The IFFI guide to discovering the festival city CONTENTS 8 PanAji essentials An illustrious history of goa 13 17 Living Landmarks of panAji 29 Gastronomically Yours 39 A Celebration of Cultures 47 The Filmy Connection Beyond PanAji 53 58 BUILDING A SMARTER PANAJI 65 Delegate's Day Out 71 IFFI MAP 73 GOA MAP 75 NOTES Instructions for Delegates Delegate Registration cell TheBadgesmustbecollectedpersonallyfromtheregistrationcounter,atKala E-mail: [email protected] Academy,inPanaji,Goa.PresenttheemailcontainingtheBadgeIDandBadgecode. HELPLINE NUMBERS: +91-8390454813 and +91-9607474531 CarryaphotoidentitycardissuedbyaGovernmentauthority,whilecollecting yourdelegatecard. Location of all the Booths and their functional areas: Delegatekitswillbeprovidedalongwiththedelegatecard. Kala Academy BI 1, BI 2 , BI 3, BI 4 Delegate ‘Cine Enthusiasts’ badges Issue TheHelpDeskislocatedatKalaAcademy,MaquinezPalaceandINOXtheatre BI 5 Delegate ‘Film students’ badge Issue forinformation. BI 6 Delegate ‘Film Professionals’ badge Issue WiFiserviceswillbeprovidedfreeofcosttoalldelegates.OurWiFiisnamed,‘IFFI’ BI 7 Delegate ‘Senior Citizens, Differently abled’ badge Issue andthepasswordisyourexistingmyIFFIusername.AnIFFIdailynewsletterwill BI 8 Delegates who have not received Badge Issue email from us beavailableattheHelpDeskseverymorning. Help Desk outside Kala Academy campus Onlinereservationofticketswillbeavailablefrom19thNovanddelegateswillbe abletobookticketsinlotsof5.Thenextlotof5ticketscanbereservedonlyafter HD 1 Delegate registration theredemptionofthefirst5.Hencethedelegatesarerequestedtoreservethefirst HD 2 Day Delegate registration 5judiciouslytotheearliestdate. COUNTERS inside KALA ACADEMY campus Specialredemptionboothstoredeemonlineticketreservationsareplacedatbooths TC 13, TC14 Ticketing Counters for delegates oppositetoINOXandnamedasTC1&TC2.Delegatesaretopresentbadgesatthese boothsandobtaintheticketsfromthesebooths. HD3 Films, events, general info, WiFi passwords, ticket cancellation Itismandatorytopresentbadgeandtickettogainentryintothefilmtheatre. INOX courtyard TC 7, TC8 Ticketing Counters for online booking redemption Enter5minutespriortothemoviescreening,elsetheticketstandsinvalid. TC9 Ticketing Counters for delegates Film Professionals Delegateswhodonothaveticketsforaparticularscreeningcanwaitintherushline. TC 10 Senior Citizens/ Differently abled TC 11 Goan Film Professionals Therushlinewillopen5minutesbeforethemovieisscheduledtobegin, TC 12 Ticketing Counters for Media basedonseatavailability. HD4 Films, events, general info, WiFi passwords, ticket cancellation Seatavailabilitywillbedisplayedonascreen,statingthenumberofvacantseats. Help Desk in Inox courtyard Differenttheatres/moviescreeningswillhavespecificrushlines. TC 1 to TC 6 Ticketing Counters for all delegates Entrywillonlybeallowedtothosewithvalidbadgesandtickets. OLD GMC building BI 9 Media badges Issue Counters at Maquinez Palace Cancellationofticketsmustbedoneatleastonehourpriortothemoviescreening. BI 10, BI 11: Badges Issue (Guests/Officials) Failuretodosowillresultinthecancellationofthedelegate’sdailyticketquota. HD5 Films, events, general info, WiFi passwords, ticket cancellation Ticketsarenon-transferrable.Everybadgewillbescannedattheentranceoftheatre. Noduplicateticketwillbeissuedincaseyourticketislost. IFFIGUIDE 2017 Manipal Hospitals Panaji ESSENTIALS Dr E Borges Rd, Dona Paula, Panaji, Goa. Lostyourpassport?Needtoexchangecurrency,orimmediate Tel: 0832-3002500 medicalattention?Fretnot,here’salistofessentialcontact informationshouldyouneedanyhelpduringyourstayatIFFI. Bhandare Hospital Near Peoples High School, Panaji, Goa. Tel: 0832-2225602 EmErgENCy CONTACT NumBErS 108 AMBuLANCE Panaji Ambulance & Welfare Trust Hotel Manoshanti, Behind Edc House, Panaji, Goa. 100 POLICE Tel: 0832-2223097 101 FIRE 0832-2464260 TOuRIST POLICE MIRAMAR 24 HOurS OPEN CHEmISTS 1718 COAST GuARD WagleMedicalStore,Panaji. Tel: 0832-2220461 JeevanRekhaMedicalStoresPanaji. Tel: 0832-2435946 1033 NATIONAL HIGHWAyS EMERGENCy RELIEF BardezBazaar,Mapusa. Tel: 0832-2256409 1091 WOMEN POLICE HELPLINE Walson&Walson,Calangute. Tel: 0832-2276366 / +91 7798256798 HOSPITALS IN PANAJI Healthways Hospital FOrEIgN CONSulate OFFICES Rua Armada Portuguesa, Mala, Mala, Near People’s High School, British Nationals Assistance Office Fontainhas, Altinho, Panaji, Goa. 303-304, Casa Del Sol, Opp. Goa Marriott Resort, Panaji, Goa Tel: 0832-2424966 Tel: 0832-6636777 Out of Office Tel: +91-11-24192100 Email: [email protected] Ghanashyam Govind Kamat Memorial Hospital A-1, Jairam Complex, Ourem Road, Mala, Neugi Nagar, Panaji, Goa. German Consulate Tel: 0832-2435727 CMM House, Rua de Ourem, Panaji, Goa. Tel: 0832-2235526 Kaisare Eye & Dental Hospital B-1, 1st Floor, Jairam Complex, Nevgi Nagar, Panaji, Goa. Consulate General of Portugal Tel: 0832-2424517 Smt. Parvathi House No. 38 & 39, Fr. Agnelo Road, Altinho. Tel: 0832-2421525, 0832-2424524, 0832-2424526 Military Hospital Opposite Kala Academy, Panaji, Goa. Austrian Consulate Tel: 0832-2425061 Salgaocar House, Dr. Luis Gomes Road, Vasco-Da-Gama, Goa. Tel: 0832-2513811, 0832-2513816 Criticare Hospital 2nd Floor, Opp. Parade Ground, Campal, Panaji, Goa. Italian Consulate Tel: 0832-6511770 B-1 Sesa Ghor, Patto, Panaji, Goa. Phone: 0832-2441481 / 328 Trinity Healthcare & Research (Esperanca Hospital) St Mary Colony, Miramar, Panaji, Goa. Tel: 0832-2462444 8 IFFIGUIDE 2017 9 FOrEIgN ExCHANgE SErVICES mOBILE & TELECOm Trade Wings Airtel Relationship Centre 1st Floor, Naik Building, MG Road, Opp Don Bosco MG Road, Panaji, Goa 403001 High School, Panaji Tel: +91-96659 72223 Tel: 0832-2224576 BSNL Kamakshi Forex Pvt Ltd Patto Centre, Panaji, Goa 403001 Shop No. 13/7/3, Ground Floor, Confrarias Building, Tel: 094000-54141 / 1500 / 1800-345-1500 D.B Marg, Panaji Customer Office: 0832-2484828 Tel: 0832-2220914 Vodafone Oriental Exchange & Financial Services City Centre 19. Patto Plaza 6th Floor, Panaji, Panaji, Goa. 18th June Rd, Near Titan Showroom, Panaji Tel: 0832-7171000 Tel: 0832-2235772 Hathway Broadband Internet ICICI Bank Patto Plaza No. 703, Gera’s Imperium 1, Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa Sesa Ghor, Ground Floor, Patto Plaza, Panaji Tel: 0832-6713000 Tel: 0832-3366777 Reliance Jio Mini Store Panaji Head Post Office Shankar Parvati Bldg.,Shop no.G9, 18th June Road, Tiswadi Panaji St Tome Rd, Panaji, Goa. Tel: +91-79720 05967 Tel: 0832-2223704 My Idea Store Shop No. 6 & 7, Kamat Nagar Apartment, Opp. Vijaya Bank, Panaji, Goa. ›Tel: +91-98221 20411 10 IFFIGUIDE 2017 11 GOA ThoughitisthesmallestIndianstateinsize,Goahas an influential role in Indian history. Evidence exists intheformofpre-historicrockart,suggestinghuman settlementinGoaasfarbackas30,000BC.Beinga shelteredport,Goahasalwaysbeenamajortradecentre, attracting medieval dynasties, seafarers, merchants, traders,monksandmissionariessinceitsearliestknown history.Here’satimelineofGoathroughtheages. 12 IFFIGUIDE 2017 13 30,000 BC (est.) 1542 AD Palaeolithiccivilisationcreateshamanicrockart St.FrancisXavierarrivesinGoa atUsgalimal,onthebanksofriverKushavati 1556 AD 2200 BC ThefirstprintingpresscomestoGoa,“ConclusionnesPhilosophicas” SumeriansmaketradecontactwithGoa wasthefirstbookpublished 1775 BC 1560 AD PhoeniciansarriveandsettleinGoa InquisitioninGoaisauthorisedbyKingJoaoIIIofPortugal 700 to 200 BC 1570 AD GoaisapartofMauryanEmpire.Buddhismarrives GoacomesundersiegebyIsmailAdilShah inGoain500BC. 1653 AD 200 BC to 100 AD Fr.MateusdeCastroleadsamutiny SatavahanadynastyrulesGoa,establishestradewith tooverthrowPortugueserule Greek&RomanEmpires 1683 AD 200 to 400 AD MarathasledbySambhajiattackGoa MultipledynastiesruleoverpartsofGoa 1741 AD 400 to 600 AD PortuguesedefeattheMarathasandBhonsles BhojasofChandorruleGoa 600 AD 1759 AD Tiswadi(Ilhas)conqueredbyChalukyas ViceroytakesupresidenceinOldGoa 1000 AD 1843 AD KadambaDynastysecuresfootholdinGoa PanajideclaredthecapitalofGoa 1327 AD KadambaruleinGoacollapses,theysurrenderto 1900 AD Goa’sfirstnewspaperO’Heraldolaunched MohammedBinTughlak’sforces 1946 AD 1459 AD Dr.RamManoharLohiastartstheSatyagraha Bahamani King, Mohammed Shah captures Goa movementinGoa 1510 AD 1961 AD AdilShah’sforcessurrenderGoatoAfonsodeAlbuquerque, IndianarmymountsOperationVijaytoliberateGoa FirstDukeofGoa fromthePortuguese 14 IFFIGUIDE 2017 15 Living Landmarks of Panaji Panaji, Goa’s capital, officially detached itself from its Portuguese name Panjim in the 1960s. Ponnje is thecapital’snameinKonkani.Allthreewordsare believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit wordspanjaniandkhalithatmeant‘aboat’and‘a smallcreek’respectively. Today Panaji is a modern city comprising of a municipalityandlargeurbanclusters.WhilePanaji isconsideredamongthebetterplannedurbancities in India, it is entrenched in history that is both, gloriousandfascinating.Wegiveyoualowdown onpartsofthecapitalcitythatstandoutnotjustfor theirhistoricalconnectbutalsoshowcaseitsunique architecturalheritage. 16 IFFIGUIDE 2017 17 PATTO BRIDGE Alsoknownas“Pontede Linhares”(Ponte,bridgein Portuguese),itisbelievedto beacontinuationofalong causeway,linkingPanaji toRibandar.Today,itisa symbolofGoa’sheritageand anarchitecturallegacyofthe Portuguese. The MAQUINEZES PALACE (OLD GMC) ThePalaceofMaquinezes(PalacioDosMaquinezes)wasconstructedin1702 Panaji CHURCH andearlierwasthehomeofGoaMedicalCollege,oneofAsia’soldestmedical institutions.TodaytheerstwhilePalacecomplexhousestheofficesofGoa KnownastheShrineofNossaSenhorada Government’sFoodandDrugsAdministrationdepartment,Entertainment ImmaculadaConceicaoortheOurLadyof SocietyofGoa&MovieTheatresandisthecentralhubofIFFI.
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