The weather The lottery Sunny today, high 80-85. Fair, cool tonight, low in 50s. Mostly sunny Friday with high ' Tlie weekly drawing for the Connecticut near 80. State Lottery will be at 7 p.m. today In Yalesville. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1975 - VOL. XCIV, No. 280 t w e n t y -e i g h t p a g e s - t w o s e c t i o n s p r ic e s f i f t e e n c e n t s Manchester—A City of Village Charm Natural gas shortages discussed WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Ford have shown a strong preference for display for the governors some proposals met with 16 governors today to outline the allocation, spreading supplies around so removing federal allocation and price con­ for dealing with the expected shortage, all regions share the burden of the shor­ possible record natural gas shortages trols, letting higher prices determine the forecast to be the worst yet. tage. Projections indicate North Carolina expected this winter and explain ad­ distribution of scarce fuels in the On another energy front. Sen. Mike will be hardest hit in the coming winter. ministration proposals for easing the marketplace. Mansfield, Democratic leader, was Congress’ bill to extend price controls problem by ending federal price controls. The President’s threatened veto of expected Friday to try to persuade the Ford also asked the governors for their on domestically produced crude oil was to Congress’ oil price control bill would do President to agree on an energy policy ap­ be sent to the White House today and Ford ideas about what to do. Gov. Milton J. that for oil and gasoline,'and administra­ proach that would head off the anticipated has said he will veto it. Shapp of Pennsylvania responded by tion sources said the most attractive op­ end of price controls on domestic crude oil criticizing present administration energy If controls are lifted Monday, gasoline tions for a new natural gas policy would production Aug. 31. prices at the pump are expected to rise by policies as a "$32 billion a year consumer work much the same way. One proposal expected to be tried out on three to seven cents because the present rip-off.” ' Nineteen governors were invited but the governors is deregulation of natural lid — $5.25 a barrel for domestic crude — Shapp issued a statement saying Ford’s three were unable to attend the session at gas prices. Energy companies executives will be lifted and crude is expected to rise oil, coal and natural gas dere^lation which Federal Energy Administrator and government officials have said price toward the world market price of $13 per pOlicies-all of which increase consumer Frank Zarb was expected to outline the lids on natural gas have made it un­ barrel. prices-will amount to a hidden tax of $440 seriousness of the natural gas predica­ profitable to look for and produce new a year for every American family. Natural gas prices are controlled, but ment. supplies. under separate laws administered by the He called for tighter federal and state Energy officials also were expected to An alternative proposal is federal controls to spread shortages evenly Federal Power Commission. without raising prices. The Federal Power Commission today announced it will let some industries buy essential natural gas directly from producers for the next two winters at Policeman Kenneth Barker, 44, Firemen battling church fire whatever price the market will bear. The FPC said this easing of interstate gas price ceiling regulations should help Vernon fire fighters were Joined by neighboring departments last night to fight a fire of suspicious origin which gutted the interior of an unoccupied stimulate new supplies of the scarce fpel. killed in truck-auto accident But commissioner William L. Springer church in downtown Rockville. (Herald photo by Richmond) dissented with the policy announcement, A flatbed truck with failing brakes saying it was "an attempt by the commis­ The O’Brien car was slowing on the plowed into a car on a Hartford sion to deregulate the price of natural gas ramp and the truck, traveling at an expressway ramp Wednesday, killing at the production level.” excessive rate of speed, attempted to slow Kenneth Barker of Manchester, a local Ford and many of his energy advisers but its brakes failed. State Police said. policeman for more than 20 years. Rockville church Barker, 44, was killed instantly when the Barker, who lived at 86 Falknor Dr., had truck struck the rear of the car in which he been associated with the Manchester was a passenger. State Police said. The Police Department for nearly 23 years. He accident occurred shortly after 6 p.m. on a became a supernumerary in Sept. 1952, a northbound ramp from Interstate 91 to the probationary regular in December 1952, gutted by fire Founders Bridge. and a regular patrolman in January 1954. Mideuttt pact The car’s' driver, Charles O’Brien of Manchester Police Chief Robert Lannan Manchester, and two passengers, David BARBARA RICHMOND extensive darhage to the inside but characterized Ptl. Barker as a good negotiations and Sandra Barker (Barker’s children), Herald Reporter firemen preserved the exterior, with the policeman, "a regular steady guy you were rushed by ambulance to Hartford Vernon fire officials are searching today exception of the beautiful stained glass could count on, just as you'd count on the Hospital. O’Brien, 62, was listed in fair through the rubble of a W. Main St., windows which broke from the extreme progressing sun to rise every day.” condition today. David, 17, and Sandra, 20, Rockville, church which was gutted by a heat of the flames. Both Lannan and Barker served with the fire of suspicious origin, last night. JERUSALEM (UPI) - Secretary of were treated and discharged Wedne^ay U.S. Navy on the same ship in the Carib­ Persons living in a multi-family old night. The fire, which apparently started in the wooden house right next to the building, State Henry A. Kissinger met with Israeli bean, Lannan said, although they didn’t The truck driver, Bruce P. Stephens, 38, basement-of the unoccupied former First were evacuated. Flames scorched the side leaders tq^ay for a "painstaking meet each other until several years later Evangelical Lutheran Church, caused examination" of an interim peace agree­ of West Concord, Mass., was charged wit)i on the police force. of the house and firemen had to soak it ment, and a high Israeli diplomatic source negligent homicide. He was released on a “It’s a real tragedy,” Lannan said. down with water. $1,000 bond. Through the efforts of the Red Cross, said a settlement with Egypt will be “We'll all riiiss him.” 'The flag flying in reached before the day ended. State Police said the O’Brien car, a front of Manchester Police Headqua^rs most of the occupants found lodging with But he said negotiations on other Cadillac convertible, was turning on the I- was lowered to half-staff this morning, relatives and friends and the others were 91 ramp wh?n the truck hit the car from set up in the Nye Street Firehouse. The matters to be kept seerht will delay'in­ and black bunting was hung at the police News behind, went over the top of flie car, and Red Cross supervised the arrangements. itialing of the pact until Sunday or Mon- station entrance. crushed it against a railing. Kenneth Barker A resident of the area said he had seen day. See obituary on page 14. summary youngsters playing around the building Asked by reporteht-whether the before the fire broke out. The alarm went presence of American technicians in about 9:30 and fire departments from stationed as peace watchdogs between the Compiled from Israeli and Egyptian armies in the Sinai Rockville, Vernon, Tolland, Ellington, Foster son charged in shooting United Preu International South Windsor, and Willington assisted. desert was final, Kissinger replied, The church, which was dedicated in "Nothing is final until it's initialed.” He 1866, had not been used as a church in re­ said last week in Vail, Colo., they would cent years. A new Lutheran Church was carry sidearms for protection. International built on Orchai;d St. about five years ago. Discussions were reported still un­ derway on the exact size of the American Hebron man dies of wound BEIRUT, Lebanon — Israeli A church official said this morning that warplanes today bombarded a small | officers had recently discussed removing force—expected to be about 100—and the Palestinian refugee camp in g the stained glass windows from the church exact number of early warning electronic Edward Collins Hinchcllff, 39, of Rt. 85, Reportedly Soto had been in trouble Hinchcliff was taken to the hospital by stations in the Sinai. Hebron was pronounced dead shortly before and left home and went to Texas the Hebron Ambulance. Ambulance per­ Southern Lebanon. The raid began $ proper. He said many of them had been at 2:50 p.m. and last 12 minutes. No % broken by rocks being thrown at them. before 1 this morning at Manchester and his foster-father sent him money to sonnel worked on him all the way to the Kissinger and Prime Minister Yitzhak word on casualties or damage was g The bottoms, however, were protected by Memorial Hospital where he was brought return home. hospital, giving him cardio-puimonary Rabin met with their aides for five and a after being shot at his home. released. S wire grating and so were Intact prior to half hours and the American left for rhsuscitation and hospital personnel also State Police of the Colchester Barracks worked to save him.
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