t ♦ ■j/«- ••■•v ^ - ■ V . ■■'■ •■ - ••:-''.iV''"‘-:::;... -I*- /IWENTY-EiaHT iianrIf»Bfitr lEvehftts 1|(raI2i FRIDAY, DECEMBER IT, I M i III" H'l>"i S'- v> Averaga Daily Net Preaa Ron n # WtRtidr ; i Fer tlie Weak EaRed at Of D. ffw Wsalhh Oec. 11, 1M4 r'f' Nai ae «mM taalgiit.' 11,543 wMh etoHM* to a faw a «to Msmber •( the Audit • li!¥W CMitr in UM" ilereau ef CIreulattoa aWeraaen. - ^ r'v> M anche*ler—^A CUy o f VUlagm Chorny .VOL. LXXIV, NO. «7 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1954 Ade«t4hriag ea Fage It) PRICE nvEcsim Ship A fire Chou Seen Asking Confidence After Crash High Price for 11 Vote Asked In Fog By Mendes United Nstions, N. Y., pec.tj Cape May, N. J., Dec. 18 18 C/P) —Diplomats specu­ Reprimandefi j Paris, Dec. (fl*)— Pre­ (flV-The 10.335 ton tanker lated'today that Red China’s mier Pierre Mendes-France Atlantic C*pe Town is afire Choii En-Ui may set a stiff demanded a vote of confi­ er A-def ense in the main channel 28 miles price for release of 11 im­ dence today after the Na­ in from the Delaware break­ prisoned American airmen tional Assembly rebuffed his water after colliding in a when he receives U.N. Secre­ government on its Indochina heavy rain and dense fo y with tary General Dag Hammar- budget. The vote, set for next the United Fruit Sh^M aya akjoid in Peiping. Monday, may delay scheduled 23 Aboard G4M>d Luck Charm ? Spaak Says early today. No casualties The Red Chinese premier iiidi. debate <hi German rearma­ ented in hie assent yesterday that were reported. he considers the case of the airmen ment. - Ths, Coast Guard/it Capa May closed. But delegatee acquainted Mendes-Fnmee staked hia gov­ Alive After Veto Futile ■aid it bad dUpatphsd tlx rut(srs with Peiping’a line of reesoniiig ernment on the budget issue at the to ths Bcsns. / redlcted Chou would get down to end of an all-night Assembly ses­ A Coast G u a ^ spokesman said raze tackz after first Ineiztlng his sion during which the deputies de­ Plane Falls the cutter. Zciinia, already was ggoyemment was in the right and feated the Premier 301-291 iii one If Reds Hit fighUng fire/aboard the AUanUc bringing up some' tomplaiiita voting and gave him only alim Cape The. Maya was not majorities on two others. ’The bal­ Town/ against ths United States, Brampton, Ont., Dec. 18 Paris, Dec. 18 (AV--Waat- burning. Hammarskjold asked for the loting was on technical . pointa (/P) —:AII 23 passengers and The coliislon occurred at e point talks Dec. 10 after the General As­ concerning the Indochina budget. ern leaders agraed today known j u Elbow Crosa Ledge Light sembly voted 47-8 to condemn Red The adverse vote—Mendes- crewmen escaped from a civilian governments must In thq/main channel. China’a imprisonment of the air­ France’s first setback in six Trans-Canada Super-Constel­ control the trigger of atomic Coast Guard said as far as men as spies. The AaemUy called months in office— left his position lation that crashed and warfare. But Belgium’s For­ it /knows, traffic in the channel on the Secretary General to inter­ considerably weakened but his op­ burned on a farm near here eign Minister suggested they iWl U flowing. VlelbiUiy at the cede for their rtleaat. Opposition ponents did not appear eager to last night. Two persons were ^epe May station, 2S miles away, votes were cast by the Soviet bloc. throw hiiq out of office on the In­ also believe the United States '"was reported at 2H milee. * Hammerakjoid received Chou’s dochina issue. They want him to severely burned and. several be saddled with the responsibility probably would have a free The Atlantic Cape Town, WM$h reply Uie aaine day the aasembly others received less serious .hand to cope with a sodden flies the Liberian flag, U owned by wound up Its ninth ecesion, rejcct- for pushing through ratification of injuries.— , GIVE HER A the Paris treaties to restore Ger­ Tanker Transix>i'l. - It is 804 Communto attacks on U.8. ’The big airi'ner, bound from devastating (Communist aa- feet long with a groae coniiage of Icy In the. Far EMst. man sovereignty and give her the Mult. S right to rearm. Tampa, Fla., to Toronto, sni.pped 10,338. It was buUt in 1048 at Sausa. As the aaaalon ended ihi main o ff two tress and rolled on its “ If an aggroMor mnkss aa ROBE Uto, Calif. spoUight waa focused on Peiping Assembly debate on the pacta side as the pilot tried a belly land­ atomic stuck on us, I don't twok The Maya, which is reported where Hammerak]dd 1^ expected had been slated to open Monday ing In fog and rain. A wing of the anybody’s vsto wfll bo ,-ff muck Im- anchored off shore with llttie dam* to go shortly after uristmaa. and was expected to wind up late four-engine aircraft was teased |x>rtanco,’’ said Paul-Hanry Spiaak for CHRISTMAS age, ia 3M feet with a groaa ton* Diplomats believe Chou wit; seek Pvt- Bmce A. W’allace of JUdge- Thursday. Now much of Monday 100 feet. in oxplaining to nowsmon thp dq- nage of 8,383. It was huilt in to guide the talks along the loHow- waqd, N. J-. was reprlmaaded likely will be. taken up by the con­ ’The 15 passengers and *evsn Uborations to tho wsatsm Ubdara Qla^ow. ing general lines: Dec, 17 for faiUag te eahite the fidence vote. The final decision on crewmen scrambled from the on tho uoo of atomic woopoiw a ta So pretty . lo pncttcal . , ao the Paris pacts may not come un­ time of crisis. The Coast Guard said that While 1. He will try to impress on Ham- Sag. Brig. Gea. Joha R. Burns, wreckage moments before it burst neceMary! A wardrobe need. They’re marskjold that his r ^ m e ia com­ til Christmas Eve. when the dep­ Into fismea. Ths foroighi dsftnso aad Ibuuatm visibiUty wee fair at the Cape May head df . Chemical Warfare Re uties will be anxious to return ftyled for admintion. Chooee one -S tation , considering the heavy pletely in control of China. Circled Airport rainistors to tho North AUaate from lar|[e iMieetion. Quilted nytone; airarish at Edgewood, aa^ home. Troaty (NA’tO) pxarbrs claaifjr .'rain, it probably was much worse 2. He will protest to the Sec­ aenaoed hia dectoion after a talk 'The accident occurred Just north quilted cottone, printed rayon etj^pe*- Parliaiuentary I opposition to of this town, about 14 mile.s north­ pinned thoir hdptoo tor survival aszl at the point in the channel of the retary Gene.al that the Ameri­ wltlsathe 24-ycar-old aoldler. The Mendes-France organized while he -victory on nucloar arms in caa# ef coUlsion. cans meintaining what the Chi­ A m y dida*t like Wsllaoe’a erlg west of Toronto and about seven was .tie:', up in meetings yesterday miles west of Ms'ton airport. attack by Uw Soviot Union. Bet 51 In Crew nese have labeled e “ neat of apiss” laal ezplaaaUoaa aad the dadge with ministers of the North Atlsn- they wero dellboratoly vagus an The Mays, which'has an Amer­ cn the Netionmlist stronghold of Adveieate Oeaeral at Secood Army The pilot had circled the airport tlc Treaty Organization (NATO). several times trying to land. how resort to theoie weapxxu aright $7,98toS|4.98 ican captain and first officer, car- FormoM en(l nlll warn that the keadquaitera. Fort Meade, MiL, He scheduled to talk with U.8.' be decided. Rede wl^l not Consider releasing had reeommeaded a ‘’special or _ Twelve of the injured were tal'.en ' lies a crew of 51 men. SecreUry of State DqHea and Brit­ to Brampton Hotq^ital for treat­ Cowatee-Bilaaco Roes Its skipper is James Kerr, 47 leeiser' court marttal,” fer him. ish Foreign Secretary Eden today They reached this coacrasioa ia (Coatteaed ea Page BMvea| (AP WIrephoto). ment. Eleven others were treated Summer Avc.. Yoi\kers, N. Y., and on Southeast Aslan problems. at Hvmber kleniorial HoepiteJ. approving a mUitary datliuM p»tf» the first officer is Norman Bapp- Reflects Critlcisin One of '.he passengers, Len Dr. Sam Sheppard recelvid a *geed, hiek" nwieege’ hfil tor western Europe drafted by driSr eock, 3501 Dante St., New Orleans The Assembly debate reflected CantH>bell, 17, o f Bupnt River, Ont., leaf clover by mall Dec. 17 Jaat before a Jury ml aevea laea five mUltary chiefs of staff. T to sues 32 to 42 A<itual owner of the vessel is mounting criticism of ths govern­ envisages the UM of etomlc wafi- Auorted colon said the crash came without warn­ womea otarted deliberatfeas la devrlaad te deteralae -whether to ths Ebipresa Hondurena de Vap- ment’s handling of the Indocbiiim ing. Waa guilty er laaooeat ef tto July 4 slaylag to ble wife, Marilyn. He pona to counter-balaaco . R uaiee ores of Honduras, a shipping firm Lawmakers Prudent aituatldn. Several deputies who re:- “It felt like the plane hit a dM not name tbfi seader bat tears rams to ble tymm as be fiagwred tbe manpower superiorUy. whichvowns soms' 20 vessels end cently visited Saigdn said the hump. There was a terrific bang. tokens. (AP Wlrepboto). Tho mlnlztors aapMurontly agroibl charters them to other firms. West’s position in South Viet Nam The next thing I knew people ----- g - s - i ------- , with tho Uiritodliutoa that j p The Maya.
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