North Pacific Union AUGUST 28 1967 VOL. 62, NO. 34 COLLEGE PLACE WASHINGTON a young Oklahoma girl: "My mother VOICE OF PROPHECY SETS ASIDE wrote in to your office a while back SEPTEMBER AS PRAYER MONTH for special prayer that I would be able to get a local job with Sabbaths The Voice of Prophecy has desig- your prayers in behalf of the young off. I am happy to tell you hat I have nated September as Prayer Month, in girl I wrote you about. Yes, God been working as a bookkeeper here accordance with the command given surely did know where she was! at a hotel for about a month, and I in Isaiah 55:6 which states: "Seek ye Before I received a letter from you, do get Sabbaths off!" the Lord while he may be found, call I had heard from this dear girl. I "Have no anxiety about anything, ye upon him while he is near." Dur- know what it is like to shed tears but make all your wants known to ing this month there will be special of joy!" God in prayer and entreaty, and with prayer services for those who write in Business problems are eased by thanksgiving." Philippians 4:6. Good- requesting prayer, and daily vigilance the grace of God, as in the case of speed. by volunteer staff members who will read the requests and have prayer for a period each morning, noon and evening. SPARE NOT. LENGTHEN THY CORDS! This decision to set apart a specific 'Mission Extension' month for prayer emphasis resulted from a discussion by the leaders of It was at the Fall Council, October institutions, dispensaries, and med- the religious radiobroadcast concern- 10, 1919, that a resolution was brought ical workers; therefore— ing the problems in the world today in laying before the brethren the "We Recommend, That a fund be which are facing many listeners and great need of the publishing work in created to meet these needs called the supporters of The Voice of Prophecy. the mission fields. They called atten- Medical Extension Fund, amounting These men decided that only by the tion to the shortage of literature for to at least $100,000 in 1923." The san- grace of God can these burdens be our colporteurs in China, the Philip- itariums were asked to give up to lifted. God can bring spiritual com- pines, Japan, Africa, South America, fifty percent of their net earnings and fort, as indicated by this letter from a and India. In response to this call, all medical workers to give "liberally formerly discouraged wife in Oregon: they voted for the three major pub- of their earnings." "God answered your prayers for lishing houses to furnish equipment Elder Montgomery expressed his my husband. He was baptized this needed to meet these present needs, delight in this move and his belief month!" and "that the boards of these three that would do for the medical work publishing houses be encouraged to what the publishing fund had accom- God can also bring physical heal- carry on their hearts the burden plished for its work. ing, as He did in the case of a listener of supplying the rapidly increasing who wrote from New York: At the Fall Council on October 15, needs of our growing mission plants." 1924, the Publishing Department pre- "Thanks for your kind words and At the Fall Council of the next sented the suggestion that the Pub- for the blessings you send me of year, October 21, 1920, the matter was lishing and Medical funds be com- Jesus. I'm sure all the prayers that again brought up with the idea of bined and include the Educational The Voice of Prophecy had for me further enlarging the funds available Department also. It was to be known did a lot of good to make me better. for promoting the publishing work. as the "Extension Fund for publish- Everyone here in the hospital thought They responded with the following ing, medical, and educational work I would never walk again, but now I recommendation: "That the second in the mission fields." Since then walk all by myself. They call me weeks in May and July be set aside this mighty trio of evangelism has `the miracle.' " as `Big Weeks' in the colporteur been literally pushing the frontiers God can bring joy to parents by work, and that the earnings of the of the gospel around the world. touching the hearts of wayward or biggest day of each week be donated The treasurer's report to the Au- unthinking children, as a Missouri to the mission printing interests." tumn Council of 1925 shortened the parent wrote: They further recommended that all name to "Extension Fund." The fol- "I hardly know how to put into workers and members donate their lowing year, 1926, he called it the words how much I thank you for earnings on that day also. Elder A. "Missions Extension Fund" and it has G. Daniels was chairman of the meet- been known by that name ever since. ing and W. A. Spicer was secretary. Forty-three years have passed since September Elder 0. Montgomery was chair- we joined in giving an annual extra 9 - October 7 man of the General Conference Ses- lift. The number of our hospitals has sion of May 25, 1922. Elder J. L. Shaw risen from twenty-three to one hun- You, an SDA, presented a recommendation on the dred thirty-six. In addition, one hun- will be involved. needs of the medical work. It read dred forty clinics have been estab- in part, "The growth of our foreign lished. Hospital buildings, homes, work calls for much-needed health equipment and supplies, have gone to the front lines of the gospel to sup- Offering day. The evangelistic troika NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER port our ever-growing work. Our mentioned above must continue to Official organ of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists missionaries are seldom far removed spearhead the good news as never from good medical care. Our hospitals before. Not only are the needs great Editor: Mrs. lone Morgan are known everywhere and portray in countries where our work is Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324 to the world the character of the known, but there are still about 30 Phone: JAckson 5-6030, Walla Walla work we are doing. nations that have yet to be exposed Managing Editor: L. W. Crooker to our message. May God bless you Phone: BElmont 5-4121, Portland We have forty-four publishing houses, twenty-four of which were and your gift as you participate in Second class postage paid at College Place, organized since 1924. Buildings have this Extension offering. Washington. Published weekly, 50 issues each been erected; presses of various kinds year, at the College Press. Subscription price CHARLES B. HIRSCH, PH.D. $2.00 a year. have been provided; supplies have Secretary, Department of Education NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All been made available; millions of PHILIP S. NELSON, M.D. material must be channeled through pages of truth-filled literature pro- your local conference secretary- Assoc. Secretary, Medical Department treasurer. (Manuscripts originating duced. Our faithful colporteur evan- outside the North Pacific Union Ter- gelists have carried this literature to ritory must be sent to the Union Con- the most remote areas of the world. ference office in Portland, Ore.) More than thirty-seven million dol- You Cannot Afford to be lars worth was distributed in 1966. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send your new address Without the 'Review' with ZIP CODE NUMBER, to North Pacific Truly these pages have been scattered Union Gleaner, Box 248, College Place, Wash. "like the leaves of autumn." But that The Lord's coming draws nearer. 99324. Include name and old address as it The church is entering into the most appeared on previous issues (if possible send is not all— address label). To teach these people how to read, intense phase of POSTMASTERS: Send Form 3579 to North Pa- and how to live healthful lives has its warfare with cific Union Gleaner, Box 248, College Place, the forces of evil. Wash. 99324. brought into focus our world-wide educational network with its strong It is important NORTH PACIFIC Christian overtones. Outside of North that God's chil- UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY America we are operating some 4,000 dren draw close to 1544 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. 97214 one another so as Phone: BElmont 5-4121 elementary and secondary schools, and over 50 colleges, including teach- to more effective- President W J. Hackett ly meet the on- Secretary-Treasurer . L. W. Crooker ing, ministerial, and nursing pro- slaught from our Auditor W E. Wasenmiller grams. The chief purpose of all of Assistant Auditor E. S. Humann these endeavors is the proclamation Lord's enemy. The Educational T. W. Walters of the gospel message—to bring souls church must be Educational Assistant . J. T. Porter to Christ. an unconquerable, Home Health Sabbath, September 9, 1967, has indivisible body. R. H. Pierson Education Service . Ray Schoepfiin Home Missionary, Radio-TV, Self-supporting been set aside as Missions Extension As the church moves into the final Institution and Medical . D. E. Caslow phase of its conflict with the forces Ministerial K J Mittleider of evil my mind has been dwelling MV, National Servicemen's Organization upon the stron g, unifying factors and Temperance Ed Webb among us. One of the foremost is Publishing C. P. Lampson Religious Liberty and our church organ, the Review and Industrial Relations W. J. Hackett io's Finest Hour Herald.
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