PLfiN F o(t. p ' t ) / f ; ^ „ ^ n S ~ 6 ^ 2 [ \ f^lEPA r\^ ’ -r V/Cf 6. Teacher-pupil Ratio 16 16 15 15 16 21 7. Instltution-pupil Ratio 45 48 37 38 41 76 8. Institulion-Teachers nC U R E S AT A GLANCE 1976-77 Ratio 3 3 2 3 3 4 9. Percentage of Kisht- Bhader- Ramban Distt. J& K State Trained Teachers 86 88 75 79 83 75 war wah Doda (Pro''isionalT’ 10. Number of Schools 1. Nulfber of Schools : proposed to be opened : Ptiiiary 168 153 133 133 587 6042 MiJdle 39 42 33 43 157 1845 I-Priority 11 20 22 18 71 400 Secondary 11 15 18 10 j1 54 737 Il-Priority 6 7 3 6 22 400 All Schools 218 210 181 1 8624 Total 17 27 25 24 93 800 ( 11. Number of Schools 2. Nonber of Teachers proposed to be in Schools ; 11I upgraded : Prmary 200 208 140 164 712 8410 —Add. of 6th, 7th Middle 189 201 105 183 678 10560 and 8th classes 7 9 12 22 52 N.F. Sepondary 157 204 203 119 683 12678 —Add. of 7th and A|1 Schools 546 613 448 466 2073 31648 8th clas'es 13 9 16 12 50 500 19 520 I —Add. of 8th class ’ 7 1 11 3. Eijrolment School-Wise : —Add. of 9th and 10th classes 6 7 9 11 33 N.F. Primary 3242 3352 2713 2834 12141 2.20 —Add. of 10th class 3 • • 2 5 98 V.iddle 2054 3950 1767 2651 10422 2.09 A Secondary 3214 2809 2394 1500 9927 2.41 12. Number of Schools All Schools 8510 10111 6884 6985 32490 6.52 for change of location 4 1 1 6 N.F. 4. _ Enrolment Stage-wise : 13. Number of Schools I-V classes 5896 6314 4775 4865 21850 4.24 1Ixkhs for amalgamation 1 4 1 5 N.F. VI-VIII classes 1831 2548 1401 1453 7233 1.51 IX-XII classes 783 1249 708 667 3407 0.77 14. Number of Defunct Schools 5. rcentages) Primary 11 14 17 6 48 N.A. 6-11 Age-group 40 51 36 43 42 64 Middle 6 4 € 13 29 N.A. ri-14 Age-group 23 29 20 25 26 41 j4 - l8 Age-group 8 16 8 9 10 22 [N. A. Not available] (NF. Not f 11 On? of the mam objefives oi me Jrd All inaia tducational Survey tiasgeen lo collect dia required foripr aration of District Development Plans. The beiA mark data colleted through th^ 5 rvey and other related information have provided|jsis for preparatim of perspecti-vfe p ns for Educational Development jo r 1975-76 to l|0'81 at District I;vel. The scope q these plans is, however, limited to school educate only. Even in tie sphere of schoojeducation, following selected topics have been inclt|fed and as the ejperience grows, it | proposed to widen the scope of these plans i estimating the quirements for additional schooling facilities at «‘imar>’. o middle and sec( kdary stages and suggesting location of schools It every stage; 0 proposing raticial location of existing schooling facilities by sui shifting, amalmmation or closure of schools/classes. :i) identifying defimct schools/classes and knowing reasons for poor eniplment in them with a mew to suggest measures for improving enrolment ^ full utilisation of tie available schooling facilities ; and iv) to identify schools where the number of teachers allocated are not p|^por- O' tionate and to luggest measures for proportionate allocation of teachfers. j''! I am sure that und* the ‘Single Line Administrative Set-up’ recently intri^uced o at theDistrict level, these p^ns would add new dimensions to the planned growii and devel'pment specially in the sphere of education. J o c The Perspective Plans on the pattern of this District, have been prepared tor ali the )istricts of the State by the Planning, Statistics and Survey Unit of the Ediimtion Dfeprtment with the help of the District and Tehsil Education Planning Assistanti^nder the uidance of Sh. M. M. Kapoor, Assistant Director Education (Planning, Statistics andSurvey). I shall fail in my duty if I do not gratefully acknowledge the co-operation an; lard wot done by Prof. Satya Bhushan (Education Commissioner), Miss Tahira Sh»«i'’^iimiri (Di^ctor, School Education Girls) and Shri M. A. Laharwal (Joint Director, i hool Edcation, Boys) in finilising these Plans. GHULAM 1 Secretary to Gove, June, 1977. Education Depai Ill Planninf, Statistics and Survey Unit, Education Department : Shri Shri M. M. Kapoor, Asstt. Director, Education M. L. Gupta, Statistical Assistant. (Planning, Statistics and Survey). Ashiq Hussain, Typist. K. R. Sharma, Statistician Mohammad Yousuf Parry, Typist Sukh Ram, Statistical Assistant Abdul Rashid, Draftsman Kuldip Raj Gupta, Typist District Officers : CO G. M. Bhat, D.E.O. (Boys) Smt. Satwant Chopra, D.E.O. (Girls). Swami Raj Kotwal, Distt. Educational Planning Officer. Tehsil Officers ; Tehsil Education Office (Boys Wing) Tehsil Education Office (Girls V Ing) KJ P. L. Bhagat, T.E.O. Kishtwar Smt. Pushpa Gupta, T .E.O. Kishlvai. D. N. Kotwal, T.E.O. Bhaderwah Smt. Iqbal Malik, T.E.O. Bl adeivah. LU Jia Lai, T.E.O. Ramban Miss Narayani Rajput, T.E.O. Ramban M. A. Shaid, T.E.O. Doda K. K. Sain, Addl. T.E.O. Padder Tehsil Education Planning Assistants : J. N. Pandita Addl. T.E.O. Ramban B. K. Chauhan, Addl. T.E.O. Marwa S. C. Sen, Kishtwar. o Inayat Ullah Munshi, Addl. T.E.O. Assar D. R. Sharma, Bhaderwah. J. N. Parihar, Ramban. o : Mohd. Asharaf, Doda. Acknowledgements : a . G. M. Buch, Supdtt. (Plan Section) R. P. Atri. S'atistician. G. A. Mir J. A. (Plan Section) C. L. Chalotra S.A. Ishar Dass, Steno (Dy. Director Office). Ashok Kumar. S.A. Chhajju Ram, Steno Instructor (Ranbir Sch.) Angrez Singh, J.S.A. Rattan Kumar, S.A. (DEO, Udhampur) Mohan Singh J.S.A. Rishi Pal, J.S.A. Smt Ratni Jinsi, J.S.A. IV 1.10. Number of Habitations where New Mixed Schools are proposed to be ooene in District Doda-10. 1. II. Number of Schools where 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Classes are proposed to be added in District Doda-11. CONTENTS 1.12. Distribution of Government Schools according to Surplus and Shortr Staff in District Doda-12. General Background—vii 1.14. Distribution of Primary Schools According to Enrolment in District Doda-13. Approach & Strategy—ix A. TABLES 1.15 Distribution of Middle Schools according to Enrolment in District Doda—14 I. ANALYTICAL TABLES : 1.16. Distribution of Secondary Schools according to Enrolment in District Doda-1 a) Intra-District Tables ; b) Inter-District Tables : 1. L Comparative Statement of Educational Facilities in Ranks in District Doda—1. 1.17. ■ District-wise Comparative Statement of Educational Facilities in ranks-16. 1. 2. Educational Facilities per 10,000 of Population in District Doda—2. 1.18. District-wise Extent of Educational Facilities per 10,000 of Population-17. 1. 3. Teacher-Pupil, Institution-Pupil and Institution-Teacher Ratios in District Doda-3. 1.19. District-wise Teacher-Pupil, Institution-Pupil and Institution-Teacher Ratios-18. 1. 4. Percentage of School-going Children in Schools (Enrolment Ratios) in District 1.20. District-wise Percentage of .School-going Children (Enrolment Ratios)-19. Doda~4. 1.21. District-wise Percentage of Trained Teachers-20. 1. 5. Percentage of Trained Teachers in Schools in District Doda-5. II. DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION : 1. 6. Stage -wise Entolment of Gujjar and Bakarwal Students in District Doda-6. 2. 1 Growth of Population 1901 to 1971-21. 1. 7. Stage-wise Enrolment of Scheduled Caste Students in District Doda-7. 2. 2. Area and Population—1971 Census-22. 2. 3. Estimated of Population upto 1981-Sex-wise and Tehsil-wise in District Doda-23. 1. 8. Educational Facilities for Girls in District Doda-8. 2. 4- Estimated Population of School-age children in Doda Distt 1971-81 \ . 9. Educational Facilities in Rural Areas in District Doda-9. (6-11 years)-2 4 ■ r ' ) ?.•' - Estin atesd Population of School-»ge children in Doda D. ; /h, Middle Schools in District i^oua-4U. (11-14 yeais)-25 i -ctiit)lment in Secondary Schools in District Doda-41. \ Estimated population of School-age Childien in Doda District 19.3'"5y (14-18 years)-26 4.7. Enrolment in All Schools in District Doda-42. Percentage of Literacy-Sex-wise, Area-wise: and Tehsil-wise 1961 and 1971 V. TEACHERS : Censuse in District Doda-27. 5.1. Teachers in Primary Schools in District Doda-43. 2. 8. Population in Rural and Urban Areas and of Scheduled Castes in Distt. Doda-28 5 2. Trained Teachers in Primary Schools in District Doda-44 2. 9. Village Classified by Population-1971 Census in District Dodsi-29. 5.3. Teachers in Middle Schools in District Doda-45. 2.10. Distribution of Population according to Workers and Non-workers under Broad Industrial Categories in District Doda 1971 Census-30. 5.4. Trained Teachers in Middle Schools in District Doda-46. 2.11. Distribution of Population by Religion and Main Languages spoken in 5.5. Teachers in Secondary Schools in District Doda-47. j ' District Doda-1971 Census-31. 5.6. Trained Teachers in Secondary Schools in District Doda-48. III. NUMBER OF SCHOOLS : 5.7. Teachers in all Schools in District Doda-49. 3. 1. Number of Primary Schools in District Doda-32. 5.8. Trained Teachers in all Schools in District Doda-50.
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