' i tl-- ;tI .v j,. Wlfv itf;af 66 LIBERTY AIVD XJIVIOIV, NOW FOREYER, OIVE .AJVI IIVSEPAItA.BIL,E.M Daniel Webster. Vol. II. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1867. No. 109, The Roman Catholics of London are Republican party of this State; it shall also have Book-Store- s, FINANCIAL. about to erect the finest cathedral in Europe t.ie authority to fix the time for the annual meet- &c. OFFICIAL. Insurance, Railroads, &c save, perhaps, St. Peter's at Rome. One fea- ing of the Stat ; Convention, and to call said ture is to be State Convention together at such other times as i ; , HOUSE OF that priests of every nation and the good New Books. He&dqaarters Second Military District, I?. THANKING HOLD of - ur W. HOLDER. J. W. EN. language are to be the party may require. TNEZ. A TALE OF THE ALAMO ; BT AU- IV PESCUD. constantly stationed at 2. The three members of said Committee, resi- " Beulah" Charleston, S. C, November 14, 1867. DRUGGIST, RALEIGH, N. C. W. W. HOLDEIT & SON, the cathedral, for the purpose dent in each Congressional J.GUSTAJ. Evans Author of and of hearing district, shall consti at the Book Store of GENERAL ORDERS, I Represents the following Fire Insurances Com COOKE & CO. confessions of tute an Executive for "St. Elmo." For sale JAY KDITOB3 Or TUB 8TANDABD, preaching to foreigners iu Committee their respective WILLIAMS & LAMBETH". NO. 116. J panics, whose combined Capital amounts to No. 20 WALL STREET, their native tongues. districts, aud 6hall have supervision of the affairs 7 tf. 5,000,000, publisher the Lams the United of the party in Nov. 91867. The SUerilfs of the respective Counties and and who are celebrated for their liber Authorized of of their districts, and the power to ' Corner of Kassan NEW YORK. call Districts o: North and South Carolina will cause ality in promptly adjustiug and paying their Street, States, and of government advertisements. .Prairie fires district Conventions, whenever in their opin- MEMOIRS OF HIS losses, viz : continue to rage in nearly all ion the good of the party shall require. QUEEN VICTORIA'S to be prepared copies of the tax lists for their sections of the West. They have been par- 3. The Highness, the Priuco Consort. For respective Counties or Districts, noting thereon The PHCENIX, of Hartford. We buy and sell at the most liberal current State Executive Committee shall ap- Book Store ot ATLANTA of Brooklyn. ticularly severe in western and northern Mis- point County Executive Committees of Ave or sale at the nil delinquent tax payers, and forward the same pticcs, on hand a supply of GOT Rates of Subscription. WILLIAMS & LAMBETH. through Post Commanders to these Head- " SECURITY of New York. and keep lull ng more members In each 97--t- SEVEN-THIRTIE- S, souri and Kansas in many instances County of the State, Nov. 1867. f. " INSURANCE CO. of the Valley Va. ERNMENT BONDS OF ALL ISSUES, where such County sub- 9th, quarters. of whole farms. Immense amounts Executive Committees, And" . JEFFERSON, ut Scottsville. Va. of ordinate to th State Committee, do not now ex- The expense of preparing such copies will be AND COMPOUND INTEREST TERMS Cash in Advance. property have been destroyed. The swamps AND THE QUEEN OF audited and paid as a Couuiy or District charge, Refer to W. 11. Cunuinggim, who had 22,000 ist. The County Committees shall serve for one NAPOLEON Novel; by L. Muhlbach. insured on the Exchange Hotel and proper- NOTES, and execute orders for purchase and ly 00 as case may be. other paper, 1 year ?tt in southeast Missouri are said to be a mass year, or unt 1 they shall be superseded bv new ' the For sale at the Book Store ot By command of ty destroyed by Fire ou the 2d March, which was sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. tt months 3 50 of tire, and ones, selected by County Conventions. The Coun- fc " along the Illinois Central rail WILLIAMS LAMBETH. Major-Gencr- promptly satisfied, without deduction, except lor ty Committees shall have supervision Bvt. Ed. R. S. Canbt: CONVERSIONS. 3 " 2 00 road, lor a distance of one hundred miles, the of the Nov. 9, 1867. 97 U. LOUIS V. CAZ1ARC, prompt payment. affairs ol the Republican party in their respective We convert the several issues ol Seven-Thi- b 1 year. 3 00 the prairies are burning. In Union county, Aide-de-Oam- Call aud get a Policy of Weekly paper, Counties, and shall appoint precinct Committees, P. F. PESGUD, Agent. at the most favorable market rates into 1 50 Illinois, the names extended into the woods, aud call County Conventions, NOTE BOOKS I Nov. 20. 102 tf. Ad. Asst. Adj. Uenl. ties 6 months whenever in their 20--ly. Five-Twentie- May 9, 1S67. s, which, at present price of gold, s 1 00 winch are on lire. No relief is looked for opinion the good of the party shall require. MUSIC TEACHER, (A NEW BOOK,) until a heavy, general rain falls, of which ARTICLE II. THE 75ets. Headquarters Second Military District, yield the holder about one per cent, more inter- 5 copies 1 year.... 12 05 Southern Harmony and Musical Com- COMPARISON OF VARIOUS there is no 1. No " , est per annum. Circulars with full particulars 10 " 1 " 32 00 immediate prospect. member of the Republican party shall panion, ' X 85 Cuaul-'.ston- S. November 14, 1867. become a candidate for any office, until shall C, furnished upon application. he Presbyterian Psalmodist, (7 shopeal ( LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, 20 " 1 " .... 40 00 Enigma by Chas. Dickens. My first, is a have been regularly nominated by the proper au- GENERAL ORDERS, 1 - . notes,) J ?9 NO. 117. f . JAY COOKE A CO. who get tip clubs of five or more sub Kina oi a outtur ; my second ...a ot a thority, and all Republicans are required to sup- 1 60 v ACCORDING TO THELR PROPORTIONS OF To those ,.. is kind The Jubilee, May 9, 1867. 20 tw&wly. port nominations when so made. Republi- Gen- ; Auy (for Schools,) .40 . In order to conform to the provisions of scribers, one copy, gratis, will be furnished. licker my whole is a part of a gun. can an may Happy Voices, 8abbath TO LIABILITIES, the ex desiring office become a candidate Devotional Hymn and Tune Book, " eral Orders No. 95, Commanding Officers of ASSETS Across mark on the paper indicates The "finest woman in the world" is being for the nomination, but not for tho office itself (Baptist.) 1 00 Posts are authorized, when in their judgment THE RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK piration of the subscription. exhibited in a booth on the Champs de until he shall be regularly nominated. BRANSON, FARRAR & CO., demanded by the public service, to require, by Taken from ew York Insurance Report far 2. Candidates for office shall be placed in nomi- Raleigb, N. C. order, the services of citizens to perform the OF Mars. Those who visit her are addressed nation as follows : s 1806, Page exxxiv. September 14, 18C7. 73 tf. duties usually, performed by roadiuust-r- and NOllTII-C- A Rates of Advertising. by in the following modest style : "I am For Citv. Town, or Precinct officers by City, overseers ot highways. In conformity with the KOLINA. the most beautiful woman in tho world. No Town or Precinct Conventions. existing usage, such services will receive no The BROOKLYN has $288 to pay every $100 oi For Delegates to a Constitutional Convention, ALBUMS I ;; Ten lines or one inch space to constitute a empress, no queen, can compare with me. J3HOTOGRAPII compensation. Any person lailiug to obey the its liabilities. directors: Members o lower House of Legislature, and order of the Post Commander in the premises, 135 Robt. W. PuixiAM, Resident ; W. H. WnXARI, square You tire at libert to touch me, messieuas ; County Officers by Comity Conventions. A SPLENDID LOT JUST TO HAND. The MUTUAL, . will be subjected to the same pains and penalties - - 143 00 you will Prices from 50 cts. to $10 00 each, ( :. " NEW YORK LIFE,.... Geo. W. Swepson, C. P. Mendenhall W. B One square, one Insertion $1 find that there is no cotton about For Members to State Senate by Conventions as are now provided by law in the case ol the - - ol their respective Senatorial BRANSON, FARRAR & CO., " MUTUAL BENEFIT, 175 Gcxick, Cashier. Each subseauent insertion 50 me." Very few of the visitors, however, districts. Raleigh. N. C. neglect or refusal of a roadmaster or overseer of " CONN. MUTUAL, - - 157 avail themselves permission. For Members to Congress by Conventions of highways to perform the duties of such oitices. - - 115 made, by special contract, to of this Congressional Sept. 14, 1867. 7$ tf. " UNITED STATES, Liberal deduction the Districts and for Governor, By command of " CHARTER OAK, - - 143 AND SILVER COIN, EXCHANGE, larye advertisers. and other State officers by a State Convention. Bvt. Major-Gener- Ed. R. S. Canby: - - GOLD and Railroad 3. YOUNG! " ETNA (Hartford), 128 States, State securities, will be charged 25 per Each County shall be entitled to the same BOOKS FOR THE LOUIS V. CAZIARC, - - 135 bought and sold. Also, uncurrent money. Court advertisements votes 1 " KNICKERBOCKER, REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. number of in State and District Conven- SOP'S FABLES, (sent per mail,) at f 00 Aidc-de-- Camp, MANHATTAN, - - - 140 Agent for the sale of Revenue Stamps. cent, higher than the regular rates. tions, as it is to Members In House 1 00 " entitled the JLU Gulliver s Travels, Nov. 20. 10J tf Acta- - Asst.
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