to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, April 21. 1988 1 8 - 1 9 HOMES APARTMENTS CARS HDFOR SALE FOR RENT ★ FOR RALE MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ room D u p lex. $750 ASpecioli PLYMOUTH Horizon R. Michael Quish monthly plus utilities, 1980. Good condition, 4 Rial Eitata Brokir V/7 baths, modern kit­ LYNCH cylinder, 4 door, 4 chen, oil appliances. 2 speed. $1500 or best Orioles Futility continues, Serv/ce W/t/i Integrity months security. ReF­ CARPENTRY/ oFFer. 649-3692._______ I ^ R O O R N O / MI8CELUNEDU8 IF this name is erences. No pets. 643- LAWN CARE REMODELING E ilS ID IN O ________ OLDS Sierra Wagon 1984- Call 6 4 9 -0 6 76 2121._______________ ( SERVICES Power steering, power losing streak npw at 16 /13 MANCHESTER. 454Moln not on your brakes, A/C, AM-FM Laiini Miitliig. 8A8 Hama R.J. RooFing. No'lob too stereo. $5500, 646-6168. MANCHESTER. Sentry Street., 2nd Floor, 3 big or too small. Will HAWKES TREE SERVICE room heated. No ap­ Elging, N ilii TrlMMlng. Impravamairta A Rapair car, you VW Convertible 1982. 5 Real Estate Is proud to L W TmcMiig. He. work 7 days, until lob BueksI, truck a ohippar. Stump Feature It's home of the pliances. Security. $480 Complete, home care. complete. 10 percent rsmoval. Frse aatimatsa. probably paid speed, white, looks and week. Chormlng 6 per month. 646-2426, •ProtMSIOMlIy equipped "No Job-Too Small" discount For senior citi­ runs great. 65K. $6795. weekdoys 9om-5pm. Spaolal oonaldaratlon (or room maintenance • Dependable Fraa Eatlmataa zens. Free estimates. sidsriy and handloappsd. too much!! 646- 1485. Free Cape In sought ATTRACTIVE 3 bed­ Ray Hardy, 6 4 6 *79 73 Joe 649-9251. FORD LTD 1976- 4 door, aFter Family neighbor­ room, 2 baths, big liv­ B4R 1143 Contcrvotlve way to 6 4 7 - 7 5 5 3 88 SaFari wood wagon, tpx. 3S00 V-8, A/C, 73,000 miles. hood. Screened patio, ing room and sun Inatall or repair your rooF 87 Trana Am, black A gold, TPI Excellent running con- very private backyard porch. $750 plus utili­ FARRAND REM0DELIN8 dltlon, $500. 649-4109. L J S & S O N and love I Deal direct with MIRRORS • MIRRORS 87 Pontiac Grand AM 4dr, gray and 1 car garage. Call ties and security. 649- Landacgplna B Mowinl Room adcHtlona, daeka, roofing. roofer. Wood and cedar OLDS Sierra Brougham our oFFice For your 4343. aWng, arindoien and gunara. shake apeclallatl Seal Brlghtan up your boms. 87 Pont Sunbird 4 dr aadan Yard ctcon-up, mo«4ne, full Baohhoa and buMoiar aarvloa Rsaaonabty pitoad, 1983. Full power, exclusive showing to­ MANCHESTER- Large 3 downs. $7 veara rsfaraneaa, Insurad. 87 Cliavy Nova 4 dr, AT, AC cruise, air, AM-FM, 4 day. $147,900. Sentry londMoee aervice offered. avallabla. Call Bob Farrand. Jr. axparlanca. : e . ii; bedroom. Washer/D- Free Batlmotes,. • Ovar 80 ysara axpsrianoa. 87 Trana Am OTA, rad cylinder. Excellent Real Estate, 643-4060.O ryer, nicely decorated. Bua. 647-8509 871-7990. 87 Toyota 4x4 PU, blua condition. $4195 or best 645-6412 ACCENT GLASS CO. ONWARD 8. Upward!! $625 per month plus Raa. 045-0840 87 Toyota PU, atandard, rad otter. 871-7202. iHattrliPHtpr Im lJ i Growing out oF your utilities. 647-0593. 647-0146 88 Calica QT LB, 5 apd., AC HONDA Accord 1979. Air, starter home? This MANCHESTER- Spa­ KITCHEN & BATH 88 Toyota 4x4, rad, 10K 5 speed, 12 valve, 4 beautiFul property can FLOORING Teg Sell SereeBeJ Learn cious 1 bedroom, op- CU8AN0 LANDSCAPING 88 Nova 4 dr, AT, PS, 18K cylinder, 3,000 miles on solve that problem! pllances plus REMODELING Any amount dellvarad. Atao, nil, proFessionally re-bullt BvelyS ProFessional Lawn S8 Pontiac STE 4 dr, blue Priced right at $209,900 microwave. Fenced Maintenance From the emallest repelr to gravel, atone and boik, mutch. engine. New point. Friday, April 22, 1988 !, I'/J Features Include 3 bed­ yard, small pet al­ CommaroW, Saaldaiillal Bobcat, baekhoa A loadar rantal. 88 QMC SaFari Panar van, 12K $1950 or best otter. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents room, ComptaM landaoapifle daaipn. Can the largest renovation, we FLOORSANDING rooms, 2 Full baths, lowed. $550 per month 86 Cutlata Suprm. cpa., maroon ^ound for your Irao aMnwM. will do a complete )ob. Start • Floors like now DAVIS CONSTRUCTION 871-7202. Family room with Flre- plus utilities. 647-0593. 88 Buick Ragal Cpa, V6 nelgh- ploce, stylish Euro­ 640-4075 <w to Finish. Free estimates. • Specializing In older Floors 872-1400/659-9555 1979 BUICK Le Sabre. 5 relo- pean Fully appllanced ROCKVILLE-3 bedroom, 487-5870 Heritage Kitchen & a Natural 8l atalned Floors 86 Cbavy Cavtiiar CL wagon Excellent condition. , Cen- A kitchen, Formal dining washer/dryer hook-up. • No waxing anymore PATIO DOOR GLASS 86 Toyota DIx Paaa Van, 5 apd Loaded. 60,000 miles. Large yard, $650 per $4500 or best otter. sekers room, attic fan, attrac­ Bath Center John Virfallli - 648-5750 Spscial • *98aa.h 88 Toyota 4x4 longbad tive landscaping, situ­ month plus utilities. EASTERN Come vlalt our ahowroom at: 647- 8351. Call 647-0593. for fOplooofMnI (otondord $4x70) 88 Toyota Extra Cab Pick-up room ated In the Forest Hills LAWNCARE 1B2 W. Middle Tpke. 66 Toyota MR2, 14K ml SUBARU 1986 GL Wagon, Minority • Ovor 20 yMTt •xporltnco. on 1.4 section oF Manchester. MANCHESTER, 2 bed­ Oftfing • Pull Llrf of 5 speed, excellent con­ L$wn i Yard Strv/OM Manchester 86 Olds Calais 4dr, gold age. 3 Jackson 8, Jackson room, heat, hot water, HEATING/ dition. $7500 or best MoiMno. SMdhiQ. PlantlFiQ Ii Mor»l ACCENT GLASS CO. 86 Toyota Corolla 4 dr baths, Real Estate, 647-8400.n appliances. $550. ReF­ Putty InturttF • PrM IttlmBlM 6 4 9 - 5 4 0 0 PLUMBING otter. 742-6561._______ 647-0146 86 Grand Prix, V6, Buckets oce In erences, lease and se­ • SbaIot Ctttzto DItoounit SIESTA 1980- Needs a 69.900. curity. No pets. 647-9876 86 Chav C20, 5.7 P/U, red CONDOMINIUMS M 7 *9 9 1 0 Kendall KtyM PAINTING/ little work. $200 or best evenings.____________ PAPERING P J'i Plumbing A Healing BAD CREDIT? 85 Flero QT, V6, AT, AC offer. Call aFter 5:00. hirings fail tauore P FOR SALE 3 Bedroom Duplex, West Boilers, pumps, hot Tired oF being turned 85 Toyota Forerunner AT 649-4615. side. $700 per month )ntem- NAME voor own price. water tanks, new and down For loans, credit 85 Olds Delta 68 Royale SUBARU GL Hatchback plus utilities. Security GILBiRT LAWN ]ths , MANCHESTER. Stun­ Father 8, Son Painting replacements. cards, etc. Fight Backll I 85 Toyota Tercel 3 dr, AC • 1986. Mint condition, brorv, ning 2 and 3 bedroom and reFerences re­ SERVICE can clear your bad low mileage, 14,000. ^\ft:. j Quired. 643-1082. and Papering. Remo- FREE ESTIMATES 85 Toyota Tercel 4 dr, AC Iblock Townhouse! Fabulous For All Your NoodsI val. 872-8237._________ credit — Quaranteed In Excellent shape Inside I both 20' oFFice or studio! M—BOABblB MAM • PrM FttttTMtM • 85 Dodge Lancer ES turbo D 8, T Painters, teachers. 643-9649 / 228-9616 Writingl Skeptical? The and out. See to believe. icuzzi I Each unit has 1 '/ 2 baths AlwtyB • dtoeount For Sanlor Ctttnnt 85 Mazda deluxe 4 dr GLC short of goal law says It can be $5700. 647-1924 or 647- • Atto, trueFclng ol kMm ind bIoa« Summer painting, low­ mm e- and a 2 car tandem erased, I didn't write the 85 Corolla LE, AT, AC 1264. !9,900. • . garage. $144,900 and 3 Bedroom apartment In 1 est bids, best work. 20 Coll 647-7156 years experience. Call R.A. DAVIDSON taw. 3 years experience. 85 Ford Ranger 4x4 P/U PLYMOUTH Horizon TC- issetto $164,900. Blanchard 8. year old Duplex, 2 Plumbing. HsMIng. Pump Seme* 85 Nissan DIx P/U, 5 apd Rossetto Realtors," baths, appliances, wall 742-5737._____________ UnHid CridH - 5Z44SS7 3 1980 For sale. Stand­ By Anita M. Caldwell people who are paid through the e Sel- New Initallatlona, Rapairt, ard, good body, good -24e2.o We're Selling Houses" to wall carpet. Great LAWN Drains Claanad, Bathroom a 85 Toyota SR5, 4x4, plow Manchester Herald town government, should repres­ For 3 singles. No pets. D & B PAINTING 85 Olda Cutlass Clara LS Interior. Best otter. 646- iuoiitv 646-2482.0____________ Kltohsn Ramodaling 3415. ent 44.5 percent females and 11.1 Iroom MANCHESTER. Beauti­ Available April 15th. MOWING Extorter Heese Palirtteg Strvlot It Our B utintii 85 Bonne. 4 dr, apx. 26K ml The town of Manchester has percent minorities. In Manches­ $750 plus utilities. Call A Dependable Service. Dependable and sxparlanosd. CONCRETE 85 Caprice CLassIc 4dr, V8 CHRYSLER Wagon 1969. 7 : / 'omllv Ful 1 bedroom conver­ Bua. Phono 742-8352 Runs. Good For ports. fallen short of its affirmative ter. only 27 percent of the I voor sion In Beacon HIM Dan 649-2947 or 646-9892 Call for Free Eatlmalea. Low Pricas and Fully Inaurad. 85 Corolla SR5, LB, AC otter 6pm.___________ Fraa Eatlmataa eeeeeeeeeeeeece $150. Telephone 649- action hiring goals in some areas 479-member work force, or 131, edllv- . complex. Located on 85 Pont. T1000, 16K 8640 aFter 4pm. I: and is continuing efforts to are females and three percent, or baths, top Floor. Carpet was MANCHESTER. Main 646-6868 NEIL - 649-4136 CPS CONCRETE 84 Honda Accord. 4 Dr. AT upgraded when con­ Street. 1 bedroom MISCELLANEOUS Potlof, wolka, floora, drlva- attract minorities and women to 13, are minorities.
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