Da Archive Annex of new links (^^) June 18th 2017 New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive. PLEASE BUY A COPY OF THE BOOKS THAT YOU USE. If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger King for 2 weeks for no pay and you might get a clue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorry for the incomplete links This way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matrixbots and cyber crotchspiders out there. ss, @SS or $$ is Send Spaace, m3g@ is Megaa, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc. There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one. Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying. “Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps. When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat Cheetos.” Special thanks to Mageguru, Decoderfriend, Here!, Agent13, TheWiz!, Dio, The Warden, Fat Charley, Blink_Dog, helpful, and the entire Anon Brigade. You make this happen and you are Awesome. --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- A Hard To Find Game www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b files dot c4tb0x dot moe /1d6m5k.zip TheWiz! Presents The Freebie Collection! 600+ Open Source, Copyright Free RPG PDFs M3G4<dot>EnZed /#F!Nq5mVJqR!6WdkQ9T9awc07Uu8oaUzHg Mageguru's Astoundingly Beautiful and Complete Troves $nip<dot>li /TSRTrove /WOTCTrove /PFTrove /HomebrewDesign - - - Shores of Korantia Taskan Empire send space dot com /filegroup/%2BlWX%2FaIRR%2Bm5adYBxXHqQA L5R 4e Atlas https://mega.nz/#!pjYB2ZRJ!rOKgAuQMtkgXaHzZ2nK1FXx1c89qzvLl_ZaJwLQh4dc wizard's world s3ndsp4c3 /file/siyjvu $nip<DOT>li Castle Zagyg - Yggsburgh Moatgate District /136160 Castle Zagyg - Yggsburgh Town Halls /217 Exalted 3e - Charm Cards Set 1 /2606 Exalted 3e - Charm Cards Set 2 /4404 Exalted 3e - Charm Cards Set 3 /5076 Exalted 3e - Miracles of the Solar Exalted /403843 Exalted 3e - Tales from the Age of Sorrows Novel /669374 wizard's world s3ndsp4c3 /file/siyjvu Final Fantasy RPG 4th Edition here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRPG/ Hillfolk: Blood on the Snow $nip(dot)li /zY7T the Sigil System http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193287/The-Sigil-System The core system's pay-what-you-want THE CREATURE THAT ATE SHEBOYGAN http://www.mediafire.com/file/q1djfftmgnng6b1/The+Creature+That+Ate+Sheboygan.pdf Runequest Quickstart s3ndsp4c3 /file/vhzbff Tome of Beats by Kobold Press s3ndsp4c3 /file/j29efv Grimtooths ultimate trap collection s3ndsp4c3 /file/5ho3t7 Rogue Stars M3G4 #F!wmAFmaIS!E-zNp4l1lWAX6Ehv0eQtAA ??? m3ga /#F!GgZGlKAY!MRRUIHUqlPNXS58UTppRIQ!bgQngbIL N E W s3ndsp4c3 /file/2r1a7o Honor + Intrigue M3ga nz #F!9k0mnRDA!4izJiGrCIFeoHBlbskROwg!A5NyzLRT Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies m3diafir3 /?yjmwetyqemj Black Tokyo stuff m3diafir3 /file/1em1zyakk5umvi9/BT_Collection.rar Mutant Crawl Classics https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/KQ3k9pmCnRbxlomwUtlugO%2FzIdQlOKzA BW (Gold rules compat) mega #F!Y6gSGQqD!rAAqiGFFWOHPpSZQiZPqQQ TB mega #F!0qwkhKzR!6QZezBzXKjWydcbg0Eo25w M&M3e - Star Raiders $nip<dot>li /6124218 Lovecraftesque s3ndsp4c3 /file/m5tq58 - - - EMERALD CITY for M&M 3e All @ www20<d0t>z!ppysh@re<d0t>c0m ECPG /v/f4AosdsV/file.html ECKnights /v/JQtEttMa/file.html ECSecrets /v/8UZlps22/file.html - - - realm of chaos slaves to darkness s3ndsp4c3 /file/qwdw89 Triniton www20<d0t>zippysh@re<d0t>com/v/P43R0RZQ/file.html "Solo" by Zozer Games for Traveller original 2013 version s3ndsp4c3 /file/192bwa the Lost and the Damned s3ndsp4c3 /file/7raxgz Blink_Dog's Free Rpg Collection http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ESTAYLOR Phoenix command, Aliens rpg and living steel I found some time ago. mega(dot)nz (forwardslash)#F!b5tgXRwa!mzelRNrKPjiT8gP7VrS-Jw M20 Book of Secrets sendspace file apabnr Night's Black Agents https://www.sendspace.com/file/vx0xz0 Myfarog s3ndsp4c3 /file/bpzdly Cthulhutech Trove https://www.m^diafire.com /folder/9glx3z2zllvhv Dark Eden m3g4.en-zee /#!VpNEnCRQ!NJiIr4vWGq_wELaTm-48M1ovxEA2tYKoljSjWdPUYwY The last Shadow of The Demon Lord Spell Cards needed to make it all up to date... s3ndsp4c3 /file/5m3b9f /file/jzgj4k /file/bp6w5j WH40K https://mega.nz/#F!9MtDERpJ!2ICpnSJbAglSy6ZCyXXqRQ Dynasties and Demagogues s3ndsp4c3 /file/e6fvnt Ancalia: The Broken Towers, for Godbound m3g4 dot nz / #!UZNnzCSA!IH5GV05_y2kT4Zxq2crY8D43XsP4T4HI24gul4QBnHM Blood in the chocolate s3ndsp4c3 /file/189j2a Traveller https://7chan.org/tg/res/94723.html#94733 Symbaroum RPG + Davokar https://7chan.org/tg/res/94723.html#94726 Mithgarthr Pay what you want, only thing I can find. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/135151/ME503--The-Magic-of-Chaos?manufacturers_id=5602 Deadlands: Horrors 'o WW lib gen <.D.O.T.> pw id=645174 Maybe Symbaraum ? www3<dot> z1ppysh@re<dot>com /v /TA6tWt2L /file<dot>html Stalker -2 different ones s3ndsp4c3/file/e9c0ku s3ndsp4c3/file/21uif1 Symbaroum mediaF /folder/e5lrx7cak7zzh/Symbaroum Hero Kids Supplements medi @ f /folder/yglxxkccg18fl/Hero_Kids Cthulhu Confidential send space dot com /file/ucbd4z grand grimoire of cthulhu mythos magic MediaF /394ev0opr33ws8h/CoC_-_The_Grand_Grimoire_of_Cthulhu_Mythos_Magic.pdf send space dot com /file/yn9r54 Degenesis The Killing Game on M3G4 #F!8qYnSKYC!Bb4DGoo4MgAfNqvqSHLvjA Blood bowl stuff (new rulz of course) m3g4 dot nz /#F!uw4XiYxK!tboZyS7RM-rrPJ93nSAmSg - - - $nip<dot>li Cepheus - From the Ashes /25611 Cepheus - World Guide Zaonia /72081 S&W - The Price of Rebirth /4006752 TSAO - 50 Wonders of the Reticulan Empire /95447 White Star - Aliens Capsules - Book One /2316383 White Star - Aliens Capsules - Book Two /5828 White Star - Scum and Villainy.pdf /5587516 White Star - Zeta and Tuko /8976424 SRM07-04 - Do No Harm /2019437 SRM07-05 - A Little Wetwork /114211 SMP07-05 - Jumping Ship /874499 - - - DRYH s3nd /file/pknsg3 Fear Itself 2E s3nd /file/hr5jxe BESM 2E m3g4 /#F!EsZ2DBRZ!t6xZHgyts3_6RS2WfXFWIA!xwAz3bAL Rifter issues 64-72 s3ndsp@ce (DOT) com /filegroup/4PYMa%2B8C5OMvZZSa7AQAlINdDeQw8TsPw5CORtuLULXSKZPmgE%2FZSRaBqRZNsW%2Fl SR 5E Forbidden Arcana https://www.4shared.com/office/pLPjwiP7ei/Shadowrun_5E_-_Forbidden_Arcan.html Into the Odd (Full) M3g4 • NZ \ #!Ze4HhBAC!NbjaAik2wexM1q6512hBwaI7Vxr9g0qeF81qIqz71WI Exalted 2e http://torrentquest.com/file/296272/exalted-2nd-ed/ Chaos Codex and RT stuff ? s3ndsp4c3 /file/q55k9v s3ndspac3 /file/w70oza N.E.W. The SF RPG $nip.li /T5fu Mage: The Awakening, Second Edition, with errata https://[email protected] /file/vgzlwv s3ndsp4c3 /file/xwb6yz Tales from the Loop Final Release: upl0@dm@n<dot>com/f22322e986193107 - - - $nip<dot>li Dime Adventures - Arth Poster Map /0809440 Dime Adventures - Cryptid Codex /33556 Dime Adventures - Mystic Secrets /3129 Dime Adventures - Worlds Fair /848877 Exiled in Eris - City in the Mirage /3628187 Honour RPG - Core Rules /342797 Honour RPG - Nihon & the City of Edo /947083 Age of Infinity - World Primer /8352452 Astulae - Location Index /838977 Dieselpunk in a Nutshell /16243 $nip<dot>li Hypercorps 2099 - Wasteland /88645 Westward RPG - Premium Edition /17612 TITAN 2100 - Encyclopedia /9189 Through the Breach RPG - Til Death Do Us Part /643803 Savage Worlds - Mythic (Revised) /54381 Ninja Crusade 2e - Empires Reign /7361564 Mummy - Cursed Necropolis Rio /0424411 Mistrunner the RPG /792 M&M 3e - Starraiders /6124218 Hyperlanes - Corebook (5e) /2569485 OLD $nip {dot} li /Y7h4p Cat SS /file/12lhr8 Dime Adventures core $snip /T9O - - - Some Powered by Apoc stuff - usable by those who know the system and free, though probably not complete Star Wars world plus<d0t>google<d0t>com/communities /101545959795911789402 Mouse Guard drive<d0t>google<d0t>com/ file/d/0B0a_iGRNRo6BZHNGT0RIek1iM0U/view Jedi Hearts dropbox<d0t>com /s/n683xbhk90i17lt/Jedi%20Hearts.pdf?dl=0 Small Towns, An RPG of Urban Horror by Brian Richmond s3ndsp4c3 /file/mwb4l3 Mousegard 2E ss /file/qrdlw3 - - - Zweihander final s3ndsp4c3 /file/o1thxr - - - $nip<dot>li Atlas of Rokugan - Digital Map Pack /2847837 Mutant Future Bundle /631692 CUBM - Issue 18 (DCC) /64440 CUBM - Issue 17 (DCC) /047153 SotDL - Demonology Spell Cards /0688 SotDL - Exquisite Agony Spell Cards /842830 SotDL - Tombs Spell Cards /1128 Fragged Empires 4 adventures https://mega.nz/#F!P5hRQaKJ!fNzuzfcpeZp00ongedUgyQ Mass Effect adaptation for Savage Worlds https://www.scribd.com/document/161008206/Savage-Worlds-Mass-Effect CORPS TimeLords v10 http://www47.zippyshare.com/v/igMoBlgT/file.html BTRC - CORPS - Dystopia http://www47.zippyshare.com/v/hVakinFE/file.html D&D 3.5 Midnight M3D14F1R3 /?esqfc3bk9d43w Midnight MN7 with HQ covers. MN9, MN15, MN17 - 18 Now complete. $end$p@ce<dot>com /filegroup/BhZLclx3y7ukH3BIaUw6Cy77OwCgGy5UoR60EdYqvcc Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2E $3nd $pac3 <dot> com /file/95mw30 Dawn of Worlds www.clanwebsite.org/games/rpg/Dawn_of_Worlds_game_1_0Final.pdf Aria s3ndsp4c3 /file/uggeji Aria Worlds s3ndsp4c3 /file/k5cfdf World of Adventure bit. li /2lSmwx3 BW Codex (chunky blue book) s3ndsp4c3 /file/z44ptc Shock: The Game of Social Science Fiction the original v1.2 s3ndsp4c3 /file/7mm7l8 Human Contact PAX East 2010 Preview Version (requries Shock to use) s3ndsp4c3 /file/7mm7l8 - - - m3dia fyre Aperita Arcana (OSR for Fate) /folder/jz8yvvgmojbb3/Aperita_Arcana Collectanea Creaturae (fantasy bestiary for Fate) /file/695xisvk1oovgg5/Collectanea_Creaturae.pdf Aspects of Fantasy (Fate for D20) /file/0rvy84u3no5mk2y/Aspects_of_Fantasy.pdf ScreenPlay /file/8qs3w3y8ukcj7jm/ScreenPlay.pdf
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