' i SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1960 LEADS IN HOM 50th Year PARK PLl\N IS STUDIED l~ed~r~~!!~~ent i Checks Proposal for Cahuen~a Pcrss ~ite By HAIG KEROPIAN San ~emando Valley's ~even-year tlreain for a park and monument to honor great perrnnalitie.s and events of the pr.st on a -• hi8toric strip of land in t'hi Ct1hurngH Pa~.-; along the olcl !WI El C'm11f110 Real f King's High. ·~,·;1~· 1, c·u1·1·0ntly i~ under ~t wl.v h.\' th<" ll.S. D'-'part m0nt: o; . TJ-,j:.; \\';1s db<'lo~wt to The N· -,\:s v0st<"rdav lw Mrs. Fran. ci... J\lt1ir Pom'cro.y, pl'C;':--ident. nf lhQ San FPrn<:r:d.1 V~lley H i:-;toh<:a I Soc:iet v '' !1:eh is s11r.arh•'Cl1rin~ 1 he· nr•\!0;·t. N1•wi-: Is H.opt'ful Mrs. Pomeroy, who has left J~u ~tone unturned in her long c1·usncle to mal;;e the pcirk a reality, !'<lid nrw:-: of the studyl w:·s revealed by A:-.-·istant Sec· i1 rctary of the Interior Roge1· 5 Ern~t i11 a dirN·tin.~ tf) Sen.1 ]: CJ~ir En~l<'. I I . , COi'.'' of Src1·etar:v Ernst's I - lC'ller •·.nrl <111 encouraging!' mc,s1ge I i'Ol11 Senator Engle , wc1 r rrc0i\'C~c.l h~· .ri.Jr:-:. Porn· \ C)'11\'. I 1 W<1s disclosed I hat the F ~t lll:\' wa:-; autho1·izccl bv Ern~1. 1k: nitc thf.' fa<·t that 1 ; :.... \w •.,1 1;:,. H11;I'· . <,f thr N~- t1•.ii"I l';,, :\ .. Iii.·.• 11· !3itcs, I Building;-; and Monuments rl ('0111.encls thtJL Cahurnga Pass 11 docs not have enough notion ;.ii in.t~rcst to he con:--t<i1.rc:t:l .t- for a m1tional llCll'k. nnr Srf'!\s Coneinu('() Aid lic:a The hope - giving cxC"erpt. col f1 jm J<.:1·11st1s letter reacl::> "In Pa Yiew of your 1·equest anc.11 A,. pfhf\r>: WP ha\'C.' r<>ceived from! · l Hrp.-;. J•:dgar Hiestand andlctl .Joe Holt. '""e will rnke steps on to have. thi:-: sitl' stt1.<lled fur. m thrr t11HI 1·ceonl'idc:•1·ed." ·I() 1 Ancl in 1t11·n. M1·-.:. Pumeroyjlc: f:Cnt Jett <'I'.' or ;1ppreciation j with pJe;1, for cnntinuecl aid!' to both Secretar.Y Ernst and al1 Si?nator Engle. I tr. Sil? ~xpr0s:-:~d her rle;-;irc to! A i::e1• .101111. national ancl :::ta tel rat errort toward e~tablbhment ir nf .the pHrk . ~1~cl monumcnr. 81 wl11ch sh0 sct1n is ad1c:<'E:J"I<. to ~f Campo de C<thuenga - "the most important landmark 81 w~st ~r the Mi.-.:sissippiiy River. lat St:n•t<•d El'a of G1·owlh lco Reference wa;-; macle to the I tic signing of the Treaty of Ca·!ch huenga ovc1· 113 V(•afr ago l1n! the Campo de Cahuf!nga :-,itei in North HolJywood by Lt.· er Continued on _r.~c· · J_~i\ H· 16-A-Van Nuys (Calif.) NEWS* Sunday, Aug. ~, 1960 ·u,s. Sfu dies Plan to Help Rift( ur•. With Cahuenga Pass Park ~~ f'ont i1111 c!l fro 111 Pa;:rn One clear out unsightly structures ~ .ii Col. John F'remont anr:l Gen. for a park, but are unable to c 1 ~ Andres Pico. purchase the rest of t he land . · It was th~s. document that ;it this t ime. 1~ne encled hostilities between the "Thank1n~ you for g1v111g ~ e A 111 er i ca n and .\fexican the project further study, and _. 11 J\ rmics in California and hoping one day t hat mill ions ~i d launched the state on its gol· will enjoy a national parl\ 1 ~~ 1 den era of peaceful growth there." c !! a nd development. The narrow segment of land chi i\I rs. Pomeroy pointed out! is located between Hollywood E th ~· the treat,· ;il.:11 W\''! llw Freeway an cl the original me (l!;ited States· an area co,·er· route of picwresque E L C'a· wei ing five \\'CStern states. mino Real, and Lankershim - Jn her Jetter to Secreta1·y Blvd. on the west and Bar· A Ernst, .\lrs. Pomeroy stated ham Blvd. on the east. one that "many Americans are un· Feel;; Sl.<1tc Should Help nylc able to see our national parks . i\J rs. Pomeroy's plans fo r and monuments because they the project include instalJa. <ire locatecl awa~· frum thi: tion~of a miniature El Camino Jlopul;ite'.I .ritie~. " IRea l on the propen:r a~d " r:r tes to E rnst. plairting of the Callforn1a She :-a1cl a . park 111 Ca· poppy; Los Angeles' official Jiuenga Pa.--s \\·1th a. statue .or1floll'er, the bird of paradise, the venerable I nrl1an Chier! ancl peach and other native Cahuenga ancI other fea tures trees of the area. of h is tor i ca I significance! Senator Engle's letter to coulcl be seen by millions ofi i\lr.s. Pomeroy expressed en· 1 people. 1 couragement over Secretary In part, i\lrs. Pomeroy s let. Ernst's comments. At the ter reads as folloll's: same time E nale expressed ".t\s there is irnme~liaw prob· belief that the project s hou ld ability of costly bulldmgs be· be handled on the state or ing constructed on this his· county level. ~oric strip of E I Camino Reali "I am hopeful that y our rn the famous Cahuenga Pa!'.;: efforts to es tablish a park in just eas t of Lanl~crs him Bh·cl.,, Cahuenga Pass will be s uc­ ·"·e hope_ you will take favor- ces.~ful. Should fmther wor d able action soon. hP torthcoming from the De- J'!:xpr·c.;:scs H i ~ h H o11 :ment of Inter ior on t his "The City of Los Ani- Jject, 1 will write to yqu Jlurchasecl a few acres o, . "gain," Engle's letter con. recently near the east end to\ eluded. · - -- Appeals to B n ~lc l\J .n j!;I .l'I• • • Excerpts from i\lrs. Pome· · - · ''Y'!'l letter to Engle set forth: '\Vhile you state that y_ou 1.:el the State of California shoulri help, we want to say that we have been seeking the state's aid, and feel en­ couraged t hat in time they will help as a result of the following statement from Will Rogers Jr., chairman of the State Par!\ Commission: 'I nc share with you the hope that he we can preser ve our historical an monuments and especially ~ . that part of El Camino Real 1e in the Cahuenga Pass.' 1r "May I suggest t hat you ). con fer again with Mr. E rnst ~- and suggest he write to Mr. ,. \\'ill Rogers Jr. to sec if joint ~ · efforts of the National and ':J. State Park Co mmissions can t· save this most important land­ t mark west of the Mississippi." I IN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1960 LEADS IN HOMI · -~v••·"" " ·"•"'. " "'....,... -· ""· •···• . SO!h Year LEADS GRIM BUSINESS - Kinde tion creates solemn moment for 16901 Calahan St., Sepulveda, ev D,. Dahlstead, of Balboa Blvd. Sci' Eisenhower /Ke1 Aid Sought Lal on Park Plan by Br .H .\•I G 1rnHOP.l:\ N r· P resident Dwight D. E" ·en· hower and Vice P 1·e s idc :1t Q j Richard M. Nixon have be..;1 lll"ged by the San Fernam o Yalley Historical Society to lend their support and assist· SE ancc toward the realization of the a national and state park on bea1 a historic strip of land along Ian( t he old Cahuenga Pass. firs Hcl"t 1·s to Fl"i cnd!< hip Cal This wa~ disclosed to The Den News .\"estcnlay by society com president Mrs. Francis lll uir ator P omeroy, who said letters ca l r :;tressing the importance of K the project Lo Southern Cali· arte fornia's teeming population, Ter were sent to the nation's two gre1 highest officials . cro' This action follows recent sons word from the Assistant Sec· you1 retary of the Interior Roger Ernst that the request for na- ff tionaI assistance toward the . 1 establishment of the park, will T clt r eceive further stucly ancl con- t ~ o~ sideration by his department. ~~t · In her pica to the Presi· 5 op tl Lilt! ' dent 0 l\!rs.' Pomeroy ~ t a t e that the propo5ed park would 1110.1' create goodwill, fri endship flow. and unity with our good Audi neighbor south of the border. • Jn ,., 1" • :11 1 111 I I llS Jlll'C . ·I 11·I OllS cu' e 11 Sh'e' said her plans caJI fo1· the t he erection of statues of Lt. ri" hl Col. John C. Fremont and Gen. ch~ri Andres Pico shaking hands one on Janel close to Ca mpo de Ca- guar; h uenga where the two offi· nitv cers s igned the Treaty of Ca· Tl;. huenga hack in 18·17. r rO\\"< It was this treaty which the r ended hostilities between the clare: Contin ued 0 11 P:igc 18 \\"<Jrd · -- righu . n - - B . 1pl od ~I pl 'A I Ei~American"~'~ ancl. ~~ Mexican.~~~ forces. o~.i l ~A-;soc1aoon'"' ~"o'~~~~ for St A at~e '~ancl"' as!•~~~ follO\\ "s. ~~ya~'"' ,..JII li1 \in California. •Loca l History has urged Sec· "It is my understanding P ln part. the Jetter reads as\retar.\• Ernst to give favorable that the project has the ap· C 1e· follows: "The ' pro.iect would consideration to the local pro· proval of Gov: Edmund G.
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