LJ ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS o July 8-14, 1994 H INTERVIEW a, Miss Texas BaShara Chandler -~'.~ Pride is SPECIAL REPORT Stonewall 25 The world's only Gay owned, e-, Gay operated cruise ship! MOVIES Go Fish Cd A great vacation value with impeccable service, sumptuous food, and hot summer destinations o including P-town and me Island. Call a listed Travel Agent for Inioimetiori and brochures. AUSTIN Creative Tvl Ctr 800-473-5929 512-331-9560 DALLAS Plaza Travel ext 38 800-752-1191 214-980-1191 HOUSTON Advance Damron Vacations 800-695-0880 713-682-2002 Woodlake Tvl 713-789-7500 713-840-8500 THEATRE Coming Out of Closets in Houston ~RSVP SeaSpirit ~ THE TOP TEN REASONS TO PARJY AT (;~ 10. Everything your mother warned you about is here 9. Beer Bust on Sun, Mon, & Tues $2 Buy-in 25¢ Mugs 8. Tuesdays - The Hottest Night in Austin. Amateur Strip & Steak Night 7. 25¢ Well Drinks Wed & Fri 6. Saturdays, The Ultimate Cruise Bar, Coolest Drink Prices 5. The Best Bar Staff in the City 4. Closest Bar to Hippie Hollow 3. Male Dancer Sun, Mon, & Thurs 2. There may be imitations, but why imitate, there's only one H July 15. 1994 ~~~oW~[U~~[U'l( 25TC5f][bf][3~ljO@~ C5@~O~QDf] THE TRADITIOtt COttTlttOES... [?@[Ulj[K)f] f]~ljO[Uf] ~@~[K) @[? DQD[b<:;1 01 LeAN HA12RV'S DRAF b •. ~d c BEER MONDAV THRU SATURDAV NOON-6 PM PLUS BEER BUST ~~ 65 I S. Jennings· Fort Worth • 817/332-0745 THE SUMMER Congratulations to the Court l'ARTV'94 on CORONATION XVI in Music by DJs CARLOS and Dlg'em • Ughts by Jason Simmons Benefitting the "IV Wellness Center "For: Worth Where The West Begins" rmn[lrru f:\Nl (S\ nn f:\fii)In)WS)~ ~l~srn~S+!~sStreet ~ eROS l!)JU lbtJJlJJ ~ lnJtl1lJlJlJlJU ~ (512) 320-882] ~ THE ~ TREE~, 600 W. Magnolia. 817·332·0415 Fort Worth 700 S. Jennings • 817·332.0192 VOTES ARE POURING IN FROM EVERYWHERE! TEXAS OFTHEYEAR 1995 Next Friday, the names of the entertainers you've said are your favorites will be announced. They'll all compete on FRIDAY, JULY 29 for over $2500 in cash and prizes ii '~":'"."". "j.<;;"'"''L,",..>~'''~....•~it.".I ,. * * ".i!J : Check it 01Ult~~ ~."'" TASHA TANDI SHAYLA The ILe~nGreen ,.-+_F ~ KOHL ANDREWS SIMPSON National Entertainer Texas Entertainer National Entertainer of the Year Emeritus of the Year 1994 of the Year 1994 Party M~cJhliIDleo 3923 Cedar \llOdge 5IEqltldrj Springs, D~liliSl§ 3911 CIDARSPRINGS·DALLAS· (214)380-3808 2R4038((13808 VOLUME 20, NUMBER 18 JULY 8 - JULY 14, 1994 14 SPECIAL REPORT Stonewall 1994: Celebration of a Revolution Coverage by Gaywlre 19 SNAPSHOTS March to the UN. In Pictures Photos by Brian Keever and Bobby Miller 20 THEATRE Coming Out of Closets In Houston 27 MOVIES Go FishPresents Lighthearted Look at Lesbian Love Reviewed by Susan McDonald 31 INTERVIEW Miss Texas BaShara Chandler Campaigns to Increase AIDS Awareness by Chris Gray 37 CURRENT EVENTS 43 LETTERSTO THE EDITOR 49 BACKSTAGE Mary Martin Taught My Mama Dancing at Fort Worth's Caso Manana 51 STARSCOPE Mercury Goes Retrograde, Wreaking Havoc and Confusion .I: E I 59 SPORTS HOG Happenings in Houston 60 TEXAS NEWS Paul Simon Concert In Dallas Raises $900,000 for AmFAR; .~~< >. 1{ljJ~ EI Paso Newspaper Starts Printing Gay Wedding Announcements 64 TEXAS TEA Hot Weather Fun Across the State be::> p=~~ 74 CLASSIFIED 83 OBITUARIES :I ~ ~~p. 85 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texes) Is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper co, at 3300 Reagan Street in Dallas, Texas 75219 and 8'1 Westhelmer in Houston. Texes n(X)6, OpInions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those ofTWT or of its staff. Publlcotlonofthe name or photograph C? ~~~ of any person or organization In articles or advertising In TWT Is not to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation at said person "7 or organization. Subscription rates: $6Q per year. $40 per half year. Back Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany aU orders. Copyright © 1994 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news. 1i === P:t'i Q article or feature. copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. en ~ e-=a. THIS lNEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay II<Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 I PUBLISHER i HOUSTON OFFICE DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN 811Westhelmer, Suite 111 3300 Reagan Street EDITOR Houston. Texas 77006 Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT .1:_" ~ Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT COMPTROLLER •••••• ,•., "",'l~ (713) 527·9111 (214) 521·0622 STEVEMILES GO all=~§~ ARTDIRECTORRichard Bong • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue, Victor Perea • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSHugh Callaway, Bob Dineen. Lydia Godfrey. Chris Gray, PhilJohnson, ~r"~~8~ C lichtenstein. Brent Shockley. Joe Watts - ~..,-- e= 0.J :::I 1")It.~~., STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSMike Beck. Cory Birdwell, Chris Garrett, Graham. Richard Scudder, Siros,Tlo NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214) 521-0622 • FAX 520-TWIT •• ~·!I'~~8. Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson in your nearest City. •• .., '~" c:::J ~ Auslln _ Anthony Kruszynski (512) 447·8606. Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 • ·i-~.8§ Houston/Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527·9111 • San Antonio - Paul Briner (210) 614-1348 ••• 17'\ CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Chris Gray • Houston Brian Keever •. r\ t::::J ,.. TWT© 1994 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company ., SHANERUFFP, RESIDENITCEO I DIRECTOR ROYKLAUSI CO-DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Markellng, Inc. 7IAcift :-- ---- - - 4S'lJJ!]J(f~ -Sunday July 10th. ~, KARL THOMAS RETURNS! Stallion Video's Porn God Cums back home to Pacific Street from starring in his latest video creation: "INSIDE KARL THOMAS!" No Cover 7-9 ! GET READY TO GO GREEK! Friday July 15 tho TOGA PARTY! The Greek Weekend starts off Wild! No Cover in a Toga! Our Special Effects and Hot Music make this party a definite Must! Saturday, July 16 tho WARRIOR PARTY I Macho Men are Back! No Cover in Warrior Costume or Erotic Leather! Take it off, Slick Down, & Party Hard all Night! Sunday, July 17 tho ROME IS BURNING! Nero's Folly winds up the Greek Weekend with No Cover 7-9! Decadance & Debauchery 90 Cent Well, $1.75 Beer, Guaranteed as we fill our $2.50 Call & $1 Schnaaps! Cages with Hot Young Studs & ALL NIGHT-EVERY NIGHTI Dance until the Morning! 710 Pacific Street Houston, Tx. 713/523-0213 ~ MASSAGE THERAPY... TANNING BED'" FITNESS INSTRUCTOR _.Met .V·U , _Up lQ ,:W@~ •:s I ~ ..: ~ WORK 11~ ~ ~ SUNDAYS U1 " <III lJ; ~ 1/2 » WORK \:: ~ c:: r- C) -< C) n1~9f~ c- (li :r: » ~ 5 f~ ~ 2: « 2: IJ..! IT WORK r- \l' ~ r II Ii...., ~~ (I r"Il <III ~ WORK eWooJ!z.1 ~ ~, ~ t\: « ~ ) f IT z ~ c; WORK :r <4 :r- c: 11 WORK 3913 Cedar Springs, Dallas :r ~t, c: s: 214-380-3808 ): r- IT § WORK z '''_I (' IT 71 FUN U WORK llTADV STONEWALL e==..•~ .:><:0 ,..,.~ The Celebration of a Revolution Coverage by Bob Kent, Em P. Stoltz, C. Lichtenstein, Laura Felice and R. Michael for Gaywire™ unday, June 25, 1994 represents a be a part of history. What did Ken actually S unique anniversary in gay and lesbian miss that night? history. By now, all of us have heard the It all started when six police officers background of what proved to be the pushed into the Stonewall Inn and began police raid to end all police raids on a gay to roughly shove the 200 or so patrons out establishment. We've read the books and onto the sidewalk. The patrons were a mix- articles, watched the television tributes. ed bag of transvestites, teenage male But nothing could prepare us for what took hookers, dykes and some local gays who place in New York City on the anniversary hung out at this black-walled, mafia-owned Sunday 25 years later. Many words could bar and dance hall. The cops were used to be used to describe the feelings that day- encountering a docile but verbal group euphoria, pride, joy, spirituality, anger, sad- when they raided gay bars. Not that night. ness, camaraderie and hope are but a few, Size 11 fuck-me pumps and coins began but that only scratches the surface. flying through the air and before they knew 1969 it, the cops were surrounded by 200 or so Maybe it was the death of Judy Garland, gays and lesbians. maybe it was being hassled at 2 in the Passersby joined the action and the morning when you've had a few too many, cops barricaded themselves in the bar as maybe it was the full moon that night, an increasingly confident and rebellious or perhaps it was being humiliated and band formed outside. Barwindows, which sneered at for far too many years. Anyway, were painted black on the inside and back- something snapped that June night 25 ed with plywood, were smashed and so- years ago on Christopher Street in Green- meone found a broken parking meter and wich Village at the Stonewall Inn, and the crashed it through the door. Someone else effects are still being analyzed and felt squirted lighter fluid into the bar and toss- today. ed in a lit match. Luckily for the cops, the Ken Dorph remembers that night with flames were quickly put out. The Siege was some regret. He was 16 years old, from broken when two busloads of police rein- Staten Island and had been hanging out at forcements arrived with their helmets and Danny's, a baron Christopher Street. When tear gas. Thirteen gays were arrested that he left the bar that night, he smelled smoke night, lncludlnqall five men dressed as and saw people running.
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