Laura Bae Baske Baskervilleis a serif typeface designed in the 1750s by John Baskerville in Birming- ham, England, and cut into metal by punchcutter John Handy. Baskerville 1495 is classified as a transitional typeface, intended as a refinement of what are Garamond now called old-style typefaces of the period. Compared to earlier designs pop- ular in Britain, Baskerville increased the contrast between thick and thin Bb Bb strokes, making the serifs sharper and more tapered, and shifted the axis of rounded letters to a more vertical po- sition. The curved strokes are more circular in shape, and the characters Bb became more regular. Characters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz Bb Bb 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* Styles Regular Characters SemiBold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ SemiBold Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz GARAMOND Italic Bold 1757 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* GARAMOND Styles Italic GARAMOND Bold GBold Italic GGARAMOND rville Bodoni 1934 Bodoni is one of the most carefully re- Characters searched and accurate interpretations of Bodoni’s typefaces ever attemped. ABCDEFGHIJKLM- ROCKWELL The process involved two trips to NOPQRSTUVWXYZ Parma, Italy, and hundreds of hours abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz of research. Then, thousands of hours Rockwell is a slab more were spent carefully designing 1234567890’”!”(%)[#] serif typeface fonts, using an original copy of Bon- (@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* designed by Mono- doni’s 1818 Manuale Tipografico as a type. The design is benchmark for accuracy. based off an earli- The first step was a trip to Parma Styles er slab serif from by the four-person design team to Bold 1910 known as Litho study, first hand, Bodoni’s work. In the Antique, which is words of Sumner Stone, the project’s Book considered the very art director, “The search for Bodoni Book Italic first geometric slab took on a new dimension and mean- serif. The Rockwell ing. We were there not only to look at family is available old books and old metal punches. We in three weights traveled to Parma to find the spirit of with corresponding Bodoni- the real Bodoni.“ italics, as well as a Bodoni 72 condensed version. Styles Bodoni Characters Bodoni Std Bodoni Regular BODONI Bodoni ABCDEFGHIJKLM- Italic BODONI NOPQRSTUVWXYZ Bold BODONI Bodoni 72 Oldstyle abcdefghijklm- Bold Italic BODONI nopqrstuvwyz BODONI Bodoni BODONI Bodoni 1234567890’”!”(%)[#] BODONI Bodoni (@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* BODONI BODONI Bodoni 72 Smallcaps BODONI Bodoni Rockwell Rockwell Rockwell Rockwell Rockwell Rockwell Franklin Gothic and its related faces are a large family of realist sans-ser- if typefaces developed by the type foundry American Type Founders and credited to its head designer Morris Fuller Benton. “Gothic” was a con- Trajan temporary term meaning sans-serif. Franklin Gothic Std Condensed Bold Characters Styles Franklin Gothic Std Extra Condensed Condensed ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ No.2 Roman Franklin Gothic Std No.2 Roman abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz Extra Condensed 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Compressed ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Compressed Italic TRAJAN PRO 3 ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Condensed ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Condensed Italic TITANIC ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Extra Compressed ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Italic ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi Carol Twombly Carol TITANIC ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi Compressed TRAJAN PRO ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi Compressed Italic ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi Condensed ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi Condensed Italic TITANIC ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi Extra Compressed Styles ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi Italic Bold TITANIC ITC Franklin Gothic Std Heavy Regular NOPQRSTUVWXYZ ITC Franklin Gothic Std Heavy Italic ITC Franklin Gothic Std Medium trajan is based on the letterforms of capitalis ITC Franklin Gothic Std Medium Condensed monumentalis or Roman square capitals, as used for the inscription at the base of its Column ITC Franklin Gothic Std Medium Condensed Italic from which the typeface takes its name. Trajan is an all-capitals typeface, as the Romans did not Characters ABCDEFGHIJKLM abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* ITC Franklin Gothic Std Medium Italic use lower-case letters. Twombly created the de- sign taking inspiration from a full-size picture of a rubbing of the inscription. It is well known for appearing on many movie posters. Franklin Gothic 1989 1902-1967 Snell Roundhand The Snell Round- hand font family Futura was developed by Snell Roundhand Black Matthew Carter in Styles Characters 1965. This connectingSs Condensed Medium script was based on Condensed ExtraBold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ the roundhand script Snell Roundhand Bold Medium abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz of Charles Snell, a Medium Italic 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* writing master from Ss the 1600s. Carter Bold later expanded on the Snell Roundhand LT Std Black Script Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa design by adding two Ss Condensed Condensed additional weights. Medium ExtraBold Medium Medium Italic Bold Snell Roundhand is widely used for per- Snell Roundhand LT Std Bold Script Futura was designed sonal correspondence, Ss by the German invitations, and an- typographer nouncements, thanks Paul Renner in Snell Roundhand LT Std Script 1927. This geo- to the comfrotable metricsans-ser- elegance of its script. Ss if font embodies Its uppercase char- Bauhaus ideals acters blend well with in a practical, Although there was no Snell Roundhand Regular commercially direct association, Ren- other typefaces when viable typeface. ner’s Futura font was used for initials. (Presented Ss by the Bauer- indeed based on the sim- schen Giesserei ple forms of circle, tri- in 1928, Fu- angle and square. Fu- tura font has tura is a geometrically Characters been common- Styles constructed typeface ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ly known as which reflects the ideas Bold the font de- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz velopment of of the Bauhaus and the Black Fthe Bauhaus.) ‘New Typography‘. 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* Regular Raleway Ultra is an ultra Rr bold slab type- face with nods to Rr Characters wood type styles U 2010 like Clarendon Rr ABCDEFGHIJKLM- and Egyptian. Raleway is ini- NOPQRSTUVWXYZ Strong and dra- l tially designed Rr abcdefghijklm- by Matt McIner- nopqrstuvwyz matic letterforms ney as a single for titling, a seri- thin weight, it Rr 1234567890’”!”(%)[#] ous, yet friendly, t was expanded (@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* into a 9 weight and easily legible Rr family by Pablo typestyle. Perfect Impallari and r Rodrigo Fuen- Rr for power head- zalida in 2012 lines and titling and iKerned by Rr for impact. Igino Marini. a Rr Styles It is a display face and the Rr Thin download fea- Thin Italic tures both old Rr ExtraLight style and lining ExtraLight Italic numerals, stan- Rr Light dard and discre- Light Italic tionary ligatures, Rr Regular a pretty com- Styles plete set of dia- Medium critics, as well as Rr Medium Italic Regular a stylistic alter- SemiBold Bold nate inspired by SemiBold Italic Characters more geometric Rr Bold sans-serif type- Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ faces than its ExtraBold Rr EctraBold Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz neo-grotesque inspired default Black 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* character set. Rr Black Italic U Rr S S S S S S S S S S Characters RR ABCDEFGHIJKLMR R R R NOPQRSTUR R R - R Charmonman VWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz Styles I I 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+-=>:;,.*I I I I I I I I I I I Bold Regular Characters S SStyles S S S S S S S S ABCDEFGHIJKLM- NOPQRSTUVWXYZ Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstu- vwyz A ARegular A A A A A A A 1234567890’”!”(%)[#] KK K K K K K K K K K (@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* Charmonman is a Thai and Latin family which D D D D D D D D takes inspiration from Zapfino. It features tall as- I I I I I I I I I I I I I cenders and descenders with swashed letterforms. Srisakdi Cadson Demark Ubuntu Styles Mono Regular Characters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+-=>:;,.* Styles Regular Bold Ubuntu is an OpenType-based font family, designed to be Italic OPermanent a modern, humanist-style Bold Italic typeface by London-based type foundry Dalton Maag, with funding by Canonical Ltd. The font was under de- Marker velopment for nearly nine Uu months, with only a limit- ed initial release through a beta program, until Septem- ber 2010. It was then that it became the new default Uu font of the Ubuntu operat- ing system in Ubuntu 10.10. Characters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU- Uu Permanent Marker VWXYZ represents the look abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz and feel of a favorite 1234567890’”!”(%)[#](@)/&\<+- Uu writingO instrument. =>:;,.* © Laura Bae : editor/designer ComD 250, Typography and Information Design Professor Cindiana Koren or Christina Sharpe PrattMWP College of Art and Design Utica, NY | 2018.
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