■ r Complete Local News Of A Populatip/ Of- THE WEATHER I Cloudy, scattered showers to­ 18,556---- day, cloudy, warmer tomorrow. A ■ ■ h ■ - Enter,■(! na second oIbsm mall matUr, January 31, 1925. at the PoBt Office at Elizabeth. Mew Jersey, under the Act of MA'r^Hv-a. 1879, Vol. XXI, No. 1084 ESTABLISHED 1924 HILLSIDE, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1945 OFFICIAL NFAVNPAPKIt OF TIIE TOWNSHIP OF HILLSIDE PRICE FIVE CENTS Beno Now Stationed “Morrie” Walker Gambling In Central Pacific Stops Veterans Eligible Fathers Invited To Wearing the Purple Heart, the In Field Service Ameiican Defense Ribbon, the Asi­ lit Subscription War Dads Meeting Monday Fred Morris Walker, 19 years old, More Veterans atic Pacific Ribbon with two Battle son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, ■^lyr*—^■«*++d—tb#- — infantry— Combat of 1484 North Broad street, left Fnds,Show Badge, P.F.C. Martin L. Beno, S e t t ir c Arthur Muller W ill early last month for. the South Racket Hllclflc nren with— thr— American whose wife, Mrs. Isabel E. Beno, Take Applications a son or daughter serving or who and mother, Mrs. Susan Beno, re­ Woman Suspicious has served in the armed forces .or Field Service. He is attached to the side at 22H Silver in rom in The ‘Hillside Chapter of ’the who has been designated to act in medical division, and will engage Getting Discharge side at 228 Silver avenue, Hillside Continues N. J„ is now stationed at a base Of Working Way American War Dads w ill meet next the capacity of a War Dad by in ambulance driving and advanced in the Central Pacific. Monday night at the V.F.W. Hall woman or man in the armed forces first aid. Abbott Took Part Through College on Bloy and Rutgers streets, and "M orrie” enlisted early in April A graduate of Hillside High and who, in addition, has an earn­ Continue Studies, Prell’s Broadway School, P.F.C. Beno saw action on After returning money collected all fathers who are eligible are.cor­ est desire to render active service and was Waiting, for his call. He In Three Invasions dially invited to uttend. Applica­ graduated from the Hillside Ave­ Cluam and in the Philippines and in a high pressure subscription in the war effort on the home front. Pupils Arc Urged In Service Unit Show Has Three has been overseas for sixteen tions for admission to the new or­ “This is u national organization nue School, and siiice then has gag and promising to vacate this School children should re­ Days To Go months. He has three brothers, ganization can be left with Arthur formed by fathers who have sohs been a student at Pingry School, More and. more Hillside veterans, J Paul.--irr the Quartermaster Corps; section, two discharged veterans Muller, past commander of the or daughters in the armed forces. Elizabeth. He recently received a main in school 'imtil^hov have with honorable discharges tucked 1 Prell’s Broadway Shows were private pilot's license at the,.West- John, in\ the Signal Corps, and were released by Hillside police Veterans of Foreign Wars, 185 Ryan Chapters now exist all over the completed their courses, was away safely, are returning to civil-1 field Airport, after studying/ (lying cleaned of their gambling conces­ Steve, in the Air Corps. last Thursday. street. United States, in Old M exico’ and the point stressed by Ruhl Cus- In a statement covering the pur­ for some time. ian status and becoming readjusted! sions Tuesday night by order -of the territory of Hawaii. This or­ The tw o men, wjjo gave their poses of the new group and those ganization is non-political, non? tdr, new Hillside High School to their former ways of living. Deputy Police Chief Mason Tuei- names as Ed ware# Weiss, of Miami, who are eligible to join, Muller tie-1 sectarian, and non-profit. principal, to members of the •Sc i Carl Kugelman, 32 years-! day night. The carnival and show, Fla., and Dale S. Baker, of West dared yesterday, "Who. is more in-1 "Through unified numerical Hillside Rotary Club Tuesday old, was discharged from the U. S. Draft Board Calls leresled than a father in his son Ove proceeds of which are going--to- I Lafayette, Ohio, were selling sub­ strength, it assures our sons and rseas Vets Although industry,, is offering Army this week with 119 points. or daughter?” daughters in the armed forces of benefit of the building fund of the scriptions to families on Chester attractive pay as -a result of He, arrived home latt Sunday. He , "Who i§ more anxious than a the preservation of a democratic- U. S. War Veterans Memorial Five For Induction street. “ We’re working our way father to see them readjusted into home front and guarantees them DueHomeSoon war needs, the school alone can is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Building Associaton, will, however, through college,” they declared, civilian life? Who is more anxious the necessities of winning the war. round out the training the pupil Kugelman, of 1419 Hiawatha ave­ continue tonight, Friday and Sat­ Into Armed Forces "and tq do this we are' selling sub­ than a father to see them happily This organization is formed for Wedding Date needs, with full recognition of nue, and he . lives with his wife at scriptions for the Veterans Admin­ employed? Fathers are civilian^ be­ urday. those fathers who are eligible .for his special talents and abilities. 547 Tillman street. istration.” hind the lines who back them be­ any veterans organization who For Corp. Oels Fifteen Listed For When the war ends, the stu­ Mason closed the chance games One of the ladies approached was hind the guns. would like to aid the general move­ Kugelman was in the service for bemuse he objected to their being Pre-Induction Physical Mrs. Evelyn Howell, of 1069 Ches­ “ Who are the eligibles into thei ment for rehabilitation and return Set For Aug. 11 dents will find lack of commie to tour years and seven months and American War Dads? A man may 1 education as a hindrance and was with Hodges First Arm y in operMed with 'cash returns and Five men are listed in the call ter street. Mrs. Howell had read to normalcy of home-coming vet­ P.F.C. John M. Wanda, husband belong to the War Dads who has I erans.” ' H of Mrs, Ann Wanda, of 355 Prince­ disadvantage. the invasion of Normandy, racing^ various odds offered. Walter How­ much about what the government for induction into thcarmed forces, will do for veterans in the way of ton avenue, is one of u humber of fle told -of the new life that across France, aud Germany. He g ell, chairman, stated that it was issued by Local Draft Board No. further education. She knew that Hillside war veterans who are re­ would be instilled‘ into the va­ was attached to the 102nd Cavalry, ! dearly provided in the contract 3 for last Monday. Fifteen others Uncle Sam wasn’t driving dis­ turning from the European theatre. rious programs in the high mechanized, and has five battle £ that no gambling concessions would SI 9.57j hi Bonds Others are on their way or due to school, allowing full scope for stars to show for the various a c-1 are being called for their pre­ charged men into making a house Pitcher Dead, Was be allowed. to house canvass. difek today. a pupil’s ability. During his lions engaged in.: A special children’s matinee is induction physical examination. For additional confirmation she Wanda called up his wife Tues­ talk Mr. Custer guVe a brief He was wounded twice during being presented this Saturday with Those who were inducted follow: phoned the Veterans Administra­ Sold By Scouts Listed As Missing day. night and was, us she described review of the progress made in tiie lighting in Germuny, and has | r gate admission free to children, and Berta, Michael F., 230 Hillside tion in Newark, then got in touch it, “too excited to talk.” He ar- education since the first world been awarded the Purple Heart \ prices for all rides and shows re­ Troop 94 Accounts For war. and the Oak Leaf Cluster. Prior to j avenue. with local police. Capt. Paul Kor- Former Hillsider Was arrived on the S. S. Richard Rush duced for the occasion. Tuesday mid-moniihg, and is now entering the service, Sgt. Kugelm an* Dinkowitz, Paul, 161 Baltimore lesky and Mrs. Howell’s husband, 60% Of Total Sales Sonny Boy Campbell, world’s Killed In Action at Fort Dix. She expects him the worked at the Breeze Corp. in j avenue. Walter, who is very active, in vet­ heaviest and highest water fire Continuing their splendid work The War Department has an­ end of the week. Newark. Fry, Ernest B., 376 Peshine ave­ erans’ affairs for the Hurden-Look- diver, entertained the crowds with He has been in the service mope Corp. Romaine Smith, of 1300 * nue, Newark. er Post No. 50, American Legion, for the war effort the Boy Scouts nounced that Pvt.- Lynn R. Pitcher, Phone Call Deluge his sensational stunt. Assisting of Hillside solicited $19,575.00 in than two and a half years, and was Baker street, came home last week Getchius, Anthony, 1095 Broad both grilled the men. The two vets son pf Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pitcher, - Howell in the general arrange­ with the 836th Ordnance j Depot with 109 points to his credit. The I street.
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