insert_9-1_200x175_CMYK.ai 1 18/07/2014 11:33:19 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 9:1 SECTION 9 | SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Bariatric Instruments Instruments for Challenging Surgeries Nopa Instruments offer a full line of high quality longer laparoscopic and open surgical instruments for bariatric patients and surgery, including a variety of patterns of needle holders, scissors, forceps, clamps and suction tubes in varied length for deep access. Hand- held and self-retaining retractor systems with deeper, wider blades for optimal exposure are also offered. These longer-length instruments are available in many patterns with lengths of up to 36 cm, for improved reach in bariatric patients. The instruments are made in Germany using the finest German stainless steel. Product Code Description AA110/36 SPENCER-WELLS ARTERY FORCEPS STRAIGHT 36CM AA200/36 ROCHESTER-PEAN ARTERY FORCEPS STRAIGHT 36CM AA201/36 ROCHESTER-PEAN FORCEPS CURVED 36CM AA210/36 OCHSNER-KOCHER ART-FORCEPS STRAIGHT 36CM AB050/36 STANDARD DRESSING FORCEPS STRAIGHT 36CM AB060/36 STANDARD TISSUE FORCEPS 1X2 T STRAIGHT 36CM AB416/36 SINGLEY-TUTTLE GRASPING FORCEPS 36CM AB866/36 DE BAKEY ATRAUMA FORCEPS STRAIGHT 3.5 MM 36CM AC941/36 METZENBAUM SCISSORS TUC CURVED BL/BL 36CM AE113/36 HEANEY NEEDLE HOLDER CURVED 36CM AE400/36 MAYO-HEGAR NEEDLE HOLDER TUC 36CM AE471/36 CRILEWOOD NEEDLE HOLDER TUC CURVED 36CM AE471/36B CRILEWOOD NEEDLE HOLDER DOUBLE BOX LOCK TUC CURVED 36CM AF200/36 FOERSTER-BALLENGER STRAIGHT SERRATED 36CM AF201/36 FOERSTER-BALLENGER CURVED SERRATED 36CM KD055/36 ALLIS TISSUE FORCEPS 5X6 T 36M KD111/36 BABCOCK INT. TISSUE FORCEPS 36CM Dental Syringes − Ergonomic − Contemporary design − Breech loading Aspirating Tip − Autoclavable DSSA Standard Tip Product Code Description DSSA DENTAL CARTRIDGE SYRINGE 2.2 ML WITH ASPIRATION - ARROW TIP DSS DSS DENTAL CARTRIDGE SYRINGE 2.2 ML (NON ASPIRATING) - STANDARD TIP DSTO TIP FOR DENTAL SYRINGE DSSO SCREW FOR BARRELL Finger Ring Saw For cutting Titanium & Stainless Steel as well as Gold & Silver soft metals. Our regular ring saws only cut soft metals like gold and silver. This is a new ring saw from Lawton that will cut titanium and stainless steel as well. People in the emergency room as well as the surgeons know the problem: rings made of stainless steel or titanium - and you only have a normal saw on hand! This special finger ring saw offers the solution! Product Code Description LA19-0155 LAWTON FINGER RING SAW LA19-0156 LAWTON FINGER RING SAW SPARE BLADE LA19-0157 LAWTON FINGER RING SAW SPARE T-HANDLE 9:2 CAT-s09-v6.0 | Disclaimer: All images are included for reference only. Goods supplied may vary from those illustrated due to continual improvements and/or regulation changes. SECTION 9 | SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Instrument Pins Instrument pins or sterilising pins are designed to hold surgical instruments during the sterilisation process. Surgical instruments are placed in the open position on the pins keeping the instruments in the most advantageous position for proper sterilisation. Product Code Description HRA-002-004-PMK-W CHIFA STERILISING PIN 102 X 63MM HRA-002-006-PMK-W CHIFA STERILISING PIN 152 X 63MM HRA-002-008-PMK-W CHIFA STERILISING PIN 203 X 63MM HRA-002-010-PMK-W CHIFA STERILISING PIN 254 X 63MM Instruments are placed in the open position on Sterilising Pin HRA-002-012-PMK-W CHIFA STERILISING PIN 300 X 63MM (Instruments not included) Instrument Quiver With a removable base, autoclavable and Latex Free, these instrument quivers are detachable for easy cleaning and sterilisation. Available in various size 16, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 cm lengths to safely manage open and laparoscopic procedures. TSQDB30 Product Code Description TSQDB15 QUIVER WITH DETACHABLE BASE 15CM TSQDB20 QUIVER WITH DETACHABLE BASE 20CM TSQDB25 QUIVER WITH DETACHABLE BASE 25CM TSQDB30 QUIVER WITH DETACHABLE BASE 30CM TSQDB35 QUIVER WITH DETACHABLE BASE 35CM TSQDB40 QUIVER WITH DETACHABLE BASE 40CM Podiatry Instruments Podiatry deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of medical and surgical conditions of the feet and lower limbs. The conditions podiatrists treat include those resulting from bone and joint disorders such as arthritis and soft-tissue and muscular pathologies, as well as neurological and circulatory disease. LR Instruments distribute quality podiatry instruments from manufacturers such as Nopa, Chifa, Liberty and LRI. For more information on the extended range of instruments, please contact your local Representative. Spey Kits Spey Kits for Canine and Feline The Spey Kit comprises, amongst other important instruments, the HIFA Spey Hook. This is a long, thin, probe-like instrument with a curved end and a buttoned tip, used to hook around the uterus of a companion animal and to bring it into the incision where an ovariohysterectomy can be performed. Used as a means of neutering a female by removing the ovaries, the common ‘spey’ operation in dogs and cats. Contact your local Representative for kit variations and ordering information. Spey Hook CAT-s09-v6.0 | Disclaimer: All images are included for reference only. Goods supplied may vary from those illustrated due to continual improvements and/or regulation changes. 9:3 SECTION 9 | SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Hartmann Kelly Fergusson Crile Crile Rankin Mosquito Micro Lahey Mosquito Moynihan Kocher Rochester Pean Sawtell Spencer Wells 9:4 CAT-s09-v6.0 | Disclaimer: All images are included for reference only. Goods supplied may vary from those illustrated due to continual improvements and/or regulation changes. Δ Available in Hang Sell packaging. Please add HS to the end of the product code when ordering SECTION 9 | SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS ◄ An image for this instrument is pictured on the left Product Code Size Superior Theatre Theatre Liberty Superior LRI Ward Angiotribe Forceps FERGUSSON CLAMP STRAIGHT 16CM AA550/16 FERGUSSON CLAMP CURVED 16CM AA551/16 LAFFC16 FERGUSSON CLAMP STRAIGHT ◄ 20CM AA550/20 LAFFS20 CLAMP CURVED 20CM AA551/20 LAFFC20 Artery Forceps CRILES STRAIGHT ◄ 14CM ∆ HKN-088-140-PMK AA180/14 LAFCS14 AFCS140 CRILES CURVED 14CM ∆ HKN-088-140-ZMK AA181/14 LAFCC14 AFCC140 CRILE RANKIN STRAIGHT 16CM ∆ HKN-077-160-PMK AA184/16 LAFCRS16 CRILE RANKIN CURVED ◄ 16CM ∆ HKN-077-160-ZMK AA185/16 LAFCRC16 HARTMANN STRAIGHT ◄ 10CM ∆ HKN-104-100-PMK AA114/10 LAFHS10 HARTMANN CURVED 10CM ∆ LA06-0051 AA115/10 LAFHC10 HARRISON CRIPP CURVED 18CM ∆ HAFHC18 LAFHCR HEISS SLIGHTLY CURVED (SAWTELL) 20CM HKN-054-200-ZMS AA320/02 LAFH20 KELLY STRAIGHT ◄ 14CM ∆ HKN-090-140-PMS AA170/14 LAFKS14 KELLY CURVED 14CM ∆ HKN-090-140-ZMS AA171/14 LAFKC14 LAHEY CURVED 19CM LA11-0431 AA401/19 LAFL19 LAHEY CURVED ◄ 23CM LA06-0725 AA401/23 LAFL23 MOSQUITO STRAIGHT ◄ 12.5CM ∆ HKN-320-120-PMK AA150/12 LAFMS12 AFMS125 MOSQUITO CURVED 12.5CM ∆ HKN-320-120-ZMK AA151/12 LAFMC12 AFMC125 MOSQUITO STRAIGHT 1/2 TEETH 12.5CM ∆ HKN-322-120-PMK AA152/12 LAFMST12 MOSQUITO CURVED 1/2 TEETH 12.5CM ∆ HKN-322-120-ZMK AA153/12 LAFMCT12 MOSQUITO MICRO STRAIGHT ◄ 12.5CM ∆ HKN-321-120-PMK AA130/12 AFMSF125 MOSQUITO MICRO CURVED 12.5CM ∆ HKN-321-120-ZMK AA131/12 AFMCF125 MOYNIHAN CURVED ◄ 23CM HKN-831-230-ZMK AA525/23 LAFM23 OCHSNER-KOCHER STRAIGHT 14CM ∆ HKN-158-140-PMS AA210/14 OCHSNER-KOCHER STRAIGHT 16CM ∆ HKN-058-160-PMS AA210/16 LAFOKS16 OCHSNER-KOCHER CURVED 16CM ∆ HKN-058-160-ZMS AA211/16 LAFOKC16 OCHSNER-KOCHER STRAIGHT 18CM ∆ HKN-058-180-PMS AA210/18 LAFOKS18 OCHSNER-KOCHER CURVED 18CM ∆ HKN-058-180-ZMS AA211/18 LAFOKC18 OCHSNER-KOCHER STRAIGHT 20CM HKN-058-200-PMS AA210/20 LAFOKS20 OCHSNER-KOCHER CURVED 20CM HKN-058-200-ZMS AA211/20 LAFOKC20 OCHSNER-KOCHER STRAIGHT 22CM ∆ LA06-0403 AA210/22 LAFOKS22 OCHSNER-KOCHER CURVED ◄ 22CM ∆ LA06-0413 AA211/22 LAFOKC22 PENNINGTON 16CM ∆ LA06-0620 AA084/15 LAFP16 ROBERTS HEMST CURVED 22CM LA06-0371 AA323/22 LAFR22 ROCHESTER PEAN STRAIGHT ◄ 14CM ∆ HKN-161-145-PMK AA200/14 LAFRPS14 ROCHESTER PEAN CURVED ◄ 14CM ∆ HKN-161-145-ZMK AA201/14 LAFRPC14 ROCHESTER PEAN STRAIGHT 16CM ∆ HKN-063-160-PMK AA200/16 LAFRPS16 AFRPS160 ROCHESTER PEAN CURVED 16CM ∆ HKN-063-160-ZMK AA201/16 LAFRPC16 ROCHESTER PEAN STRAIGHT 18CM ∆ HKN-063-180-PMK AA200/18 LAFRPS18 ROCHESTER PEAN CURVED 18CM ∆ HKN-063-180-ZMK AA201/18 LAFRPC18 ROCHESTER PEAN STRAIGHT 20CM HKN-063-200-PMK AA200/20 LAFRPS20 GFRP200 ROCHESTER PEAN CURVED 20CM HKN-063-200-ZMK AA201/20 LAFRPC20 ROCHESTER PEAN STRAIGHT 22CM LA06-0304 AA200/22 LAFRPS22 ROCHESTER PEAN CURVED 22CM LA06-0314 AA201/22 LAFRPC22 ROCHESTER PEAN STRAIGHT 24CM HKN-063-240-PMK AA200/24 LAFRPS24 ROCHESTER PEAN CURVED 24CM HKN-063-240-ZMK AA201/24 LAFRPC24 SAWTELL ARTERY FORCEP CURVED ◄ 20CM HKN-054-200-ZMS SCHNIDT TONSIL FULL CURVED 19CM HKN-959-185-ZMK AA295/02 SCHNIDT TONSIL HALF CURVED 19CM HKN-957-185-ZMK AA295/01 LAFSHC19 SPENCER WELLS STRAIGHT ◄ 13CM ∆ LA06-0342 AA110/13 LAFSWS13 AFSWS125 SPENCER WELLS CURVED ◄ 13CM ∆ LA06-0343 AA111/13 LAFSWC13 AFSWC125 SPENCER WELLS STRAIGHT 16CM ∆ LA06-0346 AA110/15 LAFSWS16 AFSWS155 SPENCER WELLS CURVED 16CM ∆ LA06-0347 AA111/15 LAFSWC16 AFSWC155 SPENCER WELLS STRAIGHT 18CM ∆ LA06-0348 AA110/18 LAFSWS18 AFSWS180 SPENCER WELLS CURVED 18CM ∆ LA06-0349 AA111/18 LAFSWC18 AFSWC180 SPENCER WELLS STRAIGHT 20CM LA06-0353 AA110/20 LAFSWS20 SPENCER WELLS CURVED 20CM LA06-0354 AA111/20 LAFSWC20 Amniotomy Forceps WILLIAM SMILEY 20CM AFWS200 CAT-s09-v6.0 | Disclaimer: All images are included for reference only. Goods supplied may vary from those illustrated due to continual improvements and/or regulation changes. 9:5 SECTION 9 | SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Hartmann Wilde Tilley Quire Liston Compound Ruskin Stille Beyer Chalazion Beer Douglas Zaufal Jansen Luer 9:6 CAT-s09-v6.0 | Disclaimer: All images are included for reference only. Goods supplied may vary from those illustrated due to continual improvements and/or regulation changes. Δ Available in Hang Sell packaging.
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