Biodiversity Journal, 2019, 10 (2): 81–92 https://doi.org/10.31396/Biodiv.Jour.2019. Diversity of Phytoplanktonic populations along the Algerian coastline Mustapha Boudjenah1,2,*, Zakia Mokrane2 & Dina Soualili1 1Department of Marine Sciences and Aquaculture, Faculty of Natural Sciences and life, Abedelhamid Ibn Badis University, BP 227, Mostaganem, Algeria; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 2CNRDPA/National Center for Research and Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 11 Boulevard Amirouche, Bou- Ismail, Tipaza, Algeria; e-mail: [email protected] *Corresponding author ABSTRACT Phytoplankton biodiversity is the basis of the functioning of the aquatic ecosystems. Also, understanding and evaluating the effects of the change in our environment and their impact on planktonic populations is an important element. In fact, this paper was to appreciate the diversity and composition of phytoplankton in relation to some physicochemical parame- ters. Water samples were collected along the Algerian coastline (Alboran Sea, the Algerian basin and the Middle area), during the period May–June 2013. The study area contained a diversified phytoplankton community (296 species), belonging to 138 genera. The algal groups were represented and classified as dinoflagellates (180 species), diatoms (103 species), cyanophyceae, coccolithophorids, euglenids, and chrysophytes (13 species). The spatial distribution of cell densities revealed a heterogeneous phytoplankton composition dominated by dinoflagellates, which represent 63% of the total abundance, followed by di- atoms (35%). Quantitatively, we observed a highest cell density and diatoms abundance in most stations of the Alboran Sea decreasing towards the east (Algerian basin). The peak of dinoflagellates in June was represented by Prorocentrum and Gymnodinium genera. KEY WORDS Phytoplankton; diversity; physicochemical parameters; diatoms; dinoflagellates. Received 06.02.2019; accepted 28.03.2019; published online 08.05.2019. INTRODUCTION bioindicator of the impact of natural and seasonal changes in coastal ecosystems (Rimet & Bouchez, Phytoplankton is an important element in the 2011). Changes in dominant base groups/species marine ecosystem; this community is the basis of often propagate up the food chain, impacting on marine and freshwater food webs. Any change fish, marine mammals, and birds (Donnelly et al., leads to variation of the trophic systems (Somoue 2007). Their susceptibility to environmental et al., 2013), their composition fluctuations de- change is usually expressed by morphological pending on hydrological conditions, such as light, and/or behavioral changes as well as by persistent temperature, salinity, pH, nutrients, and turbulence. or seasonal differences in abundance and distribu- Phytoplankton is known to exhibit rapid responses tion (Leterme et al., 2013). Qualitative and quanti- to changes in environmental conditions and is tative studies of phytoplankton allow us to therefore commonly acknowledged as an excellent recognize and describe the morphology of species, 82 MUSTAPHA BOUDJENAH ET ALII and to analyse the dynamics of populations in time 2013”, which took place from May to June (2013) and space. aboard the research vessel “Grine Belkacem”, con- In recent years, “massive” growth of some phy- cerned the trawl bottoms of the Algerian coast at a toplanktonic species has been recorded along the depth from 20 to 800 m (Plateau and continental Algerian coastline. These blooms are often linked slope), Cape Segleb (36°56’45”'N - 8°36’57”E), Al- to the eutrophication and anthropization of aquatic gerian-Tunisian borders to Wadi Kiss (35°3’49”N - environments, and the nuisance that can be caused 2°12’50”W), Algerian-Moroccan borders. The Al- by hundreds of species may potentially present a gerian coastline (Fig. 1) has been divided into three risk to public health (David et al., 2012). sectors: 1) the Alboran Sea: located in the western The information, concerning the composition of region of the Mediterranean Sea; its maximum the phytoplankton community of the Algerian coast width is 180 km at its eastern part, and a minimum comes mainly from specific studies, referred to cer- of 14 km at the Strait of Gibraltar. The distance from tain zones. While global data from across the Al- the Strait of Gibraltar to the line between Cap de gerian coast are missing from the literature, Gata (Almeria, Spain) and Cape Fegalo (Oran, Al- nevertheless protection of marine ecosystems is a geria) is 350 km. This imaginary line does not define priority in the national development program of a strict physical boundary, but an approximate de- aquaculture and fishing activities in Algeria (Plan limitation of ecological processes and fluctuations Aquapeche 2020, 2014). in physical characteristics; 2) the Middle area: be- The present study aims to explore the diversifi- tween the eastern limit of the Alboran Sea and the cation and structure of phytoplankton populations western boundary of the Algerian basin, goes from observed on the Algerian coast during the period the wilaya of Tipasa to Tizi-Ouzou; 3) the Algerian from May to June 2013 observed as a result of the basin: in the center of the western Mediterranean analysis of the data collected during the prospecting Sea, between the Algerian coasts and the Balearic Oceanographic campaign. It will reveal phyto- Islands on the western side and the island of Sardinia plankton composition in three different zones of the on the east coast. Its width can reach about 280 km Algerian coast, namely: the Alboran Sea, the Alger- and extends over a length of about 500 km (Riandey ian basin and the Middle area. et al., 2005). The main hypothesis of this work is the influ- In the present work, we named by “wilaya” a ence of Atlantic waters on the structure of phyto- sampling site related to an administrative division plankton assemblages essentially, the diatom to (In English, Prefecture). dinoflagellate ratio. This study will provide important information Sampling strategy and methods of phyto- for future research, in relation to observed changes plankton analysis in the structure of the phytoplankton community due to the combined pressure of climate change and The radials were selected in a grid pattern across human impact in the Mediterranean. the study region. During this campaign, in-situ hy- drological measurements (temperature and salinity records) were carried out vertically by a CTD probe MATERIAL AND METHODS (Sea-Bird SBE 19 plus) and horizontally by a thermo-salinograph (Sea- Bird SBE 21) installed on Study area board of the Research vessel. About 11 stations were chosen for the treatment and study of phyto- To gather information on different (qualitative plankton in this work, the position of these deferent and quantitative) aspects of the phytoplankton pop- study areas (Wilaya) is noted in Table I. ulation along the Algerian coastline, the study was The phytoplankton dynamics study was divided based on data collected during the assessment of de- into three distinct stages, i) sampling; ii) fixation, mersal resources “ALDEM 2013” by CNRDPA observation of the samples; and, finally, iii) the (National Center for Research and Development graphic and statistical processing of the data. Fisheries and Aquaculture). Sampling. Seawater for qualitative and quantita- The assessment of demersal resources “ALDEM tive study was carried out using 5 liter capacity Diversity of Phytoplanktonic populations along the Algerian coastline 83 Niskin PVC bottles. The treatment protocol of this Determination of phytoplankton species was carried stand adopted in this study was based on the stan- out at the specific level or, in case of difficulty or dards related to the Utermöhl method (Utermöhl, uncertainty, at higher taxonomic level (genus, fam- 1958). Phytoplankton were field-fixed immediately ily or class) using several keys and/or catalogues with Lugol’s solution, conserved at low temperature (Meunier, 1915; Schiller, 1933-1937; Taylor, 1976; (4° C ) and in the dark to avoid photosynthesis. Fi- Meave-del Castillo, 2009; Meave-del Castillo et al., nally, to achieve sedimentation of samples, each bot- 2012). Then, phytoplankton species were updated tle was gently agitated for at least one minute, to according to main taxonomic database sites, like al- homogenize its content. Utermöhl tanks were placed gaebase.com, and World Register of Marine in sedimentation chambers (100 ml and 50 ml). The Species (WoRMS, 2019). sedimentation time varied according to volume, Data analysis. In this section, we were also in- from 24 to 72 hours (Ignatiades et al., 2009). terested in the variations of cell density of different Observation and identification of species. Phy- toplankton analysis was carried out in accordance species and genera in each station. with the recommendations of the Guide Standard for the Counting of Phytoplankton by Reverse Mi- Diversity and structure of phytoplanktonic croscopy - Standard (Norme européenne NF EN populations 15204, 2006) of December 2006 - corresponding to Utermöhl method. A camera was very useful for Three main indices have been used, namely validations of identifications and measurements. Shannon-Wiener, Equitability and Simpson. Figure 1. Localization of the study areas (site/wilaya) and subdivision of the Algerian coast. A: Algerian basin; B: Middle area; C: Alboran Sea. 84 MUSTAPHA BOUDJENAH ET ALII Table 1. Geographical coordinates for each sampled site (wilaya) by region and its distance to the coast.
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