. -xn 1. AUTOS. chinesi Big permanent, increasing DR. J. <5. ANSON, FOOT SPECIALIST. Thomas Mfg. CO,, House 1184, Dayton, $6600.00—New five room house and sun money makers. Transo CO., Green­ Tired,/ aehlng feet relieved Instantly Ohio. parlor, full basement all mod- CAN SERVE TOU BETTER ' . Ingrowing nails and bunions treated. em house on Almonte Ave. 1 ville, Ohio. Corns and Warts removed „ . *• " » " f-*-' "1 ' » * », BTMOOT COTTAGS». * • . - Painless Treament. FIRST CLASS ALL AROUND AUTO 4200.00—Seven rOOm all modem house, POOL ROOM WITH BOWLING ALLEY _ Arches in stock to fit alhfeet mechanic Wanted. Apply Norton B0 ft lot on University AVe. FOR RENT—FURNISHED COTTAGE -in -connection for sale. Also confec­ Over Drug Store. 8rd and DeMers Ate. Tractor & Automobile School, East 3500.00—Six room house all modem but LOTS FOR BALK . at. Maple Lake. Inquire M. J. Colton. I vF, B.NClhevol®4 ; tionery, etc. In live town. Part cash Grand Forks. heat, hardwood floors, close in and terms to suit A Oveson, Argyle, rcKitrpUKB on North Ninth St FOR SALfi ON EASY TERMS—TWO • 3-PASSBNGER • Minn. - Box 65. FIRIJSfAN WAITED — WITH Ex­ 1800.00<—Five room cottage, city water, city lota, $80.00; two city lots, $800.00. perience for threshing engine. Good cellar, electric llghts and gar­ TYPEWRITERS FOR SAME. FOR. a ALB—POOL HALL, COMFEC- Wages. Give references. Write, 369 age, screened in porch, 50 ft, w tionery and barber shop, doing good • • Herald. lot on International Ave. UNDERWOOD PORTABLB TYFB-J : \.. Roadster p : business. Only " one in town. Ad­ * T Wostem Electric Washer/ ' • MISCFCLLANEOUS FOB RENT writer, non-folding,. comtoAct light, -a • BABY GRAND SIZE - dress, R. G. Bngstrotp, 'Cumtningg. * Just like new; $55i • GOOD ALL AROUND BUTCHER r,®?' „tJrp,tWrlre!; A"k demonstra- * Fumed Oak Library Tabic. • . wanted at once. $100 per month. H. KfcLSEY FOR REJNT—STORE ROOM IN BACON i at the Underwood Typewriter of­ • ' • N. D. * Excellent finish. • Block, next to Dakota Auto CO. In­ fice, 108 Security Bldg.' Phone 89$. ' * 1918 model,' 4 fieW tires, ektra tire • Christ Chrtsteflsen,. Osnabrock, N. D. feoNQS OR JSONG POEMS WANTED— ••••••••• quire J..D. Bacon. ^ • and rim.busiiper," tools., etc. « 1111 N. 5TH BUTCHER WANTED, AN ALL-ROUND We publish,, soil and ]pay you royalty.
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