OPINION: Say no to Michigan’s controversial “anti” bullying legislation section B page 2 STUDENT LIFE: SPORTS: No Shave November? No. Wolves hockey splits weekend section B page 3 section C page 4 TheMICHIGAN JOURNAL VOL., XLI-NO.8 THE STUDENT PUBLICATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN-DEARBORN November 8, 2011 Opinion UM-D COB Dean becomes EMU Provost Matt’s State University. She had across the nation. It is only outstanding dean who brings a Policy many years of corporate expe- through a highly collaborative strong voice to lead and advo- Law rience before coming to UM- effort involving Eastern cate for the faculty and Divi- Recently, several arti- Dearborn. Michigan’s outstanding fac- sion of Academic Affairs,” Not so safe cles have been run in The This included serving as ulty and staff, in partnership EMU President Susan Martin Michigan Journal that have founding president and COO, with the university’s adminis- expressed in a public state- after all received negative feedback and later CEO, of ICM/Kreb- tration, business and commu- ment. “Her success in advanc- BY DEANDRE MCDAY from a few students attend- soge--a multinational indus- nity partners, governmental ing academic excellence and GUEST WRITER ing our University. It is not trial firm employing people on and legislative bodies, and in strategically building aca- The Michigan Journal’s in- four continents. alumni, that we can address demic programs responsive to In 2002, 14-year-old Matt tent to degrade students “My academic and busi- these challenges.” the needs of today’s students Epling committed suicide in who attend this institution. Kim Schatzel ness background provide me She will lead Eastern and employers and the State his family’s East Lansing We have received feedback with a foundation that recog- Michigan’s Division of Aca- of Michigan make her ideally home six weeks after being BY SAMANTHA ELLIOT from several students and nizes the importance of entre- demic Affairs, which includes suited for Eastern Michigan bullied at school, according to EDITOR IN CHIEF would like to inform the preneurship and innovation,” more than 200 degree pro- University.” the Detroit Free Press. Now, campus that we are taking Last week, Eastern Michi- said Schatzel. “As a business grams throughout its five col- Schatzel has been at UM- almost 10 years later, the Sen- everyone’s viewpoints into gan University announced the school dean, I am aware of the leges. Dearborn since 2000, when ate Bill passed in his name has consideration. We would hiring of University of Michi- serious financial challenges EMU is thrilled with the she started as an assistant pro- been compromised. also like to note that there gan-Dearborn’s College of facing institutions of higher addition of Schatzel. “Dr. fessor, before becoming dean Senate Bill 137, better are articles in each section Business Dean, Kim Schatzel, education in Michigan and Schatzel has proved to be an in 2008. known as “Matt’s Safe School that are columns, and do as their new vice president Law,” is a bill designed to not necessarily reflect the and provost. combat bullying within views of The Michigan Pending approval of Michigan Schools. It was pre- Journal as an organization, EMU’s board of regents, sented to the Michigan House but rather the viewpoints Schatzel’s position will be ef- by Republican Rick Jones in of the individual writers. fective January 3, 2012. February. We encourage feedback, Schatzel announced her Some could say that this both positive and negative resignation as dean by email bill showed great promise in on all of our written work. on November 2. combating bullying…until If you would like to write Schatzel’s background in- Republican Senators made a response to any article cludes a bachelors in econom- last minute revisions to the published or submit a let- ics and biology from legislation right before elec- ter to the editor, please Washington University as tions, and hurriedly had it e m a i l well as a doctorate in business passed in a landslide voice [email protected] administration from Michigan College of Business UMD.UMICH.EDU vote last Wednesday (those re- sponsible for the provision re- main unknown). UM-D No Nickelback at Lions’ Thanksgiving show The state of Michigan has BY SAMANTHA ELLIOT vote for other artists such 38 senators—26 of them are as Kid Rock and Eminem Weather EDITOR IN CHIEF Republican, and according to to perform at the show. Re- michiganvotes.org, ALL of Last Tuesday word got cently, two protests F rom Weather.com them voted “Yes” for the re- out that Nickelback would protesting the original vised bill. Democrats voted be performing during the protest have been formed. no. Y Detroit Lions’ Thanksgiv- The general consensus If passed, Matt’s Law A 66 D ing Day halftime show. of those protesting the per- would compel Michigan O T Soon after, a petition was formance is that Detroit is schools to impose rules pro- started by University of a city too rich in musical hibiting harassment, intimida- 51 culture to have a group Michigan-Ann Arbor stu- tion, or bullying by standards Y dent, Dennis Guttman, such as Nickelback per- specified within the bill—a A D 56 protesting the performance form at their halftime statewide, systematic anti- S E of the music group. Since show. bully campaign. ALL forms of N Those against the deci- D being made public on the bullying, including verbal, are E Internet, the survey has sion are able to comment W prohibited UNLESS they are 37 on the petition and voice generated over 35,000 sig- statements of a “sincerely held STCCDN.NET natures. their concerns about the religious belief or moral con- Y halftime performance. representation of music Nickelback is not a “real” A The debate in Detroit viction.” D 46 Robert Jones, a Michigan and culture in Detroit. Our group of artists and would S spread like wildfire on the In other words, no one is R Internet, quickly gaining resident, was quick to city is a creation of an en- therefore insult the citizens U above moral or religious re- H national attention. More voice his opinion on the tire genre, Motown, very of Detroit. T 32 proach on school grounds. protests were started to not issue. few cities can make this “We are a hard working The clause even goes on to claim,” Jones stated. only rid the halftime show “I am disgusted with the say WHO can convict who: Nickelback choice of Nickelback as a Jones also feels that of Nickelback, but also to Pupil vs. pupil, pupil vs. em- Y 47 continued on page A-3 A ployee, pupil vs. pupil’s D I R guardian (and vice versa). F Mess continues to build in Wayne County 37 “If my religious back- ground condoned animosity toward another race, that’s panel that run the Wayne a year’s pay of $200,000 Y County Airport Authority from the taxpayers as a something that would be A D 53 chose Turkia Mullin de- severance package. From frowned upon, and this bill R U spite the fact she has no what was first reported, it says I can express this as long T A experience running an air- was told that she was as I have a good reason behind S 45 it,” says Ashley Covington, Jr. port and the other four fi- guaranteed the money by nalists who applied for the an old contract and she de- But, as Covington seemed to imply, sentiments like that position did. served it for bring and at- Y A 59 The three-person search tracting $5.5 billion in typically hurt relations be- D N committee of authority investment commitments U S members made $ 2 million in two years. 45 off county contracts in the The contract however past two years. A firm was bogus. Ficano ac- CBS.DETROIT paid $50,000 to lead the knowledge there was no Robert Ficano holds returned check from Turkia Mullin Y 56 search, Trustinus LLC of contract, an undated letter A BY ROGER CASTILLO D evidence is mounting of Southfield, is owned by on an old county letter- N STAFF WRITER O how Wayne County con- Jack Krasula, a partner in head was written the same M 43 In the past few months, tinues to misspend tax- a failed racetrack in day she took the airport the news of former CEO payer’s money and despite Huron Township that post. The person who To report an inci- of the Detroit Metropoli- declining population num- Mullin helped develop wrote the letter Deputy tan Airport Turkia Mullin bers across the board in with taxpayer money. county executive Azzam dent or to claim a receiving $200,000 sever- cities that are not named She as the county’s eco- Elder and corporate coun- MSU.EDU lost item Call ance pay from the County Detroit, the county contin- nomic development direct sel Marianne Talon both Matt Epling after she left to become ues to operate in the red. was being paid $200,000 a resigned last Thursday. Campus Safety at CEO has surfaced. CEO without any expe- year prior to leaving for (313) 593-5333 Turkia was let go from rience: the airport job. In Septem- Wayne County Antibullying her post last week. The The seven -member ber, the county confirmed continued on page A-2 continued on page A-2 CYAN YELLOW MAGENTA BLACK The Michigan Journal / A-2 November 8, 2011 VOL. XLI, NO. 8 NEWS Antibullying said.” Sister Helen Prejean: Dead Man Walking At the moment, the bill’s continued from page A-1 implementation is up in the tween those of differing races air.
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