Welcome back/rom your friends at The Current! VOLUME 33 Interesting folks came August 23, from across the country to hear music at Woodstock 1999 99. Check out our spe.cial Your source for campus news and information first -hand report. ISSUE 9S9 ..... See page 6 __ , _I.r - ---- - - --- UNIVERSITY OF Nii:SSOURII - S T. ·LOU-IS College. of.Nursing recovers Summer brings surprises for new f om loss of faculty members SGA officers BY CORY BLACKW OOD BY J OE HARRIS faculty members incl ude Dr. Ann funded re earch." children. Durham said that Ulione's staffedito ;: ' -. --- . sen/or editor Fish and Dr. Pat Jamerson" Al a Dr. Jamerson has been nanled an ass is­ degree is from the University of Margaret Ulione has been promoted t<'lnt profe.ssor. aiso a tenure tra k po i­ Maryland and that it is one of the best Whlle there were no open Five fac ulty members resigned from a non-regular to a tenure track tion. Both Pi h and Jamerson have nursing schools in the cbuntry. and her meetings in the Student from the Barnes College of Nursing position. doctorates in funded research helped distinguish her Government ssociati.on over in the search. effecti ve Aug:. 31, in Iuding a fuU Fish has ----- nurs ing. the SUlJ1llleT, executive meet­ tenured professor. a tenured associate been named all -----" D urh am Durham said that lJM-S\. Louis ings were held and various as ociate pro­ said Ulione ha Chancellor Blanche Touhill has professor. an inierim associaie dean. To be appointed to [a higher matters have 'been brought into an associate tenure track pro' Of. fe or. It is a been named to already approved more appointments view for the upco,ming acade­ Run for the tifle: The UM­ and a non-regular faculty member. tenure track levei of leadership] you have t o a tenure track for me college and that national mic year. St. Louis women's soccer Dr. Maryelien Me weeney, a full po ition, and have the credentials •• • a track pOSition ai the searches will be launched in the hope Darwin Butler, the SGA of finding more faculty. team looks like a contender tenured profe sor. resigned and Pi. h brings record of g ood teaching as w ell conclusioil of a pre ident, has said that a more for the GLVC title t his year. acce ted a position at t. Louis with her a n ation-wide "Recruitment for the type of facul­ diverse population needs to be as funded research. we looking for. which regis­ Check out our preview l University. Omer resignation includ­ $350.000 grant search. Until ty are are involved in student govern­ ed Dr. Jan Atala. tenured associate to study hyper- now she was a tered nurses who have doctorates and ment and a treasurer needs t.o -Jerry D. Durham professor. Dr. Virginia Drake. interim t en~io n and no n - regular who have a track record in research, is be elected See page 5 Dean of the College of Nursing :A. N; ociate Dean. Dr. Pani ia Freed., an high blood iaculty mem­ very competitive," Durham said. for the associate prof.:: sor on tenure ck. P sure In ber. Durham said that fewer than one f a I I and Kay Gaehle, an n-regular doc­ women. "She com- percent of all the nurses in this country semestel·. toral candidale. "Associate ----,,---- oeted fo r the have doctorates, therefore making it a Oyer the U-Wire Also not returning to their fonner and fuU profe ors are considered po:iition..'· Durham :aid. "We had ry competitive market. summer Ne\IVs ' positions are Dr. Shirley Moore. Dr. senior-Ie\'el appointmenlS. and tho e national searches for these positions, The ollege received $200,000 Jac.kie Wayne Paris, and Marianne Fox. individual. are expected to provide a so she was Olle the applicants and \\ ' from the University of Nussouri Anderson Dr. Jerry D. DurhaID, dean of the higher Ie el of leade hip and to be empl yed on the basis f that search. ' System for mission enhancement. W~ the college, said that the quality of educa­ appointed to that rank you have to Durham said that as a non-regular Durham said mission enhan r ent is treasurer. Butler Post Office aUows tion will not suffer because of the have th credentials:' Durham aid. faculty member. lione took th ini­ a program designed to pro\' e new but at the recent departures and mat several "In our case you have to have a track tiative to receive a grant from the beginning of the semester she .; stalnp sales online replacements have been hired. New record of good teaching a~ well as Lowe Foundation to study safety with see NURSING, page . said she would leave to bead me University Program Board. N; of me fall 1999 semester the BY SARAH HANSEN - y • ..,.. ..... , . ......... , SGA has no treasurer. DailyBr uin According to the minutes of Investigation creates constitutional,iss e the July 1I executive meeting, Butler also had an objective to amend tbe student · conduct be ween netNspaper, police departments code so as to sanction discrim­ inatory behavior, feeling that the code protects the University BY SUE BRITT agency, investigations, and arrests cedure that governmental bodies must Maneke said. "One of the foundations but not individuals. Butler said staff editor made by such law enforcement follow if they have denied access i\1ld on which this cOlmtry was formed was he wants to see to see such agency. All incident reports and atTest have received a request for their rea­ fuat law enforcement should never be. behavior punishable by sanc­ The on-campus arrest of Darwin reports shall be open records." soning. The statute reads, in pat1, able to come to your home and take tion, but nothing specific was Butler, the Student Government On Thursday The Current deliv­ "Such statement shall cite the specific you away atld people not know' what suggested. Association president, on July 29 for a ered a request to the UNI-St. Louis ' provision of law under which access is happened to you." In addition. to the meetings minor offense may be developing into police for a written statement explain­ denied and shall be furnished to the . The arrest record provided to The held over the summer, a press a First Amendment issue. ing the grounds for the denial of requester no later than the end of the CUnent by th lJM-St. Louis Police conference was held by the . Requests by The Current for the access to Butler's arrest records. On third business day following the date Depar1m ent states that Butler's arrest . SGA. At the time of the press arrest records rel ated to Butler made Friday similar requests were faxed to that the request for the statement is classification is that of fugitive. I fur­ conference Carrie Mowen; the to the UM-St. Louis and Bel-Ridge the Bel-Ridge Police DepatUnent, to received." - ther states that Butler was driving wim vice-president of the SGA, had Police Departments were initially McAvoy, and to Thomas Flach, a Bel­ A media law attorney for me a suspended driver's license. not submitted any resignation denied. The first requests were made Ridge judge. Missouri Press Association, Jean . Po1ice officer Marvin Blake wrote in writing, but it was noted that Monday, Aug. 16. Michael McAvoy, UM-St. Louis Chief of Police Matleke, said the law requires police in his report, "J was advised by Chief she would be resigning at the prosecuting attorney for the city of Robert Roeseler decided to fax the departments to release these records Roeseler that he had observed Butler beginning of the semester. Bel-Ridge, said that those records request to UM-System attorneys in and that the reasoning behind the law driving a motor vehicle while Butler's "As far as I know, Lester were closed according to !vlissouri . Columbia, and at their advice Butler's is not solely based on freedom of the driver's licenses have been suspended Owens had 'annolillced his can­ Statute 610.100. arrest record was released early Hiday press. by thee) (s)tates of Missouri and didacy for vice-president Paragraph two of the statute reads morning. Bel-Ridge did not respond. "Clearly the law says that arrest Nevada." before Carrie had put anything in part, "Each law enforcement MissoUli Statute 610.023 deals records are open records and this Butler deferred to his attorney, in writing," said Michael agency of this state, of atly county and wim denial of access issues, among applies to any arrest record whemer William Gavras, for comment and any municipality, shall maintain other issues related to records. It con­ it's a student, private citizen or the Gavras declined to comment. see SGA, page 9 records of all incidents reported to the tains a provision mat defines the pro- president of the United States," Education school receives successful accreditat'ion Alex, J'd like 'Back to School' for 200 • • • BY SHAVON PERKINS have gone through many transfolma­ o/The Current staff tions. In the 1960s the board focused more on a numerical system for eval­ The UM-St. Louis School of uating programs. Students' test Education has been accredited by the scores and grade point averages were National Council for Accreditation of given a lot of weight. In the next tran­ Teacher Education. The School of sition, the Board focused on pelfor­ Education, which was established in mance. Graduates had to prove their 1966, has received this accreditation .
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