World Heritage 36 COM WHC-12/36.COM/2 Paris, 19 June / juin 2012 Original: English/French UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'EDUCATION, LA SCIENCE ET LA CULTURE CONVENTION CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF THE WORLD CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE CONVENTION CONCERNANT LA PROTECTION DU PATRIMOINE MONDIAL, CULTUREL ET NATUREL WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE / COMITE DU PATRIMOINE MONDIAL Thirty-sixth session / Trente-sixième session Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation / Saint-Pétersbourg, Fédération de Russie 24 June – 6 July 2012 / 24 juin – 6 juillet 2012 Item 2 of the Provisional Agenda: Admission of Observers Point 2 de l'ordre du jour provisoire : Admission des Observateurs This document consists of two parts: I. Draft Decision: 36 COM 2 II. Requests for Observer status SECTION A: Observer requests received in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee; SECTION B: NGO/IGO representatives invited by the Director- General of UNESCO in accordance with Rule 8.4 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee. Ce document comprend deux parties : I. Projet de décision : 36 COM 2 II. Demandes de statut d’observateur SECTION A : Demandes de statut d'observateur reçues en conformité avec l'Article 8.3 du Règlement intérieur du Comité ; SECTION B : Représentants des ONG/OIG invités par la Directrice générale d l'UNESCO en conformité avec l’Article 8.4 du Règlement intérieur du Comité. I. DRAFT DECISION / PROJET DE DECISION Draft Decision 36 COM 2 Projet de décision 36 COM 2 The World Heritage Committee, Le Comité du patrimoine mondial, 1. Taking into consideration Rule 8 1. Prenant en considération l'Article 8 (Observers) of the Rules of (observateurs) du Règlement Procedure of the Committee, intérieur du Comité, 2. Authorizes the participation in the 2. Autorise la participation à la 36e 36th session as observers of those session en qualité d'observateur des representatives of the international représentants des Organisations governmental organizations (IGOs), gouvernementales internationales international non-governmental (OGI), des Organisations non organizations (INGOs), non- gouvernementales internationales governmental organizations (NGOs), (ONGI), des Organisations non permanent observer missions to gouvernementales (ONG), des UNESCO and non profit-making missions permanentes d'observation institutions having activities in the auprès de l'UNESCO et des fields covered by the Convention, institutions à but non lucratif ayant who have requested observer une activité dans les domaines visés participation at the session and as par la Convention, qui ont demandé listed in Section A of document le statut d'observateur et tels que WHC-12/36.COM/2; mentionnés dans la Section A du document WHC-12/36.COM/2 ; 3. Further confirms the participation in the 36th session as observers of all 3. Autorise de plus la participation à la those invited by the Director- General 36e session en qualité d’observateur of UNESCO in accordance with de tous ceux invités par la Directrice Rule 8.4 of the Rules of Procedure générale de l'UNESCO en conformité of the Committee and as listed in avec l'Article 8.4 du Règlement Section B of document WHC- intérieur du Comité et tels que 12/36.COM/2. mentionnés dans la Section B du document WHC-12/36.COM/2. The List of Participants is presented in document WHC-12/36.COM/INF.2. La liste des participants est présentée dans le document WHC- 12/36.COM/INF.2. Admission of Observers WHC-12/36.COM/2 Admission des Observateurs II. REQUESTS FOR OBSERVER STATUS DEMANDES DE STATUT D’OBSERVATEUR SECTION A: List of Observer requests received in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee Liste des demandes de statut d'observateur reçues en conformité avec l'Article 8.3 du Règlement intérieur du Comité African World Heritage Fund Moscow 125040 Mr Webber Ndoro Russian Federation Director Mr Souayibou Varissou Programme Officer Herity International Ms. Inge Herbert Mr Maurizio Quagliuolo P.O. Box 1234, Halfway House Secretary-General Midrand, 1685 c/o DRI Ente Interregionale South Africa Via Emanuele Filiberto, 17 00185 Rome Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Italy Jerusalem Professor Michael Turner Int’l Centre On Space Tech. for Natural & Cultural UNESCO Chair in Urban Design and Heritage under the auspices of UNESCO (HIST) Conservation Studies Mr. Tianhua Hong Mount Scopus Deputy Director & Secretary General PO Box 24046 9, Dengzhuang South Road 91240 Jerusalem Haidian Israel Beijing 100094 China Université de Montréal Prof. Christina Cameron Kiev city Organisation of All-Ukrainian Canada Research Chair on Built Heritage NGO “The Civic Position” School of Architecture Ms. Iryna Nikiforova 2940, chemin de la Côte Ste-Catherine Coordinator Montréal H3C 3J7 Mrs. Maryna Soloviova Québec Lawyer Canada Room 35 119, Saksaganskogo Kiev 01032 University of Minnesota Ukraine Center for World Heritage Studies College of Design Max Planck Institute for Social Mr Arthur Chen Anthropology Director Professor Christoph Brumann 89 Church Street SE Head of Research Group 145 Rapson Hall Advokatenweg 36 Minneapolis, MN55455 D-06114 Halle United States of America Germany GAIA Heritage Association des biens français du patrimoine Mr Georges Zouain mondial Directeur général Mission Val de Loire Syndicat mixte interrégional Gemmayzé / Rue Pasteur Mme Isabelle Longuet Imm. Offeich Directrice 3ème étage 81 rue Colbert BP 17-5058 BP 4322 Beyrouth 37043 Tours cedex 1 Liban France Greenpeace Natural Heritage Protection Fund Mr Ivan Blokov Mr. Alexey Butorin Campaign Director President Mr Andrey Petrov Vyborgskaya str. 8-3 World Heritage Campaign Coordinator 125212 Moscow Leningradsky prospect 26 b.1 Russian Federation Admission of Observers WHC-12/36.COM/2 Admission des Observateurs Nordic World Heritage Foundation Arkhangelsk Regional Branch of Ms Kris Endresen «Vserossisykogo Society for the Protection of Director Monuments of History and Culture» Cecilie Smith-Christensen Ms Anna Pychina Assistant-Director Head of Information Center Ole Søo Eriksen Program Officer 1 Lenin Sq Arkhangelsk Ms Aïcha Aicha El Beloui 163004 Meltzers gate 4 Russian Federation 0257 Oslo Norway SEK International University Mr Oscar Acuna Poblete NPO National Council on Mt. Fuji Dean of Heritage Faculty World Heritage Avda.Jose Arrieta 10000 Mr Yukio Takashima Penalolen Director Santiago Mr Toshihiro Tsujii Chile Executive Director Mr Takuya Nozaki University of Tsukuba Executive Producer World Heritage Studies Mr Toru Shimase, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Executive Producer Sciences 4F SVAX TT Bldg Mr. Yoshito Kikuchi 3-11-15 Toranomon Minato-ku Kasuga Plaza 3rd Floor Tokyo 105-0001 1-8-3 Kasuga, Tsukuba City 305-0821 Japan Ibaraki Japan RC Heritage Mr. Simone Ricca ICOMOS Ukraine Architecte du patrimoine Ms Elena Serdiuk Mr. Francois Cristofoli Vice-President Ms. Alessandra Borchi Ms Svitlana Bylenkova 7 rue du Laos Ms Tetiana Maisterchuk, 75015 Paris Ms Olena Tupchiy, France Ms Larysa Vynogrodska 5/31 Andriyivsky Uzviz Str., Kiev 0470 Silvia Santagata Research Center CSS- Ukraine EBLA Mr Aldo Buzio Markets for Change Limited Director Mr Tim Birch Via Bellini, n.6 Chief Executive Officer 10121 Torino PO Box 948, Civic Square Italy ACT, 2608 Australia Stanford University Stanford Archaeology Center Greenpeace International Professor Lynn Meskell Mr Tony Sadownichic, Ms. Claudia Liuzza International Head of Research Department of Anthropology Ottho Heldringstraat 5, 1066 AZ 488 Escondido Mall, Building 500 Amsterdam MC 2170 Netherlands Stanford, California 94305-2034 United States of America TERRE Policy Centre Mr Rajendra Shende The Sekaiisan Research Institute Chaiman Mr Harushisa Furuta 7 Hemdatta Apt, Director 38 Mrutyunay Clny, Kothrud, Ms Mami Furuta Pune 411038 Secretariat General India 3-43-, Misuzugaoka-Midori Seki-ku, Hiroshima City 731-5113 Conseil Général, Japan Puy de Dôme M Jean-Yves Gouttebel Simon Wiesenthal Centre Président Dr Shimon Samuels M Eric Gold, Director for International Relations Conseiller Simon Wiesenthal Centre Mme Cécile Olive-Garcia 1399 Roxbury Dr # 100, Los Angeles, CA Chef du projet United States of America Hôtel du Département 24, rue Saint–Esprit, Admission of Observers WHC-12/36.COM/2 Admission des Observateurs Clermont-Ferrand 63033 10 East 40th Street, 40th Floor France New York, New York, 10016 United States of America World Cultural Heritage Division Mr Seigo Hiidome Assistant Director International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs Mr Koji Hagihara (IWGIA) Assistant Manager Mr Stephan Disko Ms Ikubo Derry Mr Rodion Sulyandziga (IWGIA/RAIPON) Ms Takako Kimiwada, Classengade 11E Kagoshima Prefectural Government DK-2100 Copenhagen 10-1 Kamoike Shinmachi Kagoshima City Denmark Kagoshima 890-8577 Japan Europa Nostra Denis de Kergolay Greenpeace Australia Pacific Président exécutif Mr Erland Howden Sneska Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic Climate & Energy Campaigner Secrétaire générale 33 Mountain Street Lange Voorhout 35 Ultimo NSW 2007 2514 EC The Hague Sydney The Netherlands Australia World Heritage Institute of Training and Research Australian Rainforest Conservation Society for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the Inc. auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP) Mr Alec Marr Ms Wei Lu Head of Delegation Deputy Director Ms Virginia Young Ms Feng Han Mr Paul Oosting Ms Ping Kong PO Box 2111 Ms Hong Li Milton QLD 4064 3F Wen Yuan Building, Tongji University Australia 1239 Siping road 200092 Shanghai Baikal Buryat Center for Indigenous Issues China
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