Elections 2018 50 Minority Neowctober 2s 018 On the Eve of Elections for National Minority Councils CONTENT EDITORIAL 50 Fifty Reasons Fifty Re asons F or Op timism Alth ough it is not easy to look ba ck over 50 months, one thing is certa in : during all these months, the Minority NEWS monthly newsletter has both enabled For Optimism 2 the ma jority comm unity to learn mo r e about all imp ortant events i n the lives of m embers of natio nal m inorit ies and the nationa l m inorities to become better acqua inted with each o ther. For 50 m onths we have t ried to record a nd sh ed light on the most important issues and events for the national minorities in Serbia, and, accordingly, this Minority NEWS jubilee 50th issue focuses on one of the most important events for members of national minorities - elections Albanian Com muni ty 3 for mem ber s of nationa l co unci ls of national mi noritie s. The Repub lic Electora l Commission announced th e first lists of ca ndida tes on Ashkali Community 6 August 23 and the last one at a session held on October 22. The Commission members hav e appro ved reg is trat ion of the total of 58 lists of 18 nation al mi - norities , wh o w ill elect m ember s for the ir counc ils in direct ele ctions . The Rut - Bosniak Community 8 henian and Al ba nian na t iona l m inoritie s have the highest num ber of c and idates list s registered, 7 and 6, respectiv ely, whe r eas Greeks, Poles a n d Slovenians Bulgarian Comm unity 12 have one each. NIationa l councils o f t he C roatia n, Ma ce d onian, Mo nteneg rin and Russian Bunjevac Community 14 national minorities will be selected through electoral assemblies, and, to this end, a total of 379 el ecto ral a pplications have b een approve d by the decisi on of the M inist ry of Stat e A dministrati on and Lo c al Self-Gove rnmen tzbog. toga Czech Commu nity 16 Ršegar dles s of the wa y they will be ele cted, members of th e nationa l minorit y councils, as legitimate representatives of their minority, will represent the Egyptian Comm uni ty 18 interests of their min ority in the ne xt 4 year s and, as we have he ard many times, will act as a bridge b etwee n tštohe a uzdišemouthorities a nzad „starletama“the citizens of t kojeheir msino rity. This " bridge" should b e both f irm enough to withstand all the difficulties Greek Community 20 and alert enough to avoid potential malversations. And it seems t hat the list of alleged abuse s of the electoral p roce ss has been Hungarian Communi ty 21 longer this yea r than it w as the cas e in th e prev iou s elect ions. A s t he m edia repo rted, as w ell as the min ority comm u nities the mselves and the civil so ciety organizations, the number of members of a few communities registered in the German Community 24 Spe cial Voters List ha s incr eased dispr opo rtionately in th e las t c oup le of m onths, the political influence over the lists of candidates has been widely spread, and Polish Commu nity 2 6 incidents have been reported among the candidates. We can only hope that new members of national councils will indeed be elected in a legitimate manner and that they will rather advocate for interests of the members of their minorities Roma Commun ity 2 7 than e ncourage and deepen divisio ns w ithin th em, as it has b een the case t hus far. Romanian Commu nity 32 Ruthenian Community 35 30 d iffer ent national m inorities live in Serbia Slovak Community 38 Slovenian Comm unity 4 2 Ukrainian Comm un ity 43 Vlach Community 45 sle er for all Electoral A pplicat io ns and ONE new Approved 47 www.minoritynews.rs Minority News Portal DIRECT ELECTIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCILS OF NATIONAL MINORITIES Albanian Community The Republic Electoral Commission has approved 6 lists of candidates for elections for members of the National Council of the Albanian National Minority. 1. ALTERNATIVA ZA PROMENE (AZP) – ŠĆIPRIM ARIFI –ALTERNATIVA PËR NDRYS - HIM (APN) – SHQIPRIM ARIFI (Alternative for the Change – Shqiprim Arifi) Leader of the List: Arber Pajaziti 1. Arber Pajaziti, 1984, Albanian language teacher, Bujanovac 2. Nezaćete Isahu, 1990, master of law, Preševo 3. Fejran Šemšedini, 1989, economist, Preševo 4. Vjolca Aljiu, 1989, lawyer, Bujanovac 5. Škeljzen Hiseni, 1989, geodesy engineer, Preševo 6. Saranda Ljatifi, 1985, pedagogy professor, Preševo 7. Šefket Šefkija, 1979, math professor, Bujanovac 8. Šefat Ademi, 1993, Albanian language teacher, Preševo 9. Doruntina Redžepi, 1992, pedagogy professor, Preševo 10. Gentiana Beljulji Memeti, 1989, economist, Bujanovac 11. Mirzan Daljipi, 1973, entrepreneur, Preševo 12. Aljma Ferati, 1995, English language teacher, Preševo 13. Mendim Sopi, 1991, lawyer, Bujanovac 14. Aljtin Boriči, 1994, sociologist, Preševo 15. Valjtina Nuhiu, 1995, lawyer, Preševo 2. DEMOKRATSKA PARTIJA – Dr sc NAGIP ARIFI – PARTIA DEMOKRATIKE- Dr sc NAGIP ARIFI ( Democratic Party – Dr Nagip Arifi) Leader of the List: Sali Salihi 1. Sali Salihi, 1985, economist, Veliki Trnovac 2. Šemsedin Jahiji, 1984, teacher, Samoljica 3. Arđenda Sopi, 1992, math professor, Bujanovac 4. Naim Salihi, 1961, Serbian language teacher, Veliki Trnovac 5. Bajram Mustafa, 1965, agricultural engineer, Tupale 6. Ljiridona Iseni, 1991, law faculty senior, Veliki Trnovac 7. Selver Nuhiji, 1964, biology professor, Biljača 3 Minority News 8. Ljimon Šaćiri, 1995, law faculty senior, Rajince 9. Lutfije Ibraimi, 1993, student, Veliki Trnovac 10. Nazmi Suljejmani, 1988, math professor, Letovica 11. Haki Memeti, 1988, master teacher, Nesalce 12. Esra Aliji, 1993, economist, Bujanovac 13. Ramadan Selmani, 1961, economist, Breznica 14. Sedat Selimi, 1965, English language teacher, Bujanovac 15. Erdoneta Bećiri, 1992, art teacher, Lučane 3. PARTIJA ZA DEMOKRATSKO DELOVANjE – ŠAIP KAMBERI – PARTIA PËR VEPRIM DEMOKRATIK – SHAIP KAMBERI ( Party for Democratic Action – Shaip Kamberi ) Leader of the List: Ragmi Mustafi 1. Ragmi Mustafi, 1984, sociologist, Bujanovac 2. Besim Nasufi, 1971, physical education teacher, Preševo 3. Remzije Redžepi, 1981, lawyer, Preševo 4. Enkel Redžepi, 1987, Albanian language teacher, Preševo 5. Ljemane Mustafa, 1990, master lawyer, Bujanovac 6. Muhamet Mustafa, 1976, physical education teacher, Preševo 7. Memet Dalipi, 1958, biology professor, Bujanovac 8. Agim Hasani, 1964, master of ecology, Bujanovac 9. Fljorije Hida, 1974, professor, Bujanovac 10. Haki Kadriu, 1964, high school graduate, Medveđa 11. Krešnik Fazliu, 1993, English language teacher, Preševo 12. Arbnore Biljali, 1983, school pedagogue, Preševo 13. Duan Salihu, 1990, geodesy technician, Bujanovac 14. Ismet Abazi, 1959, physical education teacher, Bujanovac 15. Ardita Saćipi, 1978, journalist, Preševo 4. Sami Salihu – Pokret za Reforme / Sami Salihu – Lëvizja për Reforma (Reforms Movement – Sali Salihu ) Leader of the List: Sami Salihu 1. Sami Salihu, 1985, psychologist, Preševo 2. Špresa Abdulahu, 1983, economist, Preševo 3. Šerif Avdili, 1981, English language teacher, Preševo 4. Manduše Ahmedi – Idrizi, 1968, nurse, Preševo 5. Erdžan Ramadani, 1991, biology professor, Preševo 4 Minority News 6. Hevzi Ramadani, 1983, lawyer, Preševo 7. Hasan Hasani, 1983, lawyer, Preševo 8. Ajtene Ramadani – Beriša, 1985, psychologist, Preševo 9. Ahmet Ahmedi, 1989, medical school professor, Preševo 10. Baškim Jašari, 1989, mechanical engineer, Preševo 11. Rukije Sahiti, 1991, psychologist, Preševo 12. Rezarta Šabani, 1990, lawyer, Preševo 5. DEMOKRATSKA PARTIJA ALBANACA – Dr sci. RAGMI MUSTAFA – PARTIA DEMOKRATIKE SHQIPTARE – Dr. Sc. RAGMI MUSTAFA ( Democratic Party of Albanians – Dr Ragmi Mustafa) Leader of the List: Enver Mehmeti 1. Enver Mehmeti, 1981, lawyer, Preševo 2. Albiona Ibrahimi-Redžepi, 1982, teacher, Preševo 3. Amir Latifi, 1955, Albanian language teacher, Preševo 4. Mehmet Hida, 1961, graphics engineer, Preševo 5. Nora Aguši, 1991, mr sci. economist, Preševo 6. Gezim Bajrami, 1997, civil engineering student, Preševo 7. Mumin Bajrami, 1964, mechanical engineer, Preševo 8. Hana Emrlahu-Arifi, 1987, Albanian language teacher, Preševo 9. Astrit Ramizi, 1985, electrical and IT engineer, Preševo 10. Škurte Asani, 1997, economy student, Preševo 11. Bilal Malići, 1969, writer, publicist, Preševo 12. Bujar Ademi, 1986, history teacher, Preševo 13. Vjosana Ajdini, 1992, public administration graduate, Preševo 14. Blerta Jahiji, 1996, nurse, Preševo 15. Besnik Emini, 1986, economist, Preševo 6. Udruženje „Albanski forum za ekonomski razvoj u Srbiji“ – Muharem Saljihu - Shoqata Forumi shqiptar për zhvillim ekonomik në Serbi – Muharem Saljihu (Association “Albanian Forum for Economic Development in Serbia – Muharem Saljihu) Leader of the List: Muharem Saljihu 1. Muharem Saljihu, 1968, entrepreneur, Medveđa 2. Nailje Malja Imami, 1960, Albanian language teacher, Belgrade 3. Dželal Memeti, 1974, entrepreneur, Preševo 4. Demo Beriša, 1963, economist, Novi Sad 5. Besa Ismajlji, 1986, master of law, Medveđa 6. Fljorentina Rama, 1995, teacher, Medveđa 5 Minority News Ashkali Community The Republic Electoral Commission has approved 3 lists of candidates for elections for members of the National Council of the Ashkali National Minority. 1. „ZA POBEDU“ – Erdelj Osman ( For Victory – Erdelj Osman ) Leader of the List: Erdelj Osman 1. Erdelj Osman, 1979, entrepreneur, Belgrade 2. Zijadin Salihu, 1974, intern, Belgrade 3.Pemba Demir, 1995, hairdresser, Belgrade 4. Afrodita Demir, 1994, student, Belgrade 5. Adam Ramani, 1972, tile mason, Belgrade 6. Fetija Gaši, 1997, salesman, Belgrade 7. Adžer Demir, 1973, homemaker, Belgrade 8. Asim Demirovski, 1978, tile mason, Belgrade 9. Ferida Zejnel, 1985, homemaker, Belgrade 10. Albert Ramani, 1998, salesman, Belgrade 11. Danijela Kostić, 1973, accountant, Belgrade 12. Pemba Demir, 1947, pensioner, Beograd 2. AŠKALIJE, ALI ZAJEDNO – ILjAZ RAMADANOVIĆ ( Ashkalis, But Together – Iljaz Ramadanovic ) Leader of the List: Iljaz Ramadanović 1. Iljaz Ramadanović, 1960, butcher, Zemun 2.
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