THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC VOL. 79 AUGUST 27, 1943 NO. 8 9n ^UU 9UIM: Msgr. Sheen fo Talk Here New NROTC Executive Examinafions Cancelled Irish Face Great Lakes Vaudeville Gains Momentum Campbell to Lecture SHADY LANE BY THE LAKE HE NOTRE DAME T SCHOLASTIC Disce Quasi Semper Vktunis Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus BY BILL TALBOT AND JIM CUNNINGHAM FOUNDED 1867 UP AND OFF right if we ran it in the right direction: Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, counter-clocksvise. As it is, running the Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of Two new varieties of unbalanced char­ route makes us feel like English race­ postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 25. 191S. acters have been observed plying the ab­ horses. "Hold Everything" had normal during recent days. First there everything we liked. How to tor­ is the climbing, or "I've got my initials ture your Chief or Sergeant: No. 1: Go car\-ed in the Dome," type. This group, up to him in the mess-hall and say, made up entirely of 1-5 and 16 year old "Two please." No. 2: Ask Mm what in freshmen, has been competing to see who the world he does with all his time over can come closest to breaking his neck in the week-end. No. 3: Ask him why he the tip tops of the church steeple and wasn't drafted. During the past Main building. These attic Marco Polos week the dining hall ran a close first are either looking for a short cut to to the obstacle course as the place we'd heaven or are a bunch of nostalgic New like to forget most. Add to amazing Yoi-kers playing skyscraper. Says Wil- characters: A Brownson freshman who" t. \. burforce Moreoif, current record holder, smoothly shaves A\ath a long, gleaming "Like all college students, I'm only seek­ straight razor, and never cuts himself. ing the higher things in life." The second F. J. PEQUIGNEY, Editor type of mental pigmy is the anything- for-a-snicker boys who regularly turn GONE BUT HARD TO ROBERT O'TOOLE Managing Editor the Caf's menu-bulletin into a comic BILL CAREY Sports Editor page. Just a few letters changed and we FORGET DICK AMES Campus Editor have the following: A smoke-filled Oliver Coffee Shop, JAMES SCHAEFFER Admin. Editor MENU crowded with sport coats and St. Mary JOHN MATTMILLER Circulation Bad day- August 26, 1943 Hair-Do's..., The nightly calls of cor­ Soup sage, jewelry, Stationary, and Neiosiveek CHARLES RENAUD Staff Photographer Seamy Flea .OS salesmen The ring of the hall tele­ REV. C. M. CAREY Faculty Advisor Can't See Chiclcen .oo phone Flowing pitchers of milk and Broken Heart and Rice .30 white table cloths To Chicago, via Features Room AVith Mush .30 thumb, in 100 minutes Mix-ups from The Week jWm. Talbot and South Bend going on Daylight Saving Special J James Cunningham Time and the campus remaining CST... Few Toes & "Who's Beefing .25 Seniors' candlelight supper. Zahm Pressbox Splinters Bill Waddington TT „ |J. A. Flanagan, H. D. Hart, J. Vegetahles hall beer runners.... E.R.C. rumors. Horn Off Cob — .10 '—---ID. Schwendeman, J. E. Taylor Bloody Beatings 10 N.R.O.T.C H. Gilligan, J. D. Usina Corks and Cream 10 LISTENING POST Marines Lou Riepenhoff The Public and Hot Sandwiches will not be Served Introducing Bob Moran There was a short sailor dancing at the Service Center Sunday: Sailor: "Pardon my dancing, I'm a FAST WORKER DEPT. little stiff from Marching." From the new issue of The Alumnus: Gal: "Oh that's okay, I don't care "The marriage of Miss Margaret Mary where you're from." Ellis and Ensign James J. Siddall, Then there's the prof who was telling XJSNR, '36, took place on July 10, at about his family: Freeport, L. I., N. Y." "The marriage of Miss Mary Lynch "Seventeen boys," he exclaimed, "and and Ensign James J. Siddall, XJSNR, '36, all Democrats except John. The little took place on July 10, at Freeport, L. I., rascal got to readin'." N. Y." Member of Catholic School Press Association, • • • • •;• •> <• •> <• <• •:• •;• •:» ••• •> •> Associated Collegiate Press, Distributor of Col­ The accelerated program, you know. legiate Digest. Represented for national advertis­ • ing by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 • There wUl be no SCHOLASTIC Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Bos­ • next Friday. The magazine will ton—^Los Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHO­ LASTIC is published thirty times during the school BETWEEN US TOO • appear again on Sept. 3. Open • year at the University of Notre Dame. Address all It's a cinch that Doc Handy, Notre • date in Scholastic's publication • manuscript to the Editor, 305 Sorin Hall or 121 Dame's fine old track veteran, didn't schedule is due to wor conserva­ • Administration Bldg., Notre Dame, Indiana. plan the route we take twice a week tion of materials. • on our road-work drill. Running 440- Staff meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave Maria Building: Sunday through Wednesday at time around the stadium would be all <• <. ^ .> ^ .J, •> •;• ^ ^ ,j« ,j, ,j ,•, ,j, ^ 7:15 p. m. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. VOL. 79 AUGUST 27, 1943 NO. 8 Msgr. Sheen to Deliver Two Addresses Here Prof. Campbell to Talk on Orient Next Sunday The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen that time. His brother, Dr. Thomas Sunday, August 28, in the Lounge of will deliver two addresses at Notre Dame Sheen, was a graduate of Notre Dame in the Rockne Memorial, Prof. T. Bowyer on Sept. 9 and 10. Monsignor Sheen, one the class of 1921. Campbell will continue the series of en- of the Catholic Church's leading orators Besides his popularity as a platform entertainments in America, will talk on "Men of Good speaker, Monsignor Sheen is known to which has been Will" and then will speak on "The Bur­ millions through his radio work, espe­ offered to the stu­ den on the Western World." cially through the Catholic Hour. He is dents and train­ Realizing the great popularity of a member of the Philosophy Department ees of the Uni­ Monsignor Sheen, hoth at Notre Dame in the Catholic University of America. versity. and throughout the country, Father Hugh O'Donnell, president of the Uni­ Mr. Campbell versity, has extended- an invitation to will speak on the all men of the Na-vy Midshipmen School general problem to join with students and V-12 service of the develop­ ment of a true men in attendance at the series. Due to understanding the anticipated response to the Mon­ Prof. T. B. Campbell between the peo­ signor, Capt. H. P. Burnett, U.S.N., has ple of our Western ciAalization and those granted the use of the Navy Drill Hall of the East. He is exceptionally well for the talks. qualified to talk on this subject, since he Monsignor Sheen last spoke at Notre taught for five years in China and has Dame on Nov. 16, 1942, when he deliv­ travelled quite extensively in the Orient, ered the Centenary sermon at the Solemn especially in Japan. Through the years Pontifical Mass marking the 100th anni­ of his teaching and his travels he has versary of the Founding of the Univer­ been able to acquire an insight into the sity. This address was broadcast on a philosophies of the people of these coun­ nation-wide radio hookup. He also de­ tries, which has made it possible for him livered the 1941 commencement address, to deduce roughly what we may expect and was awarded an honorary LL.D. at Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen of them, and what they will expect of us, in the years following the war. The main premise of the discussion Mid-Semester Examinations will be the fact that every year the world grows steadily smaller, through improved Deficiency "Pinliies" Will Be Retained transportation and communication facil- itties, and an intertwining of political Rev. J. Leonard Carrico, C.S.C, direct­ the accelerated program. an deconomic interests. Since this will or of studies at Notre Dame, announced Mid-semester deficiency reports, fond­ be so we of the West should, and must, during the past week that the Univer­ ly known to Notre Dame men as "pink­ make it our business to gain an under­ sity Council has ies," will be sent to the office and home standing of the Oriental mind. For any decided to abolish as usual. Monday, Sept. 6, is the dead­ harmony between Oriental and Occi­ dental will be impossible xmless some mid-semester line for the deficiency reports. Teachers foundation of mutual appreciation is af­ exams due to the may still give exams at the mid-semester fected, and since we are definitely in the present l6-week for the purpose of determining scholastic minority, it should fall especially to us semester. delinquents. This is entirely at their own to bring this about. In their place. discretion. The two-hour finals, however, Father Carrico will be the only credit exams. said, will be two- The announcement was viewed with hour final examin­ mixed feelings on the campus. The gen­ ations, given at the eral concensus seemed to be that two Civilian Dance Rev. I. L. Carrico ^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^_ hour finals—^putting all the eggs in one The C. A. S. will sponsor a dance Sat­ ter in October, instead of split into quar­ basket—^would be much more difficult.
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