Map 43 Latium Vetus Compiled by L. Quilici and S. Quilici Gigli, 1995 Introduction The environs of Rome have undergone enormous changes from antiquity onwards, caused more by human intervention than by natural phenomena. Changes were already occurring in the archaic period as the region's population increased; these earliest phases of urbanization have been considerably illuminated by recent research. The changes intensified in Late Republican and imperial times, when urbanization reached a level unique for antiquity. Building activity connected with the city extended far enough into the countryside to link with construction centered upon surroundings towns. Thus the towns on the Tiburtine, Praenestine and Alban hills, as well as Ostia and Antium on the coast, were considered suburbs of the metropolis. After antiquity, by contrast, the region was almost deserted except in the hills. In the Late Middle Ages and subsequently, the spread of malaria and the extension of a pastoral economy reduced it to little more than a wilderness littered with the ruins remaining from an earlier era. By definition, there is some difficulty about showing settlements of different periods on a single map. We have marked those that can be located with either certainty or a fair degree of probability. At this scale no attempt is made to include every small settlement, let alone the whole complex infrastructure of the area. But we do mark cultural features notable for their size, state of preservation, or historical significance. These include large Late Republican and imperial villas, and the greatest monumental tombs. Inevitably, many estates, villas and tombs (some of them far from negligible) have had to be omitted. Accurate representation of the road network has been a primary concern; most of it was paved with hard local basalt during the Late Republic and Early Empire, with some stretches remaining in use almost within living memory. To return the coastline, rivers, lakes and marshes to their ancient aspect is particularly difficult, and all this linework is therefore rendered with varying degrees of confidence. Notable uncertainty attaches to the Tiber estuary and to the Pomptine marshes; the latter were much changed by drainage and subsequent land reclamation and development (bonifica) in the first half of the twentieth century. For detailed coverage of specific areas, see the Forma Italiae and Latium Vetus series. Also valuable are the reports of the British School at Rome’s Ager Veientanus surface survey (Kahane 1968). For new findings, the Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale and the Archeologia Laziale series (1978-1995) are indispensable. MAP 43 LATIUM VETUS 625 Directory All place names are in Italy unless otherwise noted Abbreviations Castelporziano 1985 Castelporziano I. Campagna di scavo e restauro 1984, Rome, 1985 Dives Anagnia Dives Anagnia. Archeologia nella Valle del Sacco, Rome, 1993 FormIt Anagnia M. Mazzolani, Forma Italiae: Anagnia (regio I, vol. 6), Rome, 1969 FormIt Apiolae G.M. De Rossi, Forma Italiae: Apiolae (regio I, vol. 9), Rome, 1970 FormIt Ardea C. Morselli and E. Tortorici, Forma Italiae: Ardea (regio I, vol. 16), Florence, 1982 FormIt Astura F. Piccarreta, Forma Italiae: Astura (regio I, vol. 13), Florence, 1977 FormIt Bovillae G.M. De Rossi, Forma Italiae: Bovillae (regio I, vol. 15), Florence, 1979 FormIt Castra Albana E. Tortorici, Forma Italiae: Castra Albana (regio I, vol. 11), Rome, 1975 FormIt Collatia L. Quilici, Forma Italiae: Collatia (regio I, vol. 10), Rome, 1974 FormIt Cora P. Brandizzi Vittucci, Forma Italiae: Cora (regioI,vol.5),Rome,1968 FormIt Nomentum C. Pala, Forma Italiae: Nomentum (regio I, vol. 13), Rome, 1976 FormIt Praeneste M.P. Muzzioli, Forma Italiae: Praeneste, 2 (regio I, vol. 8), Rome, 1970 FormIt Tellenae G.M. De Rossi, Forma Italiae: Tellenae (regio I, vol. 4), Rome, 1967 FormIt Tibur 1 C.F. Giuliani, Forma Italiae: Tibur pars prima (regio I, vol. 7), Rome, 1970 FormIt Tibur 2 C.F. Giuliani, Forma Italiae: Tibur pars altera (regioI,vol.3),Rome,1966 FormIt Tibur 3 Z. Mari, Forma Italiae: Tibur pars tertia (regio I, vol. 17), Florence, 1983 FormIt Tibur 4 Z. Mari, Forma Italiae: Tibur pars quarta (regio I, vol. 35), Florence, 1991 GAL Etruria M. Torelli, Guide archeologiche Laterza: Etruria, Bari and Rome, 1980 Krautheimer I-V R. Krautheimer et al., Corpus basilicarum christianarum Romae, I-V, Vatican City, 1937-77 Lavinium 1975 Lavinium II. Le tredici are, Rome, 1975 Praeneste 1989 Urbanistica ed architettura dell’antica Praeneste, Atti del Convegno di studi archeologici, Palestrina, 1989 Praeneste 1992 La necropoli di Praeneste, Atti del 2° Convegno di studi archeologici, Palestrina, 1992 Trionfo dell’acqua Il trionfo dell’acqua. Acque e acquedotti a Roma, IV sec. a. C.- XX sec., Rome, 1986 Via Aurelia La Via Aurelia da Roma a Forum Aureli, QuadTopA 4, 1968 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference B2 Acqua Acetosa A Laurentina Bedini 1981 B2 Acquafredda A Rossi Diana 1984 B2 Ad Aquas Salvias RL Tre Fontane Ferrari 1957, 33-48 D3 Ad Bivium ACHRL Maiorana Quilici 1982, 120-24 B2 Ad Decimum ACHRL Castel di Decima Guaitoli 1974; 1981a C2 Ad Decimum HRL near Ciampino FormIt Bovillae 160-76 C2 Ad Duas Lauros L at Centocelle Ashby 1928, 157-78 B1 Ad Gallinas Albas HRL Prima Porta Messineo 1991, 219-51 Ad Lam(i)nas = Lamnae C2 Ad Nonum ACHRL road station and Ponte di FormIt Collatia 363-81 Nona C2 Ad Nonum RL road station and Mausoleo Crogiez 1990, 96-97 di Gallieno (Via Appia) D2 Ad Pictas HRL Le Macere Quilici 1982, 110-17 C2 Ad Quintanas HRL near Colonna Ashby 1902, 256-57 B2 Ad Sextum R near Tomba di Nerone Ward Perkins 1959, 132-33 D3 Ad Sponsas HRL near Cisterna Crogiez 1990, 101-102 D2 Ad Statuas HRL S. Cesareo Quilici 1985, 159-61 A2 Ad Turres HRL near Palidoro De Rossi 1968, 27-34 D2 Adriano RL so-called Villa of Hadrian Romanelli 1967, 58 D2 Aeflanus M. Colle Ripoli-Monte S. FormIt Tibur 2, 171-92 Angelo D2 Aefula ACHRL Monte S. Angelo FormIt Tibur 2, 171-92; NPauly Aefulae D1 Aequi CHR NPauly E2 Afilae HRL Affile NPauly C3 Alba Longa? A Castel Gandolfo Quilici Gigli 1983; NPauly 626 MAP 43 LATIUM VETUS Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference C3 Albanus L. Lago Albano EAA Suppl. 2, Albano C2 Albanus M. Monte Cavo Lugli 1930 C2 Albuccione R FormIt Tibur 3, 230-31 C3 Albunea fl. ACHR Solforata Castagnoli 1972, 93-94 D2 Algidus AC Colle della Mola Quilici 1984b, 11-14 D3 Algidus M. Artemisio? Melis 1983, 19-24; NPauly A2 Alsium ACHR Palo De Rossi 1968, 45-50; NPauly C3 L’Altare A Quilici 1984a, 118-22 E3 Anagnia ACHRL Anagni FormIt Anagnia; NPauly C2 Anio fl. Aniene Quilici Gigli 1986; NPauly C2 Annunziatella HRL Colini 1958 C2 Antemnae ACHR Monte Antenne Quilici 1978a; NPauly C4 Antium ACHRL Anzio EAA Suppl. 2 Anzio; NPauly C3 Antonini RL so-called Villa of Cassieri 1990 Antonines Aquae See Aqueducts C2 Aquae Albulae Acque Albule (lakes) FormIt Tibur 3, 293-317 C2 Aquae Albulae RL Lago della Regina FormIt Tibur 3, 293-318 E2 Arcinazzo R villa near Arcinazzo Tomei 1985 C3 Ardea ACHRL Ardea FormIt Ardea; NPauly C3 Aricia ACHRL Ariccia Florescu 1925; NPauly D3 Artena ACH Civita di Artena and Quilici 1982 temple D4 Astura fl. Astura FormIt Astura; NPauly A2 Baebiana R near Torrimpietra De Rossi 1968, 23-26 C2 Il Barco RL E Aquae Albulae FormIt Tibur 3, 337-52 C2 Il Barco HRL NW Tusculum Grossi Gondi 1908, 153-56 C2 Bel Poggio RL near Marino Daicovici 1930, 34, 68; Quilici 1984b, tav. I C2 Bovillae ACHRL Frattocchie FormIt Bovillae; NPauly D2 Bruto e Pisoni HRL so-called Villas of Brutus FormIt Tibur 4, 139-56, 283-84 and the Pisones C3 Buglioncino C Quilici 1984a, 122-24 C3 Buon Riposo ACHRL Quilici 1984a, 107-17 C2 Cabum? A Rocca di Papa RE Cabenses 2 Caecilia Metella, Sep. = Sep. Caecilia Metella A1 Caere ACHRL Cerveteri Cristofani 1988; NPauly §Kaisra H Cristofani 1988, 29 § Agylla A B2 Calepodius RL catacomb and basilica Testini 1966, index Calepodio C3 Campo del Fico A Morselli 1981, 74 C3 Campoverde AC Quilici 1984a, 130-31 B2 Campus Martius ACHRL Richardson 1992, 65-67 C2 Capannacce RL Quilici 1993, 416-23 B2 Capitolium ACHRL NPauly C2 Cappellette RL Grossi Gondi 1908, 188-89 C2 I Cappuccini HRL Grossi Gondi 1908, 148 B1 Careiae RL Colonia Pianesi Hemphill 1975, 151-52 C2 Casal Rotondo HRL Eisner 1986, 61-63 C2 Casale del Cavaliere RL FormIt Collatia 186-92 C2 Casale di Gregna RL FormIt Bovillae 42-44 C2 Casale Martellona R FormIt Tibur 3, 274-79 C2 Casale Morena RL FormIt Bovillae 98-155 D3 Casali C Attema 1991 D2 Casali Vitriano HR FormIt Tibur 4, 55-57 C2 Case Nuove 1 ACHR Quilici 1993, 238-42 C2 Case Nuove 2 HR Quilici 1993, 228 C2 Case Rosse R Ashby 1902, 161-62 D2 Cassio HRL so-called Villa of Cassius FormIt Tibur 2, 193-99 A2 Castel Campanile ACHR Cristofani 1988, 49-53 D3 Le Castella HRL Petti 1991 MAP 43 LATIUM VETUS 627 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference D2 Castel Madama RL FormIt Tibur 2, 108-109 B3 Castelporziano RL Lanciani 1903, 174-83; Castelporziano 1985 C3 Castel Savello ACHRL FormIt Apiolae 62-66 C3 Castra Albana RL Albano FormIt Castra Albana C2 Castrimoenium RL Marino RE; EAA suppl. 1970 Marino C2 La Cecchina HR Quilici 1986, 332-33; 1993, 163-64 C2 Centroni HRL FormIt Bovillae 70-98 C2 Ceres et Faustina, T. RL S. Urbano Kammerer-Grothaus 1974, 154-61 C2 Cervara 1 HR FormIt Collatia 62-78 C2 Cervara 2 HR FormIt Collatia 105-18 C2 Cessati Spiriti HR Quilici 1978, 42-43 D2 Ciciliano R FormIt Tibur 2, 133-34; Granino Cecere 1988, 119-25 C2 Cimitero Maggiore RL Testini 1966, 162-63 C2 Cinecittà RL FormIt
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