it, llttiiwfliw MEXICO, 11, The Evening Citlwn, In Advance, $5 per yek VOL. 21. NO. 112. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 1907. QollTered liy Carriers, 60 cent per month. PIIERTON DEOIVE AGENCY 18 TOTHETABLE FOR VENEZUELA ILL PAY HER CHARGED WITH PERSECUTING MINERS 1 DEBTS HAYWOOD MAY p"" ; p" . 3i New York Republicans Will Allied Powers of Germany. Not Stand For the Cover Britain and Italy Get nor's Nomination. USE FRIEDMAN I vi t., - - n Thelr's First. t- - - ... Y BECAUSE OF HIS ANTIP CASTRO FINDING FORCED bXrUbb : J :fiMa. .y A ATHY FOR PRESIDENT BLOCKADES EXPENSIVE V.- -' .1 I X il Arrest of Miners Said to be AN. ... Mr. Woodruff Tells Friend Odell Uncle Sam Will Come In For His Scheme to Disorganize the Very Reason With the Deferred Western Federation. Why. Claimants.- - koooooooocq: mtamt W. A. PlNKETtTOX, IIOHT. PINKEHTOX, New York. May 11. A resolution Washington. May 11. endorsing Hughes The state Sys-tril- l, er Governor for the department today dispatch CRIPPLE CREEK EXAMPLE At the Head of the Pinkerton of W. A. Pinkerton, With repuDiican president, received a Willi MITices In Chicago. Offices In New York. nomination for from Minister Russell, at Caracas. which was offered by former Govern Venexuela, stating that payments to or Odell at today's session of the re- - the alllfMl nnwers nf ilAi'mnnv OF WORK puntiucan state committee, was laid 'agreedait SYSTEM'S been asked where would be a good on the table by a vote of 32 to 4. Britain and Italy had been upon unoer tne DiocKade several place to derail a train. in moving that the motion be years ago, iMcKlnney, It is alleged, gave the tabled, Chairman Woodruff said: "I and will be completed CRIPPLE CREEK move this resolution be tabled on ac about July 1st. defense an aftldavit that he had been After payments Confession of Convict Harry Or- hired to accuse the federation offi- count of the gentleman who Intro- that date the only cers. He also went back on his con- duced It, by reason of his well known will be on account of exchanges In antipathy to the president of the currency of the above named coun- chard Is Placed on Par With fession. Friedman, in his book, ) places suspicion for this wreck upon United States. tries. The deferred claimants, th-- Affidavit of Jas McKlnney. the Mine Owners' association. GIVEN LEASE United States, Mexico, the Nether- goes to say lands. Sweden and Belgium, wilt then Then he on that "if JAMKS Mt'P.UI.AXI, MAXAGKK WKSTKKX PIXKIOIMOX AGENCY, come in for a settlement. the mine owners stooped to conspire DEXYKK. against the liberty of three men and Monthly payments will be made to New York, May 11. "Dean of N the fair names of thousands, we have McParland is Charged With PerseenUivr Miners' Federation and Its these countries from the customs re- Biack Sleuthdom" Is what James a right to doubt any further state- for Item-fi- t of Pinkerton infective lliisliicss. ceipts of Venezuela. McParland, western superintendent of ments or charges made by tills un- OF LIFE Pinkertons' National Detective agency, scrupulous band." SENATOR THORPE DIES l called in a book written by his The mysterious assassination of a dozen non-unio- n miners at Independ- Wichita. Kan., May 11. W. It. f irmer secretary. Morris Friedman, ence, Colo., by an explosion of dyna- ISLE OF SICILY IS LONGSHOREMEN Fulton, who lust night attempted to who takes up the defense of Moyer, mite under the railway station plat- Water Will no Longer Inter- kill his former wife, committed sui- ORLEANS Haywood nd Pettlbone, leaders or form is discussed in much the same cide early today. ATJEW way. It is sought to argue away any His body was found In the rail the Western Federation of Miners, probability that the union miners aid fere with Gathering of road yards four blocks from where whose trial is lust commencing at the dastardly work, and to show the he attacked Mrs. Fulton and shot her New Orleans. May 11. Thomas H. ' Thorpe, a prominent Boise, Idaho, for the assassination of only logical benefit was to the Mine Yellow Nuggets. THREATENED HAVE THE three time?. The woman is not dai Louisiana lawyer cx-t.o- v. and former state senator, who is said rraiiK steunenberg. It :si Owners' association gerously Injured, however, and will to professed to be a complete expose of His book winds up with the sug- recover. Following the shooting last be a direct descendant of Patrick al- Henry, died here yesterday, at the the Pinkerton system and Pinkerton gestion that "It Is probable the night a crowd of men chased Fulton, age campaigns against organized labor by leged confession which McParland, of EVENT CELEBRATED Intent upon lynching him, but he es ot 67 years. one who has been on the Inside. the Pinkerton agency, secured from caped. "The Pinkerton Labor Spy" is tho Convict Harry Orchard Is on a par AGAIN KEY TROY BOATS START Mc- FQK ALB.VNX-Troy- , name of the book, which has been with the confession of James SPECIAL III LLIKXi SHOW . TODAY rushed into form, Klnney." Willi GAY FESTIVITIES Y., 11. print in a cheap by HELD IX CITY. N. May The general Gay-lor- Wilshlre, the wealthy social- NEW YORK manager of the Albany and Troy ist publisher of New York, formerly WHAT McPARLAXD SAYS. New York, May 11. A special bull- - Steamboat company announced this aog snow being In ry of California. He heralds the book Denver, May 1 1. James McPar- Volcanoes of Aetna and Stom-bol- l Ships Leave New York With is held the morning that bis line began service as one that will help to save the lives land, superintendent of the Pinkerton Estimated Drainage building by the Bulldog Club today. The new steamer of the line, Moyer, Haywood That Tunnel of "Anvertcaii A lairge numli of the R. C. Reynolds, brought of and Pettlbone. agency, says in regard to Morris Suddenly Become Incoming prizes dogs has been Friedman, is Wil-shir- e, alleged Cargoes Still are offered for American t up the river and will make it announced by Friedman, who is making an Will Make Possible Mining of r, the trips wrote the book after having expose of the agency: in the various classes. Richard Crok-e- with the regularity of the others. sense Active. In Hold. Jr., Is president of the club, which She launched at Hoboken. his of justice outraged. The "Friedman was employed by us for $200,000,000 Worth of Ore. consists of over hundred memoers She will books is filled with what are claimed two years, up to May, 1905. His po- a carry 1,500 persona, and Captain to be copies of throughout the United States and Beaure saye she is a daisy. The four records and letters sition was that of patrol clerk. His England. It is the intention of the boats from the western headquarters of the duties- - consisted of filing reports and other of the line have all been Pinkertons at Denver. Colorado Spring, May ll.-- Ti club to hold two of these exhibi overhauled. With five boats running attending to a squad of night watch- beginning of upon long SCIENTISTS BEtlEVE SUB- STRIKEBREAKERS ARE tions yearly for the education of the this summer line" Friedman calls the Western Feder- 1 pur- work the the will make a men. do not know what he projected Cripple Creek drainage tun public as to what Is the proper type twenty-minut- e ation of Miners the leading labor or- ports to have charged In his book, but sendee 'between here ganization In nel was celebrated hero today by fes- ot bulldog. and Albany. the west. He adds: the Western Federation of Miners has tivities participated in by large MARINE "The United Mine Workers of Amer- undoubtedly been bunkoed by him. a CRATERS OPENED BEATEN BY STRIKERS ica as a whole is number of the most prominent min larger than the Any statement concerning the use of ing and business men of state. Western Federation, in ab- the but Its Pinkerton men In labor unions Is DENIES TEL-E- PIERCE CONTENDS borders on the torpor solutely false." The ceremonies took place at the THAT born of extreme timidity, and in no mouth of the tunnel at 3 o'clock this Inhabitants About Smoking Moun- Police Quell way does it resemble its sister union afternoon. The big tunnel will Uii Trouble With DiffI in vigor, energy water and permit the opening of a and indomitable tain Are Alarmcd--Stombo- ll culty-Sltuat- lon courage. In the author's mind, JACK WlALOON virgin territory containing, it is esti at SECRE-- HE TOLD NOTHING seemingly, the coal miners, compared mated, over 20ii,noi),000 worth of Crater Falls In, a Crisis. to the ore miners and smelter em- gold ore and prolong mining life in ployes of the west, are mollycoddles. Cripple Creek for twenty years to ' Its readiness to rest-n- t the smallest RECORD WAS come. BUT New York, TARYJAFT encroachments on the rights of its i The building of the great Cripple Messina, Sicily, May 11. Nev May 11. With half THEJRUTH humblest members," he adds, "has Creek (Colo.) drainage tunnel, which crateres have opened in Mounts Aetna dozen big ocean passenger steamers naturally aroused the apprehension was inaugurated today by gov- the and Stomboll, and the eruptions jf scheduled to sail today and twenty-fiv- e of mine owners; and these fears have SHORT ernor of the state and distinguished Does Sena- been studiously fanned into ilames of visitors, marks an epoch in the his- both are increasing.
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