Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin Journals and Periodicals Irish Tourism Archive 1941 Irish Travel, Vol 17 (1941-42) Irish Tourist Association Follow this and additional works at: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/irtourjap Part of the Cultural History Commons, European History Commons, Geography Commons, Tourism Commons, and the Tourism and Travel Commons Recommended Citation Irish Tourist Association, "Irish Travel, Vol 17 (1941-42)" (1941). Journals and Periodicals. 20. https://arrow.tudublin.ie/irtourjap/20 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Irish Tourism Archive at ARROW@TU Dublin. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journals and Periodicals by an authorized administrator of ARROW@TU Dublin. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License Vol, XVII. No. 1. Gorumna Island, Connemara. Waiting to get a glimpse of the Bishop on Confirmation Day. fficial Organ of the Irish Tourist Association I------ COMPLIMENTARY IR ISH TRA VEL October, 1941. DUOLI~'S FA~IOUS BANK OF IRELAND FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS AT lI'eJanc1 's National l'enclez-vous is now uncler ~he management of ~1r. '1'. Head Omce: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN a 'SULLIVAN, experienced London and BELJ'AST .• OORK DERRY Continental hotelier, whose policy is to provide a cuisine of excellence, together with unobtrusive personal service a nd a moderate tariff. lIT.BY D.80BIPTION 01' 1'0RlUON IlXOH,uma RUIIINlI88 TlUN8AOTIlD ON ARRIVAL 01' LINERS BY DAY OR NIGHT AT OOBH (QUlllllNBTOWN) GRESHAM HOTEL, DUBLIN AND GALWAY Domrs. K.A.A. I.T.A. PHOTOS THE DUBLIN MAGAZINE Established A Q U ARTERL Y RE V JEW OF The I,T.A, has now in stock a huge supPZy of 1923 photographs of Irish interest-scenery, antiquities, LITERATURE, SCIENCE & ART c~Jriosilt'es, type, customs, Gc, Inquiries as to prices Edited by SEUMAS O'SULLIVAN for matt and glossy prints mounted and 1tnmounted rea,ch us daily, and here is our up-ta-date lfst of pnces ;- SOME PRESS NOTICES GLOSSY. MATT. "This fine quarterly review."- Irish Times. Size Mounted. Unmounted. Mounted. Unmounted " An excellent medium of expression of the best of 6"x4" 2/- 1/6 2/6 2/- Ireland's creative spirit."-J1anchester 8" X 6" 2/6 2/- 3/- 2/6 Guardian. 10" x8" 4/- 3/- 4/6 4/- " Has kept a high standard and maintained a distinct personality."-The Spectator. 12" X 10" 5/6 4/- 6/6 5/6 " The reader will find in this journal all that is best 15" X 12" 7/- 5/6 8/- 7/- of Irish thought, and its list of contributors 20" X 16" 9/- 7/6 10/- 9/6 includes the names of all the best-known IriSh writers."- New York Herald Tribulle. When framed, the pictures git·e a delighlful finish to a tasteful room or lounge. They are printed Pl"ice 2/6 black or brown, according 10 taste. , Annual Subse,ipfion tOl6 (US.A. 3 :J IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION ~ lm_2 Crow Street, DUBLIN 14 UPPER O'CONNELL STREET DUBLIN L_. October, 1941. IRISH T RA VEL I =======ft Wbolesale trom l!le SUBSCRIPTION : Irlab Tourlsl AssocIation 5/- PER ANNUM. and from Put Free. IRISH E:u.on & Son, Llc1. Rela1l from COPIES FREE TO ALL MEMBERS all "e.s~enls and OF THE trom tbe ASSOCIATION AND Irlab Tonrlll ASIOolalblL OF ITS ASSOCIATE ===D=E~P A.,Rl-TM~EIl~T~·~==d PrIee 84. .1,:.,1 .... TRAVEL ~ ~.,.. Official Organ of the IrIsh Tourist Association and of the IrIsh Hotels Federation VOL. XVII. OCTOBER, 1941. No. 1 PRESIDENT-ELECT, I.T.A. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1941-1942 Seventeenth Annual Report for Members "'HE Annual General Meeting of movemont--a very important social members of the IRISH TOURIST item-i discussed from the vantage l ASSOCIATION will open at 11 point of sound experience while a o'clock on Thursday morning, October summary of general tourist prospects, 23rd in the Gre~ham Hotel, Dublin. examined in the light of keen observa­ This meeting will hear the report tion leads the Association to the on the As ociation' :tctivities during justifiably optimistic viewpoint the touri t year just compl ted. expressed in these words.... Despite the fact that the period "The pa$t two years have been a covered by this report coincides with severe testing time for everybody con­ the econd year of the European war 11ected with the wurist and holiday which imposed many serious handil'aps industry, but through sustained co­ on Irish tourism g nerally, the LT.A. operative e.f.folt our organisatioft has urvey of the 1940/1941 sea on dis­ strongly withstood that test, and we face clo es a remarkably satisfactory posi­ the future full of confidence nnd hope." tion maintained in the teeth of consiclerable difficulties. During the New President. past holiday period, hoteliers ancl other At the September meeting of the holiday caterers combinecl admirably, Board of Directors (see page 14), SENATOR PATRICK HOGAN, under the aegis of the LT.A., with • enator P. IIogan of County Clare of County Clare, holiday-makers to get the very best was unanimously chosen by his fellow­ President-Elect, Irish Tourist out of the season. Directors as President-elect of the As ociation for the coming- year, many Association. A Busy Year. appreciations of his work and worth Many aspects of the season uncleI' being expressed by his colleaguos. review are discussed in detail cluring Glowing tributes were paid to the the Report. A survey of LT.A. outgoing President, Mr. J. W. Mong'Otn Publicity Schemes covers wide activi­ who, at the close of his arduous year "These past tu:o years have taught ties including Pre. s Advertising, Radio of office wa., unanimously elected to us one lesson which we must not foraet Talks, Cinema and Postl\r Publicity, the position of Vice·President of the -the wisdom of regarding our oU'n Lecture Programme, Information Association, the other Vice·Presidents people /lS the most reliable source of Bureaux and Film and Photo Publi­ being ~Iessrs. T. Condon (Meath) and traffic for the majority of our resorts, city. The Holiday Savings luh B. 1\1. Egan (Cork). uncI the necessity for cultivating that traffic and catering specially for it in \- future. This, indeed, is the immediate PRINCIPAL CONTENTS aim of your Directors u'ho have already approved special schemcs of publicity Page Page and organisation to that end, and it I.T.A. Notes and News .. 2 .6rh<\llct.o.nn 11.0. 115.o.eue.o.L only remn.ins for the catering and olher le 111 ,-,c C.o.s 8 interests to do their part to ensure that First Taste of Achlll Island By Peter J\,[cCar'll 3 The County of Monaghan our home holiday traffic win be developed By M. Fitzgerald 9 to the full and retained in the years to Curiosities Around Ireland 5 A Directory of Irish Hotels 11 come'" October Fair at Ballinasloe 6 Of Interest to Hotels 12 (From the Seventeenth Annual By E. R. Walers I. Report of the IRII:lH TOUllIST Hotels and the Law- September Meeting of T.A. ASSOCIATION). By Seaml/s Ua hEamhthaigh. 7 Directors 14 ------~._----- I IRISH TRAVEL October) 1941. NOTES AND NEWS .. Round the Resorts .. Photo Competition .. A Big Catch ONE DAY'S PLAY Round the Resorts. RESUME of Resorts T ews for Summer, 1941 makes altogether pleasant reading. Even as A we go to Press several Resorts are chock-full of visitors owing to the unexpected Indian Summer heralded in by September sunshine. September was a grand holiday month, rounding off a bumper season in Irish tourist records. Hotels and boarding houses did splendid business, many of them being reluctantly compelled to turn prospective guests away, in search of alternative accommodation. Space shortage does not permit a review of all resorts; but the cross-section of reports from a number of prominent ones featured hereunder gives a sound indication of holiday business during the Summer generally and for September in particular. ACHILL September was at least as good here:as .;llr. J. Ward, Donaghadee, and 1I1r. W. J. Holllle8, Bi/fast eptember, 1940 while the ummer generally surpassed photographed recentlv at lIfongan'/i Hotel, Carna, with a ca/ch. of salmon and trout made />If them in one dav on Lough Inaoh. that of the previous year. Fishing (especially sea fishing) Among the fish is a fine trout of some two Ibs. which Mr. added to the attractions of the island and several visitors Hol7MB hooked and which jumped right off the hook into the have dated their holiday to coincide with the Blue air just as it was being hauled aboard the boat. lIfr. Ward hark Fishing which opens at the end of September. promptlv thrust out his net and caught the fish before it reached the water. AQainst such team work, what hope is there for a ARKLOW. September was well up to its best poor fi.8h' previous records while the season generally can be marked down as "very good." Dancing is a very and watched by many visitors including several from popular evening pastime with Arklow visitors who the orth of Ireland. delight in the splendid new" Marquee" hall. TRAMORE. A really good season, though mid- BRAY. A record season. The resort was well August was not quite up to its usual high standard. patronized by guests from all parts of Ireland and September proved a very popular month. particularly from the North. The 1941 season is YOUGHAL.
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