The one book every subscriber MUST have in the home library . BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES MARCH OF THE TITANS The Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY A HISTORY OF THE WHITE RACE VOLUME XVIII NUMBER 3 MAY/JUNE 2012 BARNESREVIEW.COM ere it is: the complete and comprehensive history of the White race, spanning 500 centuries of tumultuous events from the Hsteppes of Russia to the African conti- nent, to Asia, the Americas and beyond. This is their inspirational story—of vast visions, empires, achieve- ments, triumphs against staggering odds, reckless blunders, crushing defeats and stupendous struggles. Most importantly of all, revealed in this work is the one true cause of the rise and fall of the world’s greatest empires—that all civilizations rise and fall according to their racial homogeneity and nothing else—a nation can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not racial dissolution. This is a rev- olutionary new view of history and of the causes of the crisis facing modern Western Civilization, which will permanently change your understanding of history, race and society. Covering every continent, every White country both ancient and modern, and then stepping back to take a global view of modern racial realities, this book not Also inside this issue: only identifies the cause of the collapse of ancient civilizations, but also applies these lessons to modern Western society. The author, Arthur Kemp, spent more than 25 • years traveling over four continents, doing primary research to compile this unique book. There is no other book like it in existence—a book to pass on from generation • to generation, so that all will know the true history of the White race. New deluxe • softcover, signature sewn, 8.25” x 11” x 1” size, 592 pages, hundreds of B&W pic- tures, four-page color section, indexed, appendices, bibliography, chapters on every • conceivable white culture group and more, #464, $42 minus 10% for TBR sub- • scribers. Add $10 S&H inside the U.S. Add $20 S&H outside the U.S. • GUARANTEE: We are so convinced that this is the best book ever compiled on the subject, TBR will refund your money if you do not agree. • BONUS GIFT: All who purchase March of the Titans in the next 30 days will receive • a free copy of the TBR booklet Rebel Wisdon: A Collection of the Memorable Quotes, Sayings & Speeches of Prominent Confederates. That’s a $10 bonus value! Call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge. Mention you saw the ad in the May/June 2012 issue of TBR. Send request to TBR, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003. Bulk prices available for distributors. Call 202-547-5586 for more. FRONT COVER PICTURE CREDIT: AKG-IMAGES/NEWSCOM BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES the Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY MAY/JUNE 2012 O VOLUME XVIII O NUMBER 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITALY SINKS INTO BLOODY CIVIL WAR NEW ZEALAND ’S RACIAL WARS BY JOAQUIN BOCHACA BY ARTHUR KEMP The fall of Italy was a tragic time, yet few The people the European discoverers 4 Americans really knew what was happening 38 found in New Zealand were a race of Poly - inside Italy in the waning days of WWII. The fact nesians called Maoris . In many ways very primi - is that Italian society had devolved into a bloody tive, at the same time the Maoris were probably civil war. Revisionist Joaquin Bochaca has studied the toughest fighters the Pacific Ocean had to the era and gives TBR readers his insights detail - offer. And thus nearly every encounter between ing what went on in Italy after Mussolini was freed early European explorers and settlers was tense from Allied imprisonment and started a new fas - and potentially violent. In at least one case, a cist government in the north, while the south went group of convicts being transported to the islands on an orgy of anti-fascist violence. of New Zealand was attacked and most of the 70 people on board were captured, killed and eaten. RUSH TO JUSTICE IN THE HAUPTMANN CASE BY PHILIP RIFE THE USE OF STARVATION IN WARFARE When the baby of Charles and Anne Lind - BY DANIEL W. M ICHAELS 12 bergh was kidnapped in what has been In the Dark Ages, it was not unusual to be - called the crime of the century, German immigrant 48 siege a fort or even a whole town to force Bruno Richard Hauptmann was arrested. He was the people inside to either surrender or starve to tried, convicted and sent to the electric chair. The death. But those were barbaric days of yore. Mod - case was an international sensation, but Haupt - ern, civilized nations would not commit such mann had no chance to prevail. Evidence was fab - atrocities today—or would they? Unfortunately, ricated, suspects ignored, witnesses tampered mankind has made little or no progress in the with. The jury too was caught up in the mass hys - moral field since Medieval times—if anything, we teria of the time and ready to convict. However, a have become worse. Here is a whirlwind tour of rational look at the evidence decades later shows starvation warfare through modern history. an innocent man most likely was executed. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE GESTAPO VIKINGS IN MINNESOTA & THE DAKOTAS ? CONCLUSION TO THE SERIES BY VINCENT REYNOUARD BY WILLIAM WHITE In this final installment to our three-part se - Increasingly we are faced with evidence ries on the Gestapo, the work of Revisionist that the Vikings were not only active visi - 54 20 author and researcher Vincent Reynouard is used tors in the American heartland but may have had to present a completely different view of the noto - lasting settlements there. Over the last century or rious Gestapo of the WWII era. Is what we have so, for instance, the remains of 13 Viking ships been taught about the Gestapo as fraught with have been reportedly found in one Midwest wa - error and exaggeration as the holocaust of the terway. What validity do these claims have? What same time period? It appears so. artifacts have been recovered? Is it all a hoax? Featured in this issue: AN ANTI -S EMITE CONFESSES WHY ROME FELL —AND AMERICA WILL Personal from the Editor— 2 BY GREG FELTON BY MERO ALDRIGEN Editorial: One unsinkable Irish woman —3 There are lessons America must learn from Michael Collins Piper, a longtime member History You May Have Missed —11 28 the decline and fall of the ancient Romans . 62 of TBR’s consulting editorial board, had Who was Nicholas of Lynn? —23 Two of the reasons Rome fell were its financial the intestinal fortitude to pen a book about anti- Blue-eyed Indian mystery solved? —27 profligacy and its inescapable cycle of perpetual Semitism, pro-Semitism and Semitism, whatever The multiple falls of Rome —35 war. Are we fated to follow in their footprints to all those terms really mean. See a review of Maori ritual cannibalism —47 our doom, or can we still save our republic? Piper’s new tell-all book with a bold title. Letters to the Editor —61 PERSONAL FROM THE ASSISTANT EDITOR THE BARNES REVIEW A Global Revisionist Truth Project eaders of TBR may have noticed Publisher & Editor: WILLIS A. C ARTO Assistant Editor: JOHN TIFFANY that people all over the world are in - Managing Editor/Art Director: PAUL ANGEL Rvolved in our global historical Revi - Content Consultants: RALPH FORBES , P ETER PAPAHERAKLES sionist mission. On our masthead alone, we Board of Contributing Editors : have scholars from 12 nations: Spain, JOAQUIN BOCHACA MICHAEL A. H OFFMAN II MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER Malaysia, Canada, South Africa, Russia, Barcelona. Spain Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Washington, D.C. Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, Germany, England, PROF . G EORGE W. B UCHANAN MARGARET HUFFSTICKLER LADY MICHELE RENOUF Washington, D.C. Sofia, Bulgaria London, England Greece and of course America. In this issue MATTHIAS CHANG , J.D. M.R. J OHNSON , P H.D. HARRELL RHOME , P H.D. alone, we have articles by a Spaniard, a Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Corpus Christi, Texas Frenchman, a South African and a Cana - HARRY COOPER THOMAS KUES VINCENT J. R YAN Hernando, Florida Stockholm, Sweden Washington, D.C. dian as well as two Americans. And of the two Americans, one has SAM G. D ICKSON , J.D. RICHARD LANDWEHR EDGAR J. S TEELE been locked up by the feds for his political publications, as have been Atlanta, Georgia Brookings, Oregon Sandy Point, Idaho many foreign pursuers of authentic history. So, it is clear, the battle PAUL FROMM DR. E DGAR LUCIDI VICTOR THORN for truth is a global one. People all over the world are in this fight, and Ontario, Canada Corona del Mar, California State College, Pennsylvania STEPHEN GOODSON CARLO MATTOGNO FREDRICK TÖBEN , P H.D. some facing a lot more heat than us here in America, where the Bill Cape Town, South Africa Palestrina, Rome, Italy Adelaide, Australia of Rights gives us the freedom to print the truth. Thus our U.S. TBR PROF . R AY GOODWIN DANIEL W. M ICHAELS JAMES P. T UCKER JR. readers should not feel alone. There are thousands more out there Victoria, Texas Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. who think and feel the way you do. JUERGEN GRAF CHRISTOPHER PETHERICK UDO WALENDY Moscow, Russia Cheltenham, Maryland Vlotho, Germany So, why do scholars, thinkers, opinion makers, movers and shak - ers around the globe want to be associated with TBR? Because THE BARNES REVIEW (ISSN 1078-4799) is published bimonthly by TBR Co., many times they cannot speak the truth in their own countries, and 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C.
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