Ind. Jn. of Agri. Econ. Vol. 69, No. 2, April-June 2014 Publications Received ACCESS Development Services, State of India’s Livelihoods Report 2013: An ACCESS Publication, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2014. Pp. xviii + 147. Rs. 995.00 . Ferreira, Francisco H. G., Lakner, Christoph, Lugo, Maria Ana and Ozler, Berk, Inequality of Opportunity and Economic Growth: A Cross Country Analysis, Policy Research Working Paper 6915, The World Bank Africa Team and Development Research Group, Poverty and Inequality Team, Washington, D.C., June 2014. Pp. 38. Indian Association of Social Science Institutions, Annual Report 2012-2013, New Delhi, 2014. Pp. 94. Mujumdar, N. A., Reinventing Development Economics: Explorations from the Indian Experiment, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2014. Pp. 268. Rs. 995.00 . Nair, Tara and Tankha, Ajay, Microfinance India: State of the Sector Report 2013, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd., ACCESS Development Services, New Delhi, 2014. Pp. xx + 151. Rs. 995.00 . Srinivasan, Girija, Microfinance India: The Social Performance Report 2013, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd., ACCESS Development Services, New Delhi, 2014. Pp. xviii + 157. Rs. 995.00 . The World Bank, Climate-Smart Development: Adding up the Benefits of Actions that Help Build Prosperity, End Poverty and Combat Climate Change, Washington DC, Climate Works Foundation, San Francisco, 2014. Pp. xx + 66. Thingalaya, N. K., Gramin Banks Revisited, Nitte Institute of Banking and Finance, Nitte University Mangalore, 2013. Pp. viii + 216. INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Journal of Educational Planning and Administration Editor: Jandhyala B.G. Tilak Volume XXVIII Number 1 January 2014 CONTENTS Articles Page Rupa Chanda and Shahana Mukherjee: Indian Student Mobility to Germany: Trends, 5 Prospects and Implications for the Labour Market Kakoli Borkotoky and Sayeed Unisa: Educational Deprivation of Children in India: 39 Insights from Recent National Level Household Survey Sailabala Debi: Loan Financing to Higher Education: Experiences of Bank Financing in 55 a Less Developed Region Ph.D. Thesis Abstract Medha J. Gupte: Indian Higher Education under the GATS Umbrella with Special 83 Reference to Mumbai and SNDT Women’s University (1995-2005) BOOK REVIEWS Rahul Mukhopadhyay: School Education, Pluralism and Marginality: Comparative 91 Perspectives (C. Sleeter et al., eds.); N. Jayaram: Sociology of Education: Changing Contours and emerging Concerns (Geetha B. Nambissan and S. Srinivasa Rao, eds.); G. Kamalakar: Indian Higher Education: Envisioning the Future (Pawan Agarwal); K.R. Shah: Taiwan Educaion at the Crossroad: When Globalisation Meets Localisation (Chuing Prudence Chou and Gregory Ching); Jandhyala B.G. Tilak: Student Financing of Higher Education: A Comparative Perspective (Donald E. Heller and Claire Callender, eds.) Annual Subscription Rates Individuals: 150/US $ 60 Institutions: 350/US $ 85 Advertisement Tariff Full Page: 2000/US $ 100 Half Page: 1100/US $ 55 National University of Educational Planning and Administration 17-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016 (India) Phone: 91-11-26544819, 26544800; Fax: 91-11-26853041, 26865180 E-mail: Editorial: [email protected]; Other: [email protected] Website: http://www.nuepa.org INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ISSN 0004-4555 The Asian Economic Review Journal of the Indian Institute of Economics Volume 56 March 2014 No. 1 CONTENTS * Syed Zia Abbas Rizvi, Syed Kamran Abbas Naqvi, Tehseen Iqbal and Mohammad Nishat: Energy Saving via FDI: An Indirect Way to Reduce Energy Prices, * Sunita Mehla and S.K. Goyal: An Empirical Study on Seasonality and January Anomaly: Evidence from Bombay Stock Exchange in India, *Bimal Kishore Sahoo and D.K. Nauriyal: An Empirical Study on Seasonality and January Anomaly: Evidence from Bombay Stock Exchange in India * Krishna Reddy Chittedi: Are Emerging BRIC Stock Markets the Next Developed Markets? * Smita Kashiramka and N.V. Muralidhar Rao: Do M&A Announcements Create Shareholders Wealth? Evidence from An Emerging Economy, * Promila Bhardwaj and Karam Pal Narwal: A Comparative Analysis of Effect of Corporate Income Tax Reforms on Corporate Income Tax Revenue in Pre and Post Liberalisation Era, * Amin Sadeghi and G. Ramakrishna: An Empirical Analysis of Imports of Iran: A Gregory-Hansen Method of Co- integration, * B.W. Adeoye and M.O. Saibu: Monetary Policy Shocks and Exchange Rate Volatility in Nigeria, * Bishal Chettri and G. Raghavender Raju” Financial Development and Economic Growth: India’s Experience, * Vanita Tripathi and Ms. Namita Narang: On Dynamic Relationship among Oil Prices, Exchange Rate and Stock Prices in India. 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Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of IWMP Implementation – Case 197 Studies from Himachal Pradesh - Pravesh Kumar and Rajeev Bansal 7. Organisation and Working of District Rural Development Agency: A Case Study 205 - E.A. Narayana and K. Anil Kumar 8. Educational Status of Denotified Tribes in Andhra Pradesh: Attainments and Challenges 215 - Malli Gandhi BOOK REVIEWS Subscription Rates Indian Annual Subscription Individuals: Rs.200/- + 160/- (Regd. Post Charges) Institutions: Rs.500/- + 160/- (Regd. Post Charges) Life Membership: Rs.3,500/- Annual Institutional Membership: Rs.1200/- Foreign : Annual for JRD: US $ 50/UK £ 40 Foreign Institutional: $250 (50% discount to developing countries). 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