US007530895B2 (12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,530,895 B2 Kigoshi (45) Date of Patent: May 12, 2009 (54) METHOD FOR ADVANCING NETWORK 6,699,124 B2 * 3/2004 Suchocki ................... .. 463/42 GAME BY GROUP COMPETITION 6,746,332 B1 * 6/2004 Ing et a1. 463/42 6,749,513 B2 * 6/2004 Park ............ .. 463/42 (75) Inventor: Yusuke Kigoshis Tokyo (JP) 6,758,746 B1* 7/2004 Hunter et a1. .. 463/9 6,761,631 B2 * 7/2004 Lydon et a1. .. 463/9 (73) Asslgnee'- _ ligbushlkl. Kalsha. square Emx’- Tokyo 6,767,2876,767,284 B1 * 7/2004 McquaidKoZa .............. et a1. .. 463/42463/29 ( ) 2002/0119824 A1* 8/2002 Allen ............. .. 463/42 ( * ) Not1ce:. Subject. to any disclaimer,. the term of this, 2003/0144058 A1* 7/2003 P ar k .......................... .. 463/42 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S.C. 154(b) by 547 days. JP 9464272 @1997 JP 2000-51524 2/2000 (21) APPl- NOJ 10/322,604 JP 2001-340646 12/2001 (22) Filed: Dec. 19, 2002 (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS Farkas, Diablo IIzUltimate strategy Guide;2001;Brady Publishing;p. US 2003/0216184 A1 Nov. 20, 2003 20;22_23;126434;232_233;220_223‘* (30) Foreign Application Priority Data (Continued) May 14, 2002 (JP) ......................... .. P2002-138361 Primary Examinerilohn M Howling’ H Assistant ExamineriRyan Hsu (51) Int‘ Cl‘ (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiGreenblum & Bernstein, A63F 13/00 (2006.01) P_L_C_ A63F 9/24 (2006.01) (52) US. Cl. ................. .. 463/23; 463/1; 463/8; 463/31; (57) ABSTRACT 463/42; 463/43 (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................... .. 463/9, Aworld map includes multipleregions- Eachregionincludes 463/29, 40143’ 1’ 7’ 23; 7090231225; 700/91i93’ one ormultiple areas.Aplayercauses his/herplayercharacter 700/14 to belong to any nation. As a task given to the player character, See application ?le for Complete Search history a battle With an enemy character is provided on the map of each area (the battle may be Waged by a party). When the, (56) References Cited player character Wins the battle in each area, predetermined U S PATENT DOCUMENTS points are given to a home nation of the player character ' ' participating in the battle. The points given to each home 5,083,271 A * 1/ 1992 Thacher et a1, _____________ __ 700/92 nationaretotaledforeachregion,andanationthat dominates 5,359,510 A * 10/1994 sabaliauskas ______________ __ 700/91 each region is decided according to aresult of the total points. 5,846,132 A * 12/1998 Junkin .......... .. 463/42 5,917,725 A * 6/1999 Thacher et a1. ............. .. 700/91 18 Claims, 17 Drawing Sheets NAT] ON US 7,530,895 B2 Page 2 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS “Weekly the PlayStationZ”, Softbank Publishing Inc., May 24, 2002, vol. 8, No. 18, p. 96, together with an English language translation of JP 2002-126343 5/2002 the marked portion. “Dorimaga”, Softbank Publishing Inc., Jan. 25, 2002, vol. 19, No. l, OTHER PUBLICATIONS p. 89, together with an English language translation of the marked portion. Desslock, www.gamespot.com, search on “Diablo II” review; Sec “Dorimaga”, Softbank Publishing Inc., Feb. 8, 2002, vol. 19, No. 2, p. tions labeled “Review” and “Screenshots”.* 135, together with an English language translation of the marked Kasavin, Greg; www.gamespot.com, search on “Command & Con portion. quer: Red Alert 2”; Sections labeled “Review” and “Screenshots”.* “Hyper PlayStationZ”, Sony Magazines Inc., Feb. I, 2002, vol. 8, No. Hasbro Games; “Risk: The Game of Global Domination”; 1999; 2, p. 64, together with an English language translation of the marked Parker Brothers; p. l-l5.* portion. Milton Bradley, “Axis & Allies” Game Play Manual, Milton-Bradley, “Hyper PlayStationZ”, Sony Magazines Inc., Mar. 1, 2002, vol. 8, No. 1984, see entire document.* 3, p. 17, together with an English language translation of the marked Meyer/ Glass Interactive, LLC, “Axis & Allies Game Play Manual”, portion. Hasbro Interactive, Inc. 1998, see entire document.* Hyper PlayStation2, Sony Magazines Inc., Apr. 1, 2002, vol. 8, No. 4, “Weekly Famitsu”, Enterbrain Inc., Jan. 18, 2002, vol. 17, No. 3, pp. p. 81, together with an English language translation of the marked 26-27, together with an English language translation of the marked portion. portion. “Online Player”, Mainichi Communications Inc., Jun. 8, 2002, vol. 9, “Weekly Famitsu”, Enterbrain Inc., Feb. 8, 2002, vol. 17, No. 6, p. No. 12, p. 45, together with an English language translation of the 126, together with an English language translation of the marked marked portion. portion. “Tech Win”, Ascii Corporation, Mar. 1, 2002, vol. 8, No. 3, p. 53, “Weekly Famitsu Extra NumberiFamitsu Net Games”, Enterbrain together with an English language translation of the marked portion. Inc., May 3, 2002, extra number, p. 23, together with an English A website located at <http://www.playonline.com/ffll/world/40l. language translation of the marked portion. html>, downloaded on May 9, 2002, together with an English lan “Famitsu PS2”, Enterbrain Inc., Jan. 25, 2002, vol. 7, No. I, pp. guage translation. 16-17, together with an English language translation of the marked A website located at <http://www.playonline.com/ffl l/home/news. portion. html>, downloaded on Apr. 25, 2002, together with an English lan “Monthly Dengeki-Oh”, Media Works Co., Ltd., Mar. 1, 2002, vol. guage translation. 10, No. 3, p. 95, together with an English language translation of the A website located at <http://www.playonline.com/ffl l/home/news. marked portion. html>, downloaded on May 9, 2002, together with an English lan “Monthly Dengeki-Oh”, Media Works Co., Ltd., Jun. 1, 2002, vol. guage translation. 10, No. 7, p. 17, together with an English language translation of the English Language Abstract of JP 9-l64272. marked portion. English Language Abstract of JP 2002-126343. “Dengeki PlayStation”, MediaWorks Co., Ltd., Jan. 11, 2002, vol. 8, English Language Abstract of JP 2000-51524. No. 2, p. 93, together with an English language translation of the “Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, Game Info” [Online], URL: marked portion. http://www.ea.com/of?cial/cc/redalert2/english/features.jsp, down “Dengeki PlayStation”, MediaWorks Co., Ltd., Apr. 19, 2002, vol. 8, loaded from the Internet on Mar. 11, 2008. No. 7, p. 19, together with an English language translation of the “Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, Game Guide,” [Online], URL: marked portion. http://www.gamespot.com/gamespot/guides/pc/redfalertfZ/ “Weekly the PlayStationZ”, Softbank Publishing Inc., Jan. 18, 2002, p8i0l.html, downloaded from the Internet on Mar. 12, 2008. vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 34-35, together with an English language translation “Command & Conquer: Red Alert ZiWikipedia, the free encyclo of the marked portion. pedia,” [Online], URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RA2, down “Weekly the PlayStationZ”, Softbank Publishing Inc., Jan. 25, 2002, loaded from the Internet on Mar. 12, 2008. vol. 8, No. 3, p. 25, together with an English language translation of “Expert Level help requiredlip. ZiDeeZire Online,” [Online], the marked portion. URL: http://www.deezire.net/forums/red-alert-Z-yuris-revenge-ed “Weekly the PlayStationZ”, Softbank Publishing Inc., Mar. 15, 2002, iting/437-expert-level-help-required-2.htrnl, downloaded from the vol. 8, No. 9, p. 30, together with an English language translation of Internet on Mar. 12, 2008. the marked portion. * cited by examiner US. Patent May 12, 2009 Sheet 1 0f 17 US 7,530,895 B2 GAME SERVER APPARATUS 200 VIDEO GAME ‘ VIDEO GAME APPARATUS APPARATUS 100 00 151 VIDEO GAME VIDEO GAME APPARATUS APPARATUS 100 100 US. Patent May 12, 2009 Sheet 3 0f 17 US 7,530,895 B2 SN0 EH MMOEmZ QN J \T.\ HONN mM QUE wzoi??bzzou\0 mu?mwEa 23-553Ill-.v132¢ \mamar w wow4mom mHwa mm:295mmA0 > qogzou 33.Eom.Euv W mom US. Patent May 12, 2009 Sheet 4 0f 17 US 7,530,895 B2 I2252 US. Patent May 12, 2009 Sheet 5 0f 17 US 7,530,895 B2 410 ID BELONGINGNATlON EXPERIENCEVALUE LEVEL / / /'—__\ \gddfg THE' THE 42 0 OBTAINED POINT - NUMBER R $1”??? qgggggia g Diik‘?‘é‘? N1 N2 N3 OF BATTLES BATTLES US. Patent May 12, 2009 Sheet 6 0f 17 US 7,530,895 B2 FIG.7 MAXIMUM LEVEL OF PC IN PARTY ‘2:30 1~10 11~20 21~30 300 300 300 300 300 + 54 200 200 200 200 200 + 3 160 160 160 160 160 + 2 m 140 140 140 140 072P»ZmMBHmmUmAm>m4mUZmmmEEO2M + 1 120 120 120 120 120 100 100 100 100 72 72 72 SO 50 61 36 36 43 43 SO 25 25 36 36 43 PC: PLAYER CHARACTER EC ENEMY CHARACTER US. Patent May 12, 2009 Sheet 7 0f 17 US 7,530,895 B2 VIDEO GAME APPARATUS GAME sERvER ( LOGINW) ) ( LOOINISI ) \ S101\’“INPIIT ID AND PW I If S 102 TRANSMIT RECEIVE S 121 v“ IDANDPW W IDANDPW N ‘ i AUTHENTICATION "/3122 I I r. ____ “i _____ “ S103_ , RECEIVE HOME I TRANSMIT HOME “"1 NATION SELECTION {+____ NATION SELECTION L REQUEST , REQUEST ____ __.I_______ 1 3104 \JJ " 's'EiEc‘T FIOIIIE ‘ ‘ ‘1 I_____~5~;I1_@_N_____i n w _ _ Mwi_________ y S125 S 5 , TRANsMIT I REcEIvE 10 ~~_~< INFORMATION ON :--~> INFORMATION ON 'L__§{(_)M§_1N_£A;QO_N___| HOME NATION I } S126 REGISTER IN PC TABLE I‘ T‘READ OOMINANT 7 NATION AND N512 SUPERIOR NATION + RECEIVE TRANsMIT S106“ INFORMATION ON ~ INFORMATION ON "3128 DOMINAI?" NATION DOMINANT NATION S107 MSET INFORMATION ON DOMINANT NATION US. Patent May 12, 2009 Sheet 8 0f 17 US 7,530,895 B2 FIG . 9 ( BATTLEEND ) INCREMENT THE A5301 NUMBER OF BATTLES S202 IS THERE IMPOSSIBLE YES HAW I E0 INCREMENT THE S203 I‘ NUMBER OF A/ OBTAIN LEVEL 5207 IMPOSSIBLE BATTLES (MAXIMUM VALUE) N r OF PC SUBTRACT S204 I EXPERIENCE VALUE A/ S208 0F PC OBTAIN LEVEL OF EC N r \ DECREASE LEVEL r3205 OBTAIN BASIC AS REQWRED EXPERIENCE VALUE S209 FROM EXPERIENCE A,’ VALUE CALCULATION TAELE DISTRIBUTE S210 EXPERIENCE VALUE M TO PC INCREASE LEVEL 3211 As REQUIRED N DISTRIBUTE POINT S212 TO HUME A/ NATION OF PC PROVIDE ITEM As 5213 REQUIRED " PC ; PLAYER CHARACTER END EC ; ENEMY CHARACTER US.
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