March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 6 7301 SENATE—Monday, March 16, 2009 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was consideration of the motion to proceed inclusive and of the minority to be con- called to order by the Honorable JIM to H.R. 146, which is the legislative ve- structive. WEBB, a Senator from the Common- hicle for the lands bill. At 5:30 p.m. In the early days of the 111th Con- wealth of Virginia. today, we will have a cloture vote on gress, Democrats have worked to be in- the motion to proceed. clusive. We have achieved considerable PRAYER On the lands bill issue, Dr. COBURN is legislative success: passing a major The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- supposed to give me some amendments lands bill which we will return to later fered the following prayer: today that we will take a look at and this week, as I have indicated; the chil- Let us pray. see whether we are going to be able to dren’s health insurance bill to provide Everlasting God, who commanded work something out to have some health coverage to millions of children light from darkness and divided the amendments offered. As my colleagues of low-income families; the Lilly waters into sea and dry land, great and know, we are back again with this Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to ensure the wonderful are Your works. By Your issue. This represents a number of bills principle of equal pay for equal work; power and might, sustain our Senators that have been held up—a number of the President’s Economic Recovery Act this day. Lord, give them the courage these bills have been held up for some to begin stabilizing our economy and to embrace the good and to avoid the time over the past year. In the House, addressing the fiscal crisis this Presi- evil. When they are fainthearted, an issue came up, and they amended it dent inherited; and, of course, we strengthen them. When they are weak, and put it on the consent calendar, and passed the Omnibus appropriations bill, support them. When they feel doubts, it failed by two votes. They didn’t get which was unfinished business from the infuse them with faith in Your power, the two-thirds, so it comes back here. I Bush Presidency. This important legis- mercy, and grace. Transform their hope we can work something out; oth- lation funds Government for the rest of work into an expression of their wor- erwise, we will just proceed as we have the fiscal year and provides funds to ship of You as You help them make a in the past. Sometime tomorrow, we help meet the needs of the American renewed commitment to excellence in will be on the bill, probably at about 4 people. This success has come when words and deeds. o’clock. We will offer an amendment at Democrats and Republicans have put We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. that time and proceed to do what we politics aside to find common ground. f need to do. Dr. COBURN has indicated to This week, we will return to consid- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE me that he won’t require reading of the eration of a package of more than 160 amendment, which could take a lot of public land bills, as I mentioned ear- The Honorable JIM WEBB led the time, but we will see what we can work lier, that will protect our environment Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: out with him and move forward as and natural resources for generations I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the quickly as we can. to come. This lands package has been United States of America, and to the Repub- called, by editorial writers all over the lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. country, the most significant environ- ADDRESSING AMERICA’S mental legislation in more than a quar- f PRIORITIES ter of a century. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Mr. REID. Mr. President, this week- Chairman BINGAMAN and Senator PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE end, we learned that AIG doled out $165 MURKOWSKI did an outstanding job of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The million in bonuses to their senior ex- working together in the committee. clerk will please read a communication ecutives—bonuses paid for with tax- The Senate followed their example by to the Senate from the President pro payer-funded bailout dollars. With mil- approving the bill earlier this year by a tempore (Mr. BYRD). lions of Americans out of work, staying strong bipartisan majority of 73 votes. The legislative clerk read the fol- up nights trying to figure out how to As we near the finish line on this legis- lowing letter: make this week’s paycheck last until lation, I hope Senators from both par- U.S. SENATE, the next paycheck, wondering how ties will continue to follow the bipar- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, they will make the next mortgage pay- tisan example set by Senators BINGA- Washington, DC, March 16, 2009. ment or pay the overdue bill—maybe MAN and MURKOWSKI by once again vot- To the Senate: even a tuition bill—these executive bo- ing to pass this legislation. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, nuses are beyond even outrageous. I We will also vote on several nominees of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby don’t know what a term is that is more to President Obama’s administration. appoint the Honorable JIM WEBB, a Senator definitive than ‘‘outrageous,’’ but We hope to do it in the next few days. from the Commonwealth of Virginia, to per- form the duties of the Chair. ‘‘outrageous’’ does the trick. These bo- As our new President attempts to over- ROBERT C. BYRD, nuses being paid are outrageous. come the enormous burdens he inher- President pro tempore. President Obama has instructed Sec- ited from the previous administration, Mr. WEBB thereupon assumed the retary Geithner to pursue every legal it is critical that we help him succeed chair as Acting President pro tempore. avenue to address this grievous abuse by providing him with all the tools, of taxpayer money. I applaud that ef- staff, and expertise he needs. f fort. Our financial sector will never Starting this week, Members will RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY heal unless the financial companies begin to discuss President Obama’s LEADER that helped create this economic crisis budget for the 2010 fiscal year. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- begin to regain the public trust. The Less than 2 months into his term, pore. The majority leader is recog- actions of AIG do just the opposite, and President Obama has already taken nized. every American is justified in their bold and necessary steps to begin the f outrage at this breach of public trust. long climb out of the deep ditch that President Obama was asked recently was left to him by the previous admin- SCHEDULE about the role of bipartisanship in ad- istration’s fiscal policies. We have Mr. REID. Mr. President, following dressing America’s priorities. He said begun to take the necessary steps to leader remarks, the Senate will resume that it is the job of the majority to be get our economy back on track, save ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:56 Jun 30, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S16MR9.000 S16MR9 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD 7302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 6 March 16, 2009 and create jobs, restore confidence in hikes the administration, of course, who are taxed. And businesses that the markets, and help families keep will need in an attempt to cover the have less income as a result of higher their homes. President Obama’s budget budget’s $3.6 trillion price tag. taxes are likely to do three things: cut will build on those near-term invest- The administration says that 95 per- jobs, put off buying new or better ments by laying the groundwork for a cent of Americans will not see a tax in- equipment, and take fewer risks. The longer term path back to broad pros- crease under this budget plan. Well, real-world consequences of those deci- perity for all Americans. Americans might not see an immediate sions are immense: more jobs lost, less The President’s budget is built on the increase in their income taxes, but innovation, fewer new products, and promise that no matter how difficult there is more than one way, as they lower salaries for employees, almost our immediate challenge, we have to say, to skin a cat, and there is more all of whom are probably making less keep focused on the future. We will do than one way for Government to take than $200,000 a year. that by investing in health care, edu- money out of your pocket. I will men- Hundreds of thousands of Americans cation, and a cleaner more affordable tion just three that the administration are losing their jobs every month. Mil- energy policy, while providing tax re- has proposed. lions fear losing their homes. In re- lief and helping middle-class Ameri- First, there is the proposed new en- sponse, the administration has prom- cans afford to purchase and stay in ergy tax which would tax everyone who ised in this budget a tax hike on the their homes.
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