' VJTJf ^^^^mvw^w^^ *' THE HOME NEWSPAPER of WoodHrldg*, Sew»r»n, Fordi, Atenel, KwW, Port Rwding, CoUnU, U«l'n und HopeUwa, OI, XV, No. 32 WOODRRinOE. N. J., FRIDAY, UCTOHEK 13 THOUSANDS TO JOIN NRA PARAD Little Boy Loat At Dock Oxman Tells Merchants It Is Their Did Not Know Boys, In Port Reading People Of Township Prepare Philip Riley, 21-months-old son of Duty To Join MA Parade Wed. Attacked With Knife Mr. and Mrs. David Riley of the coal barge "Edwin Kinnelly", fell rato To Formally Salute The Blue the Sound at Port Reading where State President Of Retail Stationers' and Confectioners' Asso- King George's Road Man Ask-the barge it' docked, yesterday at ed For Identity Of Youth* 3:30 p. m. Men about the dock im- ciation Urge* Women To Put Shoulders To Wheel In, NRA mediately began efforts to locate the Drive — Gives Interesting Talk Oh Business At Township On Corner Slabbed By Ques- child. Officer Celeste Romond was Eagle In Big Demonstration^ Merchants' Association Meeting At Fords. tioner. called and aided in the search. The Sound was dragged in the vicinity Marchers Will Assemble In Woodbridge Park At 1P. ML -<| Marry Campbell aged 56 years, re- of the dock.and the searchers con That It is the duty of every mer-, the group to Fords. He stressed the tinued working until a late hour but Post Office Will Close At Parado To Start At 2 O'clock — Reviewing Stand On Pearl -— -- • importancp e of the Fords business- siding near VogeVs store in King ,-hant to participate George's road, was brought to polica founund no trace of the bodyy, Noon On NRA Day Wed- Street — Paradera Will Not Cro*t Railroad Or Highway Township's NRA parade next Wed- men cooperation in the Association. The child hadd beeb n on tthe dock nesday, was pointed1 out to the mem- Following an open discussion on headquarters last night with two badnear the barge when it fell into the As Precautionary Measure — Residents Of Township he proposed handbill ordinance, it knife wounds in the left shoulder, | water, Following a request made by Act- Lra of the Township Businessmen's ing Postmaster James J. Dunne earl- Voice Whole-Hearted Approval. ms announced that a complete re- and John Szabo, 36, also of King Association by Joseph Oxman state iort will be given on the matter at ier in the week, Joseph C. O'Mano- president of the Retail, Stationers he next meeting which will be held George's road was locked up as the. ney, First Assistant Postmaster at •mil Confectioners' Association in an the Municipal building on Wed- alleged knife user, Campbell was Washington today informed the local address at a meeting of the group lesday evening, October 25. At that rushed to the Perth Amboy General Queer Outcome In Post Office officials they may close at Wednesday To Be Half-Holiday Wednesday evening in School No. 7 time, an addreBB on "Business Cour- Hospital after making a statement to 12 noon Wednesday, October 18, in tesy" will be given, observance of Woodbridge Township Woodbridge Township is ready for its NRA Day! m Mr' Oxman, a former Rahway the police accusing Szabo of the at- NRA Day. Woodbridg Enforcement of the new peddlers tack. He has one stab wound down- Patronage Squabble Next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, residents of councilman, said that today wheri wS ordinance was also discussed. Next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, residents of ttt#J ward from the top of the shoulder li i th i nrt. at war against hungeT and when Denial On One Point Raise* Township from every walk of life, will get in line in the gig»tt«v r,.,,plc are looking for work, it is at tha arm joint. The other is in the tic NRA Day parad' which is expected to be the largest -""** the duty of each individual to do his back surface of the same shoulder. Protests On Others — Poli- Wayne T. Cox Named Lit. to put his shoulder to the wheel longest one ever held in the Township. If pre-parade actlvi Jackson Gives Origin Both are deep wounds. tical "Dope" Story Started may be taken as a criterion, the marchers will be legion '""The speaker urged the women to Campbell told police he was stand' It. Program Supervisor number. Mother, father, brother, sister will parade side I participate in the NRA Day in the ing near his home when Szabo ap Of Drugs At Luncheon • ,sidside undeunaer thwee Bluoiuce Eaglu»Bive banners^-.... .. I„t wil... l be the people Township and to lend their much- proached and asked him if he knew Complications with many ramifi- ,, ceded support to the general ad the identity of a group of boys stand- cations and not without a touch of Recreation Committee Secures Woodbridge Township acknowledging in formal salute the ' Local Druggist In Interesting ing at the corner in front of thehumor have grown, it is reported, vnmement of the National Recovery Vogel store. Campbell said he did Authorization Of State To scentimets herfore everyone of that grea. Yout eagldo youe whicr parth i!s synonymous with bet Administration. Talk At Rotary Meeting out of a bit of publicity anent poli- many complaints made against _ .._, not know the boys, he said, and in-tics and prospects in recent weeks. la Mr. Oxman was high in: his praise stantly Szabo attacked him with the Engage Man To Direct Acti- ployer"s are not true but said tiutfi if the Merchants' Association. He Yesterday — Rotary Will A few weeks ago an ordinary pre- The parade will be followed by a fi 1 knife. election story was published in the vities — State Will Pay Hismass rally of the people of the Town- the compliance committees are ("-* -- !n!d his listeners of the powers Participate In NRA Day. RoundsiSergeant Fred Larson and their beet to make thorough In' .,, nni7.aUon and said that everyone RoundsiSergeant Independent as to how appointments ship in the high school at 8 o'clock K Officer G. Mesak arrested Szaio on would be handed out in the event the SaJary. Wednesday evening. It will be a half- gations in each case. i~ nut for the betterment of himself, Ray Jackson, local druggist, gave I The recreational committee or- "<=«"<™«-.i -;•"•••">*•-,.Township. _Busines . s Many are not in favor of the ] II'N neighbors and his beloved ones the "family trees" of several well- when Republican organization gained con- ganized recreationasome timel agcommitteo to promote e holiday in the Township. Business asserted Mr. Zukor, and openly The speaker pointed out that smal is trol of the township in November. winter recreations for those on re- F™8- schools and other active organ- diet its failure. It has been said, known drugs in an interesting talk The story, innocent enough, was ba3- IMVIIS do not necessarily have strong at yesterday's luncheon meeting of confined to the hosni iiei andd those working short houro s nations will cease activities at noon Zukor claimed, that if the NRA i pin chasing power nor do they have • - "•"» „„ i,oa «OMIT<>(1 at the request of Mayor William A. the Rotary Club in the Middlesex taf and "later ip his home for some <**,<>*n d m olltl rumorcal s heard on the streetofs the NRA program, has secured 'we may have a similar Russia". J th,. overhead encountered by busi- Hotel. time but are not believed to be dan- ? . P , "rcles.H named cer- hiti f the state to ap- yan wh u ic Zukor answered many qui—^ tain ones whoo wwer e being mentioned the authorization of the state to ap- R ' , ,° '« » P b} proclamation, ,„., in larger places. Mr. Jackson told how lard is ob-gerous. point a supervisor to be paid by the •»» »»ked that this be done in order asked by his listeners and Mr Oxman explained that in his tained from the abdomens of hoga. the police to find a ?s ^ P™b*b'e »PP°Hrt<«» f«T|>w<J tt The committee has nam«l >«t the people of the Township may in a round-table discussion of Efforts of -ii-.i. :_ n ^u.,ii> m the G.O.P. Camp. It was without state. The committee Tias narn^d fitting demonstration of <i|iininn the "average" storekeeper He also explained the origig n of lano- *e ^Uack in Campbell'os ^ ^^Kra edThe proba- Wayne T. Cox for the position and Ii this Township h« little more than sweep out his t0 P Deimond Pmidea Me Tpp^ntees Editing them with Mr. Cox has accepted the appoint- id Mure of the United dust the counters then sit W 1C h ^ . h Andrew Desmond, chairman of ifc#i ..re, and wait for customers to wool of previoU3ly [IA Day parade committee pmtd* rendered in public office, states ata^ tisan and made up of well known lo- - ed. In (v brief address of welcome |W • But certain Republicans rushed in- The paraders will assemble i said that all those present represent- J|( to print in an out-of-town publica- cal men has been studying the prob- sections of the Woodbridge Park. lem of recreation for the winter^The ed some organization or the Intewrt tion with a hot denial of the whole Every individual or organization of that organization in NBA ad^ thing, declaring that only "individ- members are: George R. Merrill. to loin the line of march, John E. Breckenridge, Hampton Cut- vancement in the Township.
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