International Atomic Energy Agency INDC(NDS)-116/G+P IN DC INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR DATA COMMITTEE PROGRESS IN FISSION PRODUCT NUCLEAR DATA Information about activities in the field of measurements and compilation/evaluations of fission product nuclear data (FPND) collected by M. Lammer Nuclear Data Section International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria No. 7 June 1981 IAEA NUCLEAR DATA SECTION, WAGRAMERSTRASSE 5. A-1400 VIENNA Reproduced by the IAEA in Austria July 1931 81-3163 INDC(NDS)-116/G+P PROGRESS IN FISSION PRODUCT NUCLEAR DATA Information about activities in the field of measurements and compilation/evaluations of fission product nuclear data (FPND) collected by M. Lammer Nuclear Data Section International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria No. 7 June 1981 NOT FOR PUBLICATION Information from this document should not be quoted except with permission of the authors. - 1 - FOREWORD This is the seventh issue of a report series on Fission Product Nuclear Data (FPND) which is published by the Nuclear Data Section (NDS) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The purpose of this series is to inform scientists working on FPND, or using such data, about all activities in this field which are planned, ongoing, or have recently been completed. The main part of this report consists of unaltered original contributions which the authors have sent to IAEA/NDS. Therefore, the IAEA cannot be held responsible for the information contained nor for any consequences resulting from the use of this information. The present issue contains also a section with some recent references relative to fission product nuclear data, which were not covered by the contributions submitted. The types of activities being included in this report are measurements, compilations and evaluations of: Fission product yields (neutron induced and spontaneous fission); Neutron reaction cross sections of fission products; Data related to the radioactive decay of fission products; Delayed neutron data of fission products; and lumped fission product data (decay heat, absorption etc.). The sixth issue of this series has been published in June 1980 as INDC(NDS)-113/G+P. The present issue includes contributions which were received by NDS between 1 August 1980 and 25 May 1981. The next issue of this report series is envisaged to be published in June 1982. - Ill - TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Foreword i Table of Contents iii Submitting contributions vii Subject Index ix I. Measurements *) 1 Australia : AEEC, Lucas Heights 3-4,10 Western Austral. Inst. Technol (3) Belgium : CEN Mol 7-8 Rijksuniv. Centrum, Amsterdam 10 Univ. of Gent 5-8 EEC Belgium : CBNM Geel 9-10 Canada : Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton 11 Univ. of Toronto 12 Egypt : AEE, Cairo 13-14 Univ. of Zagazig 15 France : CEN Bruyeres-le-Chatel 16 CEN Cadarache 17-18 CEN Grenoble 5,(34) Inst. Laue-Langevin, Grenoble 5,7-8,31, (34,74) Inst. Phys. Nucl., Villeurbanne 7 Univ. de Nice 19-22 Germany, F.R. : IKK Geesthacht 23 KFK, Karlsruhe 24-26 Techn. Univ. Braunschweig 27 Techn. Univ. Muenchen 28-30 Univ. Mainz 31-36,62 *) Page numbers in brackets refer to collaborations, which are not listed under "Laboratory and address" - iv - Table of contents (cont'd) Page India : Andhra Univ 37 BARC , Trombay 38-44 , (45-46) Indian Inst. Technol , Kanpur 45-46 Israel : Soreq Nuclear Research Centre 47 Italy : CNEN, Bologna 48 ENEL-Centro Ricerca Term, e Nucl 49-51 Politecnico di Milano 49-51 Japan : JAERI 52-53 Kyoto University 54,(58) Kyushu Univ (52-53) Nagoya University .... 55-57 Rikkyo Univ. , Kanagawa 55-57 Tokyo Inst. Technol 58 Univ. of Tokyo 59 Kuweit : Univ. of Kuweit (12) Romania : Inst. Nucl. Power Reactors, Bucharest . 60-61 Sweden : Chalmers U. of Technol. , Goeteborg ... 62 Nat'l Defence Res. Inst., Stockholm ... 63 Studsvik Sci. Res. Lab (36), 64-65 Univ. of Lund 66 Switzerland : Eidgen. Inst. f. Reaktorforschung .... 67 Univ. Bern 67 United Kingdom: AEE Winfrith 68 AERE Harwell 69-70 Dounreay N.P.D.E., Scotland 71 Nat'l Physical Lab., Teddington 72 Univ. of Birmingham (35) ,73 Univ. of Glasgow, Kelvin Lab (34) ,74 U. S. A. : Ames Lab. , Iowa State Univ 75 ANL, Argonne 76-80 INEL, EG & G Idaho 81-83 INEL, Exxon Nuclear Idaho Co 84-89 LLL, Livermore 90-91 McClellan Central Lab 90 New Mexico State Univ (91) ORNL, Oak Ridge (3-4,65), 92-97 Table of contents (cont'd) Page Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland .... (36) ,98-99 Univ. of Illinois 100 Univ. of Missouri, Columbia 101 Washington Univ. , St. Louis 102 U. S. S. R. : FEI, Obninsk 103-105 Inst. Nuclear Research, Kiev 106-107 Moscow Phys. Engineering Inst 108-109 II. Compilations and Evaluations Ill Belgium : Univ. of Gent 113 France : CEN Cadarache (120) CEN Saclay 114 German D. R. : ZfK Rossendorf, Dresden 115 Germany, F.R. : GSI Darmstadt 116 Philips.Univ. Marburg/Lahn 116 Hungary : Kossuth Univ. , Debrecen 117 India : BARC, Trombay 118-119 Italy : CNEN, Bologna 120 Japan : Japanese Nuclear Data Committee 121-123 Netherlands : ECN Petten 124-126 United Kingdom: AERE Harwell 127-129 CEGB Berkeley (working group) 130 Univ. of Birmingham 131 U. S. A. : ANL, Argonne (140) BNL, Brookhaven 132-134 G.E. Co., Vallecitos Nucl. Center .... 135,(140) HEDL, Hanford , Richland (134) ,136, (140,142) INEL, EG & G Idaho (134,136), 137 INEL, Exxon Nuclear Idaho Co 138-139 LASL, Los Alamos (136), 140-145 ORNL, Oak Ridge (141) Washington Univ. , St. Louis 146 - vi - Table of contents (cont'd) Page U. S. S. R. : FEI , Obninsk 147-149 Kurchatov Inst. At. En., Moscow 148-150 Leningrad Nucl. Phys. Inst. , Gatchina . 151 Moscow Phys. Engineering Inst 152-153 III. Recent publications related to FPND 154 IV. Meetings 160 IV. 1. Special meetings on FPND 160 Specialists' Meeting on Neutron Cross Sections of Fission Product Nuclei, Bologna, Dec. 1974 .... 160 Exercise: intercomparison of methods used to determine average parameters from sets of resonance parameters 160 Workshop on the Nuclear Spectroscopy of Fission Products, Grenoble, May 1979 162 IV.2. Some other meetings which include papers on FPND . 164 Int. Symposium on Physics and Chemistry of Fission, Jlilich, May 1979 164 Int. Conf. on Nuclear Cross Sections for Technology, Knoxville, Oct. 1979 164 6th Int. Conf. on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants, East Lansing (USA), Sept. 1979 164 Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics, Berkeley, Calif. August 1980 165 SUBMITTING CONTRIBUTIONS The next issue is expected to be published in June 1982. All scientists who are presently working - or have recently completed work - in the field of FPND and who want to contribute to the 8th issue of this series , are kindly asked to send contributions to me between now and 1 May 1982, so that they reach NDS before 15 May 1982. Those scientists or groups who have already contributed to the present issue and who want to leave their contribution(s) unchanged or who wish to suggest only slight changes, should write an appropriate note to me before the above deadline. Format: The size of one contribution should preferably not exceed one page. Of course , the number of contributions per working group or laboratory is not restricted. Similar experiments (or calculations, evaluations, etc.) performed by one person or group should preferably be combined to one contribution, if this is possible without loss of clarity. The headings suggested for the 3 types of contributions can be found on page viii. For the sake of consistency it is requested that the suggested headings be used as far as appropriate. Compilation and evaluations: If applicable, the availability of numerical data from computer files could be indicated either under the headings "Computer files ..." or under a separate heading "Availability...". Editing: It would be a great help for producing an edited report if a margin of 2 cm is left on each side of the text and a 5 cm space is left at the top of each page (or 3 cm, if the name of the country is included). Comments or suggestions concerning the format , content and layout of this report series are most welcome and should be directed to me in time before the next issue. I would like to thank the contributors for their cooperation. M. Lammer Measurements: Compilations: Evaluations: Laboratory and address: Laboratory and address: Laboratory and address: Names: Name s: Names: Facilities: Experiment: Compilation: Evaluation: Method: Purpose: Purpose: Accuracy: Major sources of Method: information: Completion date: Major sources of Deadline of literature information: Descrepancies to other coverage: reported data: Deadline of literature Cooperation: coverage: Publications: Other relevant details: Status: Computer file: Cooperation: Completion date: Other relevant details: Publications: Computer file of compiled data: Computer file of evaluated data: Discrepancies encountered: Completion date: Publications: - IX - SUBJECT INDEX 1. MEASUREMENTS 1.1. Fission yields nuclide neutron energy further specifications page Th-229 thermal fract. cumul. 1-135, Ba-140» Ge(Li) 42 thermal mass yields, R-value rel. U-235 (Sr-91) 43 thermal mass yields, rad.chem. , y-spec. 77 thermal 39 FP=30 chains, T1/2=15-4600 s, Ge(Li) 21 Th-230 unspecified mass yields 4 Th-232 pile absolute yields , mica + Ge(Li) det. (41) reactor-spec. indep. , cumul. and chain yields 67 fast BR-1,cumul.? gross FP y-spec , Ge(Li) 109 0.1-8 MeV rad.chem. , Ge(Li) , normalized to 200% 76 2.0-5.2 MeV fragment mass distribution, kin-E 11 1.4-5.8 MeV fragment avg. kin-E, mass distrib. 103 U-232 thermal R-values rel. U-235 (39) U-233 thermal Te isotope yields, mass-spec. 3 thermal light charged particles, absol. yields 8 thermal mass-spec , 20 mass chains (39) thermal absolute yields, mica + Ge(Li) det.
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