Daly, Facing Stirgery, Cancels Candidacy StE STORY BELOW Sunny, Warm, HOME • Sunny and warm today. Fair Red Bank, Freehold and mild tonight. Sunny, con- Long Braneh tinued warm tomorrow. I 7 FINAL (Sea DetilU, p,jo 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper lor 90 Yearn VOL, 91, NO. 48 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1968 TEN CENTS Czech Liberals' Purge Reported Under Way PRAGUE (AP) - The archi- Ludvik Svoboda accepted the of Communist Yugoslavia and is in Switzerland. Sik and Ha- That agreement provided for tect of Czechoslovakia's eco- resignation. Romania — both rebels against jek have been abroad since gradual withdrawal of occupa- nomic reform program has re- The Soviet government made Kremlin domination — in what before Soviet, Bulgarian, Hun- tion troops as the situation signed and the foreign minis- plain it also expects the oust- looked like a revival of, the garian, Polish and East Ger- "normalized," but Czechoslo- er of Foreign Minister Jilt Ha- pre-World War II Little' En- man troops invaded Czechoslo- vak Communist party officials ter appears to be on the way jek. The government newspa- tente. vakia on Aug. 20. seem increasingly convinced out as a result of policies that per Izvestia called him an "ac- Izvestia also attacked Sik Hajek came to New York for that the Russians will stay for angered the Kremlin. complice of the dark forces of along with Planning Minister the U.N. Security Council de- years, perhaps decades. Deputy .Premier Ota Sikh reaction and counterrevolu- Frantisek Vlasak and State bate on the invasion, but on The invasion frayed the ideo- whose policies envisioned trade tion" and accused him of seek- Control Minister Stefan Gas- orders from Prague asked the logical ties that bound the and aid from the West and ef- ing foreign policy changes parik. council to drop the matter af- Czechoslovak army to its War- forts to break free from de- which Moscow opposes, includ- Vlasak and. Gasparik re- ter. Soviet and Czechoslovak saw Pact allies and one Com' pendence on the Soviet Union, ing closer ties with the West. turned to Prague from .Yugo- leaders reached an agreement munist source said: "I just resigned last night, Prague Ra- Hajek also angered the So- slavia yesterday, but Sik re- in four days of negotiations In cannot see how they could risk dio reported. It said President viets by seeking the support mained in Belgrade and Hajek Moscow. leaving pur country during the HEART RECIPIENT — William C. Carroll, 50, of Scottsdale, Ariz., chats with his next 10 years." wife yesterday, three days after he received a new hiart in historic transplant The Czechoslovak army stood operation. He is one of four recipients using organs of a 20-year-old female firmly behind liberal'Commu shooting victim. The recipients are recuperating at Methodist Hospital in Hous- nist party chief Alexander Dub ton, Tex., where all are reported making good progress. (AP Wirephoto) Daly Drops Congress Race,cek and supplied emergency transmitters to the under- ground-radio stations that op- erated extensively during the first 10 days of the occupation. New Movements Hose Co. Approves Faced With New Surgery New occupation troop move- ments were reported yester- FREEHOLD —, Monmouth pital, New York, next week, going to require Republican day — away from public build- County Freeholder Marcus and would be there about two work, Republican dedication ings in Prague, toward the Daly, GOP Congressional can- weeks. Mr. Daly last year had and Republican untiring ef- West German border and back didate, yesterday withdrew had four operations for stom- forts. ..; • Negro as Member into Hungary from Czechoslo- from the race because he must ach cancer. "I will be unable _to give vakia. RED BANK - The Red Fire Chief Alex Rogel de- undergo surgery and would Recuperation would take this," he said sadly. Soviet forces withdrew from not be able to actively con- about seven weeks, he said. Since his duties as a county Bank Volunteer Department scribed Mr. Cain as a "good the headquarters of the nation- has its first Negro member, candidate and a nice guy" tinue his campaign. "i don't see how it will be freeholder are less strenuous al news^ agency CTK, the radio With Mr. Daly's resignation than that of his campaign, he John W. Cain Jr., a 30-year- and said he is glad to have possible for me to live up to station at Bratislava, President old borough employe, was vot- him in the department. from the congressional race my campaign obligations to said, he would continue in the Svoboda's headquarters in against incumbent James J. county post. ed unanimously into the West- Mayor John P. Arnoiie said the Republican Party," he Hradcany Castle and most side Hose Company last night. he and members of the Bor- Howard, D-N.J., the state Re- said. "I had promised a vig- His announcement placing ministries. Rut Russian sol- publican Committee must now himself out of the third dis- Negroes are applying to each ough Council "are happy Mr. orou: campaign." diers still guarded the minis- of the department's five- othe^ Cain's application was acted on pick a successor for the Nov. Mr. Daly, who will be 60 Sept. trict Congressional race came tries of interior, which controls companies and three other Ne- favorably." 5 election. The committee has 18, said he did not think it fair as a surprise to his fellow free- the police, and defense. groes have applied to the West- until Oct. 2 to fill the vacancy. for him to burden, the.county holders and to his political qy Soviet armored cars also "We are pleased that the side Company, according to Westside Company has made But it is unlikely that the Re- Republican party and its other sociates. a- abandoned their guard of the Stafford W. Thompson, presi- publican leaders would wait candidates because of his In his Middletown campaign U.S. Embassy but one re- a start towards bringing its dent of the Red Bank _Area practices into line with what this long, because the presi- health. headquarters, the news jolted mained in front "of the office Branch of the National Asso- dential election now is only : and saddened his. workers, said of an American airline. we think are the finest tradi- "As much as I would give ciation for the Advancement tions of a democratic society about two months away. my right arm to go to Con- a spokesman.' Izvestia said occupation of Colored People. Mn Daly told a news con- troops were ordered into the in which individuals are con- gress . ." he said, visibly This,- too, was the reaction The 'local NAACP, long an sidered for participation on the ference yesterday about his moved. of four of the six Republicans cities of Cheb and Kar- lovy Vary near the West Ger- gered by what it charges is basis of merit and ability to decision. Mr. Daly said he knew that Marcus Daly whose names were mentioned deliberate exclusion. of blacks perform, rather than irrelevan- Had Four Operations there were persons available as possible congressional can- man border because "in recent days reactionary forces have from the volunteer firefighters, cies, such • as race," Mr. Doctors last week discovered in the county who could carry signs of vigor, vitality and didates before Mr. Daly re- has been encouraging Negroes Thompson declared. "We hope ' that he had developed an ab- on the campaign. He predicted achievement. ceived the nomination. Two succeeded in stirring up dis- order" there. It did not .de- to apply for membership, and the other applicants > to the dominal hernia, he said. He a GOP victory this fall, stating "This is going to be a Re- were not available for com- has threatened civil rights suits John W. Cain Jr. Westside Hose Company and will^grback toRoosevelt Hos- publican year." he-said. "It's - (See DALY, Pg.-3, Col. 1) scribe, thedisorders. that the Republicans have the to break- the color-barrier.— Nicholas CaizzarWestside's other companies will be given "The black community ex- president, was Unavailable for the same consideration." pects to see black firemen par- comment. But Mr. Cain report- Happy He's One ticipating in all the compa- edly was voted in unanimously Mr. Cain said only that he Is Cong Shells Viet City of Nha Trang nies," Mr. Thompson declared, by the 21 members attending happy to be a volunteer fire- 'and we won't be satisfied last night's "meeting in the fire- man and hopes to be a good SAIGON (AP) - Viet Cong northwest of Tay Ninh, and the A total of 833 American hel- and hit in residential areas, a In the biggest clash, a col- with anything less than that." house on Leighton Ave. The one. gunners shelled Nha Trang, an- helicopter was shot down as it icopters now have been downed U.S. spokesman said. umn of armored personnel car- Not NAACP Recruit company has 35 members. Mr. Thompson said that the Mr. Cain wasn't among the Local fire companies still use' other major South Vietnamese tried to rescue the Phantom's in combat in South Vietnam The spokesman said a few riers from the U.S. 25th Infan: three other Negro applicants city today, and the U.S. Com-two,crewmen. Two other heli- during the war, while the military facilities were hit, but try Division fought its way out Negro applicants recruited by the "blackball" system to keep to Westside Hose Company , mand reported three Ameri- copters completed the rescue. Phantom was the 300th fighter- first reports indicated.• that of a three-sided enemy ambush the NAACP.
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