1 4 . Hudson-Gatskill llewspaperc Spring & Summer llestlnatlons Thurcday, ilav23,2013 Spring... Not the only thing in the ur at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome \ By Tom Polapink old aeroplanes and automobiles. Rhinebeck today. Cole's infec- place where history is not tious enthusiasm and supportive weather has finally It is a f)leasant encouragement was also a maior Iarrived in the Hudson vailey, only remembered, celebrated, and recreated, but it is also a key to the success of Old and with "spring in the air" place where history has been Rhinebeck in that he inspired comes the retum of air show made, and continues to be made, people to get involved and help. season to the Old Rhinebeck its impact has been felt Every piece of the collection has Aerodrome. For over half a cen- and around the world. its own unique history and its hrry, and a full 20 years since the The story of Cole Palen start- own stories to tell. All of these whkht ffiae fron t940-t3{/0, WtttfrV r.trrfu tr cptrpftuaU to passing of its legendary founder, ing the Aerodrome collection in stories stem from people... the trp tu& ln Jlmt to ulq th. tl$arr,- toutdr cad umh d e bVpm c* Cole Palen, the Aerodrome will 1951 upon acquiring six l$0WI people who flew, drove, hrfiotk alrcld/t,trcrulftf on ol ]lr oldf,'. continue to bring back the sights, Itu wlllrerr l0r efttltn era akcraft from a closing air restored, built, worked on, previ- tO+ sounds and smells of the ead ftylr'o p/d,na la ttn woru, ord anllrue?'unilrffit ot|d tttotttyt museum at Roosevelt Field is ously owned, donated, or even (dql$ltdngr years of aviation wittr its intema- thrllllm week,nd ob rtowrfiawr funubnlfrf occ, familiar to many. The Long. went for a ride in one of the tionally famous and unique col- iust WIM alrcflt, and our Sundsy fioryt lrcludn wrdttt lryltocfnirr,, airfield and museum were aeroplanes or early automobiles lection of vintage akcraft, daring Island Elplanc rldot am elso owl/rlb/rl shut down to make way for the at the Aerodrome. Sconlc tludsa Volby Alr-tour from 190O through 1940. Roosevelt Field shopping center. Expanding on this, the abiliry Mut um - oprn delly (loam: 5pm): lVUry 18' Oct.20 This "living museum" of Over the years he faced his share of the collection of vintage aero Alr Shovr - Ernry Srtudry end Sundey (lfm - 4pml: Junc 8 - oct" 13 machines of a bygone era is well of struggles and hardships along planes and early autos to draw - groundr on worth visiting, even if only to Spedal cvcnts throughout the sumrncr Food/plcnlc tltc the way, but his passion, and people to the aerodrome has the Kiryston Eddfc view the hardware in the collec- located irJ3l 10 mlrilrtcs fuom lRhlnecllff perseverance resulted in basically helped to fill both children's and tion; but the Aerodrome is so Vistt umv.oldrhlnrbrck,on or catf (&45F52-3200 for nrorc info. that we see at Old adult's dreams of aviation and much more than a collection of the collection . Thurcday, May 23, 2013 Spring & Summer Destinations Hudson-Gatskill ilewspapers 1 5 inspire people for over five and that. if there was any chance, decades now. Over the years, I would love to get up close to more than just a few of the many inspect and take pictures of the Aerodrome visitors who looked planes. He responded with a up to the sky to see an original oostcard with the Fokker Tri- 1917 Curtiss JN-4H 'Jenny" flying blane o.t the front. I still have it! overhead became inspired to vol- 'We arrived early and Cole let me unteer and work at the Aero- hang out behind the ropes while drome. others went on to Dursue they got the airplanes ready for careers in the field of aviati,on the Sunday show." outside of the Aerodrome, or "I think there are a number of build, restore and fly vintage air- us out there that would agree craft of their own. that Cole and the show at Old One of the best known figures Rhinebeck Aerodrome had a big in the early aviation world today, influence on us ki(Ls! One day, as Kermit Veeks, was one such Fantasy of Flight builds out and "young type" as Cole liked to call we are able to fly more airplane- them. Today Kermit is owner of type shows, I hope to dedicate one the largest private collections our'W'S7I Show to Cole and con- of vintage aircraft in the world. tinue the legacy!" His museum is called Fantasy of Rebecca Fleming-Petridis, a Flight, and it is located in Polk 737 Firsr Officer for Alaska Air- City, FL lines was also binen by the "aer<,> "When I r,vas thirteen years mania" bug at Old Rhinebeck. old, I worked for my grandpar- "My dad worked for T\WA in a ents in Connecticut over the variery of customer service posi- summer of 7967 and got a tions so I was aror.tnd aviation chance to go visit Old Rhinebeck most of my life. I visited Old Aeroclrome In anticipation of my Rhinebeck Aerodrorne with a visit, I sent a letter to Coie Palen friend when I was 16. One of the to let him know I was coming continued on page 20 Old Rhlnebeck Aerodrome continued from page 15 airplane love of Rhinebeck Aerodrome was a maior inspiration to get my pilot's license and started me on my way to a flying career." 'Over the years the Aerodrome has also served as the setting that has helped to spark romance. Just askJim andMary Hare who met at Old Rhinebeck in1982. Now 31 yearclater, they are happily married with four kids. Mary played the role of "Madamoiselle Fifi" in the Aerodrome's "melodrama" ground shows at the time. As it turned out, Kathleen Higgins (the Aerodrome's "Tru and e's air s involved there since he first volunteered. John and Janet Nenadic of Camas, \7A also met while working at Old Rhinebeck, as did Brian and Jenny Coughlin, of Cazenovia. Both couples -have rwo kids, andJohn, Janet, Jenny and Brian are all oilots. Gwen and Parker Acklev.of Fairfield, CT went on their first date at Old ithinebeck and ended up volunteering there for 20 years together. Bob and Denise Tator were one of at least a few Mari*s loascu and.HeatberHoutlev were mar'ried at couoles who were married in the Aerodrome's theAerodttmc. 1929 New Standard rides plane while circling above the scenic Hudbon Valley! Maybe your children or maybe even you will be Most recently Marius Ivascu and Heather How- inspired to leam more about aviation once you get ley (who also visited the Aerodrome on their first a first-hand glimpse of what the early.days of flying date) were married and held their reception in the were like. museum's "History of Flight" building in March. Aeroplanes, Spring, and even love is in the The event made the local news as Heather piloted air... and you can be too if you decide to go for a a helicopter over the Aerodrome and Marius ride in the Aerodrome's 1929 New Standard iumped out with his parachute to greet the wed- biplane this year! ding party and guests! The Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum is a 501(c)3 The Aerodrome is truly a special place where non-profit organization and memberships are avail- rrragical things happen...This surnrner bring your able starting at $25. Dorntions are tax deductible family, a date, or just go yourself to see what it is and very much appreciated. For more information all about and realne how lucky we are to have this contact call, a45-752-3200, email info@ unique facility in our own backyard. 'Who knows? oldrhinebeck.org or visit www. oldrhinebeck.org,.
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