t REGn. GOA - 6 , l'anaji, 21st October, 1976 [Asyina 29, 1898) SERIES I No. 30' OFFICIAI1 GAZETTE' GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN the Airport Complex,S'Ubj€iCt ,to ,theoonditions, that they do not ply on any public road ........ AND DIU ......... ...... Whole". By order and in. the name of the Administrator Home Department [Transport and Accommodation). of Goa, Daman and Diu. G. M. Sardessai, Under Secretary (Home). Notification Panaji, 13th October, 19176. HD(rr)/8-5/76 ... The following draft amendment. which is' proposed legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu 1:0 be made to the Goa, Daman and -Diu Motor Vehicles Tax Rules, 19174 is hereby pre-pubWshed as Legislature Department required by sub-section (1) of section 2:4 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehic1es Tax Act, 1974 ~/B/7/20/2738/7~ (8 of 1974), !for information of the persons tikely The following Bill which was. introduced in the to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu on that the said draft amendment wfil be taken into 13th October, 1976 is hereby published for general .consideration by the Government on the ~piry of information in pursuance of the provisions of thirty days from the date of publication of this Rule 136 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Notification in the Official Gazette. Business of the Legislative Assembly. All objections and suggestions to the draft amend­ The Goa, Daman and Diu Motpr Vehicles Tax ment may be forwarded to. the Under 'Secretary to [First Amendment) Bill, 1976 the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu, Home Department, Secretariat, Panaji, before the expiry (Bill No. 20 of 1976) of thirty days from· the date of publication of this Notification in the OfficiaJ Gazette. A BILL DRAFYr AMENDMENT to amend certain provision8 of the Goa, Daman and In exercise of the' pow€!l"s.conferred by clause (f) Diu Motor Vehicles Tax Act, 1974. <Yf sub-section (2) of section 2:4 of the Goa, Daman Be it enacted by the Legislati'Ve -Msembly of Goa, and Diu Motor Vehl,clesTaX :Act, 19174 .($ of 1974), Daman and Diu in the Twenty-seventh Year of the and all otheT powers enabling him in that behalf, Republic of India, as follows:- the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby makes the following rules so as to furthet;amend 1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Act the Goa, -Daman and -Diu Motor Vehicles' Tax Rules, may be called the Goa, Daman and Diu Motor 19174, namely:- Vehicles Tax (Fi'rst Amendment) Act, 1976. (2) It shall come into force at once. 1. Short title and oommencement. -(1) These rules maybe ~alled the Goa, Daman and Diu Motor 2. Amendment of. the Sdtedule. - In .the Schedule Vehicles, Tax (Fourth Anrendment) RW,es, 1976.. appended to the Goa,. Daman and Diu Motor VehlCles (2) They shall come into force at once. Tax Act, 1974 (8 ()f 1974), in Clause A;- (i) after sub-clause I, the following sub-clause 2. Amendment ot rule 22. - In the Goa, Daman shall be inserted, namely: "- al'ld Diu Motor Vehicles Tax Rules, 1974, in sub­ "IA. Motor cycles used for hire ... Rs. 60.00"; -rule (1) of rule 22, aftel. clause Xl'I, the follOwing . (ii) in sub-clause. IV below.the item "Auto Rick­ ~hall be ,anserted,;namely:.- . shawsupto 2 seats" the following. new item shall be "(xnijMotorVehicles solely used for the hlserted namely: ~ . purpose <>f. ~u€[!fng.~f alrcrafts at the Airport "Auto;"Rickshaws upto 2. seats and which are exclusively kept and used' within . ctIsed) for hire ....................... Rs. 90-00"_ 308 SERIES'[ No. ,3(; Statement of Objects and Reasons (d) tricycles: Far every 25 Kgs: weight or It is proposed to allow motor cycles to ply on hi're, part thereof' RO. 12-00 after granting them necessary contract carriage II. Motor Viehi'Cles not exceeding 25 Kgs. permits under section 51 of the Motor Vehicleg Act, in weight unladen adapted for use' 1939, since such mode of transport will be very fOr invalids' Rs. 6:"00 economical to the travelling public taking into account the present increase in the coot of petrol III. Go'ods Veh'icles: and spare parts of other commercial vehicles. For - every 100 KgB. of registered laden or part there'of: Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe different (i) driven on fuel other than diesel Rs. 15-00 rates of taxation for motor cycles plying on hire (ii)' driven on diesel ... Rs. 18-00 and motor cycles used for private purpoS'e8';Likewvse" it is, necessary to prescribe different rates of taxa­ IV. Taxis and Auto Rickshaws: tion for autorickshaws havilng capacily of 2 seats Taxis- used for hire. a) Upto 3 seaters Rs. 225-00 The Bill seeks to achieve the above purposes. b) Upto 4 seatens . RO. 250·00 'C) upto 5 sea:te:m Rs. 270-00 Financial Memorandum For ;every additional- seat up to a maximum 'of 7 seats RO. 25·00 The Bin does not entail additional expenditure as Auto, Riclmhaws up to 2 seats Rs. 60·00 only the rates of tax prescribed for motor cycles and autorickshaws, to be used as contract carrlages ........ " ........ ,.'" ......... , .. ',., ........ , ....... , .. ,' ... ' ......... " .... , ... , ... ~ will be' raised. The tax will be recovered by the existing machinery only viz: the Directorate of Assembly Hall, M. M. NAIK Transport. Assuming that about 600 motor cycles Panaji, Secretary to the Legislative, Assembly­ 24th September, 1976 of Goa, Daman and Diu are authorised to ply on hire by way of granting r. contract· carriage permits, and with the enhanced rates of taxation on autorickshaws having capacity of 2 seats used for hi're,. the anticipated additional LA/B/7/22/2739176 revenue from the proposed tax will be in the vicinity of Rs. 15,000/- per annum. The following Bill which was introduced in the Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu on Panaji, SHASIITKALA KAKODKAR 13th October, 1976' is hereby published for generaL 20th September, 1976 Chief Minister information in pursuance of the provisions of Rule 136 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of the Legislative Assembly. Assembly Hall, M. M. NAlK Panaji, Secretary to the Legislative Assembly The Go" Daman and Diu Anatomy Bill, 1976 24th September, 1976 of Goa, Daman and Diu CONTENTS Preamble (Annexure to Bill No. 20 of 1976) Clauses 1. Short,,titIe, extent and commencement. The Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles Tax 2. Definitions. (First Amendmentl 8ill, 1976 3. Power of Government to authorise officers to act .... :................................................................................... undel" section 4; The Goa, Daman Diu M"tor ¥ehic!e.s TalC Act, 1974 4. Unclaimed dead bodies to be used for therapeutic­ a:~d purposes or anatomlrcal examinations. (Act No.8 of 1974) , . ,5. Doubt or dispute whether person claiming _body is; ....................... ' ........ , .............. ," ....................... ~ ............ near relative to be referred to Executive MagIS­ trate and, body to ~ preserved pending deCision~ SCHEDULE . 6. Penalty. Schedule of Taxation 7. ,Puty .of police and ?ther officers ,to 'assist. (Section 3) 8. Protection of persons acting under the Act: Class of Motor 'Vehicles Maximum annual 9. Officers to be public servants. rate of tax 1 O~, Power t~' make Rule::: .A,. Motor VehIcles fitted solely with pneu•. , .: m~~c, ltyres. the Goa, Damim and Diu Anafomy Bill, 1976 I. Motor cyCles' ahd:tt'icycles' (including (Bill No. 22 of 1976) motor-scooters and cycles w.i>th _atta­ • chment for propelling the same by mechanical power) A . BILL (a)upto half 'horse power .... , RO. 15·00 '(:-: (.'; ,:_,,{ " ::; ,- -- , - (b) -more thab. haIf horse p~~er ·RO. 40·00 to provide for the supply Of unclaimed:dead bddie8' '(c') 'for 'ev.erylsid~ car at'tached Rs. 5.00 .. of deceased per,sons to hospitals and .medical ani! (madditlOlHo . teachinginstit~tion8 ./01' .therapeutic 1!Y'l'poses or , I'a.te.. specified ..' fQr the,purposeo/anatomical examinationsOT dis- ti>eabove) sections. .'. '\' . .. I~il: ~f~!il~'~~--~--~~.~0:~~ ____ ~~ __ .m-__mfi.~- ____~ ____________________~ ____-------------~~ ~: 21ST OCTOBER, 1976 (ASVINA 29, 1898) 309 Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Goa, (7) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules Daman and Diu in the Twenty-seventh Year of made under this Act; the Republic of India as follows: - , (8) "unclaimed body" means the body ofa 1. Short title, extent and commencement. - (1) deceased person who has no near relative or This Act may be called the Goa, Daman and Diu whose body has not been claimed by any of Anatomy Act, 1976. his near relative within such period as may be prescribed. (2) It extends to the whole of the Union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu. ',' 3. Power of Government to authorise officers to (3) This section shall come into' force at once. aet under section 4. - The Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette authorise for (4) The Government may by notification in the the' area in which this Act comes into force or any Official Gazette, direct that the remaining proviSions part thereof, one or more officers to whom a report of this Act shall come into force on such date and shall be made under sootion 4 and who shall be in such area as may be 'specified in the notJification. competent to act under the 'said section. 2. Definitions. - fu this Act, unless there, is any­ -,:,;: thing repugnant in the subjoot or context- 4. Unclaimed dead_,bodies to be used for thera­ peutic purpose or anatomical examination. - (1) (1) "approved institution" means a hospital Where a person under treatment in a hospital or a medical or teaching institution approved
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