Congress Report 2008 The 140th annual Trades Union Congress 8-11 September, Brighton 4 Contents Page General Council members 2008 – 2009……………………………… ............. 4 Section 1 - Congress decisions………………………………………… .............. 7 Part 1 Resolutions carried .............................. ………………………………………………8 Part 2 Motion lost…………………………………………………….. ............................... 29 Part 3 Motion withdrawn…………………………………………………………………….30 Part 4 General Council statement……………………………………………………………31 Section 2 – Verbatim report of Congress proceedings .......................... 35 Day 1 Monday 8 September ........................................................................................ 36 Day 2 Tuesday 9 September……………………………………… ................................... 72 Day 3 Wednesday 10 September ............................................................................... 113 Day 4 Thursday 11 September ................................................................................... 153 Section 3 - Unions and their delegates .................................................... 177 Section 4 - Details of past Congresses ..................................................... 189 Section 5 – Members of the General Council 1921 – 2008 ................... 192 Index of speakers ......................................................................................... 197 General Council Members Dave Harvey 2008 – 2009 National Union of Teachers Billy Hayes Communication Workers Union Bob Abberley UNISON Sally Hunt University and College Union Jonathan Baume FDA Tony Kearns Communication Workers Union Sheila Bearcroft (Chair) GMB Chris Keates National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Mary Bousted Women Teachers Association of Teachers and Lecturers Paul Kenny Tony Burke GMB Unite Michael Leahy OBE Jane Carolan Community UNISON Leslie Manasseh MBE Gail Cartmail Connect Unite Martin Mayer Brian Caton Unite Prison Officers’ Association Len McCluskey Jeremy Dear Unite National Union of Journalists Lesley Mercer Gerry Doherty Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Transport Salaried Staffs Association Gloria Mills CBE Maria Exall UNISON Communication Workers Union Ged Nichols Sue Ferns Accord Prospect Paul Noon Mark Fysh Prospect UNISON Brian Orrell OBE Gerry Gallagher Nautilus UK UNISON Christine Payne Allan Garley Equity GMB Tim Poil Janice Godrich Nationwide Group Staff Union Public and Commercial Services Union Dave Prentis Anita Halpin UNISON National Union of Journalists Alan Ritchie John Hannett Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers 4 Sue Rogers National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers Dougie Rooney Unite Mark Serwotka Public and Commercial Services Union Alison Shepherd UNISON Derek Simpson Unite Eleanor Smith UNISON John Smith Musicians’ Union Liz Snape MBE UNISON Patricia Stuart Unite Mohammed Taj Unite Paul Talbot Unite John Walsh Unite Fiona Wilson Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Tony Woodhouse Unite Tony Woodley Unite Matt Wrack Fire Brigades Union Brendan Barber General Secretary 5 6 Section 1 Congress Decisions Listed below are the decisions taken by the 2008 Trades Union Congress on the motions and amendments submitted by unions. The numbers given to resolutions and motions refer to their number in the Final Agenda, or to that of the Composite or Emergency Motion. 7 Resolutions carried ii) support the initiatives to create a 'sector of excellence' in the European shortsea trades; iii) support efforts to safeguard UK and EU seafarer Part 1 employment and to revitalise training; iv) support measures to encourage operators to compete on the basis of quality rather than low cost; Resolutions Carried and v) lobby the UK Government and the European 7 Attacks on trade union rights Commission for further measures to prevent unfair competition through discrimination on the pay and Congress again calls for the repeal of the anti-trade conditions of foreign seafarers. union laws. Nautilus UK Congress is appalled that the recent Viking, Laval and Ruffert judgments in the European Court of Justice are a fundamental attack on collective bargaining and the 13 Civil liberties right to strike, representing the most serious attack on Congress expresses its concern at the steady erosion of trade unions since Taff Vale. civil liberties in the UK and in particular the negative The unelected judges of the EU, using the 'free impact such attacks have on members' working lives. movement' provisions, have disembowelled the Congress congratulates unions who have resisted the concept of social Europe and undermined the ability of imposition of draconian measures in the workplace and unions to protect workers. The Lisbon Treaty would unions who have worked with civil liberty campaigners exacerbate these attacks by handing greater powers to to expose the wider threat posed to civil liberties, the ECJ to interpret disputes concerning the Charter of including plans for ID cards, 42-day detention and Fundamental Rights. limits on the right to protest. In the UK these rulings add to the restraints of thirty Congress also expresses its grave concern at the threats years of anti-trade union laws, which have massively to independent journalism posed by the Terrorism Act reduced collective bargaining coverage and, in turn, and other recent legislation. In particular, Congress have contributed to dramatic increases in inequality. condemns the threat to jail journalists such as Shiv Congress believes there is an urgent need to campaign Malik and Robin Ackroyd for protecting journalistic strenuously for restoration of the fundamental human sources. right to strike, recognised but overridden in the ECJ Congress recognises the importance of a free media in cases, and for the introduction of the Trade Union a democratic society, the essential function fulfilled by Freedom Bill. whistleblowers and the vital public interest in Congress welcomes the General Council's support for upholding journalists' rights not to reveal their sources. the United Campaign's Westminster rally last year and Congress condemns attempts to use the Contempt of requests it to continue to support United Campaign Court Act, Terrorism Act and other legislation to initiatives with the above objectives. compel journalists to betray confidential sources in Congress also demands that the General Council: breach of Article 10 of the European Convention on i) organise a day of action, demonstration and lobby of Human Rights. Parliament; Congress urges the General Council to take a lead and ii) facilitate meetings of affiliates to promote the work with affiliates to support legal and industrial campaign; challenges to defend civil liberties and the right of members to work free from such threats. iii) campaign for all ILO Conventions to be included in any new UK Bill of Rights; and National Union of Journalists iv) call for a European-wide day of action. The following AMENDMENT was accepted National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport In paragraph 3, line 2, after 'journalism' insert 'and Workers academic freedom'. The following AMENDMENT was accepted At end of paragraph 3 add: Insert new paragraph 5: 'Congress also condemns the use of the Terrorism Act to restrict the rights of academics and students to 'Congress is further concerned that consideration was research and study terrorist tactics (as occurred at the given to the use of powers under the Civil University of Nottingham in May).' Contingencies Act against striking tanker drivers and that the same legislation has been used to justify the Insert new paragraph 5: planning of privatised strike-breaking in the fire and 'Congress also recognises the importance of academic rescue service under the proposals for Project freedom in guaranteeing a robust democracy.' Fireguard.' University and College Union Fire Brigades' Union 17 Appointment of Joel Edwards 10 The protection of seafarers' employment in Congress condemns Joel Edward's appointment as the EU shortsea trades Commissioner to the Equality and Human Rights Congress notes with concern the continuing decline in Commission (EHRC). Mr Edwards, General Director of the number of British and other EU seafarers. Congress the Evangelical Alliance (EA), describes gay sex and also notes the increasing use of poorly paid crews from same sex partnerships as 'sinful'. low-cost labour supplying areas on board many of the Congress is appalled that the Chair of the EHRC, Trevor ships that operate in British and EU waters. Congress Philips, took part in the selection process. The EHRC deplores the failure of the ship owners to agree on the states that 'all Commissioners are appointed on the proposed terms of an EU directive to regulate basis of their experience or knowledge of employment conditions in the European ferry sector. discrimination and human rights.' This statement is Congress therefore calls on the General Council to: incongruous with Mr Edward's position. On numerous i) support seafarer union campaigns against the occasions Joel Edwards has made homophobic exploitation of foreign seafarers in EU waters; statements and continues to do so. The EA has opposed 8 Resolutions carried recent legislative steps towards equality for LGBT reduce the abortion time limit from 24 weeks and to people. impose a 'cooling off' period and compulsory Under the direction of Mr Edwards, the EA has issued counselling. Congress believes such measures would public claims such as 'homosexual practice is morally have
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