Weather Distribution Mr, hlfheX tempti* Today in* «MJ. 1Might tad ttnor- WDBAM imr fair. Lew toolgbt »W; Ufh 18,775 tomorrow 45-M. See weather, KCXDAY THKOVCMriUDAY-ISr. m pap 2. Dial SH 1.0010 Issued daily. Hoedur uuouih Friday. SecosA Class Poaust VOL. 84, NO. 104 P«ld at Bad Baa* and as AdUUDul Hailing Ofllcta, RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Bills Passed, Sidetracked Time Running Out on Meyner* 185th Legislature Russia Agrees To TRENTON (AP) - If Govsomethin. g the Republicans have await action by Gov.-elect Rich bill requiring registration of nu- Robert B. Meyner wants any blocked him from doing for the ard J. Hughes and the 1963 Legis- clear radiation sources, a $50,000 more legislation passed during past eight years. Ironically, it lature. appropriation for the newly cre- his eight years in office, he has was the Senate's Democratic mi- Before adjourning, the Legis- ated Delaware River Basin Com- just one hour to do it. nority leader, Joseph W. Cowgill, lature acted on a few of the top- mission, a package of three bills The 1961 Legislature passed a who pointed out the error. priority items listed by Meyner. revising the state's commercia few items—few of them of ma- Among Governor Mey. One of them was a bill amend- laws, and a measure recapturing Nuclear Ban Talks jor scope—sought by Meyner tier's nominations for high office ing New Jersey's new commuter $200,000 in social security over- yesterday and then adjourned un- ignored by the State Senate yes income tax, to make it conform payments from the federal gov- til 11 a.m. Tuesday Jan. 9, just terday were two for Monmouth to New York State's income tax ernment. one hour before the state Con- County District Court Judges. law. Meyner wanted the changes But among the bills that were U.S., British Call stitution tolls the death of the The judicial proposals were Re so he could negotiate with New sidetracked wer some of Mey- 165th Legislature, publican M. Raymond McGowan York in an effort to end double e ner's favorite items—a measure The Republican-controlled Sen- of Little Silver, and Democrat taxation of some commuters. giving the bistate waterfront ate even tried i to adjourn until Francis X. Crahay, of Ocean- The bill was rushed through noon Jan. 9, until someone port. both houses, passing the Senate commission more power to bar Answered by Reds pointed out that this might allow It appeared likely both ap- 14-0 and the Assembly 33-17. ex-convicts from the docks, a Meyner to make interim appoint- pointments, like many others left Among other measures sought medical care plan for the aged, (See LEGISLATURE, Page 2) MOSCOW (AP)—The Soviet Union today agreed ments without Senate approval, pending throughout the state, will by Meyner, the Senate passed a to a call by the United States and Britain to resume negotiations Nov. 28 for a treaty to ban nuclear Committee Appointed No. 2 Breaks Down weapon tests. The Russians agreed to resumption of the talks in Geneva where they were broken off Sept. 9 after the Liquidation Sales To Face A $45,000 Soviet Union had resumed testing in the atmosphere. Flood Series Completed Will Be Studied Cost for New Well Soviet acceptance of the UNION BEACH —This borough The well is 34 years old, and Wtstern proposal indicated that RED BANK — A plea for "a can be renewed once for an ad- may be faced with a $40,000 to has already gone nine years be- it has completed its current se- few more teeth" in the borditiona- l 30-day period "when the $45,000 emergency expenditure! yond the 25-year normal life ex- Gives Up ries of tests—which included ex- ough's ordinance licensing going license officer finds that facts within the next few months for pectancy of a well. plosion of a hydrogen bomb of out of business sales was voiced exist justifying the license re- the installation of a new water The cost of a new well has been more than 50 megatons. last night. newal; that the licensee has filed well. estimated by Layne New York Co. In notes delivered to the Brit- Francis-- J. Bolduc, executive a written application for said re- The borough's well number two at $40,000 to $45,000. Position ish and American embassies to- vice president of the Community newal; that the licensee has sub- has broken down and, according day, the Soviet Foreign Ministry Chamber of Commerce, told Bor- mitted with the application for Will Inspect FAIR HAVEN-John A. Flood, to Frank Brower, superintendent Jr., president of (he Democratic warned that if some othir power ough Council a "few flagrant renewal . a revised inventory Councilman Paul J. Smith, act- of water and streets, there is lit. Club, last night abandoned the tests nuclear weapons while the violations to this ordinance have showing the items listed on the ing mayor until Mayor William tie hope that it can be repaired. post during a club meeting at new talks are going on. It will existed." original inventory remaining un- F. Rodgers returns from vaca- "It's just plain old age," Mr. which members nominated of be forced "to draw the cor- Asked by Councilman Frederic tion this week-end, said last nighl sold and not listing any goods Brower said, "and this time I ficers for 1962. responding conclusions concern- E. Giersch, Jr., if the chamber that the Layne company will in (See SALES, Page 2) don't think it can be fixed." inn nuclear tests." has "any current specific com- spect the broken down wel EN ROUTE TO NEW GUINEA — New York Gov. Notion Mr. Flood told newsmen, ifter plaints," Mr. Bolduc replied, Thursday. an hour and a half long meeting When Ihe allied notes were de- A. Rockefeller and his daughter, Mri. Mary Straw-bridge, in the parish house of the Holy iivered here Nov. 13, the United "Specific, current complaints are He said a second firm will be are shown on their arrival in San Francisco Nov. 20 «n Communion Episcopal Church States made clear that even if the soming in every day." called in to confirm the findings Rt. 36 Widening that his position regarding Mayor talks were resumed, it would not He did not elaborate on the of Layne. route to New Guinea. They were going to aid in the Milton Kosene is "unchanged." begin another uninspected mora- complaints, but said the persons "We want toknow whether there search for tha governor's ion, Michael, 23, who hai been Mr. Flood started a politics torium on testing. The Stata De- voicing them "know what's go-Urged by County Plan Board Head is any way to repair or rehabili- rift last week when he charged partment said that the United ing on." tate the well, without spending reported misting while working on an «xpedition. Mary Mr, Kosene with attempting to States woukf "pursue iti own FREEHOLD - County Plan- ment of the dualization of Rt. 34 too large a sum of money," Mr. is Michael's twin sistar. Names Committee (AP Wirephotol usurp local party control. The program of carefully circum- ning Board Chairman E. Don- from the parkway to the Col-' Smith added. Mayor George A. Gray named conflict, Mr. Flood hid »aid, is scribed testing." ald Sterner yesterday called lingwood Cir., if necessary, a, committee consisting of Sam- Mr. Brower said Layne engi splitting the party. for the state to start immediate thereby making funds from the neers "know the well" because Hope Held Out Kremlin Note uel Carotenuto, borough attorney; Last night he abandoned his work on widening and improv- Sandy Hook project available. they have been checking it for It was not clear whether this Councilman John Warren, Jr., po- chair to the next highest ranking ing access routes to the pro- The chairman said the duali- a period of several years, and difference of views might result lice committee chairman; John officer, Mrs. Helen M. Bennett, posgd Sandy Hook State Park. zation of Rt. 34 to Collingwood have already given him a pre- in a last-minute decision by one Bryan, borough clerk and licens- second vice president. side or the other not to resume ing officer under the ordinance; Mr. Sterner said the widening would only increase the bottle- liminary report that it probably of Rt. 36, from Keyport to At- neck at the circle. will have to be replaced with a Jungle Combed Reporter! the negotiations. Mr. Bolduc, and the attorney for The Kremlin's note laid the lantic Highlands, and Ocean No Hardship new well. Although he had said the meet the chamber to study the current Soviet government is "ready to Ave., from Sandy Hook to Long The postponement of this ing would be open to the pub- ordinance with a view to finding Til Summer mike ona more attempt (at agree- giwayf to curtail "sales techniques Branch, is necessary to make project would create no hard- lie and newspaper reporters, Mr. The borough will be able to ge ment on a nuclear test ban) hav- which cheapen the whole town." the park easily accessible to the ship, he said, and added that it Flood reneged last night, in re- many visitors it will attract. by on its itell number one unti For Rockefeller ing in view that the three pow- would be best for fhe state to spect to the wishes of other club Mr.
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