CONDUCTED BY GREGG WI LLIAMS AND ROB MOORE STORY THEPA RT 2: MORAPEPL HISETO RY AND THE APPLE III ast montli. Steve talked about liisback­ pany. Lately he's written the Macin­ ground. tlie evolution of tlie Apple I tosh word processor-MacWrite. He's and II. and tlieearly days of tliecom­ done a lot for the company, and he's pany. In tliis part. tlie conversation switclies used Sweet-16 in several things he's toL various aspects of tlieApple II design, later done. personal liistory. and Steve's tliouglits about tlie personal computing industry . THE DISK DRIVE BYTE: Can you tell us a little about how you SWEET·I6 came up witli the Apple II disk drive and now you ended up picking your form of group­ BYTE: One of tliemore interesting tliingsin coded recording? tlieApple II ROM was your 16-bit pseudo­ WOZNIAK: The disk design was my macliinecalled "Sweet-16:· How did you come most incredible experience at Apple up witli tliat? and the finest job I did. I never really WOZNIAK: While I was writing my knew what a disk controller was or BASIC. I had been thinking about what it had to do. But at Hewlett­ ways to save code. There were several Packard I had looked through a places where I had to handle 16-bit Shugart manual to see what signals pointers with an 8-bit processor. and were used and what they did. There An interview that was pretty awkward. were signals to make the head step in So I decided to write a little and out and signals to cause magnetic emulator and implement a 16-bit with Steve Wozniak flux changes. It was similar to audio machine that could interpret pseudo­ recording. and I knew about that. It codes and implement registers 0 to was like a signal on a tape where you 15 in the 6502 base page. It ran about write it and then you read it back. So 30 times as slow as 6502 assembly I figured out a simple little circuit to language. but it saved tons of code write signals at changing rates and every time I used it in a program. read them back. I didn't know how BYTE: Did you actually use it in your In­ disk controllers worked. so I assumed teger BASIC? that I was doing something totally dif­ WOZNIAK: No. I never had the time to ferent. Maybe it wasn't as efficient. reimplement the BASIC to use it. But but at least I could write some data I did use it in later years to write and read it back. things like BASIC renumbering rou­ We ll. Mike Markkula was annoyed tines totally in Sweet-16. It was easy because the cassette tape was too to mix Sweet-16 code with assembly · slow. He had a favorite checkbook language. program. and it took two minutes to read in the prograin and another two BYTE: lsn' t Sweet-16 still used in Apple (continued) DOS and ProDOS editor/assemblers? WOZNIAK: Ye s. it's used in EDASM !the Gregg Williams is a senior teclinicaleditor at Apple Tool Kit 6502 editor/assembler!. BYTE. Rob Moore is a liardware designer and mostly in the editor portion. Randy frequent contributor to BYTE. Tliey can be Wigginton wrote EDASM. He's worked contacted at POB 372. Hancock. NH here since before we even had a com- 03449. PHOIDGRAPH COURTESY OF APPLE COMPUTER INC. JANUARY 1985 • BYTE 167 WOZNIAK INTERVIEW I wrote on the wrong one!" We format. double-density recordings. managed to recover it and actually 'Hobbyists are a tiny BYTE: It sounds like a fascinating part. Do demonstrated it at CES. !:fOU think we' see Apple II owners benefit part of our market, BYTE: Had !:fOU been exposed to group-code from it in an!:fII wa!:f? recording before. or did !:fOU invent !:fOUrs WozNIAK: Well. it's our standard disk independent/!:!? controller now. and it's cheaper than hut they're fa ithful WO ZNIAK: The first .version of the the older design. It's used in the floppy-disk routines did not have Apple to the company.' group coding. I had followed the lie. · BYTE: Could !:fOU useit to get higher-densit!:l Shugart manual. which showed that recording on an Apple II 5 \t.i-inch disk? you had alternate clock bits and data minutes to read in his check files. He WozNIAK: No. because the disk drives bits. so every other bit was wasted. I was complaining about this at a staff themselves aren't certified for double­ couldn't understand why it was nec­ meeting, and I mentioned that I had density recording. Yo u need heads essary. but I started that way. this clever little five-chip circuit that with the proper gap, and they're more Then I came up with this idea to use could read and write a floppy disk. At expensive. coded recording. I knew the technical the time. all the existing floppy-disk rule was that you could only have one BYTE: You're a former hobb!:!ist. Could a controllers were 40 or 50 chips. so I or two zeros in a row. Yo u could have hobb!:!ist bu!:l one of these chips cmd a spec knew there must be something impor­ either 4 or 8 microseconds between sheet and start pla!:fing with it? tant that I wasn't doing. flux transitions. I didn't really know WOZNIAK: I don't think Apple would I went off and tried to figure out what group-coded recording was; I give out the spec sheet. I totally dis­ what it was that I wasn't doing. One just knew that I could fit 13 sectors on agree with that policy because I'm of our technicians had a North Star a disk instead of 10. had to write a very respectful to the hobbyists. system. so I looked through their program to take bytesI off the disk. They're a tiny part of our market. but manuals. I read their schematics and convert them to 5-bit chunks. and re­ they're loyal supporters and faithful figured out what every chip did. And assemble them into 8-bit data bytes. people to the company. If they had a I looked through their listings until I It was a difficult routine to write. It spec sheet. they could start playing understood exactly what they were was about a 20-hour job. and I'd work with it and figure out a lot more in­ doing. through the day for 0 or 12 hours credible things that we never planned I was doing a lot more. I didn't even and I wouldn't quite I get there. The it to be used for-even using it as a have to look at the sector holes. so next day I'd come back and find out communications channel from Apple I could use any disk drive. any floppy that I was starting exactly where I had to Apple. Macintosh to Macintosh. disk in the world. It was then that I the day before. This went on for There are a lot of great tricks you new I had a really clever design. almost a month. I was not quite get­ could do with that little part. It's a The next week was Christmas vaca­ ting the routines. and we were getting beautiful random 1/0 device that has tion. Randy Wigginton and I spent the within a month of shipping the disk too many things that have not been entire week. including the holidays. drives. Finally I stayed up all night until taken anywhere. trying to get this disk reading and I got all five routines that had to work writing with a very simple operating together done. So we were able to system. We did the bottom levels of PERSONAL DETAILS ship it the first time with the group­ an operating system in that week. Yo u BYTE: In 1981 !:fOU were in a plane crash coded recording in place. Later. we could type R (for "read") followed by and !:fOU left Apple for a while short/!:! after changed the encoding method and a program name like STARTREK. and that. How long did it take !:fOU to recover from stepped up to 16 sectors. That was it would load STARTREK into memory. the accident? DOS 3.3. We were highly motivated because. WozNIAK: That was in February 1981. at the end of the week. a show called BYTE: The Macintosh uses a custom chip For about five weeks I had a type of the CES !Consumer Electronics Showj called the IWM-Integrated Woz Machine­ amnesia that prevents you from form­ was starting in Las Vegas. and we that does the same sort of recording. Can !:fOU ing any new long-term memories. wanted to go. tell us an!:fthing about that? After I recovered. people would show We worked all night the day before WozNIAK: My design was basically a me pictures of myself in the hospital. we had to show it jthe disk drivej at little sequencer. or state machine. It playing games with my computer with CES. At about six in the morning it used a PROM and a latch and cycled my face all battered up. They would was ready to demonstrate. Randy through various states depending on tell me stories of how I tried to sneak thought we ought to back it up.
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